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Deliberative democracy is increasingly central in democratic theory and its concepts are employed in a growing number of fields, including social movement studies and environmental politics. At the same time, contemporary citizen activism seems to feature some forms of engagement that resonate with deliberative democratic ideas.This book provides an in-depth investigation of the qualities of citizens’ engagement from a deliberative democratic standpoint. The key concept through which such qualities are investigated is ‘deliberative capacity’, the extent to which organisations host authentic, inclusive, and consequential discursive processes. This book is based on a comparative study of four grassroots local initiatives, two from Australia (in Tasmania and Queensland) and two from Italy (in Emilia-Romagna and Sicily). By offering a critical assessment of deliberation in social movement organisations, this study identifies key aspects affecting their ability to pursue democratic deliberation and sheds new light on the role of community actors in deliberative democracy
Deliberative democracy. --- Social movements --- #SBIB:324H71 --- #SBIB:324H73 --- #SBIB:324H74 --- Movements, Social --- Social history --- Social psychology --- Discursive democracy --- Democracy --- Political aspects. --- Politieke verandering: modernisatie, democratisering, regional development --- Politieke verandering: oppositie en minderheid, protest, politiek geweld --- Politieke verandering: sociale bewegingen --- Deliberative democracy --- Political aspects --- Social movements - Political aspects --- Australie --- Italie
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This thesis assesses the Stop Soros negative campaign through applying the theory of reconstructive leadership to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. More specifically, it looks at, if and how the Stop Soros campaign was used by the government party Fidesz to win the 2018 general elections in Hungary. The reason for researching this topic lies behind the emergence, and power centralization of Fidesz, especially of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán since 2010. Several scholars analysed how Fidesz and Orbán could still be re-elected for the fourth time, and for the third time in a row. Moreover, many have criticized the lack of action from the Hungarian opposition parties and the lack of intervention from the European Union’s side. While the constitutional and institutional changes taking place in the Hungarian system since 2010 certainly do matter, Viktor Orbán’s actions affected by his worldview have a long-term influence. The Stop Soros campaign has been used to such an intensity, and the Hungarian public’s fear towards migrants has grown to such an extent, that a deliberate intention behind it can be assumed. A time period had to be determined while considering the intensity of the campaign. Therefore, the start date of the evaluated period was the 2017 National Consultation on the Soros Plan, a questionnaire, through which the Hungarian public was directly approached by the Hungarian government. Looking at the Stop Soros campaign’s role in the 2018 general elections consequently marked the end date of the analysed period, as the 8th April 2018. Regarding the research methods, I conducted interviews with opposition party members, members of the European Parliament and a political scientist. In order to see the government’s perspective on the Stop Soros campaign, I did a discourse analysis of fifteen of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speeches. The thesis findings confirmed the expectations. To be more specific, the conducted elite interviews showed that the Stop Soros campaign was indeed used for mobilizing the Fidesz electorate. Furthermore, the evaluation of Orbán’s speeches and interviews demonstrated the negative language and rhetoric used in regard to George Soros, the migrants, the European Union and external actors. These results were discussed in the light of reconstructive leadership, coming to the conclusion that, besides aiming to win the 2018 elections, Prime Minister Orbán also created a new political regime and social norms, which are anticipated to have long-term effects on the Hungarian society. Analysing this case hence provides an understanding of the use of negative campaigns exploited by leaders at election times. Having this knowledge will enable us all to view political campaigns with a critical eye, avoiding being manipulated. Within the analysis, the processes of the Stop Soros campaign were also identified as choosing an enemy, a target that can be attacked constantly, the intense use of negative rhetoric, communication with the public and the repetition of the future vision of the country. As it is demonstrated by the case of Hungary under Viktor Orbán’s leadership, the negative campaign seems to have resulted in restructuring social norms and expectations. Keywords: Stop Soros campaign, negative campaign, reconstructive leadership, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Fidesz, 2018 general elections, electoral mobilization, Hungary
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Brazil’s turbulent political history took another interesting turn in 2018 when the right-wing populist, Jair Bolsonaro was elected president. His election fell in line with a global right-wing populist wave. Brubaker (2017) argues that populists rise in the advent of a ‘perfect storm’ of crises. Either as a constituting part of this ‘perfect storm’ or as a consequence of it, political legitimacy is likely to be affected. This research set out to examine political legitimacy in Brazil, and attempt to find a link with voting behavior, specifically voting for Jair Bolsonaro. It makes use of public opinion surveys from the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP), a research institute hosted by Vanderbilt University. Surveys conducted in 2012, 2014, 2017 and 2019 were chosen for this research. A six-dimensional operationalization of political legitimacy based on previous research by Booth and Seligson (2009) provided the baseline for the research. The research falls short of fully measuring political legitimacy but provides a good starting point for further research and shed lights on some interesting processes occurring within Brazil’s political system. It is hypothesized that Bolsonaro voters will have lower levels of political legitimacy; however, because the original measurement of political legitimacy falls short, no conclusions can be drawn with complete certainty. That being said, the results indicate that the opposite of what was predicted is in fact the case. Moreover, our research provides a new model, Political Legitimacy Indicator, which does not measure political legitimacy as operationalized originally, but provides valuable insight and a reliable indication to levels of political legitimacy. Finally, the research concludes with various avenues for further research.
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Deze thesis onderzoekt aan de hand van een case study over de klimaatbeweging hoe sociale bewegingen zich verhouden tot het politieke besluitvormingsproces, en hoe ze kunnen bijdragen aan een meer deliberatieve democratie. De relevantie van het onderzoek vloeit enerzijds voort uit de vaststelling dat de ontevredenheid over de huidige representatieve democratie toeneemt, en anderzijds het besef dat duurzaamheidsuitdagingen zoals het klimaat een multi- en zelfs transdisciplinaire aanpak vragen die niet geboden wordt in het huidige politieke systeem. Meer specifiek werd onderzocht of het opstellen van het Energie- en Klimaatplan 2021-2030, dat plaatsvond na de klimaatmarsen en na een sterkere en actieve klimaatbeweging, meer deliberatief verliep dan eerdere klimaatplannen. Om de onderzoeksvraag “In welke mate beïnvloedde de Belgische Klimaatbeweging 2019 de toepassing van deliberatieve en democratische principes bij het opstellen van het Vlaams Energie-en Klimaatplan 2021-2030?” te beantwoorden, werden semi- gestructureerde interviews afgenomen met alle betrokken stakeholders en vervolgens gemengd gecodeerd. De deductieve codering gebeurde op basis van de kernprincipes van deliberatieve democratie volgens de definitie van Gutmann en Thompson, namelijk inclusie, deliberatie en gelijkheid. De inductieve codering gebeurde op basis van argumenten die door meerdere geïnterviewden aangehaald werden, of argumenten die verwezen naar bepaalde aspecten uit het theoretisch kader. Uit analyse van de data bleek dat de ingezonden adviezen voor het Energie- en Klimaatplan 2021-2030 door een brede en multidisciplinaire groep opgesteld en ingezonden werd. Dit mede door de spontane adviezen van het Klimaatpanel en Sign for My Future, die ook meer de belangen van de klimaatbeweging zelf omvatten. De meeste stakeholders, en ook het beleid (bevoegde kabinet) geven aan dat de klimaatbeweging niet echt een invloed had op de inclusiviteit. Ook wat de deliberatie betreft, blijken de adviserende stakeholders geen directe invloed te hebben ervaren van de klimaatbeweging op de door hen aangehaalde argumenten. Wel vermoeden enkele deelnemers aan de bevraging een indirecte invloed: specifieke maatregelen werden sneller voorgesteld en er werden extra sterke argumenten aangehaald. Binnen de adviesgroepen bleek de werking toegankelijk en transparant, kregen alle argumenten een gelijke kans, en werd gewerkt naar een gezamenlijk eindverslag. Alle deelnemers kregen gelijkwaardige kansen, er was in die context ook een hoge gelijkheid. Wanneer gekeken wordt naar de samenwerking met het beleid, blijkt het primaat van de politiek nog sterk door te wegen. Er bestaat wel een wettelijke verplichting tot het vragen van advies, maar geen verplichting om deze adviezen ook te integreren. Onder de stakeholders heerst een algemene stemming dat vele van hun argumenten onvoldoende opgenomen werden in het Vlaams Energie- en Klimaatplan, en dat ze de maatregelen liever ambitieuzer en concreter zagen.
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