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At the height of state censorship in Japan, more indexes of banned books circulated, more essays on censorship were published, more works of illicit erotic and proletarian fiction were produced, and more passages were Xed out than at any other moment before or since. As censors construct and maintain their own archives, their acts of suppression yield another archive, filled with documents on, against, and in favor of censorship. The extant archive of the Japanese imperial censor (1923-1945) and the archive of the Occupation censor (1945-1952) stand as tangible reminders of this contradictory function of censors. As censors removed specific genres, topics, and words from circulation, some Japanese writers converted their offensive rants to innocuous fluff after successive encounters with the authorities. But, another coterie of editors, bibliographers, and writers responded to censorship by pushing back, using their encounters with suppression as incitement to rail against the authorities and to appeal to the prurient interests of their readers. This study examines these contradictory relationships between preservation, production, and redaction to shed light on the dark valley attributed to wartime culture and to cast a shadow on the supposedly bright, open space of free postwar discourse. (Winner of the 2010-2011 First Book Award of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University" ).
Prohibited books --- Expurgated books --- Japanese literature --- Censorship --- Banned books --- Bibliography --- Books, Prohibited --- Censorship of the press --- Children's literature --- Condemned books --- Press --- Books and reading --- Illegal libraries --- Books, Expurgated --- Printing --- Book censorship --- Books --- Literature --- Literature and morals --- Anticensorship activists --- Challenged books --- Intellectual freedom --- History --- Cancels --- Law and legislation --- Censorship -- Japan -- History -- 20th century.. --- Japanese literature -- Censorship -- History -- 20th century.. --- Expurgated books -- Japan -- History -- 20th century.. --- Prohibited books -- Japan -- History -- 20th century. --- 20th century japan. --- anthropology. --- asian history. --- books for history lovers. --- censorship japan. --- censorship system. --- censorship. --- discussion books. --- east asia. --- homeschool history books. --- japanese culture. --- japanese economy. --- japanese empire. --- japanese history. --- japanese imperialism. --- japanese isolation. --- japanese markets. --- learning while reading. --- leisure reads. --- life during war. --- nonfiction books. --- pass on books. --- passion reads. --- postwar discourse. --- quarantine books. --- rise of modern japan. --- wartime culture.
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"A synthetic history of new media reception in modern and contemporary Japan, The New Real positions mimesis at the heart of the media concept. Considering both mimicry and representation as the core functions of mediation and remediation, it offers a new model for media studies while explaining the deep and ongoing imbrication of Japan in the history of new media"--
Mass media and technology --- Mass media and culture --- Technology and civilization --- Imitation --- Realism
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"Unlocking a vital understanding of how literary studies and media studies overlap and are bound together A synthetic history of new media reception in modern and contemporary Japan, The New Real positions mimesis at the heart of the media concept. Considering both mimicry and representation as the core functions of mediation and remediation, Jonathan E. Abel offers a new model for media studies while explaining the deep and ongoing imbrication of Japan in the history of new media.From stereoscopy in the late nineteenth century to emoji at the dawn of the twenty-first, Abel presents a pioneering history of new media reception in Japan across the analog and digital divide. He argues that there are two realities created by new media: one marketed to us through advertising that proclaims better, faster, and higher-resolution connections to the real; and the other experienced by users whose daily lives and behaviors are subtly transformed by the presence and penetration of the content carried through new media. Intervening in contemporary conversations about virtuality, copyright, copycat violence, and social media, each chapter unfolds with a focus on a single medium or technology, including 3D photographs, the phonograph, television, videogames, and emoji.By highlighting the tendency of the mediated to copy the world and the world to copy the mediated, The New Real provides a new path for analysis of media, culture, and their function in the world"--
Mass media and technology --- Mass media and culture --- Technology and civilization
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"Unlocking a vital understanding of how literary studies and media studies overlap and are bound together A synthetic history of new media reception in modern and contemporary Japan, The New Real positions mimesis at the heart of the media concept. Considering both mimicry and representation as the core functions of mediation and remediation, Jonathan E. Abel offers a new model for media studies while explaining the deep and ongoing imbrication of Japan in the history of new media.From stereoscopy in the late nineteenth century to emoji at the dawn of the twenty-first, Abel presents a pioneering history of new media reception in Japan across the analog and digital divide. He argues that there are two realities created by new media: one marketed to us through advertising that proclaims better, faster, and higher-resolution connections to the real; and the other experienced by users whose daily lives and behaviors are subtly transformed by the presence and penetration of the content carried through new media. Intervening in contemporary conversations about virtuality, copyright, copycat violence, and social media, each chapter unfolds with a focus on a single medium or technology, including 3D photographs, the phonograph, television, videogames, and emoji.By highlighting the tendency of the mediated to copy the world and the world to copy the mediated, The New Real provides a new path for analysis of media, culture, and their function in the world"--
Mass media and technology --- Mass media and culture --- Technology and civilization
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"For decades, we have been told we live in the "information age"-a time when disruptive technological advancement has reshaped the categories and social uses of knowledge and when quantitative assessment is increasingly privileged. Such methodologies and concepts of information are usually considered the provenance of the natural and social sciences, which present them as politically and philosophically neutral. Yet the humanities should and do play an important role in interpreting and critiquing the historical, cultural, and conceptual nature of information. This book is one of two companion volumes that explore theories and histories of information from a humanistic perspective. They consider information as a long-standing feature of social, cultural, and conceptual management, a matter of social practice, and a fundamental challenge for the humanities today. Bringing together essays by prominent critics, Information: Keywords highlights the humanistic nature of information practices and concepts by thinking through key terms. It describes and anticipates directions for how the humanities can contribute to our understanding of information from a range of theoretical, historical, and global perspectives. Together with Information: A Reader, it sets forth a major humanistic vision of the concept of information"--
Information science --- Miscellanea. --- Theory of knowledge
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For decades, we have been told we live in the “information age”—a time when disruptive technological advancement has reshaped the categories and social uses of knowledge and when quantitative assessment is increasingly privileged. Such methodologies and concepts of information are usually considered the provenance of the natural and social sciences, which present them as politically and philosophically neutral. Yet the humanities should and do play an important role in interpreting and critiquing the historical, cultural, and conceptual nature of information.This book is one of two companion volumes that explore theories and histories of information from a humanistic perspective. They consider information as a long-standing feature of social, cultural, and conceptual management, a matter of social practice, and a fundamental challenge for the humanities today. Bringing together essays by prominent critics, Information: Keywords highlights the humanistic nature of information practices and concepts by thinking through key terms. It describes and anticipates directions for how the humanities can contribute to our understanding of information from a range of theoretical, historical, and global perspectives. Together with Information: A Reader, it sets forth a major humanistic vision of the concept of information.
Information science --- information science. --- source of information. --- social situation. --- Communication --- Information literacy --- Library science --- κοινωνικοί παράγοντες --- social aspect --- sociální aspekt --- sociaal aspect --- aspekt social --- sociální situace --- sociálny aspekt --- socialinis požiūris --- socialinis aspektas --- warunki socjalne --- posizione sociale --- κοινωνικές συνθήκες --- општествено случување --- sotsiaalne aspekt --- socijalno stanje --- szociális helyzet --- social aspekt --- sosiaalinen näkökulma --- aspetto sociale --- socialt aspekt --- aspeto social --- aspecto social --- aspect social --- sociālais aspekts --- општествен аспект --- društveno stanje --- sociální stav --- situation sociale --- warunki społeczne --- социално положение --- sitwazzjoni soċjali --- друштвене прилике --- situație socială --- társadalmi helyzet --- sociale situatie --- soziale Lage --- sotsiaalne olukord --- sosiaalinen tilanne --- sociálna situácia --- situación social --- socijalne prilike --- seasamh sóisialta --- situazione sociale --- social situation --- situatë shoqërore --- sociālā situācija --- socialno stanje --- situação social --- општествена состојба --- socialinė padėtis --- κοινωνική κατάσταση --- původ informace --- information source --- sursă de informații --- pramen informací --- teabeallikas --- informacijski izvor --- zdroj informace --- informatsiooniallikas --- informationskälla --- izvor informacija --- source d'information --- informācijas avots --- foinse faisnéise --- informationskilde --- źródła informacji --- πηγή πληροφοριών --- Informationsquelle --- informacijos šaltinis --- informační zdroj --- fonte de informação --- informatiebron --- fuente de información --- извор информација --- източник на информация --- surse de informare --- tietolähde --- għajn ta' informazzjoni --- infoallikas --- fonte d'informazione --- zdroj informácií --- információforrás --- burim informacioni --- vir informacij --- извор на информации --- documentalismo --- dokumentologji --- documentologie --- dokumentoloģija --- věda o informacích --- dokumentologija --- dokumentológia/náuka o informáciách --- teorie informace --- documentologia --- asiakirjojen hallinta --- documentology --- наука за информациите --- nauka o informacích --- informační věda --- επιστήμη των πληροφοριών --- informacja naukowa --- xjenza tal-informazzjoni --- informātika --- informationsvetenskap --- eolaíocht na faisnéise --- информационна наука --- ciencia de la información --- информатика --- informatika --- ciência da informação --- informacijska znanost --- Informationswissenschaft --- informatiewetenschap --- science de l'information --- informačná veda --- информациска наука --- știința informației --- scienze dell'informazione --- infoteadus --- információtudomány --- shkencë kompjuterike --- informationsvidenskab --- informatiikka --- Theory of knowledge --- Miscellanea.
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Popular culture --- Subculture --- Japan --- Civilization --- Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Drawing --- Literature --- beeldverhalen --- culturele antropologie
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