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De vita moribus ac rebus praecipue adversus Turcas, gestis, Georgii Castrioti ... libri tredecim
Barleti, Marin
Year: 1537
Publisher: Argentorati apud Cratonem Mylium

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De vita moribus ac rebus praecipue adversus Turcas, gestis, Georgii Castrioti, clarissimi Epirotarum principis, qui propter celeberrima facinora, Scanderbegus, hoc est, Alexander Magnus, cognominatus fuit, libri tredecim

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The historie of George Castriot, surnamed Scanderbeg, King of Albanie : Containing his famous actes, his noble deedes of armes, and memorable victories against the Turkes, for the faith of Christ. Comprised in twelue bookes: by Iaques de Lauardin, Lord of Plessis Bourrot, a nobleman of France. Newly translated out of French into English by Z.I. Gentleman.

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De Vita Moribvs Ac Rebvs Praecipve Adversvs Tvrcas, Gestis, Georgii Castrioti, Clarissimi Epirotarvm Principis, qui propter celeberrima facinora, Scanderbegus, hoc est, Alexander Magnus, cognominatus fuit, : ; De vita, moribus ac rebus praecipue adversus Turcas, gestis, Georgii Castrioti clarissimi Epirotarum principis, qui propter celeberrima facinora, Scanderbegus, hoc est, Alexander Magnus, cognominatus fuit : libri Tredecim

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Des aller Streyttbarsten vnd [und] Theüresten Fürsten vnd [und] Herrn , Herrn Georgen Castrioten, genannt Scanderbeg, Hertzogen zu Epyro vnd [und] Albanien, [et]c. Ritterliche Thaten, so er zu erhaltung seiner Erbland mit den Türckischen Keysern in seinem läben glücklich begangen

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De Vita Moribvs Ac Rebvs Praecipve Adversvs Tvrcas, Gestis, Georgii Castrioti, Clarissimi Epirotarvm Principis, qui propter celeberrima facinora, Scanderbegus, hoc est, Alexander Magnus, cognominatus fuit, : ; De vita, moribus ac rebus praecipue adversus Turcas, gestis, Georgii Castrioti clarissimi Epirotarum principis, qui propter celeberrima facinora, Scanderbegus, hoc est, Alexander Magnus, cognominatus fuit : libri Tredecim

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Scanderbeg : Warhaffte eigentliche vnd kurtze Beschreibung, aller namhafften Ritterlichen Schlachten vnd Thaten, so der aller streytbarst vnd theurest Fürst vnd Herr, Herr Georg Castriot, genannt Scanderbeg ... wider beyde Türckische Keyser ... auch andere seine Feind ... vom jar 1444. biss auff das jar 1466. ... gethan vnd erhalten

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Historia e jetës dhe e vepravet të Skenderbeut

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Orations : of Arsanes agaynst Philip the trecherous kyng of Macedone: : of the Embassadors of Venice against the prince that vnder crafty league with Scanderbeg, layed snares for Christendome : and of Scanderbeg prayeng ayde of Christian Princes agaynst periurous murderyng Mahumet and agaynst the old false Christian Duke Mahumetes confederate : with a notable example of Gods vengeance vppon a faithlesse Kyng, Quene, and her children.

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De vita moribus ac rebus praecipue adversus Turcas, gestis, Georgii Castrioti, clarissimi epirotarum principis, qui propter celeberrima facinora, Scanderbegus, hoc est, Alexander Magnus, cognominatus fuit; libri Tredecim per Marinum Barletium Scodrense conscripti, ac nunc primum in Germania castigatissime aediti

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