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Le financement des PME : les marchés boursiers constituent-ils une piste sérieuse ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Executive summary&#13;The first goal of the financial markets is the financing of the economy, so could they satisfy this need of the SMEs to enable them to lead their projects and continue their development? This research includes the analysis of this financing concept and the objective is to answer to the question of the adequacy of the financing through the capital markets for the SMEs and to define the specific pros and cons of a listing. This work will also attempt to draw the profile of SMEs which have more chance to succeed on the stock exchange.&#13;This research will firstly present the theoretical concepts of the stock exchange and IPOs with the consequences of a listing from a SME point-of-view. The theoretical part will also briefly address the alternative ways of equity finance in order to establish a comparison with the stock exchange in terms of the particular advantages of this technique. Secondly, after the descriptive approach, the dynamic research will be made up of the experience of different SMEs listed on the stock exchange, through interviews with leaders within the companies. Moreover, an analysis of the experience of companies and actors of alternative capital financing means is operated, notwithstanding the difficulties to execute a census through leaders of enterprises.&#13;After having conducted the analysis, we found out that a specific category of SMEs benefits from an interesting opportunity for a financing through a listing on the stock exchange, namely a company with a strategy of growth, with projects which will create value and with profitability. The firm has also to have the ability to take advantages coming from the listing. However, if the shareholders of a company prefer the retention of a family shareholding in order to sustain their enterprise or if the values shared by the company differ with those of a financial investor, another way of financing should probably be more suitable.&#13;The present research shows that the listing offers a leverage on the financing of a company and consequently increases the means of actions of the SME. The company gets a considerable amount of financial resources without creating a risk of bankruptcy which could happen in the case of a too high amount of debts compared to the total balance sheet. Furthermore, the additional financial means available in the future and the notoriety got on the stock exchange contribute to the growth of the SME. Notwithstanding affordable costs of this financing according to the experiences analysed, the necessity to take into account the time devoted to the communication of information to the numerous shareholders and to the introduction process is really important. Moreover, the costs of the preparation of the listing are, for the majority, fixed costs and therefore the relative cost is higher in function of the company size and the floating.&#13;However, this report presents a similarity in terms of financial contribution, stage in a company lifecycle and the impact on the cost of capital, between the venture capitalists and the stock exchange. The capital markets stand out by offering a liquidity, even if it is relatively low on the Belgian markets, as well as the increase of the notoriety. Indeed, Business Angels and equity crowdfunding are considered as early stages ventures financing. In the case of a planned disposal of the company within a middle term or long term period, the stock exchange offers a valuation based on the judgments of a high number of investors taking into account additional factors compared to an accounting valuation. All the financing methods based on a stake on the capital decrease inevitably the independence of the entrepreneur.&#13;This work also highlights the short term constraint consequent to the listing, but nevertheless, this also impacts the life of the company when a stake is taken by venture capitalists. The only way, at later stages of an enterprise lifecycle, to benefit from a financing of the equity without pressure on short term yield is a financial support from public investment funds.

Panama papers : analysis of the response to the tax heavens discoveries and the impact of the common reporting standard the Belgian case
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Tax havens have become increasingly present in the news nowadays, especially with a lot of scandals that have been revealed to the whole world. Although they have been often emphasized by media, it is certain tax avoidance and tax evasion have always been exploited by a lot of companies and individuals willing to hide their money from tax authorities. &#13;This escape to tax havens has not been beneficial for countries since a lot of the tax revenues were not properly gathered, leading to a deficit in the forecasted budget. This awareness came along with the willingness to reform the whole tax system such that transfer of assets from a country to another would no longer be possible without an automatic exchange of information between states. This was the beginning of the implementation of the Common Reporting Standard developed by the OECD within European Union. &#13;This master thesis examines in a first part the development of the automatic exchange of information since its premises, with the positive aspects and the drawbacks of each amendment that has appeared along the way. Although the focus is mainly on European Union, a reference is also made to FATCA since it is clearly the starting point of the European initiatives. Then, it analyzes the particular case of Belgium and the different impacts those changes have caused on its legal framework.

Dans le contexte bancaire actuel, le financement des entreprises débutantes constitue-t-il encore une activité centrale des banques ? Analyse des tendances relatives au financement des starters en Wallonie
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Bien que constituant les pierres angulaires du développement de nombreux starters, nous observons que les établissements bancaires sont actuellement confrontés à un contexte particulièrement difficile exerçant une forte pression sur leur profitabilité. Alors que cet environnement pourrait potentiellement réduire l'octroi de financement bancaire en faveur des profils les plus risqués, dont les entreprises débutantes font partie, nous nous intéressons à la vision actuelle des banques par rapport au financement des starters wallons. Afin d’étudier cette problématique, des entretiens semi-directifs ont été menés auprès d’un large panel de professionnels du milieu bancaire et entrepreneurial. Au fil des recherches et de la confrontation des points de vue des experts, nous identifions et discutons certaines tendances relatives à la problématique étudiée, tout en constatant leur lien étroit avec l’environnement bancaire actuel. Malgré les difficultés liées à leur financement, nous observons que les banques actives en Wallonie semblent conserver une certaine ouverture – voire un réel attrait – envers les entreprises débutantes. Différentes initiatives ont dès lors émergé afin de faciliter leur accès aux ressources bancaires, notamment au travers d’une diversification des sources de financement et d’une volonté accrue de partage des risques. Etant donné que le contexte bancaire oblige le secteur à modifier son modèle d’entreprise traditionnel et à générer des revenus de commissions, les institutions de crédit pourraient potentiellement tirer parti des récents développements fiscaux et technologiques afin de modifier leur offre de produits. Alors que l’environnement bancaire actuel ne résulte pas en une contraction de l’offre de crédits, il se traduit certainement par une expansion de l’écosystème entourant la participation des banques aux phases initiales du développement entrepreneurial.

Business transfers in Wallonia : search funds model, a financial scheme for Wallonia ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This thesis aims to provide a new way of conducting business transfers. The search fund model, created in the 1980s by H. Irving Grousbeck, enables an entrepreneur, here entitled the searcher, to buy a company whose owner wants to sell. Investors invest in a specific entrepreneur rather than a special business. This investment vehicle is mostly used in the USA and Canada and demonstrates impressive returns for investors in those markets.&#13;The aim of this thesis is to assess if this model could be implemented in the specific market of Wallonia and provide content for further discussion on this subject.

Quelles sont les sources de financement des startups et les bonnes pratiques des banques en termes de soutien à leur développement par rapport aux réglementations en place ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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What are the implications of Basel 3 rules on start-up financing? what can the banks do to help them without passing through the Basel regulation

M&A and Hubris Hypothesis
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This dissertation ponder how hubris is associated to M&A. The dissertation is important since the growing M&A activity. In the core of the dissertation is making clear picture if hubris occurs in M&A`s and how it can be detected. The dissertation concentrates on management behavior around corporate takeovers. In this paper a new model to detect hubris is created. The model is formed using theoretical framework. Detecting hubris help companies and stakeholders to carry out more profitable M&A. The model is used in multiple case study. The case studies are selected geographically, and both are widely discussed acquisitions in Finland. According to the model used in the multiple case study, hubris occurs in takeovers. Every M&A is unique, but the results are applicable in takeovers done in a similar environment. The model created in this thesis is therefore proofed to be applicable at least to some extent.

Le crédit immobilier en finance islamique : le cas du murabaha
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Il s'agit d'un travail qui étudie la possible implémentation d'un mécanisme de financement islamique dans l'ordre juridique belge.

Conception et modélisation d'un processus d'intégration dans le cadre d'acquisitions de casinos chez GAMING1
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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“70 à 90 % des acquisitions sont des échecs.” Cette phrase est bien connue dans le monde des fusions et acquisitions. Or, depuis quelques années, des chercheurs et praticiens mettent en évidence la phase d’intégration comme la cause principale de ces échecs. C’est, en effet, à ce moment-là que toute la valeur du deal est en jeu. Une problématique bien connue de Gaming1, en pleine stratégie d’expansion en France. &#13;À effet, ce mémoire a pour but d’analyser la méthodologie d’un processus d’intégration réussi afin de pouvoir faire des recommandations adaptées à l’entreprise. Pour cela, ce mémoire est articulé en trois sections principales.&#13;En premier lieu, une analyse de l’impact de la phase de pré-acquisition sur l’intégration a été réalisée.&#13;Ensuite, nous avons analysé le processus d’intégration, au travers de recherches académiques et de rencontres avec des professionnels, afin de mettre en évidence les facteurs de succès.&#13;Enfin, des mesures de performance, d’intégration et de gestion du changement ont été mises en place dans l’optique de suivre les progrès de la phase de post-acquisition.

Valorisation des clubs de football professionnel. Modélisation comparative avec des entreprises classiques. L'impact du Covid-19
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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In recent years, the world of football has evolved into a truly global industry. More and more clubs are being taken over by foreign investors such as sheiks from the Middle East or wealthy Americans. This leads to an increase in the demand for club valorization.&#13;Today, a few studies have been carried out regarding the valuation of professional football clubs. Indeed, most of them concern the valuation of North American franchises.&#13;The first objective of this thesis is to determine whether European football clubs can be valorized using classical valuation techniques. To do so, the literature review also considers contemporary valuation techniques for sports institutions. The analysis shows that it is not possible to value both types of institutions using the same techniques in view of the specific characteristics of football clubs.&#13;The second objective is to develop a reliable valuation model for football clubs. To achieve this, two reliable models are analyzed. These two models are pooled. To create the most complete valuation model, a variable is added: the gross added value. According to some authors, the impact that clubs can have on the local and national economy is often overlooked.&#13;The last objective is to show the impact of COVID-19 on the valuation of professional football clubs. As European countries are impacted in different ways and football federations take different decisions on a case-by-case basis, the analysis of this impact is applied to only one country: England. The study shows that clubs experience a more or less significant decrease in their business value according to two scenarios. These two scenarios are the temporary cessation of the league or its permanent cessation for the current season.

Développements récents et à venir en matière de Corporate reporting
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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In recent years, the amount of information disclosed by companies has increased continuously. Annual reports have evolved over the years to reflect changes in the economy and to respond to the information needs of a growing audience. This phenomenon has been reinforced since the financial crisis of 2008. Since that crisis, the demand for information has increased. Stakeholders do not only want financial information. They also seek non-financial information. &#13;The aim of this paper is to analyse recent and future developments in Corporate Reporting. In order to carry out this thesis, a literature review will be carried out to understand existing practices and the latest trends in Corporate Reporting. The second part of this thesis provides an analysis of the results of interviews conducted with various stakeholders who use, write and analyse corporate reports. These interviews will allow to compare and contrast the literature review with market practices.

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