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The book deals with the legitimation of rulership of the Babylonian king during the festivals of the cultic calendar. The Babylonian ruler had to obtain divine confirmation of his rule twice a year during the New Year’s festivals at the spring and autumn equinoxes. Royal legitimation was therefore not a unique act, but rather a constant process during the king’s reign. The sequence of events in both New Year’s festivals reflect each other. On the eighth day of the month of Nisannu in spring and on the eighth day of the month of Tašrītu in autumn the most important gods of the pantheon decreed the fate of the king, for example Marduk in the city of Babylon or Anu in the city of Uruk. Then the gods, accompanied by the king, left their temples and moved in procession to their so-called akītu-houses outside the city. The spring festival in particular has received much attention in the last decades, not only in Assyriology but also in the History of Religion. Interest in the spring festival has usually focused on a peculiar ritual sequence of status reversal: The Babylonian king entered the temple of the god Marduk and was divested of his royal insignia by the high priest. The priest slapped the king’s face and made him recite a negative confession of his sins, that is, that he had not neglected the rites and the temples of the gods or the privileges of the citizens of Babylon. Only then did the priest present the insignia to the king, again slapping his face until the tears ran. A temporary status reversal including the removal of the king’s insignia also took place during the autumn festival: The king was divested of his royal insignia and stayed for one night in a so-called “prison” of reeds in the steppe. Until now, however, little was known about the autumn festival. The present book focusses on the rituals of the New Year’s festival in autumn in the month of Tašrītu and presents new data and evid
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Akkadian language --- Architecture, Assyro-Babylonian --- Akkadien (Langue) --- Architecture assyro-babylonienne --- Texts. --- Textes --- Assyro-Babylonian architecture --- Religious aspects --- Rites de fondation --- Construction --- Religious aspects. --- Aspect religieux.
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Gli approcci teorici e motodologici dell'antropologia culturale e sociale sono divenuti da tempo indispensabili per lo studio dell'antichità classica, tanto da poter parlare di un'antropologia storica del mondo antico. Al contrario per ciò che concerne le culture del Vicino Oriente antico il dialogo tra storici e filolofi da una parte e antropologi dall'altra è stato meno praticato. Diverse sono le ragioni di questo mancato confronto, prima fra tutte un corpus testuale cuneiforme plurilingue in gran parte ancora inedito e caratterizzato da difficoltà filologiche che lo rendono di fatto inaccessibile ai non specialisti. Questo volume vuole, dunque, contribuire ad arricchire il dibattito e il confronto tra antropologi e studiosi del Vicino Irnete antico. Esso comprende contributi che coprono un ampio spettro cronologico, dal III al I milennio a.C., e che riguardano le culture della Mesopotamia antica a partire dalle fonti sia in lingua sumerica che in quella accadia. Tra i temi oggetto di analisi: il rapporto tra mitologia e ideologia regale e la capacità d'azione della parola nel contesto rituale nel mondo sumerico; l'interconnessione tra mondo divino, umano e naturale nel pensiero religioso mesopotamico letto alla lice del dibattitto dell'antropologia ecologia e della "svolta ontologica"; il rituale come mezzo di comunicazione tra mondo umano ed extraumano (rito per l'attivazione della statua di culto, offerte e sacrifici); la natura dei demoni; la materialità delle pratiche religiose; la visione del passato e la sapienza vicinorientale.
Ritual --- History --- Iraq --- Irak --- Rāfidayn, Bilād --- Bilād al-Rāfidayn --- Republic of Iraq --- Jumhuriyah al Iraqiyah --- Religion. --- Civilization --- Cult --- Cultus --- Liturgies --- Public worship --- Symbolism --- Worship --- Rites and ceremonies --- Ritualism --- 299.218 --- 299.218 Godsdiensten van Mesopotamië: Protochaldeeërs; Akkadiërs; Sumeriërs--(oorspronkelijke bewoners) --- Godsdiensten van Mesopotamië: Protochaldeeërs; Akkadiërs; Sumeriërs--(oorspronkelijke bewoners) --- Religion --- Rituel --- Civilisation assyro-babylonienne. --- Religion assyro-babylonienne. --- History. --- Histoire. --- Civilisation --- Iraq.
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Sacrifice --- Congresses. --- Congrès --- Congrès --- --Rite et cérémonie --- --Histoire --- --Sacrifice --- Rite et cérémonie --- Histoire
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City planning --- Urbanisme --- Urban archaeology --- Landscape archaeology --- Social archaeology --- Architecture, Ancient --- Archéologie urbaine --- Archéologie du paysage --- Archéologie sociale --- Architecture antique --- Altertum. --- Raum. --- Raumordnung. --- Raumwahrnehmung. --- Archéologie urbaine --- Archéologie du paysage --- Archéologie sociale
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291.3 --- 291.3 Godsdienstwetenschap: cultus liturgie --- Godsdienstwetenschap: cultus liturgie --- Rites and ceremonies --- Ritual --- Cult --- Cultus --- Liturgies --- Public worship --- Symbolism --- Worship --- Ritualism --- Ceremonies --- Ecclesiastical rites and ceremonies --- Religious ceremonies --- Religious rites --- Rites of passage --- Traditions --- Manners and customs --- Mysteries, Religious --- 291.3 Godsdienstwetenschap: cultus; liturgie --- Godsdienstwetenschap: cultus; liturgie --- History --- History. --- Rituel --- Histoire
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Die Festschrift kullat ṭupšarrūti („Gesamtheit der Schreibkunst“) ehrt das vielfältige inhaltsreiche Schaffen des Assyriologen Stefan M. Maul anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstags. Sie enthält 42 Beiträge von Schülern und Weggefährten. Zahlreiche Artikel knüpfen an die großen Forschungsthemen des Jubilars an: Emesal-Texte, Rituale und Gebete, Omenkunde, Gilgameš sowie Assur, Ninive und Assyrien. Weitere assyriologische Beiträge behandeln unter anderem Aspekte der Lexikographie, Medizin, Religionsgeschichte sowie der Geschichte Mesopotamiens und der Keilschrift. Einige Studien zur Semitistik, Ägyptologie, Vorderasiatischen Archäologie und zur Hebräischen Bibel setzen zudem die Keilschriftquellen in einen größeren philologischen und kulturhistorischen Kontext.
Assyriologie. --- Inscriptions cunéiformes. --- Civilisation --- Assyriology. --- Assyro-Babylonian literature. --- Cuneiform inscriptions, Akkadian. --- Maul, Stefan M. --- Moyen-Orient --- Middle East --- Histoire. --- Antiquities. --- Civilization
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Sacrifice --- Ritual --- Rituel --- Congresses. --- Congrès --- Conferences - Meetings --- Congrès --- Sacrifice - Congresses --- Ritual - Congresses
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