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IT für soziale Inklusion. Digitalisierung – Künstliche Intelligenz – Zukunft für alle
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110561379 3110558831 Year: 2018 Publisher: Berlin, Germany De Gruyter

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Social Inclusion is a topic of growing importance in all walks of life. Their enforcement is often not possible without information technology. The book describes the state of research. However, the focus is on tools and applications from the areas of education, health, mobility, migration and others. Topics and authors come from the workshop of the same name, which the DFKI designed as part of the VISION SUMMIT 2016.

The German language in the digital age : Die Deutsche sprache im digitalen zeitalter
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3642271650 3642271669 1283909049 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin ; New York : Springer,

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This white paper is part of a series that promotes knowledge about language technology and its potential. It addresses educators, journalists, politicians, language communities and others. The availability and use of language technology in Europe varies between languages. Consequently, the actions that are required to further support research and development of language technologies also differ for each language. The required actions depend on many factors, such as the complexity of a given language and the size of its community. META-NET, a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission, has conducted an analysis of current language resources and technologies. This analysis focused on the 23 official European languages as well as other important national and regional languages in Europe. The results of this analysis suggest that there are many significant research gaps for each language. A more detailed expert analysis and assessment of the current situation will help maximise the impact of additional research and minimize any risks. META-NET consists of 54 research centres from 33 countries that are working with stakeholders from commercial businesses, government agencies, industry, research organisations, software companies, technology providers and European universities. Together, they are creating a common technology vision while developing a strategic research agenda that shows how language technology applications can address any research gaps by 2020.

Klinische Entscheidungsfindung mit Künstlicher Intelligenz : Ein interdisziplinärer Governance-Ansatz
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3662670089 3662670070 Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer,

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Dieses Open-Access-essential schafft Orientierung, wenn Künstliche Intelligenz im klinischen Alltag eingesetzt wird. Die Herausforderungen werden anhand zweier Beispiele aus dem Bereich der Nephrologie erläutert, die ethisch und rechtlich reflektiert werden. Ein umfangreicher Empfehlungsteil schließt diesen durchweg interdisziplinär erarbeiteten Band ab. Die Autor:innen Alle Autor:innen sind Teil des vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderten Forschungsprojektes vALID Peter Dabrock ist seit 2010 Professor für Systematische Theologie II (Ethik) am Fachbereich Theologie der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Von 2016 bis 2020 war er Vorsitzender des Deutschen Ethikrates. David Samhammer ist Soziologe und Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am selben Lehrstuhl. Das Autorenteam umfasst weiterhin als Mediziner Klemens Budde und Bilgin Osmanodja aus der Medizinischen Klinik mit Schwerpunkt Nephrologie und internistische Intensivmedizin an der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin und als Jurist:innen Susanne Beck, Simon Gerndt und Michelle Faber von der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Sebastian Möller leitet den Forschungsbereich "Speech and Language Technology" am Deutschen Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz Berlin, dessen Mitglieder Aljoscha Burchardt und Roland Roller das Autorenteam abrunden.

Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography

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This book demonstrates how the underlying principles of the English-based FrameNet project are successfully applied to the description and analysis of typologically diverse languages. The stimulating collection of articles brings together insights from lexical semantics, corpus linguistics, computational lexicography, machine learning, and psychology to address three main questions: To what degree is it possible to apply semantic frames derived from the English lexicon to the description and analysis of other languages? What types of resources are necessary for the creation of FrameNets for French, German, Hebrew, Japanese, and Spanish? How can the creation of multi-lingual FrameNets be automated? The contents exemplifies the liveliness of current research on cross-lingual applications of Frame Semantics to natural language processing.

Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography : Methods and Applications

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