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Géopolitique du monde arabe
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2729808450 9782729808457 Year: 2001 Publisher: Paris: Ellipses,

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Le Moyen-Orient : peuples et territoires
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2729836284 9782729836283 Year: 2007 Publisher: Paris: Ellipses,

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De l’Égypte à l’Afghanistan le Moyen-Orient est un carrefour. Ses 370 millions d’habitants se répartissent inégalement en trois grandes aires culturelles : arabe, persane et turque. Au sein des États-nations contemporains, des découpages territoriaux, souvent arbitraires, conduisent des populations minoritaires à une difficile coexistence. Dans cet immense espace de 8 millions de km2, des montagnes relativement arrosées voisinent avec d’immenses étendues steppiques ou désertiques. Partout le partage de l’eau pose problème. Les campagnes où sévit de façon constante l’aridité ne sont plus en mesure de maintenir une production suffisante en dépit des efforts accomplis pour étendre les superficies irriguées. Avec une population de plus en plus urbanisée, la sécurité alimentaire n’est plus assurée et la dépendance alimentaire s’est installée depuis de nombreuses années. Le Moyen-Orient occupe une position géostratégique remarquable entre l’Afrique, l’Asie et l’Europe. Espace de transit, l’isthme contrôle de grands itinéraires commerciaux maritimes ou terrestres. La richesse des hydrocarbures confère à la région un rôle affirmé sur l’échiquier international sans pour autant assurer un développement harmonieux des territoires. Tensions et rivalités s’avivent. Des États opulents côtoient des territoires parmi les plus pauvres de la planète. Enjeux internes ou externes, de toute nature, idéologique, économique, stratégique, s’entremêlent et sont à l’origine depuis un demi-siècle de crises permanentes.


Démarche territoriale et systèmes d'information géographique pour une gestion concertée de l'eau

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Géopolitique du Monde arabe
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2729822836 Year: 2005 Volume: *1 Publisher: Paris Ellipses

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Atlas de Shanghai : espaces et représentations de 1849 à nos jours.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 2271057256 Year: 1999 Publisher: Paris CNRS

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On salt, copper and gold : The origins of early mining and metallurgy in the Caucasus
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 235668168X Year: 2021 Publisher: Lyon : MOM Éditions,

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An international conference focused on the beginnings of mining and metallurgy in the Caucasus was organised in Tbilisi in June 16th-19th 2016 under the auspices of the National Museum of Georgia. This conference, which was funded by the Agence nationale de la recherche (France) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany), aimed at discussing the intricate relationships between the emergence of mining and metallurgy, and the shaping of late prehistoric societies in south-western Asia. The Caucasus is renowned in Near Eastern archaeology for its wealth in natural resources, in particular in metal ores: for decades, scholars have surmised a specific causal relationships between the rise of complex, hierarchical societies in the Near‑East and the development of extractive metallurgy. Metallurgy, however, is only the most visible part of the story that accounts for the dramatic changes perceptible in south‑western Asia in the course of the 5th millennium BCE. Early mining, which is not restricted to metal-ore mining, certainly also had an impact in terms of economic networks, social dynamics, settlement patterns and regional integration, not only across the Caucasus, but also in the ancient Near and Middle East. Drawing on these fundamental questions, this book explores the socio-economic, technological and environmental background that favoured the rise of systematic mining and extractive metallurgy in the Caucasus at the end of the Chalcolithic. How far was early mining linked to the spread of specific subsistence strategies such as pastoral herding? Were mined resources mainly intended for local consumption or distributed throughout the Near East, towards Anatolia, Iran or Mesopotamia? Here are some of the issues that are discussed in the present volume, which contains 21 articles written by some of the most eminent specialists in Caucasian archaeology. Un colloque international axé sur les origines de l’extraction minière et de la métallurgie dans le Caucase…

Networked spaces : The spatiality of networks in the Red Sea and Western Indian Ocean
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 2356681647 2356680780 9782356680785 Year: 2022 Publisher: Lyon : MOM Éditions,

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The 34 articles published in this volume form the proceedings of the 9th Red Sea conference held at Lyon in July 2019, whose core topic was the “spatiality of networks in the Red Sea”, including the western Indian Ocean. In the networked space that the Erythra Thalassa never ceased to be, stable factors such as landscape, climate, and wind patterns have been constantly entangled with more dynamic elements, such as human activity. The contributors to this volume explored how the former were integrated into the countless networks formed by humans in the region, and how these were impacted by spatial constraints over the long course of history. This volume offers a wide range of stimulating contributions. The first articles are devoted to medieval and modern European sources on the Red Sea and its exploration, and to the networks of knowledge dissemination about the region. They are followed by papers relating to the main nodes, the ports and islands of the Red Sea. Several articles are then focusing on the agency of hinterland populations in the networks, and the relationships between the regions bordering the Red Sea and central powers that governed them, often from distant lands. Production and consumption networks are the subject of the next articles, to assess the extent and nature of exchanges and to shed light on the archaeology of circulations. The logistics of exploration, exploitation and trade in the regions bordering the Red Sea are then examined. The last series of papers focuses on regions where archaeological work started only recently: Somaliland, Tigray, and the Horn of Africa. Thanks to all the participants, whether they have exploited new data or re‑examined long-known material, the 9th edition of the “Red Sea Project” gave rise to vibrant debates, showing that the Erythra Thalassa remains an endless source of knowledge. Les 34 articles publiés dans ce volume forment les actes de la 9e édition de la « Red Sea conference » qui s’est tenue à Lyon en…

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