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Windows of opportunity : how women seize peace negotiations for political change
ISBN: 0190239557 0190239549 0190493429 0190239530 Year: 2016 Publisher: New York, NY : Oxford University Press,

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'Windows of Opportunity' illustrates how women's advocacy groups seize peace negotiations to reconfigure their role in the state. Women's groups overcome many challenges to gain access to peace talks and ensure women's rights are included in peace agreements. They do this by forming advocacy groups based on a gender-based identity to transcend the divisions of the conflict, framing the peace negotiations as forums where their interests are at stake, and, when necessary, working with transnational feminist allies.

Windows of opportunity : how women seize peace negotiations for political change
ISBN: 9780190239534 Year: 2016 Publisher: New York, N.Y. Oxford University Press

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Transnational actors in war and peace : militants, activists, and corporations in world politics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781626164420 9781626164437 1626164436 1626164428 Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. Georgetown University Press

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Transnational Actors in War and Peace explores the identities, organization, strategies, and influence of transnational actors involved in contentious politics, armed conflict, and peacemaking over the last one hundred years. While the study of transnational politics has been a rapidly growing field, to date, the disparate array of actors have not been analyzed alongside each other, making it difficult to develop a common theoretical framework or determine their relative influence on international stability, war, and peace. This work seeks to fill this gap by bringing together a diverse set of scholars focused on a range of transnational actors, such as: pirates, foreign fighters, terrorists, private military security companies, criminal networks, religious groups, diasporas, political exiles, NGOs, environmental activists, global news agencies, and feminist advocacy networks. Each chapter examines a different transnational actor and is structured around five components: how the actor is organized; how it interacts with other actors; how it communicates both internally and externally; how it influences conflict/peace; and how it reflects developments in transnationalism.

Transnational actors in war and peace
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1626164444 9781626164444 9781626164420 1626164436 1626164428 9781626164437 Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, DC

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Transnational Actors in War and Peace explores the identities, organization, strategies, and influence of transnational actors involved in contentious politics, armed conflict, and peacemaking over the last one hundred years. While the study of transnational politics has been a rapidly growing field, to date, the disparate array of actors have not been analyzed alongside each other, making it difficult to develop a common theoretical framework or determine their relative influence on international stability, war, and peace. This work seeks to fill this gap by bringing together a diverse set of scholars focused on a range of transnational actors, such as: pirates, foreign fighters, terrorists, private military security companies, criminal networks, religious groups, diasporas, political exiles, NGOs, environmental activists, global news agencies, and feminist advocacy networks. Each chapter examines a different transnational actor and is structured around five components: how the actor is organized; how it interacts with other actors; how it communicates both internally and externally; how it influences conflict/peace; and how it reflects developments in transnationalism.

The impact of the mortgage credit directive in Europe : contrasting views from member states
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9089521992 9789089521996 9789089521989 9089521984 Year: 2017 Publisher: Groningen, [Netherlands] : Europa Law Publishing,

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How has European Private Law responded to the property and mortgage markets crisis? And in what way is this reaction likely to model domestic systems? The financial and economic crisis that has marked the beginning of the century has had a devastating effect on the property and mortgage markets in many Member States of the European Union. Despite this, the European legislator took its time to respond. This book analyses the impact of the Mortgage Credit Directive (Directive 2014/17) in twelve different jurisdictions: Belgium, England, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Spain. The reports show how in some instances only certain products (such as foreign currency loans) or practices (irresponsible lending, homeownership promoting policies, the use of unfair terms) were factors that triggered the property crash; in other cases, the system completely failed to address an exceptional situation and, finally, in some instances, prudent lending explains why the market was virtually not hit at all. This book aims to find out whether the two goals of Directive 2014/17 (financial sector stability and enhanced consumer protection) can be achieved in light of its provisions and of the transposition carried out by the different Member States, and whether the changes it introduces have a significant impact in the jurisdictions here considered. Some systems are already showing signs of yet another property bubble.

The law of succession : testamentary freedom : European perspectives.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789089520876 Year: 2011 Publisher: Groningen Europa law publishing

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Disasters and democracy : the politics of extreme natural events
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1559636963 Year: 1999 Publisher: Washington (D.C.): Island press

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Patrimonium 2018
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789048633807 Year: 2018 Publisher: die Keure / la Charte

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Patrimonium 2011
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISSN: 17838754 ISBN: 9789048642700 9789048639953 9789048636501 9789048633807 9789048632008 9789048624201 9789048617814 9789400004450 9789400003408 9789400002470 9789400001169 9789050959773 9789050958561 9789050957175 9789050956109 9050956106 9789048644889 9048644887 9050959776 9400003404 9048636507 904863380X 9048642701 9400002475 9789048647934 9048647932 Year: 2011 Publisher: Antwerpen : Intersentia,

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De reeks Patrimonium beoogt een jaarlijkse stand van zaken weer te geven in het domein van het familiaal vermogensrecht, waarbij eveneens aandacht wordt geschonken aan de relevante fiscale bepalingen.


347.62 --- 347.62 Huwelijksrecht. Huwelijksvoorwaarden. Huwelijksformaliteiten. Nietigheid, aanvechtbaarheid van het huwelijk. Rechten en plichten van echtgenoten --- Huwelijksrecht. Huwelijksvoorwaarden. Huwelijksformaliteiten. Nietigheid, aanvechtbaarheid van het huwelijk. Rechten en plichten van echtgenoten --- 347.62 <493> --- 347.62 <493> Huwelijksrecht. Huwelijksvoorwaarden. Huwelijksformaliteiten. Nietigheid, aanvechtbaarheid van het huwelijk. Rechten en plichten van echtgenoten--België --- Huwelijksrecht. Huwelijksvoorwaarden. Huwelijksformaliteiten. Nietigheid, aanvechtbaarheid van het huwelijk. Rechten en plichten van echtgenoten--België --- Academic collection --- Huwelijksrecht. Huwelijksvoorwaarden. Huwelijksformaliteiten. Nietigheid, aanvechtbaarheid van het huwelijk. Rechten en plichten van echtgenoten--België --- gestion de fortune --- burgerlijk recht --- eigendom van goederen --- vermogen --- schenking --- erfrecht --- huwelijksrecht --- onroerend eigendom --- rechtspraak --- građansko pravo --- Bürgerliches Recht --- an dlí sibhialta --- civilrätt --- e drejtë civile --- občianske právo --- drept civil --- гражданско право --- prawo cywilne --- граѓанско право --- civilno pravo --- tsiviilõigus --- грађанско право --- siviilioikeus --- polgári jog --- civillikums --- αστικό δίκαιο --- diritto civile --- droit civil --- dritt ċivili --- civil law --- civilinė teisė --- Derecho civil --- občanské právo --- direito civil --- civilret --- gemeen recht --- ligj i shkruar --- имотноправни односи --- borgerlig ret --- tavanomainen oikeus --- Zivilrecht --- civilní právo --- üldõigus --- ligj i zakonshëm --- allgemeines Recht --- предметно право --- diritto comune --- drept comun --- Derecho común --- Κοινό Δίκαιο --- облигациски односи --- ordinary law --- všeobecné právo --- civiltiesības --- allmän rätt --- droit commun --- direito comum --- statutory law --- įprastinė teisė --- vlasništvo --- vlastníctvo --- proprietate --- propiedad de bienes --- tulajdonjog --- sjieda --- propriété des biens --- īpašuma tiesības --- собственост на блага --- својина --- úinéireacht --- pronësi --- äganderätt --- nuosavybė --- lastnina --- omand --- сопственост --- vlastnictví --- omistus --- własność --- proprietà patrimoniale --- Eigentum an Gütern --- ιδιοκτησία --- ejendomsret --- ownership --- propriedade de bens --- stvarno pravo --- īpašumtiesības --- property right --- propriedade --- право на користење --- regime della proprietà --- direito real --- sistem i pronës --- asjaõigus --- droit réel --- e drejtë e pronësisë --- право на располагање --- majetek --- omandiõigus --- Eigentumsrecht --- видови на сопственост --- εμπράγματο δικαίωμα --- régimen de propiedad --- tulajdoni rend --- diritto patrimoniale --- Εμπράγματο Δίκαιο --- Eigentumsordnung --- diritto di proprietà --- eigendomsrecht --- īpašumtiesību sistēma --- rätten att äga --- Güterrecht --- regime da propriedade --- druhy vlastnictví --- law of property --- tingsret --- nuosavybės teisė --- direito dos bens --- Derecho patrimonial --- diritto reale --- varaline õigus --- Derecho de la propiedad --- majetkové právo --- dologi jog --- régimen de la propiedad --- ejendomsretlig ordning --- καθεστώς ιδιοκτησίας --- сопствеништво --- сопственичко право --- zakelijk recht --- property law --- κατοχή --- systém vlastníctva --- system of property --- droit de propriété --- regeling van de eigendom --- derecho de propiedad --- derechos reales --- право на сопственост --- поседување --- tinglig ret --- varallisuusoikeus --- věcné právo --- egendomsrätt --- e drejtë e pronës --- δικαίωμα κυριότητας --- νομή --- κυριότητα --- vlastnické právo --- omistusoikeusjärjestelmä --- nuosavybės sistema --- sakrätt --- mayorazgo --- ψιλή κυριότητα --- фактичко владение --- pravo vlasništva --- vlastnícke právo --- esineoikeus --- teisė į nuosavybę --- omistusoikeus --- régime de la propriété --- direito de propriedade --- tulajdonrendszer --- omandisüsteem --- vagyonjog --- Sachenrecht --- drept de proprietate --- e drejtë për pronë --- droit des biens --- občanské právo hmotné --- форми на сопственоста --- diritto successorio --- derecho sucesorio --- pärimisõigus --- perintöoikeus --- dedno pravo --- prawo spadkowe --- ligji i trashëgimisë --- paveldėjimo teisė --- наследно право --- öröklési jog --- lagstiftning om arvsrätt --- dlí an chomharbais --- direito sucessório --- arveret --- law of succession --- nasljedno pravo --- dedičské právo --- наследствено право --- mantojuma tiesības --- κληρονομικό δικαίωμα --- droit successoral --- liġi tas-suċċessjoni --- dreptul succesiunilor --- dědické právo --- Erbrecht --- pravo nasljeđivanja --- Закон за наследување --- тестаментално наследување --- dědění ze zákona --- įpėdinystės teisė --- граѓанско применето право --- законско наследување --- sukcese --- dědění ze závěti --- bronntanas --- lahja --- дар --- darilo --- gåva --- dovanojimas --- kinge --- дарение --- gave --- κληροδότημα --- dāvinājums --- donación --- dhurim --- donazione --- dar --- donație drept civil --- поклон --- darowizna --- għotja --- doação --- Schenkung --- ajándék --- gift --- donation --- legāts --- legacy --- legs --- lascito --- ajándékozás --- legaat --- legado --- testamentarisk gåva --- legato --- легат --- hagyomány --- jälkisäädöslahjoitus --- venovanie --- legat --- moștenire --- halál esetére szóló ajándékozás --- annak --- Legat --- e drejta martesore --- drept matrimonial --- droit matrimonial --- diritto matrimoniale --- Derecho matrimonial --- laulības un ģimenes tiesības --- брачно право --- házassági jog --- δίκαιο γαμικών σχέσεων --- direito matrimonial --- bračno pravo --- avioliitto-oikeus --- prawo małżeńskie --- liġi taż-żwieġ --- matrimonial law --- Eherecht --- dlí an phósta --- abieluõigus --- ægteskabsret --- äktenskapslagstiftning --- santuokos ir šeimos teisė --- pravo zakonske zveze --- manželské právo --- manželská zmluva --- contrat de mariage --- περιουσιακές σχέσεις των συζύγων --- matrimoniální právo --- santuokinės nuosavybės teisės --- kontratë martesore --- avioehto --- γαμικό σύμφωνο --- matrimonial property rights --- äktenskapsbalken --- брачен договор --- contratto di matrimonio --- Ehevertrag --- marriage contract --- të drejta pasurore martesore --- eheliches Güterrecht --- laulības līgums --- contrato matrimonial --- abieluleping --- aviopuolisoiden varallisuusoikeudelliset suhteet --- régime matrimonial --- santuokos sutartis --- bračno imovinsko pravo --- manželská smlouva --- laulāto mantiskās tiesības --- äktenskapskontrakt --- regime matrimonial --- svatební smlouva --- capitulaciones matrimoniales --- contrato de matrimonio --- huwelijksstelsel --- házastársi életközösség --- házassági szerződés --- huwelijkscontract --- имотни односи на вонбрачни другари --- contract de căsătorie --- egendomsordning inom äktenskapet --- convenção nupcial --- házastársi vagyonközösség --- abieluvaraleping --- majetkové práva manželov --- имотни односи на брачни другари --- sanazione di matrimonio --- régimen matrimonial --- regime matrimoniale --- Scheidungsrecht --- недвижен имот --- fast egendom --- nemovitý majetek --- propiedad inmobiliaria --- ingatlantulajdon --- proprjetà immobbli --- kinnisvara --- непокретна имовина --- maoin réadach --- недвижимо имущество --- nepremično premoženje --- propriété immobilière --- kiinteä omaisuus --- nehnuteľný majetok --- proprietà immobiliare --- nekretnina --- fast ejendom --- ακίνητη περιουσία --- proprietate imobiliară --- real property --- pronë e paluajtshme --- nekustamais īpašums --- nekilnojamasis turtas --- propriedade imobiliária --- własność nieruchoma --- Immobilieneigentum --- kinnisasi --- onroerende zaken --- retsregler om fast ejendom --- diritto immobiliare --- bene immobile --- patrimonio immobiliare --- bem imobiliário --- Liegenschaftsrecht --- Eigentum an unbeweglichen Sachen --- kiinteistö --- Grundeigentum --- bien raíz --- bien immeuble --- недвижност --- nekustama lieta --- nepokretna imovina --- droit immobilier --- bien immobilier --- reality --- δικαίωμα επί ακινήτου --- onroerend goed --- имотно право --- kinnisvaraõigus --- Liegenschaft --- real estate --- immovable property --- ligj i pronës së paluajtshme --- земјишна книга --- unbewegliches Vermögen --- bien inmueble --- Grundstück --- právo k nemovitostem --- unbewegliches Gut --- dreptul proprietății imobiliare --- Derecho inmobiliario --- nehnuteľnosť --- onroerende goederen --- bem imóvel --- law of real property --- ακίνητο --- pozemkové vlastnictví --- vlasništvo nad nekretninom --- nekustama manta --- direito imobiliário --- onroerendgoedrecht --- ingatlan tulajdonjoga --- ingatlanon fennálló dologi jog --- urørligt gods --- zákon o nehnuteľnostiach --- kinnisomand --- ακίνητη ιδιοκτησία --- kiinteistöoikeus --- nekilnojamojo turto teisė --- Immobilien --- ingatlan --- inmueble --- Derecho inmobiliario registral --- vrchní soud --- tiesas --- teismo institucijos --- sodišča --- судови и трибунали --- courts and tribunals --- δικαστήριο --- domstol --- curți și tribunale --- gjykata --- qrati u tribunali --- правосуђе --- juridiction --- tuomioistuin --- bíráskodás --- jurisdição --- sądownictwo --- jurisdiktion --- sudovi --- cúirteanna agus binsí --- Gerichtsbarkeit --- kohus --- giurisdizione --- jurisdicción --- súdy a tribunály --- юрисдикция --- sistema giurisdizionale --- retskreds --- ítélőtábla --- δικαιοδοτικό σύστημα --- трибунали со ограничена надлежност --- систем на судови --- ад хок трибунали --- kohtusüsteem --- bíróság --- постојани трибунали --- système juridictionnel --- sistema jurisdiccional --- меѓународни трибунали --- domsmyndighed --- soustava soudů --- bírósági rendszer --- Gerichtssystem --- vermogensbeheer --- fortune --- BPB0902 --- Droit matrimonial --- 347.6 <4> --- BPB1112 --- Droit de la famille --- Droit fiscal --- nodokļu likums --- dritt tat-taxxa --- direito fiscal --- vero-oikeus --- fiscaal recht --- diritto tributario --- prawo podatkowe --- davčno pravo --- данъчно право --- porezno pravo --- skatterätt --- tax law --- maksuõigus --- Steuerrecht --- e drejta fiskale --- drept fiscal --- φορολογικό δίκαιο --- mokesčių teisė --- Derecho fiscal --- daňové právo --- даночно право --- adójog --- dlí cánach --- skatteret --- пореско право --- maksualased õigusaktid --- fiscale voorschriften --- adótörvény --- даночни прописи --- legislație fiscală --- normativa fiscale --- Derecho tributario --- tax legislation --- mokesčių įstatymai --- législation fiscale --- regulamentação fiscal --- φορολογική νομοθεσία --- mokesčių reguliavimas --- daňová legislativa --- daňové předpisy --- daňová legislatíva --- legislação fiscal --- legislazione fiscale --- daňový zákon --- skattebestämmelser --- rregullore tatimore --- verosääntely --- adójogi előírások --- даночно законодавство --- Steuergesetzgebung --- skattelovgivning --- tiesību akti nodokļu jomā --- adójogszabályok --- regolamentazione fiscale --- legjislacion tatimor --- maksumäärus --- réglementation fiscale --- verolainsäädäntö --- skattelagstiftning --- porezno zakonodavstvo --- nodokļu likumdošana --- steuerrechtliche Bestimmung --- porezni propisi --- skattebestemmelser --- φορολογικές ρυθμίσεις --- normativa fiscal --- reglamentación fiscal --- фискални прописи --- daňové predpisy --- legislación fiscal --- fiscale wetgeving --- tax regulation --- liġi tal-familja --- οικογενειακό δίκαιο --- obiteljsko pravo --- Derecho de familia --- perekonnaõigus --- perhelainsäädäntö --- ģimenes tiesības --- family law --- prawo rodzinne --- familjerätt --- семејно право --- družinsko pravo --- e drejta e familjes --- rodinné právo --- породично право --- familierecht --- familieret --- Familienrecht --- šeimos teisė --- семейно право --- dlí teaghlaigh --- dreptul familiei --- családjog --- diritto di famiglia --- direito da família --- Anerkennung der Mutterschaft --- zákon o rodině --- родителско право --- 347.6 <4> Familierecht. Gezinsrecht. Huwelijksgoederenrecht--Europa --- Familierecht. Gezinsrecht. Huwelijksgoederenrecht--Europa --- BPB1401 --- Familiaal vermogensrecht. --- Vermogen. --- Vermogensrecht. --- Belgique --- France --- Allemagne --- Libéralités --- Droit civil --- Personnes (droit) --- Famille --- Régimes matrimoniaux --- Successions et héritages --- Patrimoine --- Droit --- Planification --- Gestion --- Libéralités --- Régimes matrimoniaux --- Successions et héritages --- Régimes matrimoniaux. --- Successions et héritages. --- Libéralités. --- Droit. --- Planification. --- Estates (Law) --- Inheritance and succession --- Gifts --- Husband and wife --- Donations --- Law and legislation --- Inheritance and successions --- Estate planning --- Planification successorale --- E-books --- vermogensbelasting --- droit fiscal --- φόρος ακίνητης περιουσίας --- turto mokestis --- данок на лична капитална добивка --- imposta patrimoniale --- cáin rachmais --- daň z bohatstva --- данок на богатство --- порез на богатство --- daň z bohatství --- φόρος στην περιουσία --- magánszemélyt terhelő vagyonadó --- varallisuusvero --- impozit pe avere --- förmögenhetsskatt --- impuesto sobre el patrimonio --- gerovės mokestis --- taksë mbi pasurinë --- varandusemaks --- porez na bogatstvo --- wealth tax --- Besteuerung privaten Vermögens --- īpašuma nodoklis --- imposto sobre a fortuna --- podatek od bogactwa --- impôt sur la fortune --- taxxa fuq il-ġid --- данък върху богатството --- formueskat --- davek od premoženja --- droit de la famille --- alimentație --- vruchtgebruik --- užívací právo --- požívací právo --- право на плодоуживање --- brugs- og frugtoppebørselsret --- haszonélvezeti jog --- uso --- Nutznießung --- godimento --- право на уживање --- quasi usufrutto --- svetnauda --- usufrutto --- uzufrukt --- usufruit --- използване на плодове --- επικαρπία --- užitek --- użufrutt --- kasutusvaldus --- nautintaoikeus --- nyttjanderätt --- plodouživanje --- ceart úsáide --- ususfructus --- frugtoppebørselsret --- uzufruct --- użytkowanie --- usufructo --- haszonélvezet --- плодоуживање --- usufruto --- usufruct --- užívacie právo --- Nießbrauch --- lietojums --- uzufruktas --- διατροφή --- vyživování --- hrana --- stravování --- alimentación --- potrava --- výživová hodnota --- næring --- hrană --- élelem --- toit --- strava --- potraviny/strava --- храна --- výživná hodnota --- alimentation --- nutriční hodnota --- regime alimentare --- alimentazione --- alimentação --- pārtika --- näringstillförsel --- elintarvikkeet --- maistas --- ishrana --- food --- táplálék --- исхрана --- nutrição --- ushqyerje --- nutrizione --- nutrición --- táplálkozás --- żywność --- nutrizzjoni --- nutrition --- výživa --- Ernährung --- cothú --- prehrana --- ravitsemus --- uzturs --- föda --- toitumine --- mityba --- ernæring --- θρέψη --- voeding --- хранене --- Comparative law --- Droit comparé --- Unmarried couples --- Couples non mariés --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- alimentație --- DROIT DES PERSONNES --- COHABITATION LEGALE --- LIBERALITES --- SUCCESSION --- REGIMES MATRIMONIAUX --- DROIT CIVIL --- BELGIQUE --- Droit civil -- Belgique --- Famille -- Droit --- Patrimoine -- Planification

Patrimonium 2013

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Met Patrimonium 2015 verschijnt het tiende boekdeel in de reeks Patrimonium. Patrimonium 2015 biedt een overzicht van de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen in rechtspraak en rechtsleer, een overzicht van nieuwe wetgeving en wetsvoorstellen, een antwoord op tien actuele en voor de praktijk relevante vragen en een blik over de grenzen

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