Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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The Pastor-Bobo in the Spanish theatre, before the time of Lope de Vega
Brotherton, John
ISBN: 0729300110
Year: 1975
Publisher: London : Tamesis,
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The Pastor-Bobo in the Spanish theatre : before the time of Lope de Vega
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The Pastor-Bobo in the Spanish theatre before the time of Lope de Vega
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A new german Grammar, whereby an englishman may easily attain to the knowledge of the german language. Especially useful for merchants and travellers : to which is added, several usefull and familiar dialogues. The second edition, with large additions and emendations. By Benedictus Beiler
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The feasts and fasts of the Church of England; the reasons and grounds of their celebration; with practical meditations upon the several days ...
Brotherton, John
Hazard, Joseph
Meadows, William
Cox, Thomas
Hinchliffe, William
et al.
Bickerton, Weaver
Astley, Thomas
Austen, Stephen
Gilliver, Lawton
Willock, Robert
Year: 1732
Publisher: London Printed for J. Brotherton, J. Hazard, W. Meadows, T. Cox, W. Hinchliffe, W. Bickerton, T. Astley, S. Austin, L. Gilliver, and R. Willock
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Lectures on accompts, or Book-keeping; after the italian manner, by double entry of debtor and creditor. In which the fundamental principles of the whole art are laid down; and some of the most material, and necessary accompts exemplified, and explain'd. By John Clark [...]
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The laws of shipping and insurance, with a Digest af adjudged cases; containing the Acts of Parliament relative to shipping, insurance and navigation; together with te laws for the government of the navy, and an account of the jurisdiction of the admiralty courts. With the determinations of the courts of justice on trials concerning shipping, insurance, losses, averages, bottomry, barratry, &c. &c. From Trinity term 1693, to Michaelmas term 1774 [...] By Thomas Parker [...]
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Geography anatomiz'd: or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, after a new and curious method [...] Collected from the best authors, and illustrated with divers maps. The seventeenth edition, corrected, and somewhat enlarged; and a set of new maps, by Mr. Senex. By Pat. Gordon [...]
Gordon, Patrick
Senex, John
Midwinter, Daniel II
Ward, Aaron
Knapton, John
et al.
Knapton, Paul
Brotherton, John
Clarke, John
Birt, Samuel
Longman, Thomas I
Hitch, Charles
Hett, Richard
Hodges, James
Cooper, Thomas
Davidson, J.
Tenison, Thomas
Coventry, Thomas
Monckton, Robert
Collège jésuite anglais
Year: 1741
Publisher: London printed for D. Midwinter, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, J. Brotherton, J. Clarke (exchange), S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, R. Hett, J. Hogdes, T. Cooper, and J. Davidson
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The dictionary historical and critical of Mr Peter Bayle.
Bayle, Pierre
Des Maizeaux, Pierre
Astley, Thomas
Austen, Stephen
Bettesworth, Arthur
et al.
Bickerton, Weaver
Birt, Samuel
Brotherton, John
Browne, Daniel
Cox, Thomas
Gilliver, Lawton
Hazard, Joseph
Hinchliffe, William
Hitch, Charles
Innys, William
Knapton, Paul
Lintot, Henry
Longman, Thomas I
Manby, Richard
Meadows, William
Midwinter, Daniel II
Motte, Benjamin
Osborne, John
Symon, Edward
Tonson, Jacob II
Walthoe, John II
Ward, Aaron
Ward, Thomas
Whitridge, Henry
Wicksteed, Edward
Willock, Robert
Woodward, Thomas
Year: 1734
Publisher: London printed for J. J. and P. Knapton; D. Midwinter; J. Brotherton; A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; J. Hazard; J. Tonson; W. Innys and R. Manby; J. Osborne and T. Longman; T. Ward and E. Wicksteed; W. Meadows; T. Woodward; B. Motte; W. Hinchliffe; J. Walthoe, jun. E. Symon; T. Cox; A. Ward; D. Browne; S. Birt; W. Bickerton; T. Astley; S. Austen; L. Gilliver; H. Lintot; H. Whitridge; R. Willock
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Le dictionnaire royal, françois-anglois, et anglois-françois [...] Autrefois composé à l'usage de feu S.A.R. le duc de Glocester, par Mr. A. Boyer. Revu & augmenté d'un grand nombre de mots & de phrases, tant angloises que françoises; et d'une dissertation sur la prosodie
Boyer, Abel
Osborne, Thomas
Bathurst, Charles
Woodfall, Henry Sampson
Millar, Andrew
et al.
Vaillant, Paul II
Beecroft, John
Dod, Benjamin
Strahan, W.
Rivington, John
Hinton, John
Fuller, John
Brotherton, John
Baldwin, Robert
Hawes, L.
Clark, W.
Collins, R.
Horsfield, Robert
Johnston, William
Caslon, Thomas
Crowder, Stanley
Longman, Thomas II
Keith, George
Meighan, Thomas
Stevens, Paul
Field, Thomas
Rivington, Charles
Corbett, Charles III
Hope, Thomas
Stuart, Z.
Ware, Catharine
Ware, R.
Waugh, J.
Becket, Thomas
Knox, John
Lowndes, Thomas
Richardson, William
Urquhart, Leonard
Shuckburgh, John
Richardson, M.
Societas Jesu
Ville de Bruxelles [Collection B.R.]
Year: 1764
Publisher: A Londres chez T. Osborne C. Bathurst W. Woodfall A. Millar [et al.]
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