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Mexico's conditional cash transfer program, PROSPERA, has demonstrated short- and medium-term positive effects on health and education, including: increased children's height; decreased risky behaviors among adolescents, including the postponement of parenthood; and increased years of schooling. This paper explores whether these effects lasted in the long-term and translated into positive changes in outcomes across generations. This study uses the most recent PROSPERA Evaluation Survey (ENCEL 2017) and combines it with previous waves and with the 1997 Socioeconomic Characteristics Survey (ENCASEH). Using intergenerational mobility analysis and quasi-experimental methods, this study finds strong evidence of positive absolute intergenerational mobility in height and years of schooling. The findings show that, on average, male offspring are 2.8 centimeters taller and have 5.3 more years of schooling than their providers (usually their parents), while female offspring are 4.1 centimeters taller and have 5.7 more years of schooling than their providers. These intergenerational gains are relevant not only because they reflect improvements in human capital, but also because these improvements have a positive return to investment. The study finds that a 1 percent increase in height is associated with a 10.7 and 8.8 percent increases in hourly wages for men and women, respectively. The analysis finds that a one-year increase in schooling is associated with 3.4 and 4.8 percent increases in hourly wages for men and women, respectively. These results show that PROSPERA has been successful in helping children and youth build human capital through better health and education, which has led to positive returns in the labor market.
Conditional Cash Transfer --- Economics of Education --- Education --- Educational Attainment --- Health --- Health and Poverty --- Health, Nutrition and Population --- Human Capital --- Inequality --- Intergenerational Mobility --- Labor Markets --- Labor Mobility --- Poverty Reduction --- Social Analysis --- Social Mobility --- Wages --- Wages, Compensation and Benefits
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This paper compares the intergenerational mobility of educational and occupational attainment of men from disadvantaged groups (Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST)) in India with the intergenerational mobility of men outside these groups during 1983-2009. Although there has been a modest convergence in mobility rates of non-SC/ST and SC/ST men in educational attainment, there has been no significant convergence in the mobility rates of occupational attainment. Upward mobility of SC/ST men remains much lower compared to non-SC/ST men. Additionally, the former are more susceptible than the latter to moving down the intergenerational ladder. The mobility gap varies over a large range across states, but the cross-state variation has declined, with convergence being higher in states with larger gaps initially. The paper finds no evidence of higher convergence in states with higher economic growth. As such, policies that focus on growth may not necessarily deliver convergence in outcomes across social groups.
Castes --- Cohort Analysis --- Convergence --- Economic Growth --- Economic Theory & Research --- Education --- Educational Sciences --- Industrial Economics --- Industry --- Intergenerational Mobility --- Labor Markets --- Macroeconomics and Economic Growth --- Mobility --- Primary Education --- Skills Development and Labor Force Training --- Social Protections and Labor --- Youth Employment
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Two decades after the inception of Mexico's conditional cash transfer program, PROSPERA, this study analyzes the intergenerational occupational mobility and occupational attainment of a group of rural beneficiary youths between ages 18 and 35 years, segmented into subgroups by sex, ethnic background and migratory status. Furthermore, it evaluates if a higher intensity of PROSPERA's treatment increases the equality of labor opportunities for the youths. Half of the youths achieved upward mobility relative to their occupation of origin, but, at the same time, there also was a high probability of having an occupation in a lower stratum of the occupational hierarchy, experiencing high occupational inheritance and barriers to climbing the social ladder. The variables related to social origin have a significant correlation with the occupational destinations of the youths, although their education, first occupation and cognitive abilities are factors that, altogether, have a greater weight and may reduce the effect of social origins on occupational destinations. Women and migrants present the highest rates of upward mobility and greater equality in labor opportunities, compared to men and non-migrants, respectively. No differences due to ethnicity were found. The findings on the effects of PROSPERA suggest that higher levels of treatment intensity may generate greater probabilities of better occupations, although this effect is considered modest. The results are only valid for the analyzed subpopulation and reflect a reduced difference in the treatment intensity, which must not be considered as the complete effect of the program's intervention.
Conditional Cash Transfer --- Inequality --- Intergenerational Mobility --- Labor Market --- Labor Markets --- Labor Mobility --- Migration --- Occupational Attainment --- Occupational Mobility --- Poverty Reduction --- Rural Development --- Rural Labor Markets --- Social Origins --- Social Protections and Labor --- Youth Employment
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India experienced sustained economic growth for more than two decades following the economic liberalization in 1991. While economic growth reduced poverty significantly, it was associated with an increase in inequality. Does this increase in inequality reflect deep-seated inequality of opportunity or efficient incentive structure in a market oriented economy? This paper provides evidence on economic mobility in post-reform India by focusing on the educational attainment of children. It uses two related measures of immobility: sibling and intergenerational correlations. The paper analyzes the trends in and patterns of educational mobility from 1992/93 to 2006, with a special emphasis on the roles played by gender and geography. The evidence shows that family background plays a strong role; the estimated sibling correlation in India in 2006 is higher than the available estimates for Latin American countries. There is a persistent gender gap in rural and less-developed areas. The only group that experienced substantial improvements is women in urban and developed areas, with the lower caste women benefiting the most. Almost 70 percent of the variance in children's education can be accounted for by parental education and geographic location. The authors provide possible explanations for the apparently puzzling improvements for urban women in a country with strong son preference.
Agriculture --- Economic Liberalization --- Education --- Education and Society --- Equality of Opportunity --- Gender Gap --- Intergenerational Correlation --- Intergenerational Mobility --- Population & Development --- Population Policies --- Primary Education --- Rural Development --- Rural Development Knowledge & Information Systems --- Rural-Urban Inequality --- Sibling Correlation --- India
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The long-term effects of Mexico's conditional cash transfer program, PROSPERA, on poor households are of great interest to policy makers and academics alike. This paper analyzes the long-term effects on the welfare of the original participant households and their offspring, about 20 years after the inception of the program. To complement other studies that look into the effects on schooling and health, the analysis focuses on a utilitarian definition of welfare and employs two empirical strategies. The first uses the 1997-2000 experiment as the cleanest, albeit limited, source of variation. The analysis finds that by 2017-18, the offspring of original beneficiary households are more likely to have formed their own households, to have migrated to different localities, and to have more durable assets and larger consumption expenditures than their control counterpart. The second strategy confirms and expands those findings using a difference-in-difference methodology based on the localities' rollout of the program and the age of the individuals, as a proxy of exposure. This second approach covers a much larger and representative sample, while also directly observing self-reported vulnerability in food consumption. The findings confirm the generally positive outlook in terms of durable assets and lower food vulnerability. Perhaps more interestingly and relevant for evaluating the success of the program is that it improved intergenerational mobility. Using the 1997-2000 experiment, the analysis finds that the young adults who benefited from the program improved with respect to their parents in education, assets holding, and income. They appear to be climbing the ladder of assets and income.
Conditional Cash Transfer --- Economics of Education --- Education --- Educational Attainment --- Employment --- Employment and Unemployment --- Human Capital --- Intergenerational Mobility --- Labor Force Mobility --- Labor Market --- Labor Markets --- Poverty Reduction --- Social Protections and Labor --- Welfare Effects
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This study examines the green transition's effects on labor markets using a task-based framework to identify jobs with tasks that contribute, or with the potential to contribute, to the green transition. Analyzing data from Brazil, Colombia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States, we find that the proportion of workers in green jobs is similar across AEs and EMs, albeit with distinct occupational patterns: AE green job holders typically have higher education levels, whereas in EMs, they tend to have lower education levels. Despite these disparities, the distribution of green jobs across genders is similar across countries, with men occupying over two-thirds of these positions. Furthermore, green jobs are characterized by a wage premium and a narrower gender pay gap. Our research further studies the implications of AI for the expansion of green employment opportunities. This research advances our understanding of the interplay between green jobs, gender equity, and AI and provides valuable insights for promoting a more inclusive green transition.
Climate --- Environmental Economics: Government Policy --- Global Warming --- Human Capital --- Job, Occupational, and Intergenerational Mobility --- Labor Productivity --- Natural Disasters and Their Management --- Occupational Choice --- Pollution Control Adoption and Costs • Distributional Effects • Employment Effects --- Promotion --- Skills
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Inequality of educational opportunities (IEO) is a recurring topic in both public debate and academic research. This book contributes to the contemporary discussion on IEO with a focus on individual trajectories over the life course. It provides empirical evidence on the magnitude and the mechanisms of IEO in Colombia, a country with extreme, persistent levels of social inequality. Using national administrative databases, the author examines the effect of social origin on academic and labor market outcomes among university graduates. Drawing on a comprehensive theoretical approach to stratification and higher education, this volume discusses how the interaction between family background and segmentation of educational institutions might influence individuals' outcomes. As such, it will appeal to scholars, policy makers, and practitioners with interests in education, social inequality, social policy, higher education research, and international/comparative education.
Education --- Labor Market --- Unequal Opportunities --- Equality --- Sociology --- Educational Inequalities --- Academic Achievement Studies --- Educational Effectiveness Research --- Production Function Studies --- School Effectiveness --- Intergenerational Mobility Studies --- Modeling Studies --- Comparative Studies --- Academic Achievement --- Human Capital Theory --- Rational Choice Theory --- Theory of Industrialism --- Persistent Inequalities --- Bildungsmanagement
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This paper incorporates gender bias against girls in the family, school and labor market in a model of intergenerational persistence in schooling where parents self-finance children's education because of credit market imperfections. Parents may underestimate a girl's ability, expect lower returns, and assign lower weights to their welfare ("pure son preference"). The model delivers the widely used linear conditional expectation function under constant returns and separability but generates an irrelevance result: parental bias does not affect relative mobility. With diminishing returns and complementarity, the conditional expectation function can be concave or convex, and parental bias affects both relative and absolute mobility. This paper tests these predictions in India and China using data not subject to coresidency bias. The evidence rejects the linear conditional expectation function in rural and urban India in favor of a concave relation. Girls in India face lower mobility irrespective of location when born to fathers with low schooling, but the gender gap closes when the father is college educated. In China, the conditional expectation function is convex for sons in urban areas, but linear in all other cases. The convexity supports the complementarity hypothesis of Becker and others (2018) for the urban sons and leads to gender divergence in relative mobility for the children of highly educated fathers. In urban China, and urban and rural India, the mechanisms are underestimation of the ability of girls and unfavorable school environment. There is some evidence of pure son preference in rural India. The girls in rural China do not face bias in financial investment by parents, but they still face lower mobility when born to uneducated parents. Gender barriers in rural schools seem to be the primary mechanism.
Access and Equity In Basic Education --- Becker-Tomes Model --- Co-Residency Bias --- Complementarity --- Economics of Education --- Education --- Educational Sciences --- Equity In Education --- Female Labor Force Participation --- Gender --- Gender and Development --- Gender and Education --- Gender Bias --- Inequality --- Intergenerational Mobility --- Labor Markets --- Returns to Education --- Rural Development --- Rural Labor Markets --- Son Preference
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Children's education and economic opportunities differ substantially across US neighborhoods. This paper develops and estimates a spatial equilibrium model that links children's education outcomes to their childhood location. Two endogenous factors determine education choices in each location: local education quality and local labor market access. This paper estimates the model with US county-level data and studies the effects of a school funding equalization on education outcomes and social mobility. The reform's direct effects improve education outcomes among children from low-skill families. However, the effects are weaker in spatial general equilibrium because average returns to education decline and residential and educational choices of low-skill families shift them toward locations with lower education quality.
Access to Education --- Economic Geography --- Economics of Education --- Education --- Education For All --- Education Quality --- Education Reform --- Education Reform and Management --- Effective Schools and Teachers --- Equality of Opportunity --- Intergenerational Mobility --- Labor Markets --- Macroeconomics and Economic Growth --- Rural Development --- Rural Labor Markets --- Spatial Economics
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The rank-based measures of intergenerational mobility have become increasingly popular in economics literature. Recent evidence shows that rank-based measures are less affected by measurement error and life-cycle bias compared with other standard measures such as intergenerational regression coefficient and intergenerational correlation. However, most of the available household surveys suffer from sample truncation, because coresidency is used to define household membership. There is no evidence on how sample truncation affects the rank-based mobility estimates relative to intergenerational regression coefficient and intergenerational correlation. This paper provides evidence on this in the context of intergenerational schooling persistence, using two exceptional surveys from India and Bangladesh that include all children irrespective of residency status. The analysis shows that the measures of relative mobility (slopes) are biased downward in coresident samples, but the average bias in rank correlation is less than half of that in intergenerational regression coefficient, and comparable to that in intergenerational correlation in magnitude. The intercept estimates are biased upward, with the largest bias found in the intercept of the regression used for intergenerational correlation. Truncation bias in rank-based absolute mobility estimates is the lowest in most cases. The results strengthen the case for rank-based measures of intergenerational mobility when working with the standard household surveys.
Coresidency --- Developing Countries --- Education --- Educational Sciences --- Gender --- Gender & Development --- IGRC --- Inequality --- Intergenerational Correlation --- Intergenerational Mobility --- Intergenerational Regression Coefficient --- Labor & Employment Law --- Law and Development --- Poverty Reduction --- Public Sector Development --- Public Sector Management and Reform --- Rank Correlation --- Rank-Based Absolute Mobility --- Truncation Bias