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Music in medieval manuscripts
ISBN: 080208432X Year: 2001 Publisher: Toronto : University of Toronto press,

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The Las Huelgas music codex : a companion study to the facsimile
ISBN: 8488829396 Year: 2003 Publisher: Madrid : Testimonio compañía editorial,

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Sapientia et eloquentia : meaning and function in liturgical poetry, music, drama, and biblical commentary in the Middle Ages.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782503520575 250352057X 9782503537481 Year: 2009 Volume: 11 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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This book thrusts the reader into the intellectual turmoil of medieval Europe. In interrelated studies of largely unexplored material dating from the ninth through to the fourteenth centuries, the contributors explore changes in functions and forms of liturgical poetry and music, and of biblical interpretation.Although the twelfth century constitutes the main focus, the phenomena dealt with here had roots in earlier times and remained in circulation in later centuries. The cultural heritage of the Carolingian intellectuals tied to the palace school of Charles the Bald is examined in a liturgical context. Forms and ideas from this period were reused and transformed in the twelfth century, as represented here by sequences, tropes, Abelard’s poetry, the Gloss to Lamentations, and ritual representations or ‘liturgical drama’. The two final chapters treat fourteenth-century uses and understandings of Boethius’s De institutione musica and the new genre of sequence commentaries, both dealing with later medieval views on music theory and liturgical poetry from an earlier period, thus connecting the end of the book to its beginning. The sections are interspersed with philosophical reflections on overriding themes of the contributions. The volume concludes with an anthology of poetic texts in Latin with English translations and musical transcriptions.

Signs of change : transformations of Christian traditions and their representation in the arts, 1000-2000.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9042009993 9004489142 Year: 2004 Volume: 43 Publisher: Amsterdam Rodopi

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Signs of Change: Transformations of Christian Traditions and their Representation in the Arts, 1000-2000 focuses on the changing relationships between what gradually emerged as the Arts and Christianity, the latter term covering both a stream of ideas and its institutions. The book as a whole is addressed to a general academic audience concerned with issues of cultural history, while the individual essays are also intended as scholarly contributions within their own fields. A collaborative effort by twenty-five European and American scholars representing disciplines ranging from aesthetics to the history of art and architecture, from literature, music and the theatre to classics, church history, and theology, the volume is an interdisciplinary study of intermedial phenomena, generally in larger cultural and intellectual contexts. The focus of topics extends from single concrete objects to sets of abstract concepts and values, and from a single moment in time to an entire millennium. While Signs of Change acknowledges the importance of synthesizing efforts essential to hermeneutically informed scholarship, in order to counterbalance generalized historical narratives with detailed investigations, broad accounts are juxtaposed with specialized research projects. The deliberately unchronological grouping of contributions underlines the effort to further discussion about methodologies for writing cultural history.

Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae
Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 01053566 ISBN: 9788763542661 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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Entreprise UAI 12 = Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae


Signs of Change : Transformations of Christian Traditions and their Representation in the Arts, 1000-2000
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789004489141 9789042009998 Year: 2004 Publisher: Leiden; Boston : BRILL

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Signs of Change: Transformations of Christian Traditions and their Representation in the Arts, 1000-2000 focuses on the changing relationships between what gradually emerged as the Arts and Christianity, the latter term covering both a stream of ideas and its institutions. The book as a whole is addressed to a general academic audience concerned with issues of cultural history, while the individual essays are also intended as scholarly contributions within their own fields. A collaborative effort by twenty-five European and American scholars representing disciplines ranging from aesthetics to the history of art and architecture, from literature, music and the theatre to classics, church history, and theology, the volume is an interdisciplinary study of intermedial phenomena, generally in larger cultural and intellectual contexts. The focus of topics extends from single concrete objects to sets of abstract concepts and values, and from a single moment in time to an entire millennium. While Signs of Change acknowledges the importance of synthesizing efforts essential to hermeneutically informed scholarship, in order to counterbalance generalized historical narratives with detailed investigations, broad accounts are juxtaposed with specialized research projects. The deliberately unchronological grouping of contributions underlines the effort to further discussion about methodologies for writing cultural history.

Ritus et Artes : traditions and transformations . Series board
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISSN: 20303130 Year: 2007 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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Solange Corbin et les débuts de la musicologie médiévale
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782753536302 2753536309 2753560099 Year: 2019 Publisher: Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes,

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Le présent ouvrage rassemble la plupart des conférences prononcées lors d'un colloque international qui s'est tenu à l'université de Poitiers, en novembre 2011. À l'occasion du cinquantième anniversaire de la création du Département de musicologie de cette université (1961), les organisateurs avaient souhaité rendre hommage à celle qui était à l'origine de cette fondation et en était devenue tout naturellement la première responsable. La partie centrale de ce livre s'efforce de cerner l'apport de Solange Corbin (1903-1973) à la musicologie médiévale. Spécialiste des répertoires de chant de la Chrétienté latine, son approche historique et musicologique doublée d'une réflexion anthropologique en fait une figure pionnière de la musicologie médiévale française d'après guerre. En replaçant le chant, et plus largement la musique, dans le contexte liturgique et culturel de la civilisation tardo-antique et médiévale, Solange Corbin a ouvert la voie à une approche de la musique médiévale différente de celle qui était pratiquée dans les institutions religieuses dépositaires du patrimoine liturgique latin. Une partie introductive est consacrée à sa carrière et une section finale présente des réflexions sur des domaines de recherche que Solange Corbin n'a pas elle-même explorés, mais qu'elle a soutenus et encouragés. En annexe figurent la liste des thèses soutenues sous sa direction, puis celle de ses propres écrits, enfin un certain nombre de documents illustrant la vie du Département, de 1961 à 1975.

Pierre Abélard : Colloque international de Nantes
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISSN: 12552364 ISBN: 2868477771 2753525749 9782868477774 Year: 2015 Volume: *10 Publisher: Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes,

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Théologien, logicien, dialecticien, musicologue, Abélard reste un grand savant dont l’œuvre mérite d’être étudiée et enseignée. Neuf cents ans après sa mort, sa pensée, ses travaux, les polémiques savantes qu’il a nourries avec les grandes voix de son temps continuent de fasciner les chercheurs et les érudits. Le présent recueil marque sur plusieurs points une étape nouvelle dans la connaissance de cette haute et célèbre figure. Il ouvre sur des aspects historiographiques usuellement traités, mais jamais épuisés, des perspectives et analyses originales. Par exemple, mais non uniquement, sur l’environnement historique, scolaire et religieux d’Abélard, sur sa philosophie. D’autres thèmes y sont considérablement approfondis, voire renouvelés : ainsi, les relations affectives et spirituelles à l’intérieur du couple atypique qu’Abélard forme avec Héloîse, sur sa relation paternelle à Astralabe. Une extension du dossier épistolaire y est proposée. Un ensemble de communications consacre aux planctus et aux poèmes liturgiques d’Abélard des analyses stylistiques et musicologiques. Né en 1079, au Pallet, à vingt kilomètres de Nantes, Abélard n’a jamais renié, ni même oublié ses attaches bretonnes, comme en témoignent plusieurs de ses écrits. Et même si l’essentiel de sa carrière s’est déroulé hors de Bretagne, tout justifie sans doute que se tienne à Nantes la grande conférence internationale dont ce livre constitue l’utile prolongement.

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