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De term radicalisering staat hoog op de lijst van ons politiek woordgebruik. Deze 19de-eeuwse term stamt uit een progressieve en liberale gedachtegoed. Nu duidt hij steevast op verontrustende ideologische tendensen en processen - vaak van moslimsignatuur - die zouden kunnen leiden tot geweld. In deze lezing staat Fadil stil bij de semantische verschuiving van de term radicalisering gedurende de laatste vijftien jaar. Ze toont aan hoe de term radicalisering gradueel als ideologisch denkkader ging fungeren om bepaalde vormen van activisme en politiek handelen te pathologiseren en te problematiseren. Ze argumenteert dat de term radicalisering tekenend is voor een onvermogen om niet-seculiere en niet-westerse taal en actievormen te integreren in een politieke woordenschat.
Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Europe --- #SBIB:321H30 --- #SBIB:17H3 --- #SBIB:17H20 --- politieke filosofie --- Hedendaagse politieke en sociale theorieën (vanaf de 19de eeuw): algemeen (incl. utilitarisme, burgerschap) --- Politieke wijsbegeerte --- Sociale wijsbegeerte: algemeen --- 32 --- Radicalisme --- Radicalisering --- Multiculturele samenleving --- Islam en het Westen --- Islamitisch-fundamentalisme --- Godsdienst --- Islam in het Westen --- Social problems --- Colonisation. Decolonisation --- Pragmatics --- Politiek --- PXL-Central Office 2020 --- maatschappijproblemen --- multiculturele samenleving --- radicalisme --- Islam --- Moslimfundamentalisme --- Filosofie --- Psychologie --- Sociologie --- Architectuur --- Man --- Cultuur --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Verpleegkunde --- Volwassene --- 668.1 Migrantenbeleid --- radicalisering --- politiek woordgebruik --- ideologische tendensen en processen --- geweld --- semantiek --- activisme --- politiek handelen --- niet-seculiere en niet-westerse taal en actievormen --- politieke woordenschat
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"Taking its cue from the study of 'lived religion', Secular Bodies, Affects and Emotions shows how the idea of a secular public is equally marked by a display and cultivation of affect and emotions. Whereas it is widely agreed that religion is often saturated by emotion, the secular is usually treated as a neutral background serving as the domain of public, rational deliberation. This book demonstrates that secularity and secularism are also upheld by bodily practices and emotional attachments. Drawing on empirical case studies, this is the first book to ask and explore whether a secular body exists. Building on the work of Talal Asad, the book argues that the secular is not an absence of religion, but a positive entity that comes about through its co-constitutive relationship with religion. And, once we attune ourselves to recognizing its operations as grammar which structures social practice, writing an anthropology of the secular could become a new possibility."-- Back cover.
Secularism --- Emotions --- #SBIB:316.331H630 --- #SBIB:316.331H360 --- #SBIB:39A10 --- Ethics --- Irreligion --- Utilitarianism --- Atheism --- Postsecularism --- Secularization (Theology) --- Religious aspects --- Secularisatie en sociale verandering, modernisering, ontkerkelijking, kerkelijke bezittingen --- Godsdienst en menselijk leven: algemeen --- Antropologie: religie, riten, magie, hekserij --- Religious aspects. --- History of religion --- Religion and politics --- Anthropology
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The concept of 'radicalization' is now used to account for all forms of violent and non-violent political Islam. Used widely within the security services and picked up by academia, the term was initially coined by the General Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands (AIVD) after the 9/11 and Pentagon attacks, an origin that is rarely recognised.This book comprises contributions from leading scholars in the field of critical security studies to trace the introduction, adoption and dissemination of 'radicalization' as a concept. It is the first book to offer a critical analysis and history of the term as an 'empty signifier', that is, a word that might not necessarily refer to something existing in the real world. The diverse contributions consider how the term has circulated since its emergence in the Netherlands and Belgium, its appearance in academia, its existence among the people categorized as 'radicals' and its impact on relationships of trust between public officials and their clients. Building on the traditions of critical security studies and critical studies on terrorism, the book reaffirms the importance of a reflective approach to counter-radicalization discourse and policies. It will be essential reading for scholars of security studies, political anthropology, the study of Islam in the west and European studies.Bron:
Islam --- Social problems --- Criminology. Victimology --- islamitisch fundamentalisme --- criminologie --- terrorisme --- Netherlands --- Belgium --- Radicalisering --- Radicalisme --- België --- Nederland --- Geweld --- Veiligheid --- Islamic fundamentalism. --- National security. --- Radicalization. --- Radicalisation violente. --- Sécurité nationale. --- Intégrisme islamique. --- Radicalization --- National security --- Islamic fundamentalism --- #SBIB:316.331H333 --- #SBIB:316.331H421 --- Fundamentalism, Islamic --- Islamism --- Religious fundamentalism --- National security policy --- NSP (National security policy) --- Security policy, National --- Economic policy --- International relations --- Military policy --- Radicalisation --- Political science --- Godsdienst, oorlog en vrede --- Morfologie van de godsdiensten: Islam --- Government policy --- Ethnic relations --- Ethic relations. --- 081 Godsdienst --- Sécurité nationale. --- Intégrisme islamique.
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Secularism. --- Emotions --- Religious aspects.
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Hoeveel migranten zijn er in België? Waar komen ze vandaan? Zijn het overwegend mannen? Zijn ze geïntegreerd of bedreigen ze onze identiteit? Nemen ze jobs af van de Belgen of worden ze gediscrimineerd? Wie bedoelt men met "sans-papiers"? Is België gastvrijer dan andere landen? Mogen we onze grenzen sluiten? De meeste Belgen hebben wel een antwoord op dat soort vragen, maar vaak baseren ze zich op vooroordelen of foutieve informatie. Dit boek laat de clichés achterwege en geeft in toegankelijke stijl een antwoord op 21 pertinente vragen rond migratie. Op basis van wetenschappelijke gegevens en cijfermateriaal geven de auteurs een evenwichtig en duidelijk antwoord.
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Islam --- Social problems --- Criminology. Victimology --- islamitisch fundamentalisme --- criminologie --- terrorisme --- Netherlands --- Belgium
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