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Vom Einen zum Vielen : der neue Aufbruch der Metaphysik im 12. Jahrhundert ; eine Auswahl zeitgenössischer Texte des Neoplatonismus
ISBN: 3465032098 9783465032090 Year: 2002 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann,

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Guido Terreni, O. Carm. (†1342) : studies and texts
ISBN: 9782503555287 2503555284 Year: 2015 Volume: 78 Publisher: Madrid: Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales,

Die mantischen Künste und die Epistemologie prognostischer Wissenschaften im Mittelalter
ISBN: 9783412221249 3412221244 Year: 2013 Volume: 74 Publisher: Köhln: Böhlau,

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Appropriation, interpretation and criticism : philosophical and theological exchanges between the Arabic, Hebrew and Latin intellectual traditions
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782503577449 250357744X Year: 2017 Volume: 88 Publisher: Barcelone: Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales,

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Phronêsis - Prudentia - Klugheit : das Wissen des Klugen in Mittelalter, Renaissance und Neuzeit : Matthias Lutz-Bachmann zu seinem 60. Geburtstag
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782503549897 2503549896 Year: 2013 Volume: 68 Publisher: Porto: Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales,

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Lex und Ius : beiträge zur Begründung des rechts in der Philosophie des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit = Lex and Ius : essays on the foundation of law in medieval and early modern philosophy
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783772825040 3772825044 Year: 2010 Volume: 1 Publisher: Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog,

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Der erste Band der Untersuchungen ist den Leitbegriffen 'Lex' und 'Ius' und deren systematischer Entwicklung innerhalb der politischen Theorie, Philosophie und Rechtswissenschaften des Mittelalters bis hin zur Schule von Salamanca gewidmet. Im Mittelpunkt der Rekonstruktion der spezifischen Wissensform des praktisch-juridischen und politisch-normativen Wissens im Mittelalter stehen dabei die für die europäische Rechtstradition insgesamt prägenden Debatten um das Verhältnis von positivem Recht, Natur- und Vernunftrecht ebenso wie die Herausbildung internationaler normativer Ordnungen. - Zu den Beiträgern des mehrsprachigen Bandes (deutsch, englisch, italienisch) zählen u.a.: Francisco Bertelloni, Luis Alberto De Boni, Norbert Brieskorn, Orazio Condorelli, Juan Cruz Cruz, John Doyle, Matthias Kaufmann, Jürgen Miethke, Kenneth Pennington und Merio Scattola. The first volume of the ›Studies‹ series deals with the central concepts of 'Lex' and 'Ius' and their systematic development within the political theory, philosophy, and law of the Middle Ages up to the School of Salamanca. This reconstruction of the specific form of a practical-juridical and politicalnormative body of knowledge in the Middle Ages focuses on the debates concerning the relationship between positive law, natural law and rational law, which shaped the European tradition of law, as well as the development of international normative regime. Among the contributors to this polylingual volume (with texts in German, English and Italian) are: Francisco Bertelloni, Luis Alberto De Boni, Norbert Brieskorn, Orazio Condorelli, Juan Cruz Cruz, John Doyle, Matthias Kaufmann, Jürgen Miethke, Kenneth Pennington, and Merio Scattola.

Metaphysics in the twelfth century : on the relationship among philosophy, science and theology
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2503522025 9782503522029 9782503539133 Year: 2004 Volume: 19 Publisher: Turnhout: Brepols,

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Although metaphysics as a discipline can hardly be separated from Aristotle and his works, the questions it raises were certainly known to authors even before the reception of Aristotle in the thirteenth century. Even without the explicit use of this term the twelfth century manifested a strong interest in metaphysical questions under the guise of “natural philosophy” or “divine science”, leading M.-D. Chenu to coin the expression of a twelfth century “éveil métaphysique”. In their commentaries on Boethius and under the influence of Neoplatonism, twelfth century authors not only anticipate essential elements of thirteenth century metaphysics, they also make an original contribution to the history of metaphysics by attempting to integrate the theory of first principles, philosophical theology and ontology. This volume presents and examines the contributions of the twelfth century to metaphysics made by selected Jewish, Christian and Muslim authors of the Iberian Peninsula and Francia.

Extractiones de Talmud : per ordinem thematicum
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782503594934 250359493X Year: 2021 Volume: 291A Publisher: Turnhout: Brepols,

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In the year 1244/45, the first Latin translation of the Talmud was completed in Paris. This translation, which is known as the 'Extractiones de Talmud', is extant in two versions. While the first version, edited in CC CM 291 (2018), offers an apparently unbiased presentation of the Talmudic passages following the sequence of the Talmudic treatises, the second one, which may be called the thematic Talmud translation, organizes these texts along with other materials according to thirteen chapters. The titles of these chapters clearly betray the polemic intention of the thematic translation, namely: 'On the authority of the Talmud and its praise'; 'On the sages and teachers of the Talmud'; 'On the blasphemies against Christ and the Holy Virgin'; 'On blasphemies against God'; 'On what is said against the Christians'; 'On errors and heresies'; 'On sorcery'; 'On dreams'; 'On the world to come'; 'On the Messiah'; 'On stupidities'; 'On immoral and impure things'; and 'On fables'. It was this second version, which also incorporated additional materials from other Jewish sources, that led to the final condemnation of the Talmud in Paris in the year 1248.

Actes del Congres d'Obertura de l'Any Llull : "En el setè centenari de Ramon Llull : el projecte missional i la pervivència de la devoció", Palma, 24-27 de novembre de 2015
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 8483843625 8491680705 9788491680703 9788483843628 Year: 2017 Publisher: Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona,

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Raimundus Lullus

Ramon Llull und Nikolaus von Kues : einen Begegnung im zeichen der Toleranz : Akten des Internationalen Kongresses zu Ramon Llull und Nikolaus von Kues (Brixen und Bozen, 25.-27.November 2004) / herausgegeben von/a cura di Ermenegildo Bidese, Alexander Fidora, Paul Renner

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Der vorliegende Band versammelt die Beiträge eines Internationalen Kongresses zu Ramon Llull und Nikolaus von Kues, der vom 25.-27. November 2004 in Brixen und Bozen (Südtirol) stattfand.Die insgesamt vierzehn Beiträge untersuchen den nachhaltigen Einfluß des mallorquinischen Gelehrten auf den Brixner Bischof — in dessen Kueser Bibliothek kein anderer Autor so häufig vertreten ist wie Lullus — in historischer und systematischer Absicht für die verschiedenen Bereiche des cusanischen Denkens. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der kritischen Würdigung der Modelle, die beide Denker für das Gespräch zwischen den Religionen entwickeln.Il presente volume raccoglie i contributi d’un Congresso Internazionale su Raimondo Lullo e Niccolò Cusano, svoltosi dal 25 al 27 novembre 2004 a Bressanone e Bolzano (Alto Adige/Sudtirolo).Gli articoli, quattordici in tutto, indagano, sotto il profilo storico e sistematico, il perdurevole influsso esercitato dallo studioso maiorchino Raimondo Lullo sui diversi ambiti del pensiero del vescovo di Bressanone, nella cui biblioteca a Kues nessun altro autore è rappresentato con tale frequenza come Lullo. In particolare viene dato ampio spazio all’analisi critica dei modelli di dialogo interreligioso sviluppati da


Religious tolerance --- Catholic Church. --- 2 NICOLAUS CUSANUS --- 2 RAYMUNDUS LULLUS --- 172.4 --- #GOSA:II.ME.LUL --- 210 --- 172.4 Internationale moraal. Pacifisme. Internationalisme --- Internationale moraal. Pacifisme. Internationalisme --- 2 RAYMUNDUS LULLUS Godsdienst. Theologie--RAYMUNDUS LULLUS --- Godsdienst. Theologie--RAYMUNDUS LULLUS --- 2 NICOLAUS CUSANUS Godsdienst. Theologie--NICOLAUS CUSANUS --- Godsdienst. Theologie--NICOLAUS CUSANUS --- Religion Philosophy and theory of religion --- Tolerance, Religious --- Toleration --- Catholic Church --- Nicholas, --- Llull, Ramon, --- Lullus, Raimundus, --- Lulle, Raymond, --- Lull, Raymond, --- Lully, Reymund, --- Llull, Ramón, --- Lull, Ramón, --- Lulio, Raimundo, --- Lullo, Raimondo, --- Llull, R. --- Lully, Raymund, --- Lull, Raimundo, --- Lullus, Raymondus, --- Lullius, Raymundus, --- Chrypffs, Nicolaus, --- Cues, Nicolas de, --- Cues, Nikolaus von, --- Cusa, Nicolaus de, --- Cusano, Nicola, --- Cusano, Nicolò, --- Cusanus, Nicolaus, --- Khrypffs, Nicolaus, --- Krebs, Nicolaus, --- Kues, Nikolaus von, --- Kusánský, Mikuláš, --- Kuzańczyk, --- Kuzaneli, Nikoloz, --- Kuzanskiĭ, Nikolaĭ, --- Mikołaj, --- Mikuláš, --- Ni-ku-la Kʻu-sa, --- Nicholas de Cusa, --- Nicola, --- Nicolai, --- Nicolas, --- Nicolaus Cusanus, --- Nicolò, --- Nikolaĭ, --- Nikolaus, --- Nikolaus von Cusa, --- Nikoloz, --- Nikoloz Kuzanelis, --- Nikula Kʻu-sa, --- Николай, --- Кузанский, Николай, --- Cusano, Niccolò, --- Cusa, Nicolaas van, --- Nicolaas, --- Religious tolerance - Congresses - Catholic Church. --- Raimundus Lullus --- Nicolaus Cusanus

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