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The Latin Qur'an, 1143-1500
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110702712 Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin Boston

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Exégèse et lectio divina dans la péninsule Ibérique médiévale = Exégis y lectio divina en la península medieval = Exgesis and lectio divina in the Medieval Iberian Peninsula
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8490962340 9788490962343 Year: 2019 Publisher: Madrid: Casa de Velázquez,

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Les études réunies ici examinent le tandem exégèse biblique / lectio divina dans la péninsule Ibérique au Moyen Âge. L'observation d'un hiatus incite à reconsidérer cette relation : de la fin du VIIIe s. à la fin du XIIe s., aucun commentaire linéaire biblique n'y aurait été rédigé tandis que la lectio divina se maintient dans les communautés religieuses. Afin de mettre en perspective la question délaissée des choix présidant à la rédaction et à la circulation des textes exégétiques, historiens et philologues analysent dans ce dossier l'imbrication entre exégèse et lectio divina chez Isidore de Séville ou dans la prédication, ainsi que la circulation des œuvres et le déploiement de l'exégèse hors des finalités immédiates de la lectio divina. Un contrepoint met en évidence l'usage de ce tandem dans la polémique entre les trois religions du Livre.


Vitae Mahometi : reescritura e invención en la literatura cristiana de controversia : Simposio internacional, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Espana), 19-20 de marzo, 2013
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8449050952 9788493888572 9788400099008 9788449050954 8493888575 8400099001 Year: 2014 Publisher: Madrid: Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas,

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¿Cómo percibieron los cristianos el auge del islam? ¿Qué elementos contribuyeron a la construcción literaria e iconográfica de Mahoma en el mundo cristiano? ¿Se mantuvo de forma invariable esa percepción? El presente libro intenta ofrecer respuestas a esas preguntas a partir de la lectura de textos y autores medievales y modernos que ofrecen su percepción del islam y la vida de Mahoma desde tiempos y perspectivas intelectuales diferentes: desde el tiempo de las cruzadas hasta la expulsión de los moriscos; desde la derrota de Heraclio hasta el dominio turco en los Balcanes; desde las obras de los cristianos de Arabia hasta las de los mozárabes; desde textos de polémica religiosa hasta obras teatrales. A través del análisis de esos soportes y su transmisión vemos cómo los cristianos ofrecieron una figura poliédrica de Mahoma no solo como hereje, falso profeta o cismático, sino también como ambicioso conquistador y astuto legislador, e incluso como mago y visionario.

Liber contra venena et animalia venenosa
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788493328443 8493328448 Year: 2009 Publisher: Barcelona: Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres,

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The work above mentioned, written by the Franciscan Juan Gil Zamora, is a small encyclopaedia, alphabetically organised, whose aim is to put forward remedies against poisons of mineral, vegetable and animal origin. Within the animal field he devotes special attention to the difference existing between those extraordinary animals extraordinarily harmful and those that, even though small in size, are annoying for man's life, such as fleas, bugs and mosquitoes. This piece of work was first done filtering the manuscripts 1404 of the Dukes of Urbino's collection, from the Apostolic Vatican Library in Rome (XIV c.) and MF 139 of the Bartolome March foundation Library, in Majorca (XV c.). Starting from these manuscripts and taking into account the first edition of the work done by Manuel de Castro ("The treatise Contra Venena by Fr. Juan Gil de Zamora, Franciscan" AIA, Second époque nr. 141, 1976, 117 pp), we did the first edition that takes into account both manuscripts, as well as reading corrections to the first edition. We have also effected the translation of the work , the first one effected adding a set of notes that include text of authors dealing in similar topics, older or contemporary to the author. In the notes we offer ample comment on the names of the plants, as well as some clearing terms of a medical character. As a prologue we have effected a study of the work within the context of the time and the literary production of the author, who was a very interesting character of the entourage of Alfonso X and Sancho IV. In this preliminary study we do a research into the sources that he uses that proves the relation of this work with Vincent de Beauvais' Speculum Naturale and Avicena's Liber Canonis. As a complement to our work we add some indexes relative to the Latin text, that have been organised under four epigraphs: plants and their derivatives, animals and derived substances, minerals and names of people, place and work.

Estudios de latín medieval hispánico : actas del V Congreso internacional de latín medieval hispánico, Barcelona, 7-10 de septiembre de 2009
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9788884504296 8884504295 Year: 2011 Volume: 92 30 Publisher: Firenze: SISMEL,

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Propaganda and (un)covered identities in treatises and sermons : Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the premodern Mediterranean
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9788449089183 8449089182 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bellaterra : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions,

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The eleven essays included in this collective volume examine a range of textual genres produced by Christians and Muslims throughout the Mediterranean, including materials from the Corpus Islamolatinum, Christian propaganda and polemical works targeting Muslims and Jews, Inquisition records, and Christian and Muslim sermons. Despite the diversity of the works under consideration and the variety of methodological and disciplinary approaches employed in their analysis, the volume is bound together by the common goals of exploring the propaganda strategies premodern authors deployed for specific aims, be it the unification of religious, cultural, and political groups through discourses of self-representation, or the invention of the political, cultural, religious, or gendered other. Many of the essays offer critical re-readings of works that are obscure or have never been studied, while others shed new light on the cultural and textual interactions between Christians, Muslims and Jews. The volume is divided into four sections, the first of which is comprised of three chapters on the Corpus Islamolatinum that furnish new evidence showing the important role this "encyclopedia" played in spreading knowledge about Islam and contributing to the creation of propaganda and polemics against Islam among European intellectual circles. The chapters in section two offer novel interpretations of the hermeneutical strategies underlying the composition of polemical works such as the lives of Muhammad and Pedro de la Cavalleria's Zelus Christi. The essays in section three identify some common hermeneutical strategies in the use of anti-Jewish and anti-Islamic arguments to polemicize against religious others or edify Christians and illuminate intertextual relations between authors and genres (disputatio and praedicatio). Finally, section four introduces the gender perspective: the genered nature of the accusat.

Œuvrer pour le salut : Moines, chanoines et frères dans la péninsule Ibérique au Moyen Âge

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Le problème du salut personnel et collectif, crucial pour tous les chrétiens, entraîne l’émergence d’individus et de groupes sociaux réputés particulièrement aptes à faire leur propre salut et à œuvrer pour celui des autres. Partant de cette donnée fondamentale, le présent ouvrage examine la tension entre les ambitions spirituelles et les contraintes individuelles, communautaires et institutionnelles des moines, des chanoines réguliers et des frères mendiants, dans le cadre du Moyen Âge hispanique. Trois modalités d’accès au salut sont mises en évidence : la conversion, c’est-à-dire le choix d’entrer en religion et la continuelle transformation individuelle qu’il suppose ; la médiation, fondée sur la prière et sur la liturgie ; le soin des âmes enfin, lié à l’engagement pastoral. El problema de la salvación personal y colectiva, crucial para todos los cristianos, lleva a la aparición de individuos y grupos sociales considerados particularmente capaces de salvarse a sí mismos y de trabajar por la salvación de los demás. Partiendo de este hecho, este libro examina la tensión entre las ambiciones espirituales y las limitaciones individuales, comunitarias e institucionales de los monjes, canónigos regulares y frailes mendicantes en el contexto de la Edad Media hispana.


Religion --- History --- religion --- christianisme --- Espagne --- laïc --- religieux --- religión --- cristianismo --- España --- laico --- religioso --- Órdenes y congregaciones religiosas --- Salvación. --- Vida monástica y religiosa. --- Órdenes y congregaciones religiosas --- Religiosos --- Vida consagrada --- Vida religiosa y monástica --- Vida eremítica --- Vida monástica y religiosa femenina --- Consejos evangélicos --- Monacato --- Monasterios --- Celibato --- Retiros espirituales para órdenes y congregaciones religiosas --- Votos religiosos --- Salvación eterna --- Soteriología --- Salvación fuera de la Iglesia --- Universalismo (Teología) --- Arrepentimiento --- Conversión religiosa --- Elección (Teología) --- Fe --- Gracia (Teología) --- Justificación --- Niños muertos sin bautismo (Teología) --- Redención --- Santificación --- Teología dogmática --- Vida futura --- Congregaciones religiosas --- Monacato y órdenes religiosas --- Órdenes monásticas --- Órdenes religiosas --- Órdenes contemplativas --- Órdenes mendicantes --- Órdenes militares --- Órdenes y congregaciones religiosas de mujeres --- Clero --- Comunidades cristianas --- Conventos --- Literatura monástica --- Noviciado --- Profesión religiosa --- Vocación religiosa --- Espiritualidad --- Vida espiritual --- To 1500 --- Iberian Peninsula --- Europe --- Hispania --- Iberia --- Península --- Hispania (Iberian Peninsula) --- Hispánica, Península --- Iberia (Iberian Peninsula) --- Ibérica, Península --- Península Hispánica --- Península Ibérica --- Vida monástica y religiosa.

The Latin Qur'an, 1143-1500 : Translation, Transition, Interpretation

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