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Public law. Constitutional law --- South Africa --- Constitutional history --- Constitutional law --- Constitutions --- -Constitutional law --- -Constitutions --- -#SBIB:328H413 --- #SBIB:012.IEB --- 342.4 <680> --- Associations, institutions, etc. --- Law --- Constitutional limitations --- Constitutionalism --- Limitations, Constitutional --- Public law --- Administrative law --- Constitutional history, Modern --- History --- Instellingen en beleid: Zuid-Afrika --- Grondwet--Zuid-Afrika. Republiek van Zuid-Afrika --- Interpretation and construction --- 342.4 <680> Grondwet--Zuid-Afrika. Republiek van Zuid-Afrika --- Constitutional history - South Africa --- Constitutional law - South Africa --- Constitutions - South Africa --- -Constitutional history --- -Public law. Constitutional law
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Administration fédérale --- Autorités fédérales --- Comparative government --- Comparative political systems --- Comparative politics --- Coordination des politiques entre gouvernement fédéral et États fédérés --- Division des pouvoirs entre gouvernement fédéral et États fédérés --- Division of powers --- Federal government --- Federal government -- Law and legislation --- Federal state --- Federal systems --- Federal-provincial relations --- Federal-state relations --- Federale regering --- Federale regeringsvorm --- Federale staat --- Federale staat -- Recht en wetgeving --- Federalism --- Federalisme --- Fédéral [Gouvernement ] --- Fédéralisme --- Gouvernement central (État fédéral) --- Gouvernement comparé --- Gouvernement fédéral --- Gouvernement fédéral -- Droit et législation --- Government [Comparative ] --- Harmonisation des politiques entre gouvernement fédéral et États fédérés --- Institutions politiques -- Études comparatives --- Institutions politiques comparées --- Political systems [Comparative ] --- Politique comparée --- Pouvoir fédéral --- Pouvoirs [Division des ] entre gouvernement fédéral et États fédérés --- Relations gouvernement fédéral-États fédérés --- Relations États fédérés-gouvernement fédéral --- Régimes politiques --- Système fédéral --- Vergelijkend bestuur --- État fédéral --- États fédérés et gouvernement fédéral --- Political science --- Central-local government relations --- Decentralization in government --- State governments --- Government, Comparative --- Political systems, Comparative --- Law and legislation --- Comparative government. --- Federal government. --- Institutions politiques comparées --- Fédéralisme --- Powers, Division of --- Provincial-federal relations --- State-federal relations
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Autonomy. --- Cultural pluralism. --- Ethnic groups --- Minorities --- Political activity.
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International and municipal law --- Treaty-making power --- Provinces --- South Africa --- Foreign relations --- Law and legislation.
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Regionalism --- Regionalism. --- #SBIB:328H413 --- #SBIB:013.IEB --- Instellingen en beleid: Zuid-Afrika --- Regionalism - South Africa.
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Gouvernement --- BPB1406 --- Politique intérieure --- Démocratie --- Aide au développement --- Pays en développement --- #SBIB:324H71 --- #SBIB:323H520 --- #SBIB:328H413 --- Regering --- Binnenlands beleid --- Democratie --- Ontwikkelingshulp --- Ontwikkelingsland --- Politieke verandering: modernisatie, democratisering, regional development --- Politieke processen in het Belgisch bestel --- Instellingen en beleid: Zuid-Afrika --- Democracy --- Minorities --- South Africa --- Belgium --- Politics and government --- Ethnic minorities --- Foreign population --- Minority groups --- Persons --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Discrimination --- Ethnic relations --- Majorities --- Plebiscite --- Race relations --- Segregation --- Self-government --- Political science --- Equality --- Representative government and representation --- Republics --- government --- rząd --- valtioneuvosto --- kormány --- guvern --- valitsus --- governo --- vyriausybė --- gvern --- Regierung --- vlada --- qeveri --- правителство --- κυβέρνηση --- влада --- regering --- valdība --- vláda --- Gobierno --- gouvernement national --- hallitusrakenne --- órgano de gobierno de ente preautonómico --- statsstyrelse --- valtion hallitus --- gabinete --- national government --- vládní kabinet --- Kabinett --- végrehajtó hatalmi ág --- nemzeti kormány --- nationell regering --- riigi valitsus --- gobierno nacional --- nacionalna vlada --- structură guvernamentală --- složení vlády --- Gobierno autonómico --- valsts valdība --- qeveri kombëtare --- estrutura governamental --- vyriausybės struktūra --- governo regionale --- zloženie vlády --- Bundesregierung --- struktura e qeverisë --- valitsusstruktuur --- šalies vyriausybė --- government structure --- kabinet --- kormányzati szerkezet --- vláda složeného státu --- nationale Regierung --- kormányzat --- governo nazionale --- celostátní (federální) vláda --- Κυβέρνηση της χώρας --- national regering --- Landesregierung --- valdības struktūra --- governo nacional --- vládny kabinet --- gobierno regional --- nationale regering --- ayuda al desarrollo --- arenguabi --- помоћ за развој --- pomoć u razvoju --- Entwicklungshilfe --- fejlesztési segély --- помощ за развитие --- cabhair um fhorbairt --- utvecklingsbistånd --- udviklingsbistand --- ontwikkelingshulp --- palīdzība attīstības jomā --- αναπτυξιακή βοήθεια --- fonduri pentru dezvoltare --- kehitysapu --- rozvojová pomoc --- razvojna pomoč --- parama vystymuisi --- għajnuna għall-iżvilupp --- ndihma për zhvillim --- помош за развој --- pomoc rozwojowa --- ajuda ao desenvolvimento --- aiuto allo sviluppo --- development aid --- assistenza allo sviluppo --- fonduri pentru țările în curs de dezvoltare --- gezamenlijke ontwikkeling --- plėtros pagalba --- ndihmë për vendet në zhvillim --- pomoc třetím zemím --- aiuto ai paesi in via di sviluppo --- aiuto ai PVS --- bashkëzhvillim --- steun aan ontwikkelingslanden --- desarrollo mutuo --- aide aux PVD --- gemeinsame Entwicklung --- pomoć zemljama u razvoju --- asistencia al desarrollo --- desarrollo conjunto --- közös fejlődés --- pomoc rozvojovým krajinám --- ajuda aos PVD --- cooperação para o desenvolvimento --- fejlődő országoknak nyújtott segély --- aid to developing countries --- ühine areng --- από κοινού ανάπτυξη --- kehitysmaille tarkoitettu tuki --- κοινή ανάπτυξη --- støtte til udviklingslande --- asistență pentru dezvoltare --- помош за поттикнување и поддршка на развојот --- cooperación al desarrollo --- kopēja attīstība --- u-hjälp --- arengumaadele antav abi --- gemensam utveckling --- codesarrollo --- ulandshjælp --- codéveloppement --- bendrai vykdoma plėtra --- bistand til udviklingslande --- βοήθεια στις αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες --- fælles udvikling --- co-development --- palīdzība attīstībai --- palīdzība attīstības valstīm --- pagalba besivystančioms šalims --- αναπτυξιακή συνεργασία --- pomoc rozvojovým zemím --- yhteiskehitys --- bistånd till utvecklingsländer --- δημοκρατία --- demokrácia --- demokrātija --- democracia --- demokraatia --- democrazia --- demokracija --- demokratija --- democrație --- democracy --- demokratia --- demokracie --- demokracja --- demokrati --- demokraci --- demokracia --- democratie --- Demokratie --- demokrazija --- демокрация --- демократија --- politický pluralizmus --- pluralizm polityczny --- πολιτικός πλουραλισμός --- folkstyre --- folkestyre --- politiek pluralisme --- politischer Pluralismus --- politiskais plurālisms --- demokrātiska vienlīdzība --- politikai pluralizmus --- égalité démocratique --- politický pluralismus --- ugwaljanza demokratika --- pluraliżmu politiku --- barazi demokratike --- pluralismo político --- politinis pliuralizmas --- politisk jämlikhet --- демократична равнопоставеност --- igualdad democrática --- democratische gelijkheid --- demokratische Gleichheit --- δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα --- demokraattinen yhdenvertaisuus --- poliittinen pluralismi --- demokratična enakost --- democratic equality --- demokratikus egyenlőség --- pluralisme politique --- politisk mångfald --- demokraatlik võrdsus --- igualdade democrática --- politisk pluralism --- ludowładztwo --- политически плурализъм --- politisk pluralisme --- pluralism politic --- pluralismo politico --- pluralizëm politik --- demokratická rovnost --- politički pluralizam --- uguaglianza democratica --- politični pluralizem --- egalitate democratică --- demokratická rovnosť --- political pluralism --- poliitiline pluralism --- demokratinė lygybė --- политички плурализам --- εσωτερική πολιτική --- politică internă --- indenrigspolitik --- vnitřní politika --- politika domestika --- inrikespolitik --- Innenpolitik --- внатрешна политика --- унутрашња политика --- вътрешна политика --- sisepoliitika --- sisäpolitiikka --- notranja politika --- polityka wewnętrzna --- belpolitika --- vidaus politika --- politikë e brendshme --- iekšpolitika --- binnenlands beleid --- unutrašnja politika --- domestic policy --- política interna --- politica interna --- política interior --- vnútorná politika --- domácí politika --- домашна политика --- pajjiżi fil-fażi tal-iżvilupp --- αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες --- zemlje u razvoju --- развиващи се държави --- kraje rozwijające się --- arengumaad --- земји во развој --- fejlődő országok --- attīstības valstis --- țări în curs de dezvoltare --- developing countries --- rozvojové země --- države v razvoju --- país en desarrollo --- kehitysmaat --- utvecklingsland --- vende në zhvillim --- Entwicklungsland --- paese in via di sviluppo --- besivystančios šalys --- земље у развоју --- país em desenvolvimento --- rozvojové krajiny --- udviklingsland --- ontwikkelingsland --- Tredje Verden --- země s nízkou životní úrovní --- Lumea a Treia --- jaunattīstības valstis --- paese arretrato --- Α.Χ. --- Derde-Wereldland --- Трет свет --- país do Terceiro Mundo --- szegény országok --- Third World --- harmadik világ országai --- zemlje Trećega svijeta --- tredje världen --- vendet e Botës së Tretë --- tiers monde --- tretí svet --- armes Land --- Τρίτος Κόσμος --- PVD --- pays du tiers monde --- Terceiro Mundo --- trešās pasaules valstis --- land i tredje världen --- Land der Dritten Welt --- kolmannen maailman maat --- kolmas maailma --- Treći svijet --- PVS --- harmadik világ --- país em vias de desenvolvimento --- terzo mondo-paesi --- país en vías de desarrollo --- kolmas maailm --- krajiny tretieho sveta --- земји со низок животен стандард --- pays en voie de développement --- země třetího světa --- chudé země --- kolmanda maailma riigid --- trečiasis pasaulis --- paese sottosviluppato --- terzo mondo --- Bota e Tretë --- χώρες του τρίτου κόσμου --- χώρες υπό ανάπτυξη --- país del Tercer Mundo --- třetí svět --- Derde Wereld --- trešā pasaule --- uland --- Third World countries --- земји од Третиот свет --- trečiojo pasaulio šalys --- u-land --- țările Lumii a Treia --- dritte Welt --- rialtas --- daonlathas --- beartas intíre --- tíortha i mbéal forbartha --- Aide au développement --- Pays en développement --- Politique intérieure --- Démocratie
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Human rights --- Political systems --- South Africa --- Civil rights --- -Constitutional law --- 342.7 <680> --- Constitutional law --- Constitutional limitations --- Constitutionalism --- Constitutions --- Limitations, Constitutional --- Public law --- Administrative law --- Basic rights --- Civil liberties --- Constitutional rights --- Fundamental rights --- Rights, Civil --- Political persecution --- Grondwettelijke rechten en vrijheden. Fundamentele rechten--Zuid-Afrika. Republiek van Zuid-Afrika --- Interpretation and construction --- Law and legislation --- Constitutional law. --- 342.7 <680> Grondwettelijke rechten en vrijheden. Fundamentele rechten--Zuid-Afrika. Republiek van Zuid-Afrika
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