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Sharing : culture and the economy in the Internet age
ISBN: 9089643850 9786613522634 9048515343 1280118342 9789048515349 9789089643858 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press,

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In the past fifteen years, file sharing of digital cultural works between individuals has been at the center of a number of debates on the future of culture itself. To some, sharing constitutes piracy, to be fought against and eradicated. Others see it as unavoidable, and table proposals to compensate for its harmful effects. Meanwhile, little progress has been made towards addressing the real challenges facing culture in a digital world.

Internet et création : comment reconnaître les échanges sur internet en finançant la création ?
ISBN: 2352091772 9782352091776 Year: 2008 Publisher: Paris: In libro veritas,

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nternet et création ont partie liée, les échanges culturels alimentant la gigantesque expansion d'Internet qui à son tour offre un espace à de nouvelles formes d'arts et d'expressions. Alors que certains n'y voient que destruction et anéantissement de la création, arc-boutés sur leur modèle de l'industrie culturelle de masse, Philippe Aigrain nous propose une autre vision. Cet ouvrage défend la liberté des échanges entre internautes et un financement de la création. Il nous livre un véritable plaidoyer pour changer notre regard sur l'Internet et développe des propositions concrètes pour organiser leur futur commun. Corrigeant et affinant la Licence Globale de 2005, ces propositions seront nécessairement au coeur des débats de demain. "Internet & Création" ne s'adresse pas qu'aux auteurs et artistes, producteurs et éditeurs ou aux internautes novices et aguerris. Il est à destination de tous, hommes et femmes qui veulent comprendre ce monde en pleine mutation où l'art et la culture seront demain dans nos mains et seront ce que nous en ferons.


Cause commune : l'information entre bien commun et propriété
ISBN: 2213623058 Year: 2005 Publisher: Paris : Fayard,

Sharing : culture and the economy in the Internet age
ISBN: 9789048515349 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press

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Internet peut-il casser des briques ? : un territoire politique en jachère
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782844462367 Year: 2012 Publisher: Paris : Descartes & Cie,

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Cet essai explique qu'Internet est à la fois le comble du capitalisme et le facteur de cristallisation de nouveaux mouvements citoyens. Pour illustrer cette dualité, il propose 9 exemples d'utopies relatives à l'impact des nouvelles technologies sur le quotidien des individus, aux modèles d'organisation d'une économie de savoir et d'innovation et à la reformulation du pacte social et politique.

Sharing : Culture and the Economy in the Internet Age
Authors: ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press,

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In the past fifteen years, file sharing of digital cultural works between individuals has been at the center of a number of debates on the future of culture itself. To some, sharing constitutes piracy, to be fought against and eradicated. Others see it as unavoidable, and table proposals to compensate for its harmful effects. Meanwhile, little progress has been made towards addressing the real challenges facing culture in a digital world. Sharing starts from a radically different viewpoint, namely that the non-market sharing of digital works is both legitimate and useful. It supports this premise with empirical research, demonstrating that non-market sharing leads to more diversity in the attention given to various works. Taking stock of what we have learned about the cultural economy in recent years, Sharing sets out the conditions necessary for valuable cultural functions to remain sustainable in this context. Our software and datasets can be downloaded from the book site at On the same site, the reader can also run our models with adjusted parameters and upload datasets in order to run our algorithms for the study of diversity of attention. Voor sommigen staat delen gelijk aan piraterij: iets wat moet worden bestreden. Anderen zien het als deel van het moderne leven en proberen de schadelijke effecten zoveel mogelijk te compenseren. Ondertussen wordt er weinig vooruitgang geboekt in het aanpakken van de echte problemen waar- mee de cultuur te maken krijgt wanneer steeds meer mensen kunnen bijdragen aan het produceren van cultureel waardevolle werken. Sharing stelt dat het niet-commercieel delen van digitale werken zowel legitiem als nuttig is, omdat het leidt tot meer diversiteit in de digitale culturele wereld. Sharing bespreekt nieuwe financieringsregelingen die geschikt zijn voor een digitale culturele sfeer waar werken vrijelijk gedeeld kunnen worden door individuen. Voor meer informatie over het boek, bezoek:

Sharing : Culture and the Economy in the Internet Age
Authors: ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press,

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In the past fifteen years, file sharing of digital cultural works between individuals has been at the center of a number of debates on the future of culture itself. To some, sharing constitutes piracy, to be fought against and eradicated. Others see it as unavoidable, and table proposals to compensate for its harmful effects. Meanwhile, little progress has been made towards addressing the real challenges facing culture in a digital world. Sharing starts from a radically different viewpoint, namely that the non-market sharing of digital works is both legitimate and useful. It supports this premise with empirical research, demonstrating that non-market sharing leads to more diversity in the attention given to various works. Taking stock of what we have learned about the cultural economy in recent years, Sharing sets out the conditions necessary for valuable cultural functions to remain sustainable in this context. Our software and datasets can be downloaded from the book site at On the same site, the reader can also run our models with adjusted parameters and upload datasets in order to run our algorithms for the study of diversity of attention. Voor sommigen staat delen gelijk aan piraterij: iets wat moet worden bestreden. Anderen zien het als deel van het moderne leven en proberen de schadelijke effecten zoveel mogelijk te compenseren. Ondertussen wordt er weinig vooruitgang geboekt in het aanpakken van de echte problemen waar- mee de cultuur te maken krijgt wanneer steeds meer mensen kunnen bijdragen aan het produceren van cultureel waardevolle werken. Sharing stelt dat het niet-commercieel delen van digitale werken zowel legitiem als nuttig is, omdat het leidt tot meer diversiteit in de digitale culturele wereld. Sharing bespreekt nieuwe financieringsregelingen die geschikt zijn voor een digitale culturele sfeer waar werken vrijelijk gedeeld kunnen worden door individuen. Voor meer informatie over het boek, bezoek:

Representation and retrieval of video data in multimedia systems
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0585317860 0792398637 Year: 1997 Publisher: Boston, Massachusetts : Kluwer Academic,

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Representation and Retrieval of Video Data in Multimedia Systems brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this important area. Representation and Retrieval of Video Data in Multimedia Systems serves as an excellent reference, providing insight into some of the most important research issues in the field.

Representation and retrieval of visual media in multimedia systems
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 058534549X 0792397711 Year: 1996 Publisher: Boston, Massachusetts ; Dordrecht ; London : Kluwer Academic Publishers,

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Representation and Retrieval of Visual Media in Multimedia Systems brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date researcg results in this important area. Representation and Retrieval of Visual Media in Multimedia Systems serves as an excellent reference, providing insight into some of the most important research issues in the field.

Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Multimedia
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0897918711 Year: 1997 Publisher: ACM

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