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Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der regionalen Branchenstruktur und der Beschäftigungsentwicklung? Wolfgang Dauth ist dieser Frage in drei eigenständigen Studien auf den Grund gegangen. Sie beleuchten jeweils unterschiedliche thematische Teilaspekte und werden in den drei zentralen Kapiteln dieses Bandes behandelt: Kapitel 2 ("Agglomeration and regional employment dynamics") belegt die Existenz von Agglomerationsvorteilen für den regionalen Arbeitsmarkt: In agglomerierten lokalen Branchen ist das Beschäftigungswachstum nachhaltiger als in nicht-agglomerierten. In Kapitel 3 ("The mysteries of trade") wird analysiert, inwiefern die Wechselwirkungen zwischen unterschiedlichen, aber verwandten Branchen die Existenz von Agglomerationsvorteilen erklären. Gemeinsame Arbeitsmärkte, so das zentrale Ergebnis, spielen dabei eine Schlüsselrolle. In Kapitel 4 ("The rise of the East and the Far East") untersucht Dauth, wie sich der internationale Handel auf Regionen mit unterschiedlicher Branchenstruktur auswirkt. Er weist nach, dass Deutschland durch den wirtschaftlichen Aufstieg Chinas und Osteuropas unterm Strich massive Beschäftigungsgewinne verzeichnen konnte. Publikationssprache: Englisch Is there a relationship between a region's industrial structure and employment growth? Wolfgang Dauth pursues this question in three self-contained studies. These studies each examine a different aspect of this topic and form the three main chapters of this book. Chapter 2 ("Agglomeration and regional employment dynamics") documents the significance of positive agglomeration externalities for regional labor markets. Employment growth is more sustainable in industrial agglomerations than in other local industries. In Chapter 3 ("The mysteries of trade"), the sources of agglomeration externalities are explained through linkages between different, but related, industries. The main conclusion is that labor market pooling plays a key role. In Chapter 4 ("The rise of the East and the Far East"), Dauth examines how regional labor markets with differing industrial structures react to increasing exposure to international trade. He shows that Germany as a whole has experienced substantial gains in employment due to the economic rise of China and Eastern Europe.
Agglomeration --- Arbeitsmarkt --- Arbeitsmärkte --- Außenhandel - Auswirkungen --- Ballungsraum --- Beschäftigung --- Beschäftigungseffekt --- Beschäftigungseffekte --- Beschäftigungsentwicklung --- Beschäftigungspolitik --- Beschäftigungswachstum --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- China --- Export --- Import --- Industriestruktur --- Osteuropa --- produzierendes Gewerbe --- regionale Disparität --- Dissertation
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In most countries, average wages tend to be higher in larger cities. In this paper, we focus on the role played by the matching of workers to firms in explaining geographical wage differences. Using rich administrative German data for 1985-2014, we show that wages in large cities are higher not only because large cities attract more high-quality workers, but also because high-quality workers are significantly more likely to be matched to high-quality plants. In particular, we find that assortative matching--measured by the correlation of worker fixed effects and plant fixed effects--is significantly stronger in large cities. The elasticity of assortative matching with respect to population has increased by around 75% in the last 30 years. We estimate that in a hypothetical scenario in which we keep the quality and location of German workers and plants unchanged, and equalize within-city assortative matching geographical wage inequality in Germany would decrease significantly. Overall, assortative matching magnifies wage differences caused by worker sorting and is a key factor in explaining the growth of wage disparities between communities over the last three decades. If high-quality workers and firms are complements in production, moreover, increased assortative matching will increase aggregate earnings. We estimate that the increase in within-city assortative matching observed between 1985 and 2014 increased aggregate labor earnings in Germany by 2.1%, or 31.32 billion euros. We conclude that assortative matching increases earnings inequality across communities, but it also generates important efficiency gains for the German economy as a whole.
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In most countries, average wages tend to be higher in larger cities. In this paper, we focus on the role played by the matching of workers to firms in explaining geographical wage differences. Using rich administrative German data for 1985-2014, we show that wages in large cities are higher not only because large cities attract more high-quality workers, but also because high-quality workers are significantly more likely to be matched to high-quality plants. In particular, we find that assortative matching--measured by the correlation of worker fixed effects and plant fixed effects--is significantly stronger in large cities. The elasticity of assortative matching with respect to population has increased by around 75% in the last 30 years. We estimate that in a hypothetical scenario in which we keep the quality and location of German workers and plants unchanged, and equalize within-city assortative matching geographical wage inequality in Germany would decrease significantly. Overall, assortative matching magnifies wage differences caused by worker sorting and is a key factor in explaining the growth of wage disparities between communities over the last three decades. If high-quality workers and firms are complements in production, moreover, increased assortative matching will increase aggregate earnings. We estimate that the increase in within-city assortative matching observed between 1985 and 2014 increased aggregate labor earnings in Germany by 2.1%, or 31.32 billion euros. We conclude that assortative matching increases earnings inequality across communities, but it also generates important efficiency gains for the German economy as a whole.
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