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Restraint and the Future of Warfare: The Changing Global Environment and Its Implications for the U.S. Air Force
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Santa Monica, Calif. RAND Corporation

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Military objectives often can be pursued using a number of different approaches: airpower versus ground forces, larger munitions versus smaller ones, more- or less-restrictive rules of engagement. Military effectiveness often favors the immediate application of overwhelming force, but militaries and their civilian overseers often opt for more-restrained approaches. Understanding how and why policymakers have chosen to impose these restraints in the past and how and why they are likely to do so in the future is critical to understanding how states will conduct future wars. This report identifies four key trends likely to shape the future exercise of restraint in warfare: the spread of lawfare (or use of law as a weapon of war), the widespread distribution of imagery of U.S. military operations, the increasing effectiveness of false accusations, and the increasing public concern for civilian casualties. These trends are assessed for how likely they are to affect both conflict between states and between states and nonstate actors, in addition to how the effects of these trends might differ for different types of states. Overall, these trends appear likely to further increase the incentives of decisionmakers in liberal democratic states to avoid civilian casualties in conflicts against weaker adversaries and to support investments in capabilities to make this possible. Other states that are more autocratic are not likely to be similarly constrained, and policymakers in democratic states will need to adapt to this asymmetry. Between highly capable state actors, conflict is less likely to occur but could involve very different incentives if operational considerations prompt a sharp reduction in the degree of restraint exercised beyond each state's legal obligations and the public shows a greater tolerance of heightened levels of military casualties and collateral damage to civilians. This report also provides specific recommendations for U.S. policymakers to begin to adapt to these anticipated trends.


Global Economic Trends and the Future of Warfare: The Changing Global Environment and Its Implications for the U.S. Air Force
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Santa Monica, Calif. RAND Corporation

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Economic developments, trends, and disputes rarely are the sole cause of wars, but economic conditions can contribute to the risk of war and affect how wars are fought. Medium-term economic trends as of 2018 are raising the risk of war and lowering U.S. ability to win wars decisively, although only modestly. The global trading system is undergoing a period of turbulence, a major competitor—China—is expanding its economic and security reach, and the search for new resources presents a continued uncertainty. At the same time, U.S. and allied economic heft is declining relatively in the world, and with that, U.S. and allied defense industrial bases have consolidated, reducing industry resilience and the ability to replenish arms in times of stress. Furthermore, less economic heft in the world could lessen U.S. ability to attain leverage via sanctions. Despite these trends, the risk that economic conditions or events will spark war by 2030 is small. Nonetheless they add to a background of greater uncertainty of which defense planners need to take account.


Trends in the draw of Americans to foreign terrorist organizations from 9/11 to today
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1977401406 9781977401403 9781977401335 1977401333 Year: 2018 Publisher: Santa Monica, California : RAND Coporation,

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This report seeks to better understand why the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has been more successful than its predecessor organization, al Qaeda, in recruiting individuals within the United States. The authors consider whether the demographic profile of individuals drawn to foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) has changed over time or whether new groups are more successful appealing to the same segment of the population. They take an expansive approach, analyzing all known cases of U.S. citizens or persons within the United States connected to a FTO with Islamist orientation since September 11, 2001, and use consistent criteria for inclusion and exclusion to identify individuals meeting this definition, and coding multiple demographic variables. They then conduct a quantitative analysis of the entire population, as well as the population broken down by group and by role (i.e., foreign fighters, homegrown violent extremists, etc.). Their findings reveal that the number of U.S. recruits drawn to al Qaeda and its affiliate groups has declined precipitously, commensurate with the ascent of ISIL, and that the average terrorist recruited by ISIL is not only younger and less educated but more likely to be African American/black or Caucasian/white and a U.S.-born citizen. Historically, terrorist recruits were more likely immigrants of Middle Eastern descent. These findings are relevant to U.S. defense, intelligence, and law enforcement officials, as well as to civilian academic and policymaking audiences, who may be unaware of this altered demographic profile, a perception that could bias counterterrorism policy and efforts.


Terrorists --- Criminals --- Recruiting --- IS (Organization) --- Qaida (Organization) --- ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) --- ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) --- Daech --- Daeş --- Daesh --- Daʻiş --- Dāʻish --- Daisy --- Dâʼisy al-ʻIrāq wa-asy-Syâm --- Daulah Islamiyah Iraq dan Syam --- Dawlah al-Islāmīyah --- Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fi al-'Irāq wa-al-Shām --- ES --- Estado Islâmico --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque e da Síria --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque e Síria --- IGIL --- IŞİD --- Islamic State --- Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham --- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria --- Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant --- Islamskoe gosudarstvo Iraka i Levanta --- ИГИЛ --- Исламское государство Ирака и Леванта --- داعش --- دولة الإسلامية --- دولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام‎ --- Qāʻidah (Organization) --- Quaida (Organization) --- Al-Qaida (Organization) --- Qaeda (Organization) --- International Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders --- Islamic Salvation Foundation --- Group for the Preservation of the Holy Sites --- Islamic Army for the Preservation of Holy Sites --- Islamic Army for the Preservation of the Holy Places --- Al Qaeda (Organization) --- Al Queda (Organization) --- Alʹ-Kaida (Organization) --- Kaida (Organization) --- R̄ekxirawî Elqaʻîde --- Elqaʻîde (Organization) --- تنظيم القاعدة --- قاعدة (منظمة) --- Al-Qaedah (Organization) --- דאעש --- État islamique

Doing business with the euro : risks and opportunities
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2005 Publisher: Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation,

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On May 18, 2005, the RAND Corporation and the Delegation of the European Commission to the United States held a conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on "Doing Business with the Euro." The purpose of the event was to promote discussion between senior policymakers and corporate executives on the young currency's expanding role in the global economy. The conference focused on the strategic and operational ways in which several leading U.S. corporations have successfully adjusted their accounting, financial management, and European operations to adapt to the post-euro economy, and to counsel corporations and financial institutions in the Pittsburgh region and beyond on ways to boost exports and profits by taking advantage of the emergence of the euro.

Counterterrorism and counterinsurgency in Somalia : assessing the campaign against Al Shabaab
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9780833094810 9780833094865 0833094866 0833094815 Year: 2016 Publisher: Santa Monica, [California] : RAND Corporation,

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"This report analyzes the U.S. and allied campaign against the al Qa'ida-linked terrorist group al Shabaab in Somalia, examines what steps have been most successful against the group, and identifies potential recommendations. It concludes that, while al Shabaab was weakened between 2011 and 2016, the group could resurge if urgent steps are not taken to address the political, economic, and governance challenges at the heart of the conflict. This study finds that a tailored engagement strategy which involved deploying a small number of U.S. special operations forces to conduct targeted strikes, provide intelligence, and build the capacity of local partner forces to conduct ground operations--was key in degrading al Shabaab. Still, progress in Somalia is reversible in the absence of continued and consistent pressure and political, economic, and social reforms. Today's terrorism and insurgency landscape defies easy solutions, with challenges from the Islamic State, al Qa'ida, and other groups across the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Africa. While there has been a significant focus on how and why the U.S. and other Western governments have failed to degrade terrorists and insurgents in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, and other countries, there has been far less attention on successful efforts to degrade groups. In Somalia, there has been limited progress. The challenge will be preventing a reversal"--Publisher's description.

Iran's military interventions : patterns, drivers, and signposts
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2021 Publisher: Santa Monica, Calif. RAND Corporation

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In recent years, Iran has risen as one of the most significant regional challenges faced by the United States, with Tehran's nuclear and ballistic missile programs, support for terrorist groups and militias, cyber activities and influence operations, and military interventions in the region. In this report, the authors assess when, where, why, and how Iran conducts military interventions and identify key signposts of Iranian military interventions that can be used as early warning indicators for U.S. military planners and that can guide decisions about the use of forces in the Middle East region. They identify the factors that are most likely to shape Iran's military intervention decisions and analyze those factors as they relate to two detailed case studies: (1) Iran's involvement in the ongoing Syrian civil war and (2) Iran's post-2014 intervention in Iraq to counter the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The future of great-power competition and how it plays out in the Middle East, coupled with the regional landscape, are important factors that will shape how Iran sees its military activities. Although a move away from a period of greater U.S. power in the region would seem to provide fewer threats and more opportunities for Iran, the relations among Beijing, Moscow, and Washington and how they affect Iranian perceptions of the regional balance of power bear careful monitoring.

Seizing the Golden Hour : Tasks, Organization, and Capabilities Required for the Earliest Phase of Stability Operations
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2020 Publisher: Santa Monica, Calif. RAND Corporation

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This report analyzes the golden hour—the early phase of a postconflict stability operation—and the actions, organization, and capabilities necessary to seize it and set the conflict-affected country on a path to self-sustaining peace. The report combines a review of the literature in this field and a brief examination of key cases of U.S.-led stability operations. The authors find evidence that the early phases of postconflict operations are, in fact, critical for improving the odds of success and reducing the eventual costs of achieving an acceptable outcome. Both diplomatic and military actions to provide security in the postconflict country, as well as efforts to broker a broad-based coalition in support of the new political order, are essential. The United States must work to improve civil-military coordination in these early phases. There are also several relatively small investments the United States could make now, in a period of relative peace, to prepare for future contingencies so that it will be prepared to seize golden hours when they arise.

The drivers of institutional trust and distrust : exploring components of trustworthiness
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2020 Publisher: Santa Monica, Calif. RAND Corporation

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Trust in many institutions, such as government and media, has declined in the past two decades. Although such trends are well documented, they are not well understood. The study described in this report presents a new framework for assessing institutional trust and understanding the individual characteristics and institutional attributes that affect trust. Analysis is based on a survey of 1,008 respondents conducted through the RAND Corporation's American Life Panel in April 2018. The study makes several key contributions to the field of institutional trust research. First, researchers used a scale that distinguishes between trust and distrust, thus allowing a different understanding of trust. Second, the analysis is a first step toward understanding why people trust institutions. The framework allows exploration of components of trustworthiness—i.e., the institutional attributes that people say they consider important to levels of trust (e.g., integrity, competence). The researchers also analyzed relationships between components of trustworthiness and the individual characteristics of those expressing the level of trust. Third, the survey featured questions about multiple institutions, allowing researchers to make comparisons across institutions. The research provides insights into individual characteristics and institutional attributes associated with institutional trust. This study is a "first cut" at a complicated concept and at exploring what is needed to rebuild institutional trust.

Conflict Projections in U.S. Central Command: Incorporating Climate Change
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2023 Publisher: RAND Corporation

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This report addresses how climate change could affect the frequency of conflict in the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility (AOR). The report begins with an examination of how the current literature characterizes the relationship between climate change and the incidence of conflict. The report then presents conflict projections out to 2070 for the AOR at the provincial level. The projections are made on the basis of a machine learning framework that uses historical data to train and validate a forecasting model. The projections incorporate anticipated changes in temperature and levels of precipitation, although these climate factors are used to complement other known drivers of conflict, such as an area's political and economic development. This is followed by an analysis of why the strength of the relationship between climate change and future conflict could be underestimated by the consensus in the field and the modeling in this report. The report ends with a modeling excursion that shows how drought could increase conflict risk by affecting economic growth. The purpose of this research is to support CENTCOM leadership and planners and their interagency partners to prepare for a future security environment that is affected by climate change. Understanding the frequency of future conflict in the AOR, as well as the marginal increase that is owed to climate change as a threat multiplier, will enable the U.S. government to better prepare for this future. This report is the third in a series focused on climate change and the security environment.


Pathways from Climate Change to Conflict in U.S. Central Command
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2023 Publisher: RAND Corporation

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An analysis of how climate change could lead to conflict is presented in this report. Although climate-related conflict can occur anywhere in the world, the focus of this report is on how this process has occurred and continues to evolve in the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility (AOR). Much of the CENTCOM AOR is already coping with environmental stress caused by climate change and environmental management practices. Many of the factors associated with conflict (such as weak institutions and hybrid regimes) are present in the AOR, leaving the region vulnerable to the phenomenon of climate-related conflict. The authors begin by presenting an examination of what the academic literature identifies as causal pathways that lead from climate hazards to different types of conflict: intrastate conflict (also known as civil conflict) and interstate conflict. After identifying the causal pathways, the authors analyze three cases of climate-related conflict in the CENTCOM AOR. The purpose of this research is to support CENTCOM leadership, planners, and intelligence officers to prepare for a future security environment that is affected by climate change. Understanding the causal pathways from climate change to conflict should enable CENTCOM to anticipate how changes in the physical environment may reverberate in the security environment and when an area may be on a path to conflict or full-blown war that could lead to CENTCOM intervention. The report is the second in a series focused on climate change and the security environment.


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