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Undiszipliniert : das Phänomen Raum in Kunst, Architektur und Design = Undisciplined : the phenomenon of space in art, architecture, and design
ISBN: 3211094121 Year: 2009 Publisher: Springer Vienna

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Christian Ruschitzka: Leitmotive
Authors: ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Ostfildern Hatje Cantz

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Mid-century modern : visionary furniture design from Vienna
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783035624090 3035624097 3035624097 Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel: Birkhäuser,

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En 1938, Vienne a perdu ses esprits les plus brillants et les plus créatifs. Cette rupture s’est manifestée dans tous les arts et les sciences et son empreinte se fait sentir jusqu’à aujourd’hui – notamment dans le domaine du design de meubles. Avec une créativité inépuisable, les designers de meubles juifs qui ont été contraints de fuir Vienne ont continué à travailler pendant leur exil. Ils ont enseigné dans les meilleures universités et ont diffusé leurs idées et leur vision dans le monde entier. Leurs créations sont devenues des classiques du design mobilier du XXe siècle, incarnant le style moderne du milieu du siècle. Ce livre honore la mémoire des designers en exil en présentant un aperçu complet de leur travail. Il détaille leurs histoires de vie et leurs conceptions visionnaires, qui restent aussi pertinentes et contemporaines que jamais, et met en lumière de nouveaux aspects de l’histoire du design mobilier viennois.

ISBN: 311065766X Year: 2019 Publisher: De Gruyter

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COMPANY : Fotografien und Fragmente über das Arbeiten
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin, Germany : De Gruyter,

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The artistic research in COMPANY investigates behind the scenes of everyday worklife in a metalworking industrial enterprise. In photographs, videos, and conversations with the workers in this company, the authors search out signs and structures of that "company" with which bread is shared (lat. cum pane), a society which, despite seemingly predetermined rules, is always a work in progress.

COMPANY : Fotografien und Fragmente über das Arbeiten
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin, Germany : De Gruyter,

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The artistic research in COMPANY investigates behind the scenes of everyday worklife in a metalworking industrial enterprise. In photographs, videos, and conversations with the workers in this company, the authors search out signs and structures of that "company" with which bread is shared (lat. cum pane), a society which, despite seemingly predetermined rules, is always a work in progress.

Von der Unabhängigkeit des Denkens : ästhetische und moralische Orientierungsversuche
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3211789278 Year: 2008 Publisher: Springer Vienna

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Arts, Research, Innovation and Society
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783319099095 3319099086 9783319099088 3319099094 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book explores – at the macro, meso and micro levels and in terms of qualitative as well as quantitative studies – theories, policies and practices about the contributions of artistic research and innovations towards defining new forms of knowledge, knowledge production, as well as knowledge diffusion, absorption and use. Artistic research, artistic innovations and arts-based innovations have been major transformers, as well as disruptors, of the ways in which societies, economies, and political systems perform. Ramifications here refer to the epistemic socio-economic, socio-political and socio-technical base and aesthetic considerations on the one hand, as well as to strategies, policies, and practices on the other, including sustainable enterprise excellence, considerations in the context of knowledge economies, societies and democracies. Creativity in general, and the arts in particular, are increasingly recognized as drivers of cultural, economic, political, social, and scientific innovation and development. This book examines how one could derive and develop insights in these areas from the four vantage points of Arts, Research, Innovation and Society. Among the principal questions that are examined include: -          Could and should artists be researchers? -          How are the systems of the Arts and Sciences connected and/or disconnected? -          What is the impact of the arts in societal development? -          How are the Arts interrelated with the mechanisms of generating social, scientific and economic innovation?   As the inaugural book in the Arts, Research, Innovation and Society series, this book uses a thematically wide spectrum that serves as a general frame of reference for the entire series of books to come.


Economics/Management Science. --- Innovation/Technology Management. --- Political Economy. --- Arts. --- Economics. --- Economie politique --- Arts --- Management --- Business & Economics --- Management Theory --- kunst --- onderzoek in de kunsten --- eenentwintigste eeuw --- kunst en maatschappij --- kunst en economie --- kunst en technologie --- 7.01 --- Art and society. --- Art --- Research. --- Art and sociology --- Society and art --- Sociology and art --- Art, Occidental --- Art, Visual --- Art, Western (Western countries) --- Arts, Fine --- Arts, Visual --- Fine arts --- Iconography --- Occidental art --- Visual arts --- Western art (Western countries) --- Social aspects --- Business. --- Management. --- Industrial management. --- Political economy. --- Business and Management. --- Aesthetics --- International Political Economy. --- Arts, Occidental --- Arts, Western --- Humanities --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Business administration --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Industrial administration --- Management, Industrial --- Rationalization of industry --- Scientific management --- Business --- Industrial organization --- Arts, Primitive --- management. --- production policy. --- economics. --- arts. --- technology. --- innovation. --- innovation --- innovaatio --- innovazione --- novinka --- inovație --- innovazzjoni --- иновация --- innovatsioon --- innowacja --- jaunievedums --- innovación --- vernieuwing --- καινοτομία --- inovácia --- inovação --- иновација --- nuálaíocht --- Innovation --- innováció --- risi --- inovacija --- τεχνολογική καινοτομία --- teknologisk fornyelse --- industrielle Innovation --- technologische Innovation --- technológiai innováció --- inovação tecnológica --- innovación industrial --- innovación tecnológica --- risi industriale --- naujovė --- βιομηχανική καινοτομία --- technologische vernieuwing --- industrijska inovacija --- innovazione industriale --- tehnoloogiline innovatsioon --- priemyselná inovácia --- technologijos naujovė --- technologická inovácia --- innovation technologique --- teollinen innovaatio --- tehnoloģisks jauninājums --- fornyelse --- risi teknologjike --- inovație industrială --- teknisk innovation --- innovation industrielle --- teknologinen innovaatio --- teknologisk innovation --- industriell innovation --- technological innovation --- pramoninė naujovė --- industrial innovation --- технолошка иновација --- innovazione tecnologica --- průmyslová novinka --- tööstusinnovatsioon --- technická novinka --- tehnološka inovacija --- industriel innovation --- ipari innováció --- inovação industrial --- rūpniecisks jauninājums --- innovazione scientifica --- inovație tehnologică --- технология --- technológia --- teknik --- tecnologia --- technologija --- tehnoloogia --- tehnoloģija --- teknologi --- tehnologie --- tehnologija --- teknologia --- technologia --- teknoloġija --- τεχνολογία --- tecnología --- Technologie --- technologie --- teicneolaíocht --- teknologji --- технологија --- technický postup --- ingeniería --- inžinierstvo --- settore tecnologico --- technika --- egnet teknologi --- ingenjörsvetenskap --- ingénierie --- μηχανολογία --- engenharia --- инженерство --- inženýrství --- inžinerija --- engineering --- inženjering --- tehnika --- inženierpakalpojumi --- inginerie --- ingegneria dei sistemi --- inženierzinība --- inxhinieri --- umenie --- artă --- taiteet --- menai --- τέχνες --- artes --- na healaíona --- konst --- arts --- umjetnost --- kunstid --- arti --- изкуства --- kunsten --- umění --- arte --- művészetek --- māksla --- umetnost --- Kunst --- sztuka --- уметност --- artet --- juvelérarbejde --- smykkekunst --- attività artistica --- kunstnerisk aktivitet --- ekonomikas zinātne --- ekonomie --- xjenza ekonomika --- taloustiede --- економски науки --- ekonomija --- science économique --- Wirtschaftswissenschaft --- közgazdaságtan --- ekonomi politike --- ekonomia --- eacnamaíocht --- științe economice --- economische wetenschap --- οικονομική επιστήμη --- ciência económica --- majandusteadus --- ekonómia --- ekonomika --- ekonomska znanost --- ciencia económica --- økonomisk videnskab --- ekonomisk vetenskap --- економска наука --- икономическа наука --- scienze economiche --- οικονομική θεωρία --- hospodářská teorie --- politická ekonómia --- taloustieteellinen teoria --- teori ekonomike --- политичка економија --- teoria económica --- economic theory --- economische theorie --- politikai gazdaságtan --- ekonomska teorija --- ekonomikos mokslai --- πολιτική οικονομία --- politisk ekonomi --- economía política --- економика --- politinė ekonomija --- Wirtschaftstheorie --- politička ekonomija --- økonomisk teori --- teoria economica --- teoría económica --- politieke economie --- poliitökonoomia --- politiskā ekonomija --- economic science --- théorie économique --- teorie economică --- Volkswirtschaftslehre --- poliittinen taloustiede --- ekonomisk teori --- économie politique --- shkencë ekonomike --- political economics --- ekonomikos teorija --- ekonomická teória --- ekonomická nauka --- political economy --- ekonomická teorie --- majandusteooria --- ekonomikas teorija --- economia politica --- economie politică --- economia política --- gazdaságelmélet --- економска теорија --- národohospodářství --- Nationalökonomie --- polityka produkcyjna --- gamybos politika --- proizvodna politika --- производна политика --- beartas táirgeachta --- výrobní politika --- výrobná politika --- política de produção --- produktionspolitik --- ražošanas politika --- politikë prodhimi --- política de producción --- политика на производство --- πολιτική της παραγωγής --- politika tal-produzzjoni --- Produktionspolitik --- tuotantopolitiikka --- производствена политика --- tootmispoliitika --- termeléspolitika --- politique de production --- productiebeleid --- conducerea producției --- politica di produzione --- tootmisjuhtimine --- production management --- industriell styrning --- Umstrukturierung der Produktion --- gestion de la production --- gestão industrial --- průmyslový management --- Produktionsmanagement --- productiebeheer --- orientation de la production --- management výroby --- menaxhim prodhimi --- gestão da produção --- riorganizim prodhimi --- produktionsledning --- výrobní management --- management industrial --- reorganizácia výroby --- ristrutturazione della produzione --- herstructurering van de productie --- produktionsomlægning --- riadenie výroby --- Produktionsausrichtung --- teollisuustalous --- gestión de la producción --- reestruturação da produção --- výrobní ředitel --- διαχείριση της παραγωγής --- gamybos valdymas --- industrijski menadžment --- orientación de la producción --- restrukturalizace výroby --- reestructuración de la producción --- tööstusjuhtimine --- αναδιάρθρωση της παραγωγής --- orientamento della produzione --- produktionsledelse --- industrial management --- rūpnieciskās ražošanas vadība --- reorganizace výroby --- průmyslové řízení --- riadenie priemyslu --- menaxhim industrial --- gestion industrielle --- προσανατολισμός της παραγωγής --- produktiebeleid --- orientação da produção --- gamybos pertvarkymas --- ražošanas reorganizācija --- reorganisation of production --- pramonės valdymas --- industriebeheer --- omstrukturering av produktionen --- tuotannon hallinta --- gestione industriale --- tootmise ümberkorraldamine --- managementul producției --- productierichting --- politika poticanja razvoja industrije --- restructuration de la production --- a termelés átalakítása --- βιομηχανική διαχείριση --- tuotannon rakennemuutos --- ipari menedzsment --- produktionsstyring --- gestione della produzione --- reorganizarea producției --- reorganizacija proizvodnje --- řízení produkce --- gyártásirányítás --- Industriemanagement --- produktionsinriktning --- maniġment --- poslovodenje --- valdymas --- pārvaldība --- gestione --- johtaminen --- gestión --- ledning --- управување --- zarządzanie --- gestão --- management --- beheer --- пословодство --- διαχείριση --- manažment --- menaxhim --- menedzsment --- управление --- bainistíocht --- gestion --- menadžment --- juhtimine --- ledelse --- lyderystė --- ledarskap --- förvaltningssätt --- politica di gestione --- ledelsesform --- Betriebs- und Geschäftsleitung --- știința conducerii --- vezető szerep --- vállalat vezetése --- styring --- водеща роля --- Führung --- vedení --- johtajuus --- forma de gestão --- раководење --- mode de gestion --- amministrazione d'impresa --- upravljanje --- liderança --- vodstvo --- leadership --- poslovodstvo --- vadyba --- tmexxija --- capacités d’encadrement --- lederskab --- vadovavimas --- strategia di gestione --- vadovybė --- ηγεσία --- līderība --- capacități de conducere --- üzletvezetés --- řídicí aparát --- przywództwo --- менаџмент --- piano di gestione --- Managementmethode --- vodenje --- direzione operativa --- wijze van beheer --- vezetés --- liderazgo --- μάνατζμεντ --- líderstvo --- leiderschap

New realities : being syncretic : consciousness reframed - the Planetary Collegium's IXth International Research Conference
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783211788905 3211788905 3211788913 Year: 2009 Publisher: Springer Vienna

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Accompanying DVD-ROM, entitled CR9 Ambience DVD, contains ... "[o]ver 25 hours of video material ... accessible and navigable, featuring speeches, discussions and panels as well as text introductions."--P. 343.

The Future of Education and Labor
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030260682 3030260674 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book explores the ways in which education impacts labor markets. Specifically, the contributions in this book indicate that the future of labor is creative, socially aware and inter-disciplinary while identifying the changes and innovations needed in our educational systems to meet this demand. Due to an increasing automatization (robotic manufacturing), the character of labor and work in general will change dramatically in the near future. This will be the case not only in the western countries, but also in the larger emerging economies in Asia, for example China and India. While societal environments, economy and the character of labor are increasingly in a process of dramatic changes, the educational systems and the leading principles of research about labor and employment are not changing adequately. Cross-disciplinary (inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary) thinking and learning is not the main focus of our educational systems. Consequently, the systems of academic research follow and apply disciplinary or even sub-disciplinary strategies, avoiding cross-disciplinary research approaches, and not supporting inter-disciplinary academic career models. This book introduces such strategic models to better prepare the next generation of workers for the new knowledge economy, and the future of democratic societies.

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