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The book addresses the main issues concerned with the new development of learning processes, innovative pedagogical changes, the effects of new technologies on education, future learning content, which aims to gather the newest concepts, research and best practices on the frontiers of technology enhanced learning from the aspects of learning, pedagogies, and technologies in learning in order to draw a picture of technology enhanced learning in the near future. Some issues like “e-learning ... m-learning ... u-learning – innovative approaches,” “the Framework and Method for Understanding the New Generation Students,” “Context-aware Mobile Role Playing Game for Learning,” “ Pedagogical issues in content creation and use: IT literacy through Spoken Tutorials,” “Supporting collaborative knowledge construction and discourse in the classroom,” “Digital Systems for Hierarchical Open Access to Education,” “ Using Annotated Patient Records to Teach Clinical Reasoning to Undergraduate Students of Medicine,” “Utilizing Cognitive Skills Ontology for Designing Personalized Learning Environments” and “Using Interactive Mobile Technologies to Develop Operating Room Technologies Competency” are discussed in separate chapters.
Teaching --- Computer assisted instruction --- Audiovisual methods --- onderwijstechnologie --- TE-learning (technology enhanced learning) --- onderwijs --- computerondersteund onderwijs
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This book gives an overview of the state-of-the-art in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). It is organized as a collection of 14 research themes, each introduced by leading experts and including references to the most relevant literature on the theme of each cluster. Additionally, each chapter discusses four seminal papers on the theme with expert commentaries and updates. This volume is of high value to people entering the field of learning with technology, to doctoral students and researchers exploring the breadth of TEL, and to experienced researchers wanting to keep up with latest developments.
Computer assisted instruction --- Audiovisual methods --- Teaching --- onderwijstechnologie --- TE-learning (technology enhanced learning) --- onderwijs --- computerondersteund onderwijs --- opvoeding
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Tegenwoordig is het verkrijgen van waardevol beeldmateriaal redelijk eenvoudig; een opname is in een handomdraai gemaakt, bekeken en doorgestuurd. Dit gemak opent een wereld van nieuwe mogelijkheden voor iedereen die werkzaam is in het onderwijs. De leraar in beeld beschrijft de meest effectieve methoden om beeldcoaching toe te passen in de dagelijkse onderwijspraktijk. Goed onderwijs is een samenspel van verschillende factoren en handelingen die voor leraren vaak onbewust zijn. Door gerichte beeldopnames te maken en deze op de juiste manier te bestuderen, krijg je inzicht in het samenspel tussen leraar en groep. Je ervaart bijvoorbeeld welk effect lichaamshouding, mimiek en gedrag van de leraar kunnen hebben, én hoe je dit gedrag kunt bijsturen. Dit boek is in eerste instantie gericht op onderwijsbegeleiders, maar kan ook andere professionals – onder wie (aankomende) leraren – ondersteunen bij:- intervisie en collegiale consultatie;- teamontwikkeling;- zelfreflectie;- het begeleiden van leerlingen. Ook leerlingen zelf kunnen veel leren van het maken en analyseren van opnames. Werken met beeld kent talloze toepassingen; laat je door dit praktische handboek inspireren en kies de manier die bij jou past.
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Research on Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) investigates how information and communication technologies can be designed in order to support pedagogical activities. The workshop proceedings collects contributions concerning evidence based TEL systems, like their design following EBD principles as well as studies or best practices that educators, education stakeholders or psychologists used to diagnose or improve their students' learning skills, including students with specific difficulties. The international ebTEL'12 workshop wants to be a forum in which TEL researchers and practitioners alike can discuss ideas, projects, and lessons related to ebTEL. The workshop takes place in Salamanca, Spain, on March 28th-30th 2012.
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International Federation for Information Processing The IFIP series publishes state-of-the-art results in the sciences and technologies of information and communication. The scope of the series includes: foundations of computer science; software theory and practice; education; computer applications in technology; communication systems; systems modeling and optimization; information systems; computers and society; computer systems technology; security and protection in information processing systems; artificial intelligence; and human-computer interaction. Proceedings and post-proceedings of referred international conferences in computer science and interdisciplinary fields are featured. These results often precede journal publication and represent the most current research. The principal aim of the IFIP series is to encourage education and the dissemination and exchange of information about all aspects of computing. For more information about the 300 other books in the IFIP series, please visit For more information about IFIP, please visit
Human sciences (algemeen) --- Computer assisted instruction --- Computer science --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- Computer. Automation --- TE-learning (technology enhanced learning) --- informatica --- maatschappij --- sociale wetenschappen --- computerondersteund onderwijs --- robots
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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2009, held in Nice, France in September/October 2009. The 35 revised full papers, 17 short papers, and 35 posters presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 136 paper submissions and 22 poster submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on adaptation and personalization, interoperability, semantic Web, Web 2.0., data mining and social networks, collaboration and social knowledge construction, learning communities and communities of practice, learning contexts, problem and project-based learning, inquiry, learning, learning design, motivation, engagement, learning games, and human factors and evaluation.
Human sciences (algemeen) --- Journalism --- Computer assisted instruction --- Computer. Automation --- TE-learning (technology enhanced learning) --- informatica --- maatschappij --- media --- sociale wetenschappen --- computerondersteund onderwijs --- PC (personal computer)
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Didactic evaluation --- Computer assisted instruction --- Didactic strategies --- Audiovisual methods --- Didactics --- Teaching --- Engineering sciences. Technology --- onderwijstechnologie --- TE-learning (technology enhanced learning) --- didactiek --- evaluatie (onderwijs) --- onderwijs --- technologie --- computerondersteund onderwijs --- opvoeding
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Der Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz erfährt in hochschuldidaktischen Kontexten wachsendes Interesse. Durch ndividualisierte Lernwege ergeben sich für Studierende und Dozierende neue Lern-Lehr-Möglichkeiten. Der Band befasst sich jedoch auch mit den daraus resultierenden Gefahren: Es sind Demarkationslinien zu ziehen, wenn es um Datenschutz oder ethische Bedenken geht. Die Autor*innen des Bandes nehmen verschiedene Sichtweisen ein, um eine multidisziplinäre Betrachtung der neuen Problemstellungen, die die Anwendung von KI im Hochschulkontext mit sich bringt, zu ermöglichen.
EDUCATION / Organizations & Institutions. --- Computer Sciences. --- Didactics. --- Digital Media. --- Education. --- Educational Research. --- Ethics. --- Media. --- Multidisciplinarity. --- Pedagogy. --- Technology-enhanced Learning. --- Technology. --- University Education. --- University.
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Human sciences (algemeen) --- Computer assisted instruction --- Computer science --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- Computer. Automation --- TE-learning (technology enhanced learning) --- informatica --- maatschappij --- sociale wetenschappen --- computerondersteund onderwijs --- robots