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Regulating (from) the inside : the legal framework for internal control in banks and financial institutions
ISBN: 9781849465250 1849465258 Year: 2015 Publisher: Oxford : Hart Publishing,

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Regulating the crypto economy : business transformations and financialisation
ISBN: 1509935762 1509935770 9781509935741 9781509935765 9781509954490 Year: 2021 Publisher: Oxford ; New York : Hart,

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"This book focuses on the crypto economy as an alternative economic space and discusses how it should be governed. Decentralised Finance and other financial innovations in the crypto economy are also discussed, and the book proposes a blueprint for regulation in this dynamic landscape in order to meet a balance of public and private interest objectives. This forward-looking work argues for the extension of 'regulatory capitalism' to this perceived 'wild west' of an alternative economic space, and advances the message that a disruptive regulatory agenda is needed to account for the developments brought about by the crypto economy"--


Cryptocurrencies --- Law and legislation. --- History. --- Crypto coins --- Cryptocoins --- Digital currency --- Commercial law --- virtual currency. --- legislation. --- economy. --- monetary policy. --- regulation. --- forskrift --- udstedelse af forordninger --- пропис --- rechtsetzende Bestimmung --- reglamento nuostata --- saistoši noteikumi --- reglement --- myndighetsföreskrift --- bestämmelse --- regolamentazione --- määruse säte --- κανονιστική πράξη --- önkormányzati rendelet --- asetuksen säännös --- kungörelse --- regulačné ustanovenie --- regula --- nolikums --- možnost nařízení --- föreskrift --- udstedelse af bestemmelser --- rendeleti rendelkezés --- verordeningsbesluit --- disposition réglementaire --- taisyklės --- voorschrift --- acto de regulación administrativa --- bestemmelser --- disposição regulamentar --- normativa --- atto regolamentare --- kormányrendelet --- dispoziție regulamentară --- disposizione regolamentare --- регулаторен акт --- dispozitë rregullatore --- rendeletalkotás --- κανονιστική διάταξη --- acte réglementaire --- tvarka --- regulatory provision --- udstedelse af forskrifter --- ρύθμιση --- miniszteri rendelet --- rendelet --- regulamento --- noteikumi --- reglamento administrativo --- reglamentas --- nařízení --- rregullore --- forordning --- regolamento --- règlement --- förordning --- Verordnung --- asetus tai hallinnollinen määräys --- akt prawny --- regulament --- регламент --- propis --- rialachán --- nariadenie --- уредба --- regolament --- määrus --- κανονισμός --- verordening --- регулатива --- uredba --- currency reform --- monetární politika --- monetaire stabiliteit --- menová situácia --- νομισματική μεταρρύθμιση --- pinigų reforma --- situazione monetaria --- naudas politika --- monetáris helyzet --- měnová situace --- menová reforma --- currency situation --- situação monetária --- situación monetaria --- money policy --- valuuttatilanne --- situatë valutore --- валутна политика --- reformă monetară --- penningreform --- νομισματική κατάσταση --- Währungspolitik --- Währungslage --- riforma monetaria --- monetáris reform --- monetarinė politika --- peňažná politika --- reformë valutore --- reforma monetária --- valuutareform --- valuutasituatsioon --- situație monetară --- novčarska politika --- pénzpolitika --- situation monétaire --- pénzreform --- rahareform --- réforme monétaire --- novčana politika --- valūtas reforma --- Geld- und Kreditpolitik --- reforma monetaria --- stabilità monetaria --- монетарна реформа --- Währungsreform --- monetaire situatie --- politika e parasë --- monetaarpoliitika --- monetaire hervorming --- piniginė padėtis --- valuuttauudistus --- měnová reforma --- monetär situation --- política monetaria --- politique monétaire --- νομισματική πολιτική --- politică monetară --- měnová politika --- menová politika --- rahapolitiikka --- pinigų politika --- beartas airgeadaíochta --- Geldpolitik --- política monetária --- monetārā politika --- monetair beleid --- rahapoliitika --- penningpolitik --- monetarna politika --- монетарна политика --- polityka walutowa --- monetær politik --- politica monetaria --- politika monetarja --- monetáris politika --- politikë monetare --- ekonomikos mokslas --- gospodarstvo --- gazdálkodás --- ekonomika --- стопанство --- hospodářství --- économie --- икономика --- talous --- gospodarka --- geilleagar --- economia --- majandus --- hospodárstvo --- economie --- Wirtschaft --- gazdaság --- økonomi --- οικονομία --- привреда --- економија --- ekonomija --- ekonomi --- economía --- koncepcija --- právní normy --- aspetto giuridico --- законска одредба --- rättslig aspekt --- zakonodavni akt --- disposição legislativa --- dimensión jurídica --- legislative provision --- правна норма --- νομοθετική πράξη --- právní předpisy --- juridische aspecten --- lovbestemmelse --- programa --- teisės nuostata --- disposition législative --- dispozitë legjislative --- juridisk aspekt --- õiguslik aspekt --- likumi --- disposizione legislativa --- disposizione di legge --- legislatívny akt --- õigustloov akt --- atto legislativo --- legislatívne ustanovenie --- õigusakt --- aspeto jurídico --- rättsregler --- tiesību normas --- zakonska odredba --- правни прашања --- disposición legislativa --- legislative act --- seadusandlik akt --- νομική πλευρά --- wetgevende handeling --- juridisk dimension --- Gesetzesbestimmung --- Gesetzesvorschrift --- vertiente jurídica --- törvény rendelkezése --- teisės aktų leidimas --- säädös --- punto de vista jurídico --- teisinis aspektas --- zákonodárství --- lagbestämmelse --- tiesību aspekts --- jogalkotási aktus --- νομοθετική διάταξη --- rechtlicher Aspekt --- Gesetzgebungsakt --- teisės aktas --- törvényi rendelkezés --- akt legjislativ --- jogszabály --- säännös --- легислатива --- act legislativ --- wettelijke bepaling --- oikeudellinen näkökohta --- likumdošanas akti --- gesetzliche Vorschrift --- prevederi legislative --- правен акт --- ato legislativo --- jogszabályi rendelkezés --- lagstiftningshandling --- törvényhozás --- acte législatif --- tiesību akti --- gesetzliche Bestimmung --- legislação --- Gesetzgebung --- legislación --- legjislacion --- seadusandlus --- législation --- teisėkūra --- legislazione --- νομοθεσία --- законодавство --- lainsäädäntö --- lovgivning --- leġiżlazzjoni --- законодателство --- törvényalkotás --- ustawodawstwo --- lagstiftning --- zakonodavstvo --- legislație --- legislativa --- legislatíva --- wetgeving --- zakonodaja --- likumdošana --- reachtaíocht --- cibermoeda --- kybernetická měna --- virtuaaliraha --- MV --- munita ċibernetika --- kriptovaliuta --- cybervaluta --- kryptomena --- cyber-monnaie --- digitale munteenheid --- moeda digital --- digitális fizetőeszköz --- cryptomunt --- criptomonedă --- criptovaluta --- kryptoraha --- système de monnaie virtuelle --- kryptoměna --- bitmonēta --- criptomoeda --- cryptovaluta --- criptomoneda --- internetes fizetőeszköz --- regime de moeda virtual --- criptea-airgeadra --- Bitcoin --- sistema de moneda virtual --- cyber currency --- system waluty wirtualnej --- VCS --- virtuelle Währungen --- kyberraha --- virtuele valuta --- kibervalūta --- cryptocurrency --- kryptovaluta --- ВВ --- crypto-monnaie --- Cyberwährung --- sustav virtualne valute --- σύστημα εικονικού νομίσματος --- systém virtuálnych mien --- munita kriptografika --- kybernetická mena --- waluta kryptograficzna --- dinero virtual --- systém virtuálních měn --- kriptovaluta --- sistem de monedă virtuală --- криптовалута --- cybermunt --- kriptonauda --- kriptovalūta --- virtuelles Währungssystem --- digitale munt --- monedă cibernetică --- moneda digital --- bitkoinas --- virtuaalivaluuttajärjestelmä --- virtuālās valūtas sistēma --- kybervaluutta --- RMV --- virtuali valiuta --- sistem virtualnih valut --- схема за виртуална валута --- waluta internetowa --- virtual currency scheme --- виртуална парична единица --- kibervaluta --- kryptowaluta --- cibervaluta --- кибервалута --- κυβερνονόμισμα --- sistema di valuta virtuale --- kryptovaluutta --- küberraha --- bitcoin --- bitmoneta --- virtuaalinen raha --- virtuális pénznem --- Kryptowährung --- digital valuta --- κρυπτονόμισμα --- virtualiosios valiutos sistema --- биткойн --- SMV --- skema ta’ muniti virtwali --- spletna valuta --- kriptopénz --- VC --- moeda eletrónica --- internetska valuta --- virtuális fizetőeszköz --- virtuele munteenheid --- virtuaalivaluutta --- виртуална валута --- virtuell valuta --- moeda virtual --- virtuālā valūta --- virtuální měna --- munita virtwali --- virtualioji valiuta --- virtuálna mena --- virtualna valuta --- monnaie virtuelle --- waluta wirtualna --- virtuaalvääring --- valuta virtuale --- moneda virtual --- εικονικό νόμισμα --- virtuelle Währung --- monedă virtuală --- виртуелна валута --- virtuel valuta --- airgeadra fíorúil --- Blockchains (Databases) --- Technological innovations --- Banking law --- Financial institutions --- Cryptomonnaie --- Bitcoin. --- Blockchains --- Innovations technologiques --- Banques --- Institutions financières --- Economic aspects --- Law and legislation --- Droit. --- Droit --- Aspect économique. --- ūkis --- Electronic commerce --- Capital markets & securities law & regulation,Commercial law,IT & Communications law,Comparative law --- electronic commerce. --- financial transaction. --- economic conditions. --- blockchain. --- plokiahel --- blockchain --- blokklánc --- blokų grandinė --- chaîne de blocs --- cadena de bloques --- блокова верига --- lanac blokova --- cadeia de blocos --- blockkedja --- blokovna veriga --- blocshlabhra --- łańcuch bloków --- lanț de blocuri --- blokķēde --- блокчејн --- Blockchain --- lohkoketju --- blokketen --- veriga podatkovnih blokov --- catena di blocchi --- блок-верига --- majandustingimused --- condición económica --- dálaí eacnamaíocha --- икономически условия --- condition économique --- ekonomiska förhållanden --- ekonomické podmínky --- kushte ekonomike --- ekonominės sąlygos --- taloudelliset olot --- економски услови --- Wirtschaftsverhältnisse --- økonomisk stilling --- економске прилике --- condições económicas --- economische toestand --- warunki gospodarcze --- ekonomske prilike --- hospodárske podmienky --- gospodarske razmere --- gazdasági feltételek --- condizione economica --- οικονομικές συνθήκες --- kundizzjonijiet ekonomiċi --- saimnieciskie nosacījumi --- condiții economice --- aspecto económico --- tržní vývoj --- aspekt ekonomik --- aspetto economico --- aspeto económico --- οικονομική πλευρά --- ekonomisk aspekt --- околности во стопанството --- aspect economic --- markedsudvikling --- taloudellinen näkökohta --- οικονομική όψη --- ekonomiskais aspekts --- hospodářské podmínky --- economic aspect --- ekonomické poměry --- aspect économique --- majanduslik aspekt --- Marktentwicklung --- gazdasági szempontok --- економско опкружување --- economische aspecten --- gospodarske prilike --- ekonominis aspektas --- hospodárske hľadisko --- hospodářské aspekty --- økonomisk aspekt --- економски аспект --- финансиска трансакција --- tranzacție financiară --- finansiel transaktion --- finansinis sandoris --- transação financeira --- финансова транзакция --- χρηματοοικονομικές συναλλαγές --- finančni posel --- finanšu darījums --- Kapitaltransaktion --- rahoitusliiketoimi --- financiële transactie --- transaction financière --- finantstehing --- transacción financiera --- idirbheart airgeadais --- tranżazzjoni finanzjarja --- transazione finanziaria --- financijska transakcija --- finančná transakcia --- финансијски посао --- finanční transakce --- transakcja finansowa --- finansiell transaktion --- pénzügyi tranzakció --- veprim financiar --- transacção financeira --- platna transakcija --- commerce électronique --- comerț electronic --- elektronsko poslovanje --- elektronikus kereskedelem --- elektronkaubandus --- comércio eletrónico --- sähköinen kaupankäynti --- Elektronischer Handel --- comercio electrónico --- ríomhthráchtáil --- elektroniskā tirdzniecība --- електронна търговия --- elektronische handel --- handel elektroniczny --- elektronisk handel --- elektronička trgovina --- tregti elektronike --- kummerċ elettroniku --- електронска трговија --- elektroninė prekyba --- електронска трговина --- commercio elettronico --- elektronický obchod --- ηλεκτρονικό εμπόριο --- comércio na Internet --- handel via internet --- tregti online --- kibernetinė prekyba --- commercio on line --- e-kaubandus --- iepirkšanās internetā --- internetové obchodování --- kaupankäynti Internetissä --- τηλεεμπόριο --- commercio su Internet --- internetska trgovina --- virtualna trgovina --- e-kauppa --- tregti nëpërmjet Internetit --- virtuel handel --- virtuální obchod --- cibercomércio --- e-kereskedelem --- Online-Geschäfte --- E-Commerce --- comércio virtual --- Electronic Commerce --- r-thráchtáil --- е-трговија --- virtuaalikauppa --- virtuaalkaubandus --- elektronické obchodování --- comércio electrónico --- küberkaubandus --- virtual commerce --- online trgovina --- internetes kereskedelem --- internetinė prekyba --- cyberhandel --- e-commercio --- Interneti-kaubandus --- virtualioji prekyba --- comercio virtual --- e-comerț --- virtuell handel --- commerce virtuel --- internetový obchod --- virtuális kereskedelem --- handel via Internet --- e-comercio --- online commerce --- e. prekyba --- on-linehandel --- online-kaupankäynti --- comércio em linha --- virtuele handel --- e-trgovina --- εμπόριο on-line --- on line obchodování --- on-line handel --- cibercomercio --- commercio virtuale --- e-obchodování --- comerț prin internet --- e-handel --- κυβερνοεμπόριο --- tregti virtuale --- cybercommercio --- cybercommerce --- tregti kibernetike --- e-commerce --- onlinehandel --- Internet commerce --- E-Business --- comercio en Internet --- virtuālā tirdzniecība --- tirdzniecība internetā --- commerce sur Internet --- prekyba elektroniniu ryšiu --- интернетска трговија --- comercio en línea --- kyberkauppa --- tirdzniecība tiešsaistē --- εμπόριο μέσω Internet --- elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr --- comerț on line --- commerce en ligne --- e-obchod --- Institutions financières --- Aspect économique.

The foundations and anatomy of shareholder activism.
ISBN: 9781841136585 Year: 2010 Publisher: Oxford Hart

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Foundations and anatomy of stakeholder activism
ISBN: 1847317456 1472560795 1849468567 128305955X 9786613059550 1847316042 Year: 2010 Publisher: Oxford Portland, Oregon Hart Publishing

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The Foundations and Anatomy of Shareholder Activism examines the landscape of contemporary shareholder activism in the UK. The book focuses on minority shareholder activism in publicly listed companies. It argues that contemporary shareholder activism in the UK is dominated by two groups; one, the institutional shareholders whose shareholder activism is largely seen as a driving force for good corporate governance, and two, the hedge funds whose shareholder activism is based on value extraction and exit. The book provides a detailed examination of both types of shareholder activism, and discusses critically the nature of, motivations for and consequences following both types of shareholder activism. The book then locates both types of shareholder activism in the theory of the company and the fabric of company law, and argues that institutional shareholder activism based on exercising a voice at general meetings is well supported in theory and law. The call for institutions to engage in more informal forms of activism in the name of 'stewardship' may bring about challenges to the current patterns of activism that institutions engage in. The book argues, however, that a more cautious view of hedge fund activism and the pattern of value extraction and exit should be taken. More empirical evidence is likely to be necessary, however, to weigh up the long terms benefits and costs of hedge fund activism

Regulating (from) the inside : the legal framework for internal control in banks and financial institutions
ISBN: 1782257691 1509901388 Year: 2015 Publisher: Oxford : Hart Publishing,

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"This book examines a key aspect of the post-financial crisis reform package in the EU and UK-the ratcheting up of internal control in banks and financial institutions. The legal framework for internal controls is an important part of prudential regulation, and internal control also constitutes a form of internal gatekeeping for financial firms so that compliance with laws and regulations can be secured. This book argues that the legal framework for internal control, which is a form of meta-regulation, is susceptible to weaknesses, and such weaknesses are critically examined by adopting an interdisciplinary approach. The book discusses whether post-crisis reforms adequately address the weaknesses in regulating internal control and proposes an alternative strategy to enhance the 'governance' effectiveness of internal control."--Bloomsbury Publishing.

Banking law and regulation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780198784722 0198784724 Year: 2019 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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Investment management, stewardship and sustainability : transformation and challenges in law and regulation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1509953787 1509953779 1509953760 Year: 2023 Publisher: Oxford : London : Hart Publishing, Bloomsbury Publishing,

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This book brings together thought leadership from academia and leading figures in asset management in key global jurisdictions, to pool together insights regarding the transformative visions and challenges for modern investment management, as well as best practices that realise the policy objectives in regulation and soft law. The world of investment management is being challenged by new legal, regulatory and soft law developments to demonstrate that their practices cohere with the long-term needs of the saving population as well as public interest needs in financing global sustainability and social development. The chapters in this book uniquely bring together the views of academia and practice on the key developments that can transform the law and practice of investment management, including the EU's new sustainable finance reform package, the UK Stewardship Code 2020, and developments in the US regarding the fit between fiduciary law for investment management and modern sustainability concerns. The book brings together the best of both worlds-critical thoughtful perspectives from academia and qualitative insight from the investment management industry. It will be of interest to researchers in law, investment management, business and management, practitioners in the investment management industry and their legal advisers, and policy-makers in the EU, UK and beyond who are grappling with the appropriate governance paradigms for bringing about more sustainable outcomes globally..

Routledge handbook of financial technology and law
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780429325670 0429325673 9780367344146 9781000364668 1000364666 9780367726553 9781000364644 100036464X Year: 2021 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] Routledge

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"Financial technology is rapidly changing and shaping financial services and markets in a seismic manner. These changes are considered to be a core element of the 4th Industrial Revolution. This handbook will analyse developments in the financial services, products and markets that are being reshaped by technologically-driven changes with a view to their policy, regulatory, supervisory and other legal implications. The book will illustrate the crucial role the law has to play in tackling the 4th Industrial Revolution in the financial sector by offering a framework of legally enforceable principles and values in which such innovations might take place without threatening the acquis of financial markets law and more generally the rule of law and basic human rights"--

The foundations and future of financial regulation : governance for responsibility
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780415672009 Year: 2014 Publisher: London Routledge

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