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The study of dust in the universe is an exciting area in current astronomy. Dust formed during an earlier epoch could be different from that formed at a later time, but the nature and composition of dust is not presently understood in its entirety. The comprehensive study presented in this book provides a much needed critical analysis of different types of dust in the universe. The information derived from presolar grains from comets, meteorites and interplanetary dust particles as well as the relevant laboratory studies are discussed. This should help in our goal of understanding the evolutio
Cosmic dust. --- Interstellar matter. --- Interstellar medium --- Astrophysics --- Matter --- Space environment --- Interstellar reddening --- Dust --- Interstellar matter --- Cosmic dust --- Poussière cosmique --- Matière interstellaire
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Astrophysics --- Galaxies --- Cosmic dust. --- Interstellaire materie. --- Interstellar matter. --- Stof (fijne deeltjes) --- Stof (fijne deeltjes).
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52 --- Cosmic dust --- -Dust --- Interstellar matter --- Astronomie. Astrofysica. Ruimteonderzoek. Geodesie --- Congresses --- -Astronomie. Astrofysica. Ruimteonderzoek. Geodesie
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Dust in the Galactic Environment, Third Edition provides a thorough overview of the subject, covering general concepts, methods of investigation, important results and their significance, relevant literature, and some suggestions for promising avenues of future research. Major advances have been made in the last two decades in our understanding of astrophysical dust. These have been driven by discoveries arising from new observational facilities such as the Spitzer, Planck, and Herschel Space Telescopes, as well as important parallel developments in laboratory studies of cosmic and terrestrial analog materials. This new, expanded edition reviews these developments, summarizes the current state of the field, and considers possibilities for future advances, for example with the James Webb Space Telescope. It includes introductory material for new entrants to the field alongside detailed discussion for more advanced students and researchers.
Cosmic dust. --- Galaxies. --- Stars --- Galaxies & stars. --- AAS: Interstellar Matter and the Local Universe. --- Evolution. --- Milky Way.
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Comets --- Cosmic dust --- Meteors --- Comètes --- Poussière cosmique --- Météores --- Cosmic dust. --- Meteors. --- Astronomical meteors --- Falling stars --- Fireballs (Meteors) --- Shooting stars (Meteors) --- Stars, Falling --- Stars, Shooting --- Near-Earth objects --- Dust --- Comets. --- Space research --- Solar system --- Interstellar matter
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52 --- Cosmic dust --- -Heliosphere --- -Solar System --- Dust --- Interstellar matter --- Astronomie. Astrofysica. Ruimteonderzoek. Geodesie --- Congresses --- Congresses. --- Heliosphere (Astrophysics) --- Sun --- Heliosphere
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Astronomical photography --- Astronomy --- Natural history --- Photographie astronomique --- Astronomie --- Sciences naturelles --- Pictorial works --- Ouvrages illustrés --- Ouvrages illustrés --- Cosmic dust --- Astronomy - Pictorial works --- Natural history - Pictorial works
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Nanodust and nanometer-sized structures are important components of many objects in space. Nanodust is observed in evolved stars, young stellar objects, protoplanetary disks, and dust debris disks. Within the solar system, nanodust is observed with in-situ experiments from spacecraft. Nanometer-sized substructures are found in the collected cometary and interplanetary dust particles and in meteorites. Understanding the growth and destruction of dust, its internal evolution, as well as the optical properties and the detection of nanoparticles is of fundamental importance for astrophysical research. This book provides a focused description of the current state of research and experimental results concerning nanodust in the solar system. It addresses three major questions: What is nanodust? How was it discovered in the solar system? And how do we interpret the observations? The book serves as a self-contained reference work for space researchers and provides solid information on nanodust in cosmic environments for researchers working in astrophysics or in other fields of physics.
Space research --- Astrophysics --- Quantum mechanics. Quantumfield theory --- Statistical physics --- Matter physics --- EMI (electromagnetic interference) --- materie (fysica) --- astrofysica --- quantummechanica --- ruimtevaart --- Cosmic dust. --- Solar system.
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Planet formation studies uniquely benefit from three disciplines: astronomical observations of extrasolar planet-forming disks, analysis of material from the early Solar System, and laboratory astrophysics experiments. Pre-planetary solids, fine dust, and chondritic components are central elements linking these studies. This book is the first comprehensive overview of planet formation, in which astronomers, cosmochemists, and laboratory astrophysicists jointly discuss the latest insights from the Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes, new interferometers, space missions including Stardust and Deep Impact, and laboratory techniques. Following the evolution of solids from their genesis through protoplanetary disks to rocky planets, the book discusses in detail how the latest results from these disciplines fit into a coherent picture. This volume provides a clear introduction and valuable reference for students and researchers in astronomy, cosmochemistry, laboratory astrophysics, and planetary sciences.
Cosmic dust. --- Protoplanetary disks. --- Cosmochemistry. --- Astrochemistry --- Cosmic chemistry --- Space chemistry --- Chemistry --- Space sciences --- Accretion (Astrophysics) --- Dust --- Interstellar matter --- Solar system --- Origin.