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kunst en technologie --- film --- filmtheorie --- video --- video-installaties --- kunst --- nieuwe media --- performances --- computers --- computerkunst --- experimentele film --- internet --- 791.5
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We lack a sustainable approach towards water and a well-balanced relationship with the natural world of seas and oceans. Combined with the impact of climate change, water issues create enormous global challenges that require systemic change. To systematically transform how water is valued across business practices, policies, cultural beliefs and behaviors, we must ad- dress social attitudes to keep us and the environment healthy. 'Art + Water' provides imaginative new ideas on water issues and invites us to rethink and reinvent our society. Five essays and ten texts highlighting the artistic projects developed as part of the EC-funded STARTS4Water program provide an overview of cultural and artistic approaches to urgent water challenges.
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Theatrical science --- Theatre --- Theory --- Book --- Baehr, Antonia
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Throughout my research project I will gain a better understanding of how much information and misinformation was used in political poster campaigns during the Weimar Republic between 1918 and 1933. For this, I used a quantitative approach by categorizing my gathered data into political topics and to find out if the preferred way of communication through the posters is based on information or misinformation. Moreover, I investigated which topics were addressed mainly in order to gain the voter's interest or trust. My project gives us a better understanding of how external political communication was structured in the past, which can also be translated into modern ways of communication.
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When Two Worlds Meet – A Research on Books and Screens as Educational Tools - Summary I find the Web both very intriguing and hard to grasp. Especially when I use the Web for study purposes, I often struggle. I often feel flooded with an endless stream of information. At times, I feel as if the Web makes it very hard for me to stay focused on the matter at hand. Being interested in education, I wonder in which ways the Web can have an educational role, beside being an information tool. This paper is an attempt to better understand the characteristics of the Web, as well as how it impacts my behavior. The medium is the message. We are strongly affected by the media from which we obtain information. Our brains alter their structure according to the media we use, and therefore, alter the way we think. Important historic inventions such as the printing press caused a shift in the way people obtained, retained, and transmitted knowledge. The rise of the screen (and with it the Web) is causing an equally big shift. The Web has caused a shift from a linear way of thinking (related to the way books are commonly read) to a spatial one (more apt to the networked features of our screen-based devices). This way of thinking allows us to think outside the box and allows us to link ideas that were formerly isolated from one another. Attaining information has become incredibly fast and easy. This has enabled rapid progress. However, it has also caused people to feel overwhelmed and lost. Furthermore, it has altered the way we read and think. It has become much harder to stay concentrated on a single text for a longer time period. Noticing these shifts in the way we interact with our information, made me curious to find out how these new media play out in an educational setting. I notice that staying attentive is much harder in an online class than in a physical classroom, as the physical classroom setting is designed to keep students focused on the matter at hand. An online environment, on the other hand, allows for countless streams of information to demand our attention simultaneously. We are hyper attentive; we easily switch to different tasks and multiple information streams. This is in conflict with the deep attention required to study something. If we want to study something new, we need to stay focused on that topic for a long time, to ultimately develop a relationship with it. I noticed some similarities in my ability to focus between a printed text and a physical classroom on the one hand, and between a digital classroom and a screen on the other hand. I came to this conclusion after conducting some personal experiments on my behavior while studying from books and screens. When reading from a book, my body posture is calm, and my gaze is focused. When using a screen, I move more, and I constantly shift my gaze. When reading from a screen, time runs faster. I feel hyper stimulated, but I also feel distracted, lost, and overwhelmed. Study requires not only strong attention, but also the possibility to make unexpected discoveries. In this sense, the Web is an ideal study environment. The spatial hyperlink network enables us to roam freely through the Web, and allows us to lose track and stumble onto unexpected new topics. However, when conducting some personal experiments on how I attain information on screens, compared to books, I became aware of the pitfalls of this vast learning space. Analyzing the experiments, I saw that I wasn’t near
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In this high tech society, we face various challenges such as identity crushes, ageing society, and various emotional disorders. Moreover, isolations caused by recent events - such as the Covid 19 pandemic - cause these challenges to be apparent . Technology is a two-edged sword, as much as we benefit from it, it also contributes to mental problems such as depression and memory loss. Our generation, which has actively embraced technology, is increasingly immersed in the environment of technology itself. Therefore, Immersive design (or experience design) is not just a passing trend, but has become a norm that changes our daily life. Through augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) we change our perception of experience and interactions. Due to the beneficial attributes of immersive technology - such as providing a focused environment and more active experiences - the technology is already used often for education, entertainment and treatment. In this research we study various uses of immersive designs to enhance people's experience and memories. We will specifically focus on simulating the memory palace technique using immersive design, and discuss the potential impact for users.
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Visualization has become an essential way to make sense of data and communicate complex information. Thanks to its communicative power, it is increasingly being used to inform a wide audience, especially by way of journalism. However, people often are unable to understand even the simplest visualizations due to their lack of data visualization literacy. Because of the public’s increasing exposure to visualizations, there is a need for widespread data visualization literacy to allow readers to correctly interpret these visualizations and make them more resilient to biased ones. Previous research that focused on improving visualization literacy has mostly been done in educational environments. People should be enabled to read moderately complex visualizations without having to go to an external environment. We therefore propose a method that could help users to read unfamiliar visualizations and to improve their visualization literacy in the context of online articles having data visualizations. We present a design for an internally integrated step-by-step guide that explains a particular visualization type. We highlight how our design fits within the visualization onboarding design space and how this design utilizes storytelling, animated transitions, analogous graphs and statistical tips to encourage comprehension and improve data visualization literacy.
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Artificiële Intelligentie (AI), of Kunstmatige Intelligentie (KI), is een term die gebruikt wordt om machines te beschrijven die cognitieve functies die mensen associëren met het menselijke verstand, nabootsen. Het researchveld vindt zijn oorsprong in de bewering dat menselijke intelligentie zo precies beschreven kan worden dat een machine gemaakt kan worden om het te simuleren. Op verscheidene domeinen hebben computers de mens reeds voorbijgestoken. Op vlak van sensorische en motorische inputs en output, en informatieverwerking en geheugen op een basislevel staat artificiële intelligentie alvast voorop. Complexe bewegingen, visuele verwerking, auditieve verwerking, redeneren en probleemoplossen zijn gebieden waarin computers de mens weldra zullen kunnen voorbijsteken. Er zijn echter enkele gebieden waarin het menselijke brein nog steeds dominant is: creativiteit, emotie, empathie, planning en bewustzijn. Dit onderzoek is gericht op creativiteit. Aangezien de manier waarop de mens creatief nadenkt voorlopig nog te ingewikkeld is voor computers om te kunnen interpreteren, zou AI (nog) niet creatief kunnen zijn op een menselijke manier. Op welke manieren kan artificiële intelligentie dan wel creatief zijn? Is creativiteit iets wat enkel mensen bezitten? Dit project is een onderzoek naar de artistieke waarde van artificiële intelligentie in het menselijke creatieproces. Enerzijds wordt onderzocht wat de mogelijkheden zijn van creatieve artificiële intelligentie. Hoe ver staat het onderzoek hiernaar? En wat betekent ‘creatieve intelligentie’ nu juist? Anderzijds wordt gezocht naar manier waarop artificiële intelligentie de mens zou kunnen bijstaan op vlak van creativiteit. Het onderzoek wordt gedaan met behulp van generatieve kunst. Dit medium representeert de manier waarop artificiële intelligentie mogelijk het concept ‘creativiteit’ kan interpreteren.
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Social media play a significant role in our lives today; in my research I investigate them from the aspect of self-presentation. The research provides a brief overview on the relevant studies as well as a description of the personal project. In the project part, a sample of 20 peoples was examined by the data available on their digital profiles. All the acquired information was divided into the two groups — visuals and text. The visual group, which consisted of the avatars collected across different channels, was analysed by colours. The colour analysis was chosen due to the idea that “offline” colour preferences are projected on “online” personalities, and the selection of avatars falls under the influence of this process. The text group was exposed to the semantic analysis, which highlighted the most frequently covered topics. The gained information is intended to be presented in a clear way and serve as the basis of a recommendation system. This system operates within “user-based filtration” methods and allows to 1) see what are the most popular topics between the people with the similar colour combinations; 2) what recommendation can be made depending on the textual information. This research as well as its further development is supposed to contribute to revealing the role colours play in the determination of identity characteristics.
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