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Beschleunigung und Entfremdung : Entwurf einer Kritischen Theorie spätmoderner Zeitlichkeit
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ISBN: 9783518585962 3518585967 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin: Suhrkamp,

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Die rasante Beschleunigung des sozialen Lebens ist eines der hervorstechenden Merkmale der Gegenwart, wird in den Sozialwissenschaften aber häufig übersehen. Hartmut Rosa hat mit seinen maßgeblichen Untersuchungen diesbezüglich Grundlagenarbeit geleistet. In seinem neuen Essay legt er dar, wie eine kritische Gesellschaftstheorie verfasst sein muss, die den Zusammenhang von Beschleunigung und Entfremdung ernst nimmtIm Mittelpunkt steht die Frage nach dem guten Leben – und warum es uns heute vielfach nicht gelingt, ein solches zu führen. Immerhin sind durch die Liberalisierung moralischer Normen und sozialer Konventionen die in den westlichen Gesellschaften vorhandenen Freiräume des Einzelnen größer denn je, sich ein eigenes Konzept des guten Lebens zu wählen und zu verwirklichen. Dieser Liberalisierung steht jedoch die scheinbar unaufhaltsame Beschleunigung des sozialen Lebens im Kapitalismus gegenüber. Dieses Regime der Deadlines lässt Lebensentwürfe scheitern und führt zu einem sich immer stärker ausbreitenden Gefühl der Entfremdung.Behutsam und anhand von konkreten Beispielen sucht Rosa nach Formen nichtentfremdeten Lebens. Sein pointierter Essay ist nicht nur eine konzise Einführung in die Theorie der Beschleunigung, sondern eröffnet auch erste Perspektiven, wie wir dem rasenden Stillstand entkommen können

Handbuch Kritische Theorie : Werke, Begriffe, Wirkung
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783476024138 Year: 2019 Publisher: Stuttgart J.B. Metzler

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Critique as social practice : critical theory and social self-understanding
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ISBN: 9781786604620 9781786604644 1786604647 Year: 2018 Publisher: Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,

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Can critical theory diagnose ideological delusion and false consciousness from above, or does it have to follow the practices of critique ordinary agents engage in? This book argues that we have to move beyond this dichotomy, which has led to a theoretical impasse. Whilst ordinary agents engage in complex forms of everyday critique, it must remain the task of critical theory to provide analysis and critique of social conditions that obstruct the development of reflexive capacities and of their realization in corresponding practices of critique. Only an approach that is at the same time non-paternalistic, pragmatist, and dialogical as well as critical will be able to realize the emancipatory potential of the Frankfurt School tradition of critical theory in radically changing social circumstances. The translation of this work was funded by Geisteswissenschaften International – Translation Funding for Humanities and Social Sciences from Germany, a joint initiative of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, the German Federal Foreign Office, the collecting society VG WORT and the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Publisher & Booksellers Association)

Critique as Social Practice : Critical Theory and Social Self-Understanding
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781786604637 Year: 2018 Publisher: Lanham Rowman & Littlefield

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Critique as social practice : critical theory and social self-understanding
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1786604647 Year: 2018 Publisher: Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,

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Transformations of democracy : crisis, protest and legitimation
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781783480890 9781783480883 1783480890 1783480882 1783480904 Year: 2015 Publisher: London : Rowman & Littlefield International, Ltd,

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Is democracy in crisis? On the one hand, it seems to be decaying under the leadership of political elites who make decisions behind closed doors. On the other hand, citizens are taking to the streets to firmly assert their political participation across the globe. Drawing on a range of theoretical and empirical perspectives, this collection examines the multiple transformations which both the practice and the idea of democracy are undergoing today. It starts by questioning whether there is a crisis of democracy, or if part of this crisis lies in the inadequacy of social and political theory

The irregularization of migration in contemporary Europe : detention, deportation, drowning
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781783481705 9781783481699 1783481692 1783481706 Year: 2015 Publisher: London: Rowman & Littlefield,

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Working from an interdisciplinary perspective that draws on the social sciences, legal studies, and the humanities, this book investigates the causes and effects of the extremities experienced by migrants. Firstly, the volume analyses the development and political-cultural conditions of current practices and discourses of 'bordering,' 'illegality,' and 'irregularization.' Secondly, it focuses on the varieties of irregularization and on the diversity of the fields, techniques and effects involved in this variegation. Thirdly, the book examines examples of resistance that migrants and migratory cultures have developed in order to deal with the predicaments they face.

Expérience et réflexivité
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2296552617 9782296552616 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris: L'Harmattan,

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"This book collects essays from the 2006 and 2007 International Philosophy Colloquia Evian, centred around a central problem in the philosophy of mind: the relationship between the human faculty of sensory experience and the faculty of conceptual reflection, that is self-consciousness. Containing articles by philosophers of eight nationalities, in three languages (English, French, German), and of "analytical" as well as "continental" provenance, it beautifully represents the spirit of the colloquia.

Socialité et reconnaissance : grammaires de l'humain
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782296028227 2296028225 Year: 2007 Publisher: Paris : L'Harmattan,

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Global Cultures of Contestation : Mobility, Sustainability, Aesthetics & Connectivity
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 331963982X 3319639811 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book guides the reader through the many complications and contradictions that characterize popular contestation today, focusing on its socio-political, cultural, and aesthetic dimensions. The volume recognizes that the same media and creative strategies can be used to pursue very different causes, as the anti-gay marriage Manif Pour Tous movement in France makes clear. The contributors are scholars from the humanities and social sciences, who analyze protests in particular regions, including Egypt, Iran, Australia, France, Spain, Greece, and Hong Kong, and transnational protests such as the NSA-leaks and the mobilization of migrants and refugees. Not only the specificity of these protest movements is examined, but also their tendency to connect and influence each other, as well as the central, often ambiguous role global digital platforms play in this. .

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