Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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The pathvvay to musicke : contayning sundrie familiar and easie rules for the readie and true vnderstanding of the scale, or gamma-vt: vvherein is exactlie the shevved by plaine deffinitions, the principles of this arte, brieflie laide open by vvay of questions and answers, for the better instruction of the learner. Whereunto is annexed a treatise of descant, & certaine tables, vvhich doth teach hovv to remoue any song higher, or lovver from one key to another, neuer heretofore published.
Barley, William
Year: 1596
Publisher: Printed at London : [By J. Danter] for William Barley, and are to be sold at his shop in Gratious streete neere Leaden-Hall,
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A nevv booke of tabliture : containing sundrie easie and familiar instructions, shevving hovve to attaine to the knovvledge, to guide and dispose thy hand to play on sundry instruments, as the lute, orpharion, and bandora: together vvith diuers nevv lessons to each of these instruments. VVhereunto is added an introduction to prickesong, and certaine familliar rules of descant, with other necessarie tables plainely shewing the true vse of the scale or gamut, and also how to set any lesson higher or lower at your pleasure. Collected together out of the best authors professing the practise of these instruments.
Barley, William
Year: 1596
Publisher: Printed at London : [By J. Danter] for William Barley and are to be sold at his shop in Gratious street,
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A new book of tabliture, containing... luth, orpharion and bandora. London 1596
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A new book of tabliture for the Orpharion... London
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The deligtful [sic] history of Celestina the faire. Daughter to the king of Thessalie : Shewing how she was inchaunted by the three fairies: with the strange aduentures, trauels, chiualries, tournies, combats, victories, and loues of diuers wandring princes and knights errant, but especially of Sir Marcomyr of Tharsus, who did conquest hir by the sword, and enioied her afterwards in mariage, with the Thessalian kingdome for hir dowrie, and his perpetuall inheritance. Done out of French into English.
Barley, William
Year: 1596
Publisher: London : Printed by A[dam] I[slip] for William Barley, and are to be sold at his shop at the vpper end of Gratious street,
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A new book of tabliture for the Bandora... London
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[Imprint from: Cornucopiæ, or Diuers secrets]
Johnson, Thomas
Barley, William
Year: 1596
Publisher: At London : Printed [by J. Danter] for VVilliam Barley, and are to be sold at his shop at the vpper end of Gratious streete nere Leaden-Hall,
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Strange and wonderfull things. Happened to Richard Hasleton, borne at Braintree in Essex, in his ten yeares trauailes in many forraine countries. Penned as he deliuered it from his ovvne mouth
Hasleton, Richard.
Barley, William
Year: 1595
Publisher: London : Printed by A[bel] I[effes] for VVilliam Barley, and are to be solde at his shop in Gratious streete, neere Leaden hall,
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Lute music : of shakespeare's time
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A discovrse of the miserable captiuitie of an Englishman, named Richard Hasleton, : borne in Braintree in Essex, declaring also his cruell moments during ten years of space, and his vvonderfull deliuerance: being a very strange thing to such as shall reade the same, he bein now by Gods prouidence safelie arriued in his ovvne countrie, no doubt to his great comfort. Penned as he delivered it from his owne mouth.
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