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As climate-change- and human-induced floods inflict increasing costs upon the planet, both in terms of lives and environmental damage, flood monitoring tools derived from remote sensing platforms have undergone improvements in their performance and capabilities in terms of spectral, spatial and temporal extents and resolutions. Such improvements raise new challenges connected to data analysis and interpretation, in terms of, e.g., effectively discerning the presence of floodwaters in different land-cover types and environmental conditions or refining the accuracy of detection algorithms. In this sense, high expectations are placed on new methods that integrate information obtained from multiple techniques, platforms, sensors, bands and acquisition times. Moreover, the assessment of such techniques strongly benefits from collaboration with hydrological and/or hydraulic modeling of the evolution of flood events. The aim of this Special Issue is to provide an overview of recent advancements in the state of the art of flood monitoring methods and techniques derived from remotely sensed data.
Technology: general issues --- History of engineering & technology --- Environmental science, engineering & technology --- mobile mapping system --- RRI model --- high-water marks --- inundation --- Northern Kyushu floods --- point clouds --- flood mapping --- temporary flooded vegetation (TFV) --- Sentinel-1 --- time series data --- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) --- sentinel-1 --- SAR --- flood --- image classification --- clustering --- monsoon --- Philippines --- LiDAR --- geometric parameters --- levee stability --- overtopping --- Pearl River Delta --- CYGNSS --- flood detection --- Sistan and Baluchestan --- GNSS-R --- flood monitoring --- ALOS 2 --- multi-sensor integration --- multi-temporal inundation analysis --- Zambesi-Shire river basin --- image processing --- hydrology --- synthetic aperture radar --- n/a
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As climate-change- and human-induced floods inflict increasing costs upon the planet, both in terms of lives and environmental damage, flood monitoring tools derived from remote sensing platforms have undergone improvements in their performance and capabilities in terms of spectral, spatial and temporal extents and resolutions. Such improvements raise new challenges connected to data analysis and interpretation, in terms of, e.g., effectively discerning the presence of floodwaters in different land-cover types and environmental conditions or refining the accuracy of detection algorithms. In this sense, high expectations are placed on new methods that integrate information obtained from multiple techniques, platforms, sensors, bands and acquisition times. Moreover, the assessment of such techniques strongly benefits from collaboration with hydrological and/or hydraulic modeling of the evolution of flood events. The aim of this Special Issue is to provide an overview of recent advancements in the state of the art of flood monitoring methods and techniques derived from remotely sensed data.
Technology: general issues --- History of engineering & technology --- Environmental science, engineering & technology --- mobile mapping system --- RRI model --- high-water marks --- inundation --- Northern Kyushu floods --- point clouds --- flood mapping --- temporary flooded vegetation (TFV) --- Sentinel-1 --- time series data --- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) --- sentinel-1 --- SAR --- flood --- image classification --- clustering --- monsoon --- Philippines --- LiDAR --- geometric parameters --- levee stability --- overtopping --- Pearl River Delta --- CYGNSS --- flood detection --- Sistan and Baluchestan --- GNSS-R --- flood monitoring --- ALOS 2 --- multi-sensor integration --- multi-temporal inundation analysis --- Zambesi-Shire river basin --- image processing --- hydrology --- synthetic aperture radar
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This book presents 16 selected papers from the 7th International Conference on The Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science, Coastlab18. The conference was organized in Santander, Spain, from 22 to 26 May, 2018, by the Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria, IHCantabria. Coastlab18 welcomed 175 attendees from 18 different countries. The technical program included three renowned keynote lectures and 120 presentations focused on theoretical and practical aspects related to physical modelling in the field of coastal and ocean engineering. Coastal and ocean structures, breakwaters, revetments, laboratory technologies, measurement systems, coastal field measurement and monitoring, combined physical and numerical modelling, physical modelling case studies, tsunamis, and coastal hydrodynamics were the main topics covered in the conference. This book attempts to cover, as completely as possible, all the topics presented during the conference. The papers were accepted after a peer-review process based on their full text.
History of engineering & technology --- hydraulic stability --- breaking wave conditions --- low-crested structures --- mound breakwaters --- armor layer --- overtopping --- dikes --- sea defenses --- bimodal seas --- swell --- oblique waves --- crossing seas --- wave basin --- mound breakwater --- armor stability --- Cubipod® --- breaking waves --- non-overtopping --- horizontal foreshore --- regular waves --- Stepped revetment --- wave impact --- physical model test --- rock slopes --- damage characterization --- damage parameters --- physical model tests --- linear waves --- nonlinear waves --- wavemaker theory --- wavemaker applicability --- outdoor wave basin --- long-term development --- vegetation development --- ecosystem services --- nature-based --- vertical barrier --- semi-submerged --- wind waves --- experiments --- laboratory --- operational system --- wave forecast --- wave modelling --- Mediterranean Sea --- monitoring program --- beach management --- bichromatic waves --- reflection separation --- bound waves --- stability --- erosion --- sea level rise --- repetition tests --- berm --- wave flume --- length effect --- aquaculture --- drag --- inertia --- Abbott–Firestone Curve --- laboratory tests --- physical model experiments --- scouring --- shingle foreshore --- sloping wall --- combined field experiment and numerical modeling --- overwash --- wave run-up --- infragravity waves --- XBeach --- coastal flooding --- dune erosion --- landslide waves --- tsunamis --- laboratory experiments --- momentum balance --- numerical wave modeling --- vertical cylinder --- DNS model --- pressure gradient --- wave force --- scour and shear stress --- n/a --- Abbott-Firestone Curve
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This book presents 16 selected papers from the 7th International Conference on The Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science, Coastlab18. The conference was organized in Santander, Spain, from 22 to 26 May, 2018, by the Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria, IHCantabria. Coastlab18 welcomed 175 attendees from 18 different countries. The technical program included three renowned keynote lectures and 120 presentations focused on theoretical and practical aspects related to physical modelling in the field of coastal and ocean engineering. Coastal and ocean structures, breakwaters, revetments, laboratory technologies, measurement systems, coastal field measurement and monitoring, combined physical and numerical modelling, physical modelling case studies, tsunamis, and coastal hydrodynamics were the main topics covered in the conference. This book attempts to cover, as completely as possible, all the topics presented during the conference. The papers were accepted after a peer-review process based on their full text.
hydraulic stability --- breaking wave conditions --- low-crested structures --- mound breakwaters --- armor layer --- overtopping --- dikes --- sea defenses --- bimodal seas --- swell --- oblique waves --- crossing seas --- wave basin --- mound breakwater --- armor stability --- Cubipod® --- breaking waves --- non-overtopping --- horizontal foreshore --- regular waves --- Stepped revetment --- wave impact --- physical model test --- rock slopes --- damage characterization --- damage parameters --- physical model tests --- linear waves --- nonlinear waves --- wavemaker theory --- wavemaker applicability --- outdoor wave basin --- long-term development --- vegetation development --- ecosystem services --- nature-based --- vertical barrier --- semi-submerged --- wind waves --- experiments --- laboratory --- operational system --- wave forecast --- wave modelling --- Mediterranean Sea --- monitoring program --- beach management --- bichromatic waves --- reflection separation --- bound waves --- stability --- erosion --- sea level rise --- repetition tests --- berm --- wave flume --- length effect --- aquaculture --- drag --- inertia --- Abbott–Firestone Curve --- laboratory tests --- physical model experiments --- scouring --- shingle foreshore --- sloping wall --- combined field experiment and numerical modeling --- overwash --- wave run-up --- infragravity waves --- XBeach --- coastal flooding --- dune erosion --- landslide waves --- tsunamis --- laboratory experiments --- momentum balance --- numerical wave modeling --- vertical cylinder --- DNS model --- pressure gradient --- wave force --- scour and shear stress --- n/a --- Abbott-Firestone Curve
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This book presents 16 selected papers from the 7th International Conference on The Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science, Coastlab18. The conference was organized in Santander, Spain, from 22 to 26 May, 2018, by the Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria, IHCantabria. Coastlab18 welcomed 175 attendees from 18 different countries. The technical program included three renowned keynote lectures and 120 presentations focused on theoretical and practical aspects related to physical modelling in the field of coastal and ocean engineering. Coastal and ocean structures, breakwaters, revetments, laboratory technologies, measurement systems, coastal field measurement and monitoring, combined physical and numerical modelling, physical modelling case studies, tsunamis, and coastal hydrodynamics were the main topics covered in the conference. This book attempts to cover, as completely as possible, all the topics presented during the conference. The papers were accepted after a peer-review process based on their full text.
History of engineering & technology --- hydraulic stability --- breaking wave conditions --- low-crested structures --- mound breakwaters --- armor layer --- overtopping --- dikes --- sea defenses --- bimodal seas --- swell --- oblique waves --- crossing seas --- wave basin --- mound breakwater --- armor stability --- Cubipod® --- breaking waves --- non-overtopping --- horizontal foreshore --- regular waves --- Stepped revetment --- wave impact --- physical model test --- rock slopes --- damage characterization --- damage parameters --- physical model tests --- linear waves --- nonlinear waves --- wavemaker theory --- wavemaker applicability --- outdoor wave basin --- long-term development --- vegetation development --- ecosystem services --- nature-based --- vertical barrier --- semi-submerged --- wind waves --- experiments --- laboratory --- operational system --- wave forecast --- wave modelling --- Mediterranean Sea --- monitoring program --- beach management --- bichromatic waves --- reflection separation --- bound waves --- stability --- erosion --- sea level rise --- repetition tests --- berm --- wave flume --- length effect --- aquaculture --- drag --- inertia --- Abbott-Firestone Curve --- laboratory tests --- physical model experiments --- scouring --- shingle foreshore --- sloping wall --- combined field experiment and numerical modeling --- overwash --- wave run-up --- infragravity waves --- XBeach --- coastal flooding --- dune erosion --- landslide waves --- tsunamis --- laboratory experiments --- momentum balance --- numerical wave modeling --- vertical cylinder --- DNS model --- pressure gradient --- wave force --- scour and shear stress
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Coastal systems are unique environments that provide socioeconomic benefits via a variety of different functions. These functions are influenced by changing morphology, which results from erosion and sedimentation at different spatiotemporal scales, from both natural forcing and human interventions. Additionally, interactions between coastal processes and coastal engineering works leads to both positive and negative impacts. These dynamics are expected to continually change with flood and erosion hazards increasing in the future due to changes in sea level rise and wave climate, and the acceleration of anthropogenic effects. Understanding the forcing factors, natural morphodynamic evolution, and response to potential future scenarios will help coastal policy makers to define suitable adaptation strategies and to assure the sustainable use of coastal systems, which allows us to further enjoy the numerous socioeconomic and environmental benefits.
Technology: general issues --- History of engineering & technology --- XBeach --- morphology --- morphodynamics --- reef --- storm --- current jets --- Western Australia --- wetland --- salt marsh --- degradation --- satellite time series --- self-organisation --- morphodynamic feedback --- geospatial --- shingle beach --- coastal catch-up --- longshore transport --- marsh cliff erosion --- overwash --- overtopping --- barrier stability --- back barrier marsh --- Barrier Inertia --- Delft3D --- long-term --- two-channel --- dune erosion --- land-based biomass --- dune vegetation --- model scaling --- large-scale --- field experiments --- nature-based solutions --- sand trapping fences --- dune toe volume changes --- foredune recovery --- unmanned aerial vehicle --- cliff retreat --- littoral sediment --- sediment budget --- coastal protection --- sediment-starved environment --- Baltic Sea --- wave impacts --- sea level rise --- macro-tidal coast --- SWAN --- numerical modelling --- sand net device --- Authie estuary --- meandering river --- erosion --- sedimentation --- roller dynamics --- storm erosion --- n/a
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This book is the result of a stimulating Special Issue of Water, focusing on the “Interaction between waves and Maritime Structures”. This broadly inclusive title allowed the gathering of articles on different topics of engineering concern, making the book appeal to both scientists and practical engineers. Original contributions on evergreen problems, such as wave overtopping at conventional and unconventional coastal structures, wave-induced pressures at vertical walls, hydraulic stability of rubble mound breakwaters and dynamics of crown-walls indeed represent the main core of the book; however, other intriguing research topics are also tackled, including the solution of the Navier–Stokes equations for biphase flows, the downscaling of large maritime structures in a physical lab, floating bodies mechanics and the numerical modeling of coastline evolution.
Technology: general issues --- rock armor stability --- breakwater --- damage --- notional permeability factor --- crown wall failure --- dynamic response --- sliding --- overturning --- bearing capacity --- ship motions --- in-situ observations --- port operation --- transfer functions --- meteorological and ocean conditions --- vessel dimensions --- electrical platform --- hydrodynamic response --- strain --- acceleration --- hydroelastic similarity --- laboratory experiment --- wave overtopping --- flow velocity --- flow depth --- dike --- wave breaking --- experiments --- numerical modelling --- n/a --- floating cylinder --- water filled --- motion capturing --- wave tank --- wave gauges --- fluid–structure interaction --- free surface --- sloshing --- image analysis --- green water --- wet dam-break bore --- 2D experimental study --- water elevation database --- Venetian lagoon --- flooding --- astronomical tide --- storm surge --- experimental investigation --- two-phase flows --- fluid-structure interactions --- wave decomposition --- floating body --- recurves --- recurve geometry --- vertical seawalls --- wave loads and pressures --- pulsating and impulsive conditions --- validation experiment --- shoreline evolution --- littoral drift --- equivalent wave --- one-line equation --- coastal defenses --- structure response --- fluid-structure interaction
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This book is the result of a stimulating Special Issue of Water, focusing on the “Interaction between waves and Maritime Structures”. This broadly inclusive title allowed the gathering of articles on different topics of engineering concern, making the book appeal to both scientists and practical engineers. Original contributions on evergreen problems, such as wave overtopping at conventional and unconventional coastal structures, wave-induced pressures at vertical walls, hydraulic stability of rubble mound breakwaters and dynamics of crown-walls indeed represent the main core of the book; however, other intriguing research topics are also tackled, including the solution of the Navier–Stokes equations for biphase flows, the downscaling of large maritime structures in a physical lab, floating bodies mechanics and the numerical modeling of coastline evolution.
rock armor stability --- breakwater --- damage --- notional permeability factor --- crown wall failure --- dynamic response --- sliding --- overturning --- bearing capacity --- ship motions --- in-situ observations --- port operation --- transfer functions --- meteorological and ocean conditions --- vessel dimensions --- electrical platform --- hydrodynamic response --- strain --- acceleration --- hydroelastic similarity --- laboratory experiment --- wave overtopping --- flow velocity --- flow depth --- dike --- wave breaking --- experiments --- numerical modelling --- n/a --- floating cylinder --- water filled --- motion capturing --- wave tank --- wave gauges --- fluid–structure interaction --- free surface --- sloshing --- image analysis --- green water --- wet dam-break bore --- 2D experimental study --- water elevation database --- Venetian lagoon --- flooding --- astronomical tide --- storm surge --- experimental investigation --- two-phase flows --- fluid-structure interactions --- wave decomposition --- floating body --- recurves --- recurve geometry --- vertical seawalls --- wave loads and pressures --- pulsating and impulsive conditions --- validation experiment --- shoreline evolution --- littoral drift --- equivalent wave --- one-line equation --- coastal defenses --- structure response --- fluid-structure interaction
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This book is the result of a stimulating Special Issue of Water, focusing on the “Interaction between waves and Maritime Structures”. This broadly inclusive title allowed the gathering of articles on different topics of engineering concern, making the book appeal to both scientists and practical engineers. Original contributions on evergreen problems, such as wave overtopping at conventional and unconventional coastal structures, wave-induced pressures at vertical walls, hydraulic stability of rubble mound breakwaters and dynamics of crown-walls indeed represent the main core of the book; however, other intriguing research topics are also tackled, including the solution of the Navier–Stokes equations for biphase flows, the downscaling of large maritime structures in a physical lab, floating bodies mechanics and the numerical modeling of coastline evolution.
Technology: general issues --- rock armor stability --- breakwater --- damage --- notional permeability factor --- crown wall failure --- dynamic response --- sliding --- overturning --- bearing capacity --- ship motions --- in-situ observations --- port operation --- transfer functions --- meteorological and ocean conditions --- vessel dimensions --- electrical platform --- hydrodynamic response --- strain --- acceleration --- hydroelastic similarity --- laboratory experiment --- wave overtopping --- flow velocity --- flow depth --- dike --- wave breaking --- experiments --- numerical modelling --- floating cylinder --- water filled --- motion capturing --- wave tank --- wave gauges --- fluid-structure interaction --- free surface --- sloshing --- image analysis --- green water --- wet dam-break bore --- 2D experimental study --- water elevation database --- Venetian lagoon --- flooding --- astronomical tide --- storm surge --- experimental investigation --- two-phase flows --- fluid-structure interactions --- wave decomposition --- floating body --- recurves --- recurve geometry --- vertical seawalls --- wave loads and pressures --- pulsating and impulsive conditions --- validation experiment --- shoreline evolution --- littoral drift --- equivalent wave --- one-line equation --- coastal defenses --- structure response
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In the current scenario in which climate change dominates our lives and in which we all need to combat and drastically reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, renewable energies play key roles as present and future energy sources. Renewable energies vary across a wide range, and therefore, there are related studies for each type of energy. This Special Issue is composed of studies integrating the latest research innovations and knowledge focused on all types of renewable energy: onshore and offshore wind, photovoltaic, solar, biomass, geothermal, waves, tides, hydro, etc. Authors were invited submit review and research papers focused on energy resource estimation, all types of TRL converters, civil infrastructure, electrical connection, environmental studies, licensing and development of facilities, construction, operation and maintenance, mechanical and structural analysis, new materials for these facilities, etc. Analyses of a combination of several renewable energies as well as storage systems to progress the development of these sustainable energies were welcomed.
Technology: general issues --- RE prospects and challenges --- RE regulations and policy --- RE in Bangladesh --- geothermal energy --- induced seismicity --- fault --- Basel --- poroelasticity --- HEM --- PV sizing --- Load scheduling --- Dijkstra Algorithm --- BPSO --- GA --- optimization --- wind farm --- pumped storage --- isolated systems --- power plant efficiency --- compact pigeon-inspired optimization --- maximum short-term generation --- swarm intelligence --- hydroelectric power station --- strategic planning --- site selection process --- offshore wind farms --- geographic information systems --- portfolio analysis --- Greece --- renewable energy --- photovoltaic generation --- battery storage --- reliability evaluation --- Monte Carlo Simulation --- photovoltaics (PV) --- biomass --- off-grid electrification --- feasibility analysis --- cost analysis --- simple payback period --- CO2 emissions --- residential energy-related CO2 emissions --- less developed regions --- urban and rural regions --- LMDI --- Tapio decoupling --- Jiangxi province --- Hybrid energy system --- wind power --- photovoltaic --- hosting capacity --- distribution system --- integrated system --- floating buoy --- offshore structure --- wave energy converter --- non-negative spring stiffness --- renewable–growth hypothesis --- renewable electricity --- economic growth --- renewable manufacturing --- energy–growth nexus --- inverters --- converters --- distributed generators --- utility grid --- hierarchical control --- PHEV --- NEDC --- WLTP --- energy consumption --- NEV credit regulation --- subsidy policy --- frequency control --- power system stability --- variable renewable energy sources --- wind power plants --- photovoltaic power plants --- wave energy converters --- heaving point absorber --- design and performance --- spatial and temporal variation --- emergy --- emergetic ternary diagrams --- sustainability --- environmental loading --- energy systems assessment --- solar updraft tower --- artificial neural network --- principal component analysis --- wave overtopping rate --- photovoltaic spatial planning --- photovoltaic carrying capacity --- influence factors --- optimization strategies --- carrying capacity distribution --- planning adjustment --- renewable energy resources --- grid integrated solar PV systems --- sustainable power generation --- maximum power point tracking --- grid reliability and voltage source converter