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Der vorliegende Band umfasst die erste kritische Edition zweier gnadentheologisch bedeutsamer Schriften Augustins, nämlich De gratia et libero arbitrio und De praedestinatione sanctorum libri duo. De dono perseverantiae ist hierin, der handschriftlichen Überlieferung zufolge, als zweites Buch gezählt und ediert. Eine ausführliche Präfatio erschließt die Überlieferungslage und erläutert die wichtigsten Textentscheidungen.
History of philosophy --- Christian moral theology --- Grace (Theology) --- Free will and determinism --- Predestination --- Religious aspects --- History of doctrines --- Augustine, --- De dono perseverantiae (Augustine, of Hippo, Saint) --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS:234 --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS:234 Latijnse patrologie-:-Soteriologie. Heilsleer. Genade. Geloof--AUGUSTINUS --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS:234 Patrologie latine-:-Soteriologie. La grace. La foi--AUGUSTINUS --- Latijnse patrologie-:-Soteriologie. Heilsleer. Genade. Geloof--AUGUSTINUS --- Patrologie latine-:-Soteriologie. La grace. La foi--AUGUSTINUS
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For Augustine, the pre-Fall Paradise was a life of tranquil love and joy. The post-Fall world is marked by loss of control over our bodies and emotions. But what exactly happened in the Fall, and why? How does desire relate to man's disobedience, and is there any sense in which we can recover what Adam and Eve have lost? In treating City 14 as an integral whole, this study explores Augustine's critiques of the Manichean and Platonist positions that the body is bad or evil, and dis-cusses his biblical doctrine of emotions in light of the two-cities theme. The entire study concerns topics germane to the paradisal situation: the theme of the Primal Fall and the will being 'spontaneous', the exploration of the disobedience of the genitals in all forms of sex, including married life, and the workings of Adam and Eve's hypothetical sexual experience in the pre-Fall world.
276 --- 233.14 --- 233.14 Zondeval van de mens --- Zondeval van de mens --- Latijnse patrologie-:-Soteriologie. Heilsleer. Genade. Geloof--AUGUSTINUS --- Augustin (saint ; 0354-0430). --- Augustin --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS:234 --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS:234 Latijnse patrologie-:-Soteriologie. Heilsleer. Genade. Geloof--AUGUSTINUS --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS:234 Patrologie latine-:-Soteriologie. La grace. La foi--AUGUSTINUS --- Patrologie latine-:-Soteriologie. La grace. La foi--AUGUSTINUS --- Sex --- Lust --- Emotions --- Religious aspects --- Christianity --- History of doctrines --- Augustine, --- Sex in the Bible. --- Fall of man. --- Man, Fall of --- Sin --- Sin, Original --- Adam und Eva --- Augustinus --- Gottesstaat --- Manichäismus --- Paradies --- Platon --- Sündenfall
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In Sōtēria : Salvation in Early Christianity and Antiquity, an international team of scholars assembles to honour the distinguished academic career of New Testament scholar Cilliers Breytenbach. Colleagues and friends consider in which manner concepts of salvation were constructed in early Christianity and its Jewish and Graeco-Roman contexts. Studies on aspects of soteriology in the New Testament writings, such as in the narratives on Jesus' life and work, and theological interpretations of his life and death in the epistolary literature, are supplemented by studies on salvation in the Apostolic Fathers, Marcion, early Christian inscriptions and Antiochian theology. The volume starts with some exemplary studies on salvation in the Hebrew Bible, the Dead Sea scrolls, the Septuagint, and popular Graeco-Roman literature and philosophy. Furthermore, some contributions shed light on the ancient cultural background of early Christian soteriological concepts.
Salvation. --- Salvation --- Biblical teaching. --- Christianity --- History of doctrines --- Breytenbach, Cilliers, --- History. --- Salut --- Christianisme --- Histoire des doctrines --- Enseignement biblique --- 234 --- 27 "00/04" --- Religion --- 234 Soteriologie. Heilsleer. Genade. Geloof --- 234 Soteriologie. La grace. La foi --- Soteriologie. Heilsleer. Genade. Geloof --- Soteriologie. La grace. La foi --- 27 "00/04" Histoire de l'Eglise--?"00/04" --- 27 "00/04" Kerkgeschiedenis--?"00/04" --- Histoire de l'Eglise--?"00/04" --- Kerkgeschiedenis--?"00/04" --- Biblical teaching --- Festschrift - Libri Amicorum --- Salvation - Christianity - History of doctrines - Early church, ca. 30-600. --- Salvation - History.
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Dieu --- Genade (Theologie) --- God --- Grace (Theology) --- Grâce (Théologie) --- Heil --- Redding (Godsdienst) --- Salut --- Salvation --- Salvation (Christianity) --- Theologie --- Théologie --- Théologie de la grâce --- #GROL:SEMI-23<03> Manu 8 --- #GGSB: Leeszaal --- #GGSB: Dogmatiek --- #gsdb4 --- 231 --- God. De Deo uno et trino:--dogmatisch --- 231 God. De Deo uno et trino:--dogmatisch --- Leeszaal --- Dogmatiek
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Divine right of kings --- Droit divin des rois --- Goddelijk recht van koningen --- Gratie Gods [Koningschap bij de ] --- Kings [Divine right of ] --- Koningen [Goddelijk recht van ] --- Koningschap bij de gratie Gods --- Koninklijk gezag bij de gratie Gods --- Rois [Droit divin des ] --- Royauté par la grâce de Dieu --- Royauté sacrée --- Spain --- Politics and government --- 16th century --- Despotism --- History --- Monarchy
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One of the most beautiful Hymns of the Liturgy of the Hours begins with this verse: «Who is God to love us so much...? » In discerning the mystery of the unspeakable love and tenderness of God for the humanity and for the entire universe, the book of Claire Dumont, intertwined with biblical wisdom, shares the experience of a believer who is always seeking for a better answer to the unending question: Who indeed is God ? The reading of the Bible, as much as the experience of the humanity, often heaves us into a scenario of violence that seems to obscure its meaning. Nevertheless, gentleness and tenderness are brought forward through countless witnesses and by an irrepressible desire for compassion and peace. It is in contemplating the gentleness of God the Father, Son and Spirit - their unconditional love - , that we can assimilate and regain this gentleness in the Church, in society, in families, in communities or in small groups. By her simple approach, the author dares to witness with great conviction and openness to this profound mystery.
248.2 "20" --- 271.77*19 --- 271.77*19 Montfortanen. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort --- Montfortanen. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort --- 248.2 "20" Mystieke theologie. Mystiek. Mysticisme--21e eeuw. Periode 2000-2099 --- Mystieke theologie. Mystiek. Mysticisme--21e eeuw. Periode 2000-2099 --- Genade (Theologie) --- Grace (Theology) --- Grâce (Théologie) --- Théologie de la grâce --- Christian fundamental theology --- Doctrine of God (christianism)
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Hartnäckig hält sich die Ansicht, es gäbe »in echt« nur zwei Geschlechter. Diese heteronormative Zweigeschlechtlichkeit wird sowohl durch die Wissenschaften als auch durch visuelle Repräsentationen von Geschlecht aufrechterhalten. Als Einsprüche in solch hegemoniale Wissensformationen diskutiert Josch Hoenes queere/trans* Fotografien von Del LaGrace Volcano und Loren Cameron sowie den Film »Boys Don't Cry« aus transdisziplinärer Perspektive: Welche Potenziale besitzen kulturell-künstlerische Arbeiten, um Geschlechterformationen von Trans*personen denk- und lebbarer werden zu lassen? Und welche neuen Möglichkeiten eröffnen sie damit, (sich) zu erzählen? »Der Band ist bestückt mit eindrucksvollen Fotografien, die das Potenzial besitzen, festgefahrene Denkmuster zu erschüttern. Das Buch wirft einen kritischen Blick auf die Vorgehensweise der Academia und kann hier für ein Umdenken werben.« Andrea Stänicke, GENDER, 2 (2015) »Eine qualitativ hochwertige Intervention in aktuelle Debatten um Trans* innerhalb und außerhalb des akademischen Betriebs.« Robin Bauer, Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 28 (2015) Besprochen in: Feministische Studien, 33/2 (2015), Olag Stieglitz
Visuelle Kultur; Transsexualität; Queere Theorie; Visuelle Politiken; Fotografie; Del La Grace Volcano; Loren Cameron; »Boys Don't Cry«; Gender; Bild; Kunst; Queer Theory; Kunstgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts; Film; Kunstwissenschaft; Photography; Image; Arts; Art History of the 20th Century; Fine Arts --- Art History of the 20th Century. --- Arts. --- Film. --- Fine Arts. --- Gender. --- Image. --- Photography.
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Augustine's Early Thought on the Redemptive Function of Divine Judgement considers the relationship between Augustine's account of God's judgment and his theology of grace in his early works. How does God use his law and the penal consequences of its transgression in the service of his grace, both personally and through his 'agents' on earth? Augustine reflected on this question from different perspectives. As a teacher and bishop, he thought about the nature of discipline and punishment in the education of his pupils, brothers, and congregants. As a polemicist against the Manichaeans and as a biblical expositor, he had to grapple with issues regarding God's relationship to evil in the world, the violence God displays in the Old Testament, and in the death of0his own Son. Furthermore, Augustine meditated on the way God's judgment and grace related in his own life, both before and after his conversion.0Bart van Egmond follows the development of Augustine's early thought on judgment and grace from the Cassiacum writings to the Confessions. The argument is contextualized both against the background of the earlier Christian tradition of reflection on the providential function of divine chastisement, and the tradition of psychagogy that Augustine inherited from a variety of rhetorical and philosophical sources. This study expertly contributes to the ongoing scholarly discussion on the development of Augustine's doctrine of grace, and to the conversation on the theological roots of his justification of coercion against the Donatists.
276 =71 AUGUSTINUS <08> --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS:234 --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS:234 Latijnse patrologie-:-Soteriologie. Heilsleer. Genade. Geloof--AUGUSTINUS --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS:234 Patrologie latine-:-Soteriologie. La grace. La foi--AUGUSTINUS --- Latijnse patrologie-:-Soteriologie. Heilsleer. Genade. Geloof--AUGUSTINUS --- Patrologie latine-:-Soteriologie. La grace. La foi--AUGUSTINUS --- Latijnse patrologie--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen--AUGUSTINUS --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS <08> Latijnse patrologie--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen--AUGUSTINUS --- 276 =71 AUGUSTINUS <08> Patrologie latine--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen--AUGUSTINUS --- Patrologie latine--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen--AUGUSTINUS --- 276 --- Judgment of God --- Justification (Christian theology) --- History of doctrines. --- Augustine, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Judgment of God - History of doctrines. --- Justification (Christian theology) - History of doctrines. --- Augustine, - of Hippo, Saint, - 354-430 - Criticism and interpretation. --- Augustine, - of Hippo, Saint, - 354-430
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Divine right of kings --- Droit divin des rois --- Goddelijk recht van koningen --- Gratie Gods [Koningschap bij de ] --- Kings [Divine right of ] --- Koningen [Goddelijk recht van ] --- Koningschap bij de gratie Gods --- Koninklijk gezag bij de gratie Gods --- Mecanisme (Philosophie) --- Mechanism (Philosophy) --- Mechanisme (Filosofie) --- Rois [Droit divin des ] --- Royauté par la grâce de Dieu --- Royauté sacrée --- State, The --- Despotism --- Absolutism --- Autocracy --- Tyranny --- Authoritarianism --- Dictatorship --- Totalitarianism --- Administration --- Commonwealth, The --- Sovereignty --- Political science --- History --- Monarchy --- Germany
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