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Innovation Agencies : Cases from Developing Economies
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Many high-income and developing countries have established agencies to promote innovation. This study examines the origin and evolution, organizational structure, policy interventions, delivery challenges, and evaluation mechanisms of 13 innovation agencies in developing countries and one case (SPRING in Singapore) for comparison purposes. This study does not assume that the only approach to improving innovation lies in a dedicated agency - each innovation system is governed differently and the same intervention may have very different results in different contexts. Rather, our goal is to capture how these agencies dealt with the major challenges that confront establishing an innovation agency in a developing country context, where innovation is often hampered by significant market, coordination, and institutional failures, investments in innovation tend to be limited, and the capabilities required for effective innovation are often lacking. The analysis is presented according to seven building blocks that emerged from the analysis of the cases' patterns and dynamics as pre-requisites for the success of innovation agencies, including a clear but adaptable mission, capable staff, effective governance and management structures, diagnostic-based interventions, robust monitoring and evaluation (MandE), sustainable funding, and strategic partnerships and networks. A diagnosis of NIS gaps and global trends is required to design policy interventions.

Manufacturing a Startup : A Case Study of Industry 4.0 Development in the Czech Republic
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper investigates the current state of creation and adoption of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies within the Czech Republic. I4.0 technologies, which include technologies such as big data analytics, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and advanced robotics, hold great promise for increasing the economic competitiveness of adopters. These technologies are also often discussed in terms of their potential to disrupt existing business models and value chains, particularly in the manufacturing sector. The Czech Republic presents an interesting case study for I4.0 technology creation and adoption: the country boasts one of the strongest manufacturing sectors in Europe relative to the size of its economy but suffers from low productivity and an increasingly acute labor shortage. to remain competitive in the global economy and avoid the middle-income trap, the Czech Republic has a critical need for technologies that can substitute labor through automation and increase the productivity of the existing workforce.



Big Tech, Small Tech, and the Data Economy : What Role for EU Competition Law?
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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What role does, or should competition law play in the data economy? The proliferation of data into different fields of the economy presents a tremendous opportunity for economic growth. Data permits companies to improve the quality of the products and services that they offer to consumers. It also enables companies to reduce their costs, increase their efficiency, and identify new business opportunities. Reliance on data can therefore enhance the competitiveness of firms and the economy more generally. However, there is a concern that the data economy has given rise to increasingly concentrated markets, where a small number of firms has gained disproportionate market power. Can the enforcement of competition law promote the development of a competitive data economy? This article examines the competition policy that the European Union should adopt for the data economy generally and, more specifically, for the Industry 4.010 the coming digitalization of the manufacturing process and of the industry more broadly. It explains that weakening the enforcement of competition law to facilitate the development of EU champions would be a misguided policy for the European Union. A less competitive internal market, which would necessarily result from a weaker enforcement of EU competition law, is unlikely to increase the competitiveness of EU firms in the global arena.

Towards a Private Sector led Growth Model : Bosnia and Herzegovina Innovation and Entrepreneurship Assessment
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The growth landscape of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is undermined by adverse productivity developments and weak private sector development. BiH is still finding a pathway to rebalance its current public sector-led growth model to a private sector-led one. In this light, enhancing innovation and entrepreneurship (I and E) is a key priority for BiH. This report provides a comprehensive assessment of the current I and E landscape in BiH and offers a roadmap for innovation policy reforms. It showcases current I and E outcomes in BiH and provides analysis of whether current support policies and programs in BiH (including public budget allocations) address existing market failures. The report concludes that recent policy measures have not effectively addressed BiH's needs for supporting I and E, specifically in terms of access to skills, ease of business regulations, and predictability of business environment. to this end, this report offers a roadmap for policy reforms as well as suggestions for pilot programs.



Innovative Korea : leveraging innovation and technology for development.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 146481984X Year: 2023 Publisher: Washington, D. C. : World Bank Publications,

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Innovation Policy : A Practical Introduction
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781493922338 1493922327 9781493922321 1493922335 Year: 2015 Publisher: New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer,

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This book provides a concise introduction to important aspects of contemporary innovation policy, with particular emphasis on its impact on economic growth and development. It addresses a non-specialist audience interested in quickly building background knowledge, getting familiar with the terminology, and understanding core concerns and debates in this area of policy. The book has its origins in a more extensive report to the World Bank prepared to impart background information to middle- and upper-level policy decision-makers and analysts as well as stakeholders from industry and universities from developing countries prior to engaging in intensive “how-to” policy training. Our audience also includes upper-level undergraduate and graduate students embarking on the study of innovation policy. Featuring contributions from leading scholars and policy experts, this volume references critical readings presents a wide array of data, on the following topics: Fundamentals of Innovation Policy for Growth and Development University Entrepreneurship Strategic Alliances / Knowledge-Intensive Partnerships Clusters / Science Parks / Knowledge Business Incubators High Risk Finance Intellectual Property, Standards.


Economics/Management Science. --- Innovation/Technology Management. --- Entrepreneurship. --- R & D/Technology Policy. --- Economic Policy. --- Economics. --- Economic policy. --- Economie politique --- Politique économique --- Entrepreneuriat --- Economic development --- Business networks --- Strategic alliances (Business) --- Economic policy --- Industrial policy --- Entrepreneurship --- Technological innovations --- Research, Industrial --- Technology and state --- Technology transfer --- Knowledge management --- Management --- Business & Economics --- Management Theory --- Economic aspects --- Technological innovations. --- Small business --- Intellectual property. --- Government policy. --- Economic aspects. --- Intellectual property --- IP (Intellectual property) --- Proprietary rights --- Rights, Proprietary --- Alliances in business --- Business alliances, Strategic --- Corporate alliances --- Strategic business alliances --- Strategic corporate alliances --- Strategic partnerships (Business) --- Breakthroughs, Technological --- Innovations, Industrial --- Innovations, Technological --- Technical innovations --- Technological breakthroughs --- Technological change --- Entrepreneur --- Intrapreneur --- Development, Economic --- Economic growth --- Growth, Economic --- Law and legislation --- Business. --- Management. --- Industrial management. --- Business and Management. --- Capitalism --- Business incubators --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- National planning --- State planning --- Economics --- Planning --- National security --- Social policy --- Business administration --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Industrial administration --- Management, Industrial --- Rationalization of industry --- Scientific management --- Business --- Industrial organization --- Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Trade --- Commerce --- Industrial management --- Partnership --- Creative ability in technology --- Inventions --- Domestication of technology --- Innovation relay centers --- Statics and dynamics (Social sciences) --- Development economics --- Resource curse --- Intangible property

Innovation Policy : A Practical Introduction
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781493922338 9781493922321 9781493922345 Year: 2015 Publisher: New York, NY Springer

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This book provides a concise introduction to important aspects of contemporary innovation policy, with particular emphasis on its impact on economic growth and development. It addresses a non-specialist audience interested in quickly building background knowledge, getting familiar with the terminology, and understanding core concerns and debates in this area of policy. The book has its origins in a more extensive report to the World Bank prepared to impart background information to middle- and upper-level policy decision-makers and analysts as well as stakeholders from industry and universities from developing countries prior to engaging in intensive “how-to” policy training. Our audience also includes upper-level undergraduate and graduate students embarking on the study of innovation policy. Featuring contributions from leading scholars and policy experts, this volume references critical readings presents a wide array of data, on the following topics: Fundamentals of Innovation Policy for Growth and Development University Entrepreneurship Strategic Alliances / Knowledge-Intensive Partnerships Clusters / Science Parks / Knowledge Business Incubators High Risk Finance Intellectual Property, Standards.

Europe 4.0 : Addressing the Digital Dilemma
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This report examines the underlying economics of different types of digital technologies. It highlights what the new drivers of change are, why the dynamics with this latest round of technological change may be different, and what the distributional impacts may be within and across countries. It then examines the evidence for how different digital technologies are - or are not - contributing to competitiveness and opportunities for small and young firms, and firms in less developed areas, and what can be done about it. Europe faces a digital dilemma. European firms are particularly strong in operational technologies such as smart robotics and 3D printing. While this helps Europe's competitiveness, it also widens the divide between large and small firms, and leading and lagging regions. On the other hand, digital technologies, such as transactional technologies or matching platforms, have the greatest potential for market inclusion and convergence, but this is where Europe remains less competitive. The report lays out how Europe 4.0 is attainable. The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has highlighted the importance of the data economy - and raised the risks if the digital dilemma is not addressed. This report provides a framework, evidence and recommendations on how governments can respond. Europe has the chance to attain a dynamic and inclusive technologically enhanced future, it should take that chance.

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