Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Cent. 3. Numb. 48. The continuation of the forraine occurents for 5. weekes last past, containing many very remarkable passages of Germanie, France, Spaine, Italy, Sweden, the Low-Countries, and other parts of the world : Amongst which are these following particulars. 1. The rebellion and falling away of Catalonia confirmed, with their conjunction with the French. 2. The revolt and crowning of a new King of Portugall (the Duke of Briganza) by the name of Iohn the Fourth. 3. The proceedings of Bannier and the Swedish armies in Germany. 4. The taking of Carthagena and the plate fleet in the harbour there by the Hollanders. 5. What hath lately passed at the Dyet at Ratisbone. Examined and licenced by a better and more impartiall hand then heretofore.
Butter, Nathaniel
Year: 1641
Publisher: London, Printed Ianuary 11. 1640 : for Nath: Butter, dwelling at St. Austins Gate,
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February 24. Number 14. The affaires and generall businesse of Europe more particularly. : Seuerall Ambassadors at Rome. The King of Congo in AEthiopia hath sent to Rome for priests to be instructed in true religion ; for they are willing to forsake their idols. A slaughter done vpon Papists at Churr. Bauaria visits Loretto. Three letters from Vienna concerning Bethelem Gabor and the Emperor. The States haue seized upon Mansfields townes in Freesland. Tilly is still in Hessen. More hurt done by the ice. Saxony and Brandenburg much discontented, as hearing the Pope hath reputed them heretiques. My Lord of Kinsington is safely ariued in France..
Butter, Nathaniel
Year: 1624
Publisher: London, : Printed for Nathaniel Butter.,
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A letter with a narrative, written to the right Hon:ble Thomas Allen Lord Major of London, &e. [sic] concerning a strange sight that appeared over this city of London, in the yeare 1642. when the King was driven from his Parliament, dated as followeth
Butter, Nathaniel
Year: 1659
Publisher: London : printed for Nath. Butter, residing in Cursitors Alley,
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Ianuar. 21. Numb. 4. The continuation of our weekly newes, from the 13 of Ianuary to the 21 of the same. : From Rome, Venice, Naples, Millan, Sauoy, Germany, France, Denmarke, the Low-Countries, and divers other places of Christendome.
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The Continuation of our newes from the 4. to the 17. of this instant : Containing amongst other things, these particulars. A great ouerthrow giuen to the king of Persia by the Turkes. A letter written by the king ow Sweden, being a second manifestation of his proceeding, & the reasons thereof, with seuerall passages concerning Germany, and of the administrator of Hall, his preparation and successe in, and neere Magdenburg. The valour and courage of the Protestants in Bohemia, in resisting the tyranny of the imperialists ouer their conscience. Some late passages of the king of Denmarke, and those of Hamborough, and of his good successe against the Hamburgers, and others.
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Good newes for Christendome : Sent to a Venetian in Ligorne, from a merchant in Alexandria. Discouering a wonderfull and strange apparition, visibly seene for many dayes togither in Arabia, ouer the place, where the supposed tombe of Mahomet (the Turkish prophet) is inclosed: by which the learned Arabians prognosticate the reducing & calling of the great Turke to Christianitie. With many other notable accidents: but the most remarkable is the miraculous rayning of bloud about Rome. Done out of the Italian.
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The works of Joseph Hall B. of Exceter.
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June 28. Numb. 28. The continuation of our weekely newes, from the 21. of Iune, vnto the 28. of the same. : Containing a discourse concerning the fleetes of Spaine, and Portugal, and the present state of the Bay of Todos los Santos, which was rumoured to be recouered by the Spanish. : The victorie of the Venetians against the Spanish in Italie. : The great warlike preparations and proceedings both of the French and Spanish with their seuerall confederates. : The fort of La Riva in great distresse. A castle taken by Count Mansfield. : The ouerthrow giuen to the Grand Signeur by the King of Persia. : The warlike proceedings of the Generall Tilly both against the King of Denmarke and Count Mansfield. The forces which the Emperour and the King of Spaine have in Germanie, and in the Emperours dominions. : The taking of divers Dunkerkers by the Hollanders. With diuers matters of moment lately happened in seuerall parts of Christendome.
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An extraordinary curranto: wherein is related, the late sea-fight betwixt the Spaniards and the Hollanders.
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[Device and imprint of William Stansby with the motto, "Dela mia morte eterna vita i vivo: semper eadem"]
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