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Anatomy. --- Pathology. --- Medical Illustration. --- Anatomy, Pathologica --- -Medical illustration --- -Pathology --- Pathology --- -Disease (Pathology) --- Medical sciences --- Diseases --- Medicine --- Medicine, Preventive --- Disease (Pathology) --- Illustration, Medical --- Illustrations, Medical --- Medical Illustrations --- Art --- Pathologies --- Disease --- Anatomies --- Medicine and art --- Scientific illustration --- Atlases --- pathology --- Anatomie --- Voortplanting --- Vroedkunde --- Anatomy --- Medical Illustration --- Voortplanting (biologie) --- Tekenen --- Opleiding --- -Atlases
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Aesthetics. --- ed. by Frank H. Farley and Ronald W. Neperud --- kunst --- kunstonderwijs --- pedagogie --- vakdidactiek --- lerarenopleiding --- kunstpedagogie --- psychologie --- esthetica --- computers --- kunsttheorie --- didactiek --- 373.67 --- 7.01 --- Aesthetics --- Beautiful, The --- Beauty --- Esthetics --- Taste (Aesthetics) --- Philosophy --- Art --- Criticism --- Literature --- Proportion --- Symmetry --- Psychology --- Radio broadcasting Aesthetics
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An International Bibliography
United Kingdom ( UK ) --- botanical bibliography --- institutes --- natural history --- periodical
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This book reviews the mathematical and statistical calculations related to the day-to-day functions of biotechnology and molecular biology labs, helping students, technicians, and researchers understand which calculations to use and why.
Molecular biology --- Biotechnology --- Biomathematics. --- Mathematics. --- Biology --- Mathematics --- Chemical engineering --- Genetic engineering --- Molecular biochemistry --- Molecular biophysics --- Biochemistry --- Biophysics --- Biomolecules --- Systems biology --- Biotechnology. --- Computer simulation.
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man anatomy. Awnr.: 2004/460, 2005/838.5 en siso: 599.6
Anatomy --- Human anatomy --- Anatomie humaine --- Atlases --- Atlas --- anatomie --- 611 --- Anatomie --- Human anatomy - Atlases
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Dr. Netter's outstanding artwork demystifies this often intimidating subject, helping students to understand anatomy and how it applies to medicine. Now with a stronger clinical focus than ever before, it captures anatomy the way it is most frequently seen in practice with many more diagnostic imaging examples.
Anatomy --- Human anatomy --- Anatomie --- Anatomy. --- Anatomies --- Anatomie humaine --- Anatomie humaine. --- Tekenen
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Infertility, Male. --- Sub-Fertility, Male --- Subfertility, Male --- Sterility, Male --- Male Infertility --- Male Sterility --- Male Sub-Fertility --- Male Subfertility --- Sub Fertility, Male --- Sperm Injections, Intracytoplasmic --- Infertility, Male
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Astrophysics. --- Radiation. --- Gas dynamics. --- Astrophysics --- Radiation --- Gas dynamics
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Musculoskeletal system --- Joint Prosthesis --- Musculoskeletal System --- Rheumatic Diseases --- Atlases --- atlases --- Bone Diseases --- Medical Illustration --- Muscular Diseases --- Human anatomy --- Human physiology --- Medical illustration --- Anatomie humaine --- Physiologie humaine --- anatomy & histology --- physiology --- Atlas --- Anatomy. --- Pathology. --- Medical Illustration. --- anatomie --- ontwikkelingsstoornissen --- oncologie --- reuma --- gewrichtsafwijkingen --- Illustration, Medical --- Illustrations, Medical --- Medical Illustrations --- Art --- Pathologies --- Disease --- Anatomies --- pathology --- #GROL:MEDO-61<03> Ciba --- fysiologie --- metabole stoornissen --- anatomy and histology --- atlases. --- Zenuwstelsel --- Anatomie --- Neurologie --- Fysiologie --- 600.5 --- 601.1 --- bewegingsorganen --- spierstelsel --- Anatomy --- Pathology --- skelet (beenderstelsel, geraamte) --- bewegingsorganen (motoriek) --- gewrichten --- gewrichtsziekten --- traumatologie --- fracturen --- heupfractuur (bekkenfractuur) --- osteomyelitis --- amputatie --- 599.7 --- (zie ook: bewegingsorganen) --- (zie ook: skelet, spierstelsel) --- (zie ook: orthopedie) --- bekkengordel (heup) --- knie --- voet --- been --- arm --- Von Recklinghausenziekte (neurofibromatose) --- torticollis --- scoliose --- spondylitis (Bechterew-ziekte) --- kwaadaardige gezwellen (kanker, sarcoom) --- reumatologie --- reumatoïde artritis --- osteoartrose --- heupprothese --- knieprothese --- (zie ook: endocrinologie, gynecologie, hematologie) --- Tekenen --- Verpleegkunde --- Musculoskeletal System - anatomy and histology --- Musculoskeletal System - physiology