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Sweden's Fifteen Years of Communication Efforts
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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It is desirable that pension reforms and legislated rules have the backing of thepopulation or at least are accepted by voters. With the objective of achieving-acceptance,'*the Swedish Pensions Agency publishes an annual actuarial balance of the solvency of the whole public pension system and distributes to each participant information on his or her individual accumulated notional balance and funded accounts, movements during the year,and estimates of the projected individual future pension amount. This paper describes the Swedish pension experience in communication with pension participants over the last decade, together with the main changes in information delivered to improve individuals' pension knowledge and help them make more informed, better decisions on work, savings,and retirement.

Pandemics : insurance and social protection
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3030783340 3030783332 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,

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This open access book collects expert contributions on actuarial modelling and related topics, from machine learning to legal aspects, and reflects on possible insurance designs during an epidemic/pandemic. Starting by considering the impulse given by COVID-19 to the insurance industry and to actuarial research, the text covers compartment models, mortality changes during a pandemic, risk-sharing in the presence of low probability events, group testing, compositional data analysis for detecting data inconsistencies, behaviouristic aspects in fighting a pandemic, and insurers' legal problems, amongst others. Concluding with an essay by a practicing actuary on the applicability of the methods proposed, this interdisciplinary book is aimed at actuaries as well as readers with a background in mathematics, economics, statistics, finance, epidemiology, or sociology.


Assegurances --- Models matemàtics --- Estadística matemática --- Seguretat social --- Epidèmies --- Endèmias --- Malalties epidèmiques --- Pandèmies --- Pestes --- Epidemiologia --- Còlera --- Epidèmia de grip, 1918-1919 --- Febre groga --- Pandèmia de COVID-19, 2020 --- -Pesta --- Pesta Negra --- Assegurances obreres --- Assegurances socials --- Estat i assegurances --- Dret social --- Pensions --- Seguretat econòmica --- Assegurances de malaltia --- Indemnitzacions als treballadors --- Subsidi d'atur --- Subsidi de maternitat --- Benestar social --- Pensions no contributives --- Plans de pensions --- Distribució de la renda --- Renda mínima --- Estadística descriptiva --- Inferència estadística --- Matemàtica estadística --- Mètodes estadístics --- Estadística --- Anàlisi d'error (Matemàtica) --- Anàlisi de regressió --- Anàlisi de sèries temporals --- Anàlisi de variància --- Anàlisi multivariable --- Anàlisi seqüencial --- Astronomia estadística --- Correlació (Estadística) --- Dependència (Estadística) --- Estadística no paramètrica --- Estadística robusta --- Física estadística --- Mètode dels moments (Estadística) --- Models lineals (Estadística) --- Models no lineals (Estadística) --- Teoria de l'estimació --- Teoria de la predicció --- Tests d'hipòtesi (Estadística) --- Biometria --- Mostreig (Estadística) --- Models (Matemàtica) --- Models experimentals --- Models teòrics --- Mètodes de simulació --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Mètode de Montecarlo --- Modelització multiescala --- Models economètrics --- Models multinivell (Estadística) --- Programació (Ordinadors) --- Simulació per ordinador --- Teoria de màquines --- Models biològics --- Finances privades --- Assegurances aèries --- Assegurances col·lectives --- Assegurances contra els riscs de guerra --- Assegurances d'accidents --- Assegurances d'automòbils --- Assegurances d'incendis --- Assegurances d'invalidesa --- Assegurances de crèdit --- Assegurances de l'empresa --- Assegurances de mercaderies --- Assegurances de responsabilitat civil --- Assegurances de viatgers --- Assegurances de vida --- Assegurances marítimes --- Companyies d'assegurances --- Gestió del risc --- Primes (Assegurances) --- Reassegurances --- Agents d'assegurances --- Risc (Assegurances) --- Epidemics. --- Insurance --- Social security. --- Mathematical models. --- Statistical methods. --- Insurance, Social --- Insurance, State and compulsory --- Social insurance --- Income maintenance programs --- Actuarial statistics --- Insurance statistics --- Disease outbreaks --- Diseases --- Outbreaks of disease --- Pestilences --- Communicable diseases --- Mathematics --- Outbreaks --- Epidemics --- Risk --- Social protection --- Actuarial modelling --- Open Access

Pandemics: Insurance and Social Protection
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783030783341 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer

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The actuarial balance sheet for pay-as-you-go finance: solvency indicators for Spain and Sweden
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2008 Publisher: Munich CESifo

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