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What drives household consumption in the EU-28?
Year: 2015 Publisher: Brussels European Credit Research Institute

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Given that final consumption of households has contributed on average to broadly 60% of EU-28 GDP since 2001, an assessment of the drivers behind its dynamics is quite timely in a context of gradual economic recovery. The empirical analyses presented in this ECRI Commentary, covering 19 of the EU-28 economies, suggest that disposable income of households, consumer credit markets and the developments in housing markets have had a significantly positive impact on the growth of household final consumption since 2001. On the other hand, demographic trends do not seem to have played any significant role.


The future of retail financial services : what policy mix for a balanced digital transformation?
ISBN: 1786604817 Year: 2017 Publisher: Brussels : Centre for European Policy Studies, European Credit Research Institute,

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Explores the retail financial services in the context of transformations in digitaltechnology.

Cybersecurity in Finance : Getting the policy mix right!
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Brussels : CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies,

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In the midst of several large cyberattacks in 2017, the European Commission adopted its multi-sector cybersecurity package in September of that same year. Whereas this initiative can be expected to contribute to strengthening the cyber-resilience and response of EU financial firms, several policy issues and unanswered questions remain. In order to analyse the issues that are considered to be relevant to financial fields (retail banking, corporate banking, capital markets, financial infrastructure and insurance), CEPS-ECRI organised a Task Force between September 2017 and May 2018 with a group of experts from the financial industry, tech industry, national supervisors and European institutions, as well from a consumer association and a law firm. In this Final Report, the Task Force members identify the following nine policy issues that need to be further addressed in order to bolster the financial industry's cyber-resilience against current and future threats.

Future of Retail Financial Services : What policy mix for a balanced digital transformation?
Authors: ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Brussels : CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies,

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While policy-makers are gradually creating the necessary conditions tostrengthen the digital transformation of retail financial services, numerous policy issues and unanswered questions remain. The purpose of this report is to analyse the issues that were considered by the Task Force to be relevant for retail banking and non-life insurance at the present time and for the next few years to come. In order to develop a market in which retail financial services contribute to the economy in a balanced way, 12 main issues need to be further addressed.

Internationalisation des PME
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782804456764 Year: 2012 Publisher: Larcier

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Le développement des PME à l'international est un important vecteur de croissance pour l'économie belge et européenne. Or, trop peu d'entre elles osent franchir le pas. Est-ce à dire que l'internationalisation s'impose à elles comme une évidence ? Non, évidemment ! L'internationalisation impacte significativement les processus décisionnels et managériaux des entreprises. Il faut couvrir les risques et trouver les financements adaptés. Mais par ailleurs, de nombreuses mesures publiques existent pour soutenir les entreprises dans leurs démarches. Le présent ouvrage a pour objectif d'informer les entrepreneurs sur les différentes facettes de l'internationalisation et d'apporter des réponses pratiques sur la manière de se financer et de se couvrir contre les risques encourus. Il dresse également la liste des mesures publiques de soutien destinées à soutenir les PME belges dans leurs projets à l'étranger.

Internationlisation of SMEs : How to succeed abroad ?
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 2804456811 2804456803 Year: 2013 Publisher: Cork : Primento Digital Publishing,

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The international development of SMEs is an important growth vehicle for the Belgian and European economies. Yet far too few of them actually dare to take the step required. Does this mean to say that they should see internationalisation as a given? No, of course not! Internationalisation has a significant impact on companies' decision-making and managerial processes. The risks involved need to be covered and the right form of funding found. There are numerous public measures in place aimed at supporting businesses in their efforts. The aim of "The Internationalisation of SMEs" is to info


Internationalisatie Van KMO's : Hoe Slagen in Het Buitenland.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 280445679X 2804456781 9782804456795 Year: 2013 Publisher: Cork : Larcier,

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"De internationalisering van KMO’s vormt een belangrijke groeimotor voor de Belgische en Europese economie. Nochtans durft verre van elke KMO de stap naar het buitenland aan. Een en ander valt te verklaren door de zware impact die een internationaliserings-proces heeft op de organisatie en het management van de KMO. Daarnaast blijken de financiering van internationale activiteiten, en het beheersen van de risico’s, niet te onderschatten uitdagingen. Hoewel de overheid heel wat ondersteuning terzake biedt, zijn deze maatregelen niet altijd heel bekend en benut. Internationalisering van KMO’s heeft als doelstelling om bedrijfsleiders te informeren omtrent de diverse facetten van internationaal ondernemerschap. Op een praktische manier worden de financieringsmogelijkheden en de technieken om zich in te dekken tegen risico’s, uiteengezet. Daarnaast worden de publieke ondersteuningsmaatregelen op een bevattelijke manier opgelijst."--Publisher.

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