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Given the popularity of drones and the fact that they are easy and cheap to buy, it is generally expected that the ubiquity of drones will significantly increase within the next few years. This raises questions as to what is technologically feasible (now and in the future), what is acceptable from an ethical point of view and what is allowed from a legal point of view. Drone technology is to some extent already available and to some extent still in development. The aim and scope of this book is to map the opportunities and threats associated with the use of drones and to discuss the ethical and legal issues of the use of drones.This book provides an overview of current drone technologies and applications and of what to expect in the next few years. The question of how to regulate the use of drones in the future is addressed, by considering conditions and contents of future drone legislation and by analyzing issues surrounding privacy and safeguards that can be taken. As such, this book is valuable to scholars in several disciplines, such as law, ethics, sociology, politics and public administration, as well as to practitioners and others who may be confronted with the use of drones in their work, such as professionals working in the military, law enforcement, disaster management and infrastructure management. Individuals and businesses with a specific interest in drone use may also find in the nineteen contributions contained in this volume unexpected perspectives on this new field of research and innovation.Bart Custers is Associate Professor and Head of Research at eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, The Netherlands. He has presented his work at international conferences in the United States, China, Japan, the Middle East and throughout Europe and has published over 80 scientific, professional and popularizing publications, including three books.
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Given the popularity of drones and the fact that they are easy and cheap to buy, it is generally expected that the ubiquity of drones will significantly increase within the next few years. This raises questions as to what is technologically feasible (now and in the future), what is acceptable from an ethical point of view and what is allowed from a legal point of view. Drone technology is to some extent already available and to some extent still in development. The aim and scope of this book is to map the opportunities and threats associated with the use of drones and to discuss the ethical and legal issues of the use of drones. This book provides an overview of current drone technologies and applications and of what to expect in the next few years. The question of how to regulate the use of drones in the future is addressed, by considering conditions and contents of future drone legislation and by analyzing issues surrounding privacy and safeguards that can be taken. As such, this book is valuable to scholars in several disciplines, such as law, ethics, sociology, politics and public administration, as well as to practitioners and others who may be confronted with the use of drones in their work, such as professionals working in the military, law enforcement, disaster management and infrastructure management. Individuals and businesses with a specific interest in drone use may also find in the nineteen contributions contained in this volume unexpected perspectives on this new field of research and innovation. Bart Custers is Associate Professor and Head of Research at eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, The Netherlands. He has presented his work at international conferences in the United States, China, Japan, the Middle East and throughout Europe and has published over 80 scientific, professional and popularizing publications, including three books.
Law of armed conflicts. Humanitarian law --- International law --- Human rights --- Transport law --- Law --- mensenrechten --- drones --- recht --- internationaal recht --- zeerecht --- Law of the sea. --- International law. --- International humanitarian law. --- Human rights. --- Law of the Sea, Air and Outer Space. --- International Humanitarian Law, Law of Armed Conflict. --- Human Rights. --- Humanitarian law.
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Vast amounts of data are nowadays collected, stored and processed, in an effort to assist in making a variety of administrative and governmental decisions. These innovative steps considerably improve the speed, effectiveness and quality of decisions. Analyses are increasingly performed by data mining and profiling technologies that statistically and automatically determine patterns and trends. However, when such practices lead to unwanted or unjustified selections, they may result in unacceptable forms of discrimination. Processing vast amounts of data may lead to situations in which data controllers know many of the characteristics, behaviors and whereabouts of people. In some cases, analysts might know more about individuals than these individuals know about themselves. Judging people by their digital identities sheds a different light on our views of privacy and data protection. This book discusses discrimination and privacy issues related to data mining and profiling practices. It provides technological and regulatory solutions, to problems which arise in these innovative contexts. The book explains that common measures for mitigating privacy and discrimination, such as access controls and anonymity, fail to properly resolve privacy and discrimination concerns. Therefore, new solutions, focusing on technology design, transparency and accountability are called for and set forth. .
Data mining. --- Data protection. --- Web usage mining. --- Data mining --- Data protection --- Privacy, Right of --- Database management --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Computer Science --- Law and legislation --- Database management. --- Privacy, Right of. --- Law and legislation. --- Invasion of privacy --- Right of privacy --- Data base management --- Data services (Database management) --- Database management services --- DBMS (Computer science) --- Generalized data management systems --- Services, Database management --- Systems, Database management --- Systems, Generalized database management --- Habeas data --- Algorithmic knowledge discovery --- Factual data analysis --- KDD (Information retrieval) --- Knowledge discovery in data --- Knowledge discovery in databases --- Mining, Data --- Engineering. --- Ethics. --- Criminal law. --- Computational intelligence. --- Computational Intelligence. --- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. --- Database Management. --- Criminal Law. --- Electronic data processing --- Database searching --- Intelligence, Computational --- Artificial intelligence --- Soft computing --- Crime --- Crimes and misdemeanors --- Criminals --- Law, Criminal --- Penal codes --- Penal law --- Pleas of the crown --- Public law --- Criminal justice, Administration of --- Criminal procedure --- Deontology --- Ethics, Primitive --- Ethology --- Moral philosophy --- Morality --- Morals --- Philosophy, Moral --- Science, Moral --- Philosophy --- Values --- Construction --- Industrial arts --- Technology --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Civil rights --- Libel and slander --- Personality (Law) --- Press law --- Computer crimes --- Confidential communications --- Right to be forgotten --- Secrecy --- Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law.
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This book provides an in-depth overview of what is currently happening in the field of Law and Artificial Intelligence (AI). From deep fakes and disinformation to killer robots, surgical robots, and AI lawmaking, the many and varied contributors to this volume discuss how AI could and should be regulated in the areas of public law, including constitutional law, human rights law, criminal law, and tax law, as well as areas of private law, including liability law, competition law, and consumer law.Aimed at an audience without a background in technology, this book covers how AI changes these areas of law as well as legal practice itself. This scholarship should prove of value to academics in several disciplines (e.g., law, ethics, sociology, politics, and public administration) and those who may find themselves confronted with AI in the course of their work, particularly people working within the legal domain (e.g., lawyers, judges, law enforcement officers, public prosecutors, lawmakers, and policy advisors).
Artificial intelligence --- artificial intelligence. --- legislation. --- legal science. --- Law and legislation. --- pravna znanost --- shkencë juridike --- tiesību zinātne --- jogtudomány --- právní věda --- Rechtswissenschaft --- teisės mokslas --- drept --- eolaíocht dhlíthiúil --- xjenza tad-dritt --- juridische wetenschap --- právna veda --- oikeustiede --- science juridique --- scienze giuridiche --- rättsvetenskap --- õigusteadus --- правна наука --- retsvidenskab --- νομική επιστήμη --- nauka prawa --- ciencia jurídica --- ciência jurídica --- δίκαιο --- jog --- jura --- diritto --- ligj --- právo --- juridik --- pravo --- наука за правото --- věda o právu --- law --- право --- tieslietas --- droit --- Recht --- Derecho --- jurisprudence --- теорија на право --- recht --- ret --- legislação --- Gesetzgebung --- legislación --- legjislacion --- seadusandlus --- législation --- teisėkūra --- legislazione --- νομοθεσία --- законодавство --- lainsäädäntö --- lovgivning --- leġiżlazzjoni --- законодателство --- törvényalkotás --- ustawodawstwo --- lagstiftning --- zakonodavstvo --- legislație --- legislativa --- legislatíva --- wetgeving --- zakonodaja --- likumdošana --- reachtaíocht --- koncepcija --- právní normy --- aspetto giuridico --- законска одредба --- rättslig aspekt --- zakonodavni akt --- disposição legislativa --- dimensión jurídica --- legislative provision --- правна норма --- νομοθετική πράξη --- právní předpisy --- juridische aspecten --- lovbestemmelse --- programa --- teisės nuostata --- disposition législative --- dispozitë legjislative --- juridisk aspekt --- õiguslik aspekt --- likumi --- disposizione legislativa --- disposizione di legge --- legislatívny akt --- õigustloov akt --- atto legislativo --- legislatívne ustanovenie --- õigusakt --- aspeto jurídico --- rättsregler --- tiesību normas --- zakonska odredba --- правни прашања --- disposición legislativa --- legislative act --- seadusandlik akt --- νομική πλευρά --- wetgevende handeling --- juridisk dimension --- Gesetzesbestimmung --- Gesetzesvorschrift --- vertiente jurídica --- törvény rendelkezése --- teisės aktų leidimas --- säädös --- punto de vista jurídico --- teisinis aspektas --- zákonodárství --- lagbestämmelse --- tiesību aspekts --- jogalkotási aktus --- νομοθετική διάταξη --- rechtlicher Aspekt --- Gesetzgebungsakt --- teisės aktas --- törvényi rendelkezés --- akt legjislativ --- jogszabály --- säännös --- легислатива --- act legislativ --- wettelijke bepaling --- oikeudellinen näkökohta --- likumdošanas akti --- gesetzliche Vorschrift --- prevederi legislative --- правен акт --- ato legislativo --- jogszabályi rendelkezés --- lagstiftningshandling --- törvényhozás --- acte législatif --- tiesību akti --- gesetzliche Bestimmung --- inteligência artificial --- kunstmatige intelligentie --- mesterséges intelligencia --- inteligencia artificial --- tekoäly --- sztuczna inteligencja --- вештачка интелигенција --- umetna inteligenca --- mākslīgais intelekts --- umělá inteligence --- künstliche Intelligenz --- inteligență artificială --- tehisintellekt --- изкуствен интелект --- artificiell intelligens --- intelligence artificielle --- intleacht shaorga --- intelligenza artificiale --- intelliġenza artifiċjali --- umelá inteligencia --- dirbtinis intelektas --- τεχνητή νοημοσύνη --- umjetna inteligencija --- inteligjencë artificiale --- kunstig intelligens --- calcolatore di quinta generazione --- συστήματα λήψης αποφάσεων --- sistema inteligente --- ayuda a la decisión --- sistem expert --- ajuda à decisão --- ekspertinė sistema --- expert system --- szakértői rendszer --- συστήματα εμπειρογνώμονες --- expertsystem --- strumento di aiuto alla decisione --- wissensbasierendes System --- IA --- Expertensystem --- KI --- konstgjord intelligens --- expertný systém --- sistem ekspert --- asiantuntijajärjestelmä --- sistema experto --- systeemexpert --- ekspertsistēma --- ekspertsüsteem --- système expert --- sistema esperto --- Entscheidungshilfe --- aide à la décision --- sistema di supporto alle decisioni --- τεχνητή ευφυΐα --- expertní systém --- Information technology --- Mass media --- Artificial intelligence. --- Law --- Public administration. --- Human rights. --- Private international law. --- Conflict of laws. --- International law. --- Comparative law. --- IT Law, Media Law, Intellectual Property. --- Artificial Intelligence. --- European Law. --- Public Administration. --- Human Rights. --- Private International Law, International and Foreign Law, Comparative Law. --- Europe. --- Comparative jurisprudence --- Comparative legislation --- Jurisprudence, Comparative --- Law, Comparative --- Legislation, Comparative --- Law of nations --- Nations, Law of --- Public international law --- Choice of law --- Conflict of laws --- Intermunicipal law --- International law, Private --- International private law --- Private international law --- Legal polycentricity --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Human rights --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Administration, Public --- Delivery of government services --- Government services, Delivery of --- Public management --- Public sector management --- Political science --- Administrative law --- Decentralization in government --- Local government --- Public officers --- AI (Artificial intelligence) --- Artificial thinking --- Electronic brains --- Intellectronics --- Intelligence, Artificial --- Intelligent machines --- Machine intelligence --- Thinking, Artificial --- Bionics --- Cognitive science --- Digital computer simulation --- Electronic data processing --- Logic machines --- Machine theory --- Self-organizing systems --- Simulation methods --- Fifth generation computers --- Neural computers --- Technology and law --- Civil law --- Law and legislation --- ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE--LAW AND LEGISLATION --- ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
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In this book, the protection of personal data is compared for eight EU member states, namely France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Romania, Italy, Sweden and the Netherlands. The comparison of the countries is focused on government policies for the protection of personal data, the applicable laws and regulations, implementation of those laws and regulations, and supervision and enforcement. 0Although the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) harmonizes the protection of personal data across the EU as of May 2018, its open norms in combination with cultural differences between countries result in differences in the practical implementation, interpretation and enforcement of personal data protection.
Information retrieval --- European law --- International private law --- Human rights --- Industrial and intellectual property --- Law --- Mass communications --- Computer architecture. Operating systems --- Information systems --- mensenrechten --- informatica --- massamedia --- wetgeving --- intellectueel eigendomsrecht --- informatiesystemen --- Europees recht --- internationaal privaatrecht --- computerbeveiliging --- Europe --- Data protection --- Mass media. --- Law. --- Law—Europe. --- Human rights. --- Private international law. --- Conflict of laws. --- Computer security. --- Information storage and retrieval. --- IT Law, Media Law, Intellectual Property. --- European Law. --- Human Rights. --- Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law . --- Systems and Data Security. --- Information Storage and Retrieval.
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Vast amounts of data are nowadays collected, stored and processed, in an effort to assist in making a variety of administrative and governmental decisions. These innovative steps considerably improve the speed, effectiveness and quality of decisions. Analyses are increasingly performed by data mining and profiling technologies that statistically and automatically determine patterns and trends. However, when such practices lead to unwanted or unjustified selections, they may result in unacceptable forms of discrimination. Processing vast amounts of data may lead to situations in which data controllers know many of the characteristics, behaviors and whereabouts of people. In some cases, analysts might know more about individuals than these individuals know about themselves. Judging people by their digital identities sheds a different light on our views of privacy and data protection. This book discusses discrimination and privacy issues related to data mining and profiling practices. It provides technological and regulatory solutions, to problems which arise in these innovative contexts. The book explains that common measures for mitigating privacy and discrimination, such as access controls and anonymity, fail to properly resolve privacy and discrimination concerns. Therefore, new solutions, focusing on technology design, transparency and accountability are called for and set forth. .
General ethics --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Applied physical engineering --- Information systems --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- neuronale netwerken --- fuzzy logic --- cybernetica --- data mining --- strafrecht --- ethiek --- database management --- KI (kunstmatige intelligentie) --- ingenieurswetenschappen --- data acquisition --- AI (artificiële intelligentie)
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This book provides an in-depth overview of what is currently happening in the field of Law and Artificial Intelligence (AI). From deep fakes and disinformation to killer robots, surgical robots, and AI lawmaking, the many and varied contributors to this volume discuss how AI could and should be regulated in the areas of public law, including constitutional law, human rights law, criminal law, and tax law, as well as areas of private law, including liability law, competition law, and consumer law. Aimed at an audience without a background in technology, this book covers how AI changes these areas of law as well as legal practice itself. This scholarship should prove of value to academics in several disciplines (e.g., law, ethics, sociology, politics, and public administration) and those who may find themselves confronted with AI in the course of their work, particularly people working within the legal domain (e.g., lawyers, judges, law enforcement officers, public prosecutors, lawmakers, and policy advisors). Bart Custers is Professor of Law and Data Science at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Eduard Fosch-Villaronga is Assistant Professor at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University in the Netherlands.
Comparative law --- European law --- International private law --- International law --- Human rights --- Industrial and intellectual property --- Public administration --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- mensenrechten --- rechtsvergelijking --- intellectueel eigendomsrecht --- Europees recht --- internationaal recht --- internationaal privaatrecht --- administratie --- KI (kunstmatige intelligentie) --- Europe --- AI (artificiële intelligentie)
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In this book, the protection of personal data is compared for eight EU member states, namely France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Romania, Italy, Sweden and the Netherlands. The comparison of the countries is focused on government policies for the protection of personal data, the applicable laws and regulations, implementation of those laws and regulations, and supervision and enforcement. Although the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) harmonizes the protection of personal data across the EU as of May 2018, its open norms in combination with cultural differences between countries result in differences in the practical implementation, interpretation and enforcement of personal data protection. With its focus on data protection law in practice, this book provides indepth insights into how different countries deal with data protection issues. The knowledge and best practices from these countries provide highly relevant material for legal professionals, data protection officers, policymakers, data protection authorities and academics across Europe. Bart Custers is Associate Professor and Director of Research at the Center for Law and Digital Technologies of the Leiden Law School at Leiden University, the Netherlands. Alan M. Sears, Francien Dechesne, Ilina Georgieva and Tommaso Tani are all affiliated to that same organization, of which Professor Simone van der Hof is the General Director.
Information retrieval --- European law --- International private law --- Human rights --- Industrial and intellectual property --- Law --- Mass communications --- Computer architecture. Operating systems --- Information systems --- mensenrechten --- informatica --- massamedia --- wetgeving --- intellectueel eigendomsrecht --- informatiesystemen --- Europees recht --- internationaal privaatrecht --- computerbeveiliging --- Europe
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