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This book explores the challenges and opportunities of language education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, emphasizing the importance of pluralism in educational systems. It examines the impact of political, ideological, and cultural factors on English language teaching and argues for the adoption of diversity education through cooperative and collaborative learning methods. The book highlights the need for top-down and bottom-up educational reforms, focusing on teacher identity and curriculum development as critical components of effective multicultural education. It is intended for educators, policymakers, and researchers interested in language education and diversity in the MENA region.
Orient Mitjà --- Àfrica del Nord --- Educació intercultural --- Llenguatge i llengües
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This book explores the challenges and opportunities of language education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, emphasizing the importance of pluralism in educational systems. It examines the impact of political, ideological, and cultural factors on English language teaching and argues for the adoption of diversity education through cooperative and collaborative learning methods. The book highlights the need for top-down and bottom-up educational reforms, focusing on teacher identity and curriculum development as critical components of effective multicultural education. It is intended for educators, policymakers, and researchers interested in language education and diversity in the MENA region.
Educació intercultural --- Llenguatge i llengües --- Orient Mitjà --- Àfrica del Nord
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El volum mostra per què i com s’investiga la variació lingüística des de diferents vessants de les ciències del llenguatge. En els primers capítols es reflexiona sobre què és la variació lingüística: Joan Argente destaca la importància de tenir en compte la universalitat i la diversitat lingüístiques, Maria Teresa Turell estudia l’heterogeneïtat lingüística a partir de tècniques quantitatives variacionistes, i Max W. Wheeler tracta del paper de la variació lingüística diacrònica. Els capítols següents exposen com s’analitza la variació en les diferents disciplines amb un estudi de cas aplicat al català: Maria-Rosa Lloret i Joaquim Viaplana tracten de la variació en fonologia i morfologia; Mercè Lorente, Maria Teresa Cabré i Lluís de Yzaguirre, la variació en el lèxic; Joan Julià s’ocupa de la variació en la fonètica, i Gemma Rigau, en la sintaxi. Vicent Salvador, finalment, presenta les connexions entre la variació lingüística i la dialectologia, la pragmàtica i l’anàlisi del discurs.
Catalan language --- Variació (Lingüística) --- Llenguatge i llengües --- Català --- Variation
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This book synthesizes research on language development and communication disability in Sub-Saharan Africa and highlights best practices for providing speech and language therapy services to individuals with language, communication, and hearing disorders across the lifespan. The book brings together a wide range of international contributions from various disciplines, such as speech-language pathology, audiology, developmental psychology, language education, social work, neurology, neuropsychology, pediatrics, linguistics, pedagogy, and phonetics to provide perspectives on problems, challenges, ideas, concepts, and models to serve the people in Sub-Saharan Africa. Key areas of coverage include: Challenges for speech-language therapists in the health sector. Community awareness and the sustainable delivery of services. Culture-specific support of communication and language development in early childhood. Malnutrition, dysphagia, feeding difficulties, pediatric HIV, and related issues. Communication disability treatments, including assessment and intervention, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), and issues specific to bilingualism and biliteracy. Inclusive education of children with communication disorders with case studies from Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, and South Africa. The Handbook of Speech-Language Therapy in Sub-Saharan Africa is an essential reference for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and other professionals in developmental psychology, speech-language pathology and therapy, social work, neuropsychology, pediatrics, special education, community based rehabilitation, and all related disciplines.
Speech therapy. --- Speech correction --- Speech disorders --- Therapeutics --- Treatment --- Trastorns del llenguatge --- Trastorns auditius --- Logopèdia --- Audiologia --- Àfrica subsahariana --- Trastorns del llenguatge.
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The book addresses some raging questions in linguistics today: What kind of variation do typologically related languages display? Do we expect to find the same variation in genealogically unrelated languages spoken in the same area? What makes dialects different? The current book answers these questions using data from languages spoken in the Indian subcontinent—an area known for its linguistic richness and diversity. Each chapter in the book presents a wealth of data collected through extensive fieldwork or controlled experimental setups. The chapters examine macro-variation in relative clauses, word order and negation found among Austro-Asiatic, Dravidian, Indo-Aryan and Tibeto-Burman languages. It also investigates meso-level variation among related Eastern Indo-Aryan languages and intra-language and dialectal changes. It encourages scholars to probe deep into the mechanisms that underlie the immense intra- and inter-language variation in the area. It serves as a resource book for postgraduate and research scholars of linguistic typology, theoretical syntax, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics and for scholars interested in South Asian languages.
Language and languages --- Variation. --- South Asia --- Languages. --- Llenguatge i llengües --- Variació (Lingüística) --- Àsia del Sud --- Llenguatge i llengües.
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Language disorders. --- Pragmatics. --- Pragmalinguistics --- General semantics --- Language and languages --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Semantics (Philosophy) --- Dysphasia --- Communicative disorders --- Philosophy --- Trastorns del llenguatge --- Pragmàtica (Lingüística) --- Trastorns del llenguatge.
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This is an open access book. AICoLLiM is the annual conference on the area of language, literature and media. It provides a forum for presenting and discussing the expanding paradigm, latest innovations, results and developments in language, literature and media. The conference provides a forum for lecturers, students, researchers, practitioners and media professionals engaged in research and development to share ideas, interact with others, present their latest works, and strengthen the collaboration among academics, researcher and professionals.
Language and languages. --- Foreign languages --- Languages --- Anthropology --- Communication --- Ethnology --- Information theory --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Philology --- Linguistics --- Llenguatge i llengües --- Llenguatge i llengües.
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Aptitud verbal. --- Ensenyament de llengües. --- Lectura. --- Llenguatge infantil. --- Tests d'aptitud. --- Tests de llenguatge. --- Lingua parlata --- Lingua scritta --- Linguaggio --- Insegnamento --- Scuola dell'infanzia.
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This book is about language learning with technology, offering readers theoretical insights as well as practical case studies with a focus on Asia and Asian students. Although technology is rapidly advancing and most, if not all, students are already using technology in their everyday lives, traditional teaching/learning practices still exist throughout Asia. This book provides examples, written by representative educators, from a variety of countries/regions and contexts where technology has successfully been used to enhance language learning. In addition to some everyday examples of using technology: Wikipedia, PowerPoint, Google Docs and YouTube, the book also offers the readers an insight into the future possible uses of advanced technology: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Eye Tracking. The book presents illustrations of how teachers can, and perhaps should, be open to integrating some form of technology into in-class learning or using it to supplement out-of-class activities. .
Teaching --- Didactics of languages --- onderwijs --- talenonderwijs --- opvoeding --- Language and languages --- Study and teaching --- Àsia --- Ensenyament de la llengua --- Llenguatge i llengües --- Innovacions tecnològiques --- Llenguatge i llengües.
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Software engineering. --- Computer software engineering --- Engineering --- C++ (Llenguatge de programació) --- Bioinformàtica --- Enginyeria de programari --- Biologia computacional