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Urogynecology --- Genital Diseases, Female --- Urinary Incontinence --- Urologic Diseases
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Despite the wide prevalence of urogynaecological problems, in clinical practice, there is a paucity of specialists that are skilled in the management of these conditions. The recognition of the need for a specialist to deal with these specific problems has led to the recent evolution of urogynaecology as a subspecialty. This book, Principles and Practice of Urogynaecology, aims to equip the practicing professionals - Gynaecologists, Urogynaecologists and Urologists, with up-to-date information on the principles that guide the evaluation and management of pelvic organ prolapse and other common urogynaecological problems. With an emphasis on evidence based medicine, the book aims to deliver guidance on management of common urogynaecological problems and provides information on the latest cutting-edge surgical techniques. Written by global experts in the field of urogynaecology, the book focuses initially on pelvic floor anatomy and function, moving seamlessly to the evaluation and management of clinically relevant pelvic floor problems. A detailed discussion on management of mesh related complications is a highlight. .
Medicine & Public Health. --- Urology. --- Gynecology. --- General Surgery. --- Medicine. --- Surgery. --- Médecine --- Gynécologie --- Chirurgie --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Urology & Nephrology --- Urogynecology. --- Urogynecologic surgery. --- Operative urogynecology --- Surgical urogynecology --- Urogynecological surgery --- Urogynecology --- Gynecologic urology --- Surgery --- Genitourinary organs --- Gynecology --- Urology --- Surgery, Primitive --- Gynaecology --- Generative organs, Female --- Diseases --- Gynecology .
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Bridging the gap between evidence-based research and clinical practice, Physical Therapy for the Pelvic Floor has become an invaluable resource to practitioners treating patients with disorders of the pelvic floor. The second edition is now presented in a full colour, hardback format, encompassing the wealth of new research in this area which has emerged in recent years. Kari Bø and her team focus on the evidence, from basic studies (theories or rationales for treatment) and RCTs (appraisal of effectiveness) to the implications of these for clinical practice, while also covering pelvic flo
Pelvic floor --- Urogynecology. --- Diseases --- Physical therapy. --- Gynecologic urology --- Gynecology --- Urology --- Floor of pelvis --- Pelvis
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This book entitled Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology is the third successful book of the editor with InTech publishers. This book serves the purpose of providing, valuable and valid, innovative ideas/suggestions for utilizations of the ""resource-rich/resource-intensive"" colposcopy and cervical pathology technology in a ""cost-/resource-effective"" way by the health providers and planners, especially in ""resource-limited/resource-poor settings."" Transfer of technology from high- to low-resource settings in all the programs of preventive/community oncology services, across the world, is highly recommended and strongly advocated. The authors have well contributed to the goal of advanced science being made accessible for the benefit of common man. The InTech publishers have the distinct honor of imbibing the in-depth knowledge and vast experiences from experts of international repute and infusing it to the health providers and planners of developing countries, so that the communities of all nations are richly benefited. The book is a pearl, which deserves a precious and purposeful planning model for achieving ""global health by education and empowerment.""
Colposcopy. --- Endoscopy --- Vagina --- Examination --- Medicine --- Urogynecology --- Health Sciences --- Obstetrics and Gynecology
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Pelvic floor disorders, which include urinary and fecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, are highly prevalent conditions in women. In the United States alone, this affects almost 25% of women. These disorders often affect women's daily life activities, their sexual function, their ability to exercise, and their social and psychological life. Pelvic floor disorders are usually diagnosed clinically, but in complicated cases, pelvic imaging and electromyographic studies may be required. This book attempts to discuss the pathophysiology of pelvic floor disorders, its treatment by the use of a new synthetic material, and treatment for recurrent POP. Although there are many books available on this topic, it includes some of the original research work and surgical innovation. We would like to acknowledge all the authors for their hard work in completing this book.
Pelvic floor --- Diseases --- Treatment. --- Floor of pelvis --- Pelvis --- Medicine --- Urogynecology --- Health Sciences --- Obstetrics and Gynecology
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Completely reorganized and updated, the 3rd Edition of this best-selling reference presents comprehensive coverage of all aspects of female urology, making it easy to implement today's best approaches for every patient, both surgical and non-surgical.Offers step-by-step, highly illustrated guidance on diagnosing and managing the full range of female urologic problems you encounter in practice. Features the work of all new contributors and 30% new content to keep you abreast of the latest in the specialty.Enables you to implement the most current technique
Urogynecology. --- Gynecology. --- Gynaecology --- Medicine --- Generative organs, Female --- Gynecologic urology --- Gynecology --- Urology --- Diseases
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"Operative Techniques in Gynecologic Surgery is presented in four volumes--Gynecology, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Urogynecology, and Gynecologic Oncology. Their purpose is to provide clear and concise illustrations of essential operations representing the fundamental procedures for each of these subspecialties"-- Third in a new four-volume series, Operative Techniques in Gynecologic Surgery: Urogynecology provides superbly illustrated, authoritative guidance on operative techniques along with a thorough understanding of how to select the best procedure, how to avoid complications, and what outcomes to expect. Easy to follow, up to date, and highly visual, this step-by-step reference covers the most common operations in gynecology and is ideal for residents and physicians in daily practice.Succinct text, bulleted points, and quick-reference tables allow you to review information quickly and understand best practices and potential complications for each procedure.Hundreds of full-color intraoperative photographs and illustrations, as well as numerous high-quality videos, capture procedures step by step and help you immediately apply your knowledge.Each clinical problem is discussed in the same templated format: general principles, anatomy and differential diagnosis, imaging and other diagnostics, preoperative planning, surgical management, procedures and techniques, pearls and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, and complications.Coverage consists of the need-to-know urogynecologic procedures including, cytoscopy, vaginal wall repair, and continence repairs.Perfect for a quick preoperative review of the steps of a procedure.Volume and series editor, as well as contributors are thought leaders in their respective subspecialties and are well respected for their surgical expertise. Look for other volumes in the Operative Techniques in Gynecology series:GynecologyReproductive Endocrinology and InfertilityGynecologic OncologyEnhance Your eBook Reading ExperienceRead directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Pelvic Floor Disorders --- Urogenital Surgical Procedures --- Gynecologic Surgical Procedures --- Urogynecology. --- Urogynecologic surgery. --- surgery
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Pelvic Floor --- Urinary Incontinence. --- Fecal Incontinence. --- Prolapse. --- Urogynecology. --- Urogynécologie --- physiopathology. --- Pelvic floor --- Pathophysiology.
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This heavily revised third edition concisely covers the latest evidence-based treatment strategies for urinary incontinence and prolapse. Chapters cover methodologies relevant to continence procedures, prolapse management, and potential complications. New topics discussed include Colpocleisis, principles associated with managing Mesh complications and the Mirabegron mechanism. Urogynecology: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice 3rd Edition is a vital how-to guide, which is ideal for junior registrars assigned to work in a urogynecology department, as well as for those with no previous formal urogynecological training seeking to develop their understanding of the subject.
Urology. Andrology --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- urologie --- gynaecologie --- Urogynecology. --- Urinary incontinence. --- Urodynamics. --- Urodynamics --- Uroginecologia --- Urodinàmica --- Incontinència urinària
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Probleme bzw. Funktionsstörungen im Blasen- und Beckenbodenbereich sind weit verbreitet. Sie reichen von ungewolltem Urinverlust, Blasenentleerungsstörungen bis hin zu Schmerzen in kleinem Becken und Kreuz. Die Integraltheorie, abweichend von traditionellen Lehrmeinungen, berücksichtigt gesamtheitlich alle beteiligten Strukturen des Beckenbodens und setzt sie in Beziehung zu deren Funktionen. Sie fußt auf dem Gedanken „Rekonstruktion der Form und Struktur ermöglicht die Wiederherstellung der Funktion". Für das Verständnis der dahinterstehenden Theorie sind anatomische und physiologische Grundlagen aus spezieller integraltheoretischer Sicht bedeutungsvoll. Die Autoren des Buches, Begründer der Integraltheorie, führen in leicht verständlicher Weise durch funktionelle Anatomie, Physiologie und Pathophysiologie. Physikalische Begriffe sowie die nüchterne Theorie werden vereinfacht und einleuchtend erklärt. Kenntnisreich und detailliert erläutern sie die praktische Anwendung in Diagnostik und rekonstruktiver Beckenbodenchirurgie. Mit über 300 farbigen Abbildungen, die den Text hervorragend ergänzen.
Gynecology . --- Surgery. --- Urology. --- Minimally invasive surgery. --- Gynecology. --- Minimally Invasive Surgery. --- Urodynamics. --- Urogynecology.