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Myocardial infarction - Treatment - Research. --- Delivery of Health Care --- Myocardial Ischemia --- Health Planning --- Health Care Economics and Organizations --- Vascular Diseases --- Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Heart Diseases --- Health Care --- Cardiovascular Diseases --- Diseases --- Health Priorities --- Myocardial Infarction --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Myocardial infarction --- Cardiovascular system --- Treatment --- Research. --- Diseases. --- Cardiovascular diseases --- Heart --- Heart attack --- Heart infarction --- MI (Myocardial infarction) --- Myocardial infarct --- Myocardium --- Infarction --- Coronary heart disease
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The rapid evolution in cardiac computed tomography during the past decade has improved spatial and temporal resolution to the extent that cardiac CT is now an accepted alternative for the non-invasive interrogation of the heart. Beyond the assessment of cardiac structure and ventricular function, recent research has identified yet another promising CT application for the comprehensive diagnosis of coronary heart disease, namely the assessment of myocardial perfusion and viability. In this book, the first to be devoted to this novel application of CT, leading experts from across the world present up-to-date information and consider future directions. After short sections outlining the state of the art in the traditional applications of CT to image structure and function, the full range of CT techniques that may be employed to evaluate the myocardial blood supply are discussed in detail. Similarly, diverse CT approaches for the assessment of myocardial viability are described, with careful consideration of the available experimental and clinical evidence and the role of quantitative imaging.
Myocardial infarction --- Myocardium --- Tomography. --- Diseases. --- Cardiomyopathies --- Cardiomyopathy --- Myocardial diseases --- Myocardiopathies --- Myocardiopathy --- Heart --- Heart attack --- Heart infarction --- MI (Myocardial infarction) --- Myocardial infarct --- Infarction --- Medicine. --- Radiology. --- Cardiology. --- Medicine & Public Health. --- Imaging / Radiology. --- Diagnostic Radiology. --- Internal medicine --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Pathology --- Physicians --- Diseases --- Coronary heart disease --- Radiology, Medical. --- Clinical radiology --- Radiology, Medical --- Radiology (Medicine) --- Medical physics
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Over the past three decades, impressive progress in the field of pathogenesis, prevention and therapy of ischemic heart disease has resulted in a marked decline in mortality in the Western World. However, the incidence of this devastating disease is on the rise in developing countries. The Ischemic Heart is based upon a recent symposium in Tokyo on the subject. This volume is organized into two sections: (i) Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury and (ii) Preconditioning and Protection of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury, and contains up-to-date information concerning the current concepts of ischemia-reperfusion injury, the sequence of events resulting in the loss of contractile dysfunction, and mechanisms of cardioprotection by several drugs as well as the role of ischemic preconditioning in attenuating problems associated with ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Coronary heart disease. --- Reperfusion injury. --- Myocardial infarction. --- Cardiology. --- Heart --- Internal medicine --- Diseases --- Heart attack --- Heart infarction --- MI (Myocardial infarction) --- Myocardial infarct --- Myocardium --- Coronary heart disease --- Infarction --- Injury, Reperfusion --- Ischemia --- Coronary arteries --- Coronary arteriosclerosis --- Coronary disease --- Coronary thrombosis --- Ischemic heart disease --- Myocardial ischemia --- Type A behavior
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Iatrogenesis is the occurrence of untoward effects resulting from actions of health care providers, including medical errors, medical malpractice, practicing beyond one's expertise, adverse effects of medication, unnecessary treatment, inappropriate screenings, and surgical errors. This is a huge public health issue: tens to hundreds of thousands of deaths are attributed to iatrogenic causes each year in the U.S., and vulnerable populations such as the elderly and minorities are particularly susceptible. Edited by two renowned cardiology experts, Iatrogenicity: Causes and Consequences of Iatrogenesis in Cardiovascular Medicine addresses both the iatrogenicity that arises with cardiovascular interventions, as well as non-cardiovascular interventions that result in adverse consequences on the cardiovascular system. The book aims to achieve three things: to summarize the available information on this topic in a single high-yield volume; to highlight the human and financial cost of iatrogenesis; and to describe and propose potential interventions to ameliorate the effects of iatrogenesis. This accessible book is a practical reference for any practicing physician who sees patients with cardiovascular issues. .
Iatrogenic diseases. --- Cardiovascular system --- Circulatory system --- Vascular system --- Blood --- Diseases --- Medical errors --- Therapeutics --- Treatment --- Complications. --- Circulation --- Complications --- medication, malpractice, health, healthcare, health care, insurance, side-effects, side effect, medicine, prescription, pharmaceutical, big pharma, iatrogenesis, symptoms, physician, heart disease, heart attack, cariology, cardiovascular, heart problems, heart, vena cava, aorta, pulmonary, pulmonary embolism, miocardial infarction, miocardial.
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Sarcoplasm --- Myocardium --- Cardiomegaly --- Anoxia --- Myocardial Infarction --- Congresses --- pathology --- complications --- metabolism --- Myocardial Infarction. --- -Sarcoplasm --- -Muscles --- Cardiac muscle --- Heart --- Heart muscle --- Muscles --- Cardiovascular Stroke --- Heart Attack --- Myocardial Infarct --- Cardiovascular Strokes --- Heart Attacks --- Infarct, Myocardial --- Infarction, Myocardial --- Infarctions, Myocardial --- Infarcts, Myocardial --- Myocardial Infarctions --- Myocardial Infarcts --- Stroke, Cardiovascular --- Strokes, Cardiovascular --- Infarction --- Myocardial Ischemia --- complications. --- pathology. --- metabolism. --- Muscle --- Hypoxia --- -complications. --- Sarcoplasm - Congresses --- Myocardium - Congresses --- Cardiomegaly - pathology --- Anoxia - complications - congresses --- Myocardial Infarction - congresses --- Myocardium - metabolism - congresses
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Ischemic heart disease is one of the most important international public health problems. Population aging and steady improvements in the treatments available for acute coronary syndromes means that more people are now living longer with coronary artery disease (CAD). Therefore advanced ischemic heart disease, defined as heart disease caused by coronary atherosclerosis resulting in significant heart failure (HF), signs and symptoms of intractable angina, and thus severely limits on lifestyle or longevity, is becoming increasingly prevalent. Therapy is clearly challenging, but new advances are making effective therapy of these patients truly possible. Treatment of Advanced Ischemic Heart Disease, rather than looking at single specific disease states such as CAD or HF, focuses on the concept of the patient who has progressed to advanced states of ischemic heart disease. The Editors have assembled a group of expert contributors to assess the current guidelines and address the practical challenges of managing patients with advanced ischemic heart disease. The book also describes the basic mechanisms of the progression of HF due to CAD and assesses the therapeutic options available in this patient group. Treatment options and protocols are emphasized, making this an ideal practical reference for the practicing cardiology clinician and interventional cardiologist as well as the basic or clinical researcher and student of cardiovascular medicine.
Coronary heart disease. --- Myocardial Ischemia. --- Myocardial Ischemia --- Heart Diseases --- Vascular Diseases --- Cardiovascular Diseases --- Diseases --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Coronary heart disease --- Myocardial infarction --- Treatment. --- Heart --- Heart attack --- Heart infarction --- MI (Myocardial infarction) --- Myocardial infarct --- Myocardium --- Infarction --- Medicine. --- Critical care medicine. --- Cardiology. --- Cardiac surgery. --- Medicine & Public Health. --- Cardiac Surgery. --- Intensive / Critical Care Medicine. --- Surgery. --- Intensive care --- Intensive medicine --- Emergency medicine --- Intensive care units --- Cardiac surgery --- Open-heart surgery --- Internal medicine --- Surgery
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Con la presente opera si vuole fornire al Lettore una rivisitazione schematica ma, nello stesso tempo, completa e aggiornata della problematica relativa alla Sindrome Coronarica Acuta, alla luce dell'enorme mole di letteratura pubblicata in merito negli ultimi dieci anni. Premettendo i concetti di elettrocardiografia e di istofisiopatologia, viene affrontata la riclassificazione nosologica della patologia coronarica acuta derivata dall'introduzione nella pratica clinica dei nuovi marker di necrosi miocardica, sottolineando anche la necessità che il Medico valuti il rischio intrinseco alla malattia attraverso il calcolo di specifici punteggi proposti dagli studi clinici. Sulla base di questi nuovi concetti, si analizzano i diversi percorsi terapeutici che devono essere posti in essere, percorsi sia puramente farmacologici, sia più "aggressivi" in termini di operatività. Ampio spazio viene pertanto dato alle modalità d'impiego dei nuovi trattamenti antitrombotici e alle modalità di scelta fra terapia farmacologica e approccio invasivo mediante coronarografia e angioplastica; un bivio che pone talora il Medico in difficoltà, ma che puo' implicare, se le opzioni vengono affrontate con razionalitö, un radicale cambiamento del destino del paziente.
Angina, Unstable. --- Coronary heart disease -- Diagnosis. --- Coronary heart disease. --- Myocardial infarction. --- Myocardial Infarction --- Angina, Unstable --- Myocardial Ischemia --- Angina Pectoris --- Chest Pain --- Vascular Diseases --- Heart Diseases --- Cardiovascular Diseases --- Pain --- Signs and Symptoms --- Diseases --- Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Coronary heart disease --- Diagnosis. --- Heart attack --- Heart infarction --- MI (Myocardial infarction) --- Myocardial infarct --- Infarction --- Medicine. --- Internal medicine. --- Cardiology. --- Medicine & Public Health. --- Internal Medicine. --- Heart --- Myocardium --- Medicine, Internal --- Internal medicine
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This book will provide readers with a detailed understanding of the ischemic damage to the myocardium after myocardial infarction, as well as essential tools for the treatment of damaged heart after myocardial infarction. It discusses various methods such as pharmacological pre- and post-conditioning, cytokine therapy, and cell therapy especially using Muse cells.The coverage of Muse cell therapy, which includes the latest work done by the author and his collaborators, is a unique feature of the book. Muse cells have self-renewability and have ability to differentiate into cells with the characteristics of all three germ layers from a single cell, while they are non-tumorigenic. It is the first book to feature the Muse cell therapy, which may offer the new promising therapeutic strategy for acute myocardial infarction. .
Regenerative medicine. --- Tissue engineering. --- Cardiology. --- Regenerative Medicine/Tissue Engineering. --- Myocardial infarction --- Treatment. --- Prevention. --- Heart --- Internal medicine --- Biomedical engineering --- Regenerative medicine --- Tissue culture --- Medicine --- Regeneration (Biology) --- Diseases --- Heart attack --- Heart infarction --- MI (Myocardial infarction) --- Myocardial infarct --- Myocardium --- Coronary heart disease --- Infarction --- Aturada cardíaca --- Malalties cardiovasculars --- Malalties de l'aparell cardiovascular --- Malalties del sistema cardiovascular --- Malalties --- Hipotensió arterial --- Malalties coronàries --- Malalties del cor --- Trombosi --- Cardiologia --- Aturada cardiopulmonar --- Aturada del cor --- Fibril·lació ventricular --- Insuficiència cardíaca
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Nuclear cardiology is no longer a medical discipline residing solely in nuclear medicine. This is the first book to recognize this fact by integrating in-depth information from both the clinical cardiology and nuclear cardiology literature, and acknowledging cardiovascular medicine as the fundamental knowledge base needed for the practice of nuclear cardiology. The book is designed to increase the practitioner's knowledge of cardiovascular medicine, thereby enhancing the quality of interpretations through improved accuracy and clinical relevance.The text is divided into four sections covering all major topics in cardiology and nuclear cardiology: Basic Sciences and Cardiovascular Diseases Conventional Diagnostic Modalities Nuclear Cardiology Management of Cardiovascular Diseases.
Physical methods for diagnosis --- Pharmacology. Therapy --- Nuclear energy --- Pathology of the circulatory system --- Nuclear physics --- Nuclear medicine. --- Cardiology. --- Heart --- Myocardial infarction --- Radionuclide imaging. --- Internal medicine --- Atomic medicine --- Radioisotopes in medicine --- Medical radiology --- Radioactive tracers --- Radioactivity --- Diseases --- Physiological effect --- Heart attack --- Heart infarction --- MI (Myocardial infarction) --- Myocardial infarct --- Myocardium --- Coronary heart disease --- Infarction --- Nuclear cardiology --- Radioisotopes in cardiology --- Radionuclide imaging --- Imaging --- Radiology, Medical. --- Interventional radiology. --- Nuclear Medicine. --- Diagnostic Radiology. --- Interventional Radiology. --- Radiology, Interventional --- Therapeutics --- Clinical radiology --- Radiology, Medical --- Radiology (Medicine) --- Medical physics --- Radiology. --- Interventional radiology . --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation
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The emergency treatment of acute myocardial infarction (AMI)-one of the leading causes of death throughout the world-with immediate cardiac cathterization and percutaneous coronary intervention, or primary angioplasty, is now considered the optimal approach to this deadly disorder. In Primary Angioplasty in Acute Myocardial Infarction, Second Edition, leading investigators and experienced clinicians collect and summarize the world’s literature and augment this with practical wisdom concerning this critically important form of care. Technical, professional, and administrative aspects are reviewed in clear detail. Among the topics covered are the technique and technology of direct angioplasty, patient selection, regulatory issues, performance metrics, clinical trials and outcomes, adjunctive pharmacology, economics, and implications for the health care system. The practicing cardiologist will appreciate the many useful how-to tips and pointers; the cardiology fellow will value the a-to-z approach that addresses all critical issues; and the administrator will learn the details of creating, maintaining, evaluating, and justifying a successful program. Comprehensive and highly practical Primary Angioplasty in Acute Myocardial Infarction, Second Edition summarizes for today's cardiologists, internists, family practitioners, and emergency room physicians all the accumulated knowledge and experience needed to ensure that primary angioplasty becomes the standard of care for acute myocardial infarctions.
Angioplasty. --- Myocardial infarction. --- Myocardial infarction --- Angioplasty --- Myocardial Infarction --- Myocardial Ischemia --- Catheterization --- Endovascular Procedures --- Vascular Surgical Procedures --- Vascular Diseases --- Therapeutics --- Surgical Procedures, Minimally Invasive --- Heart Diseases --- Cardiovascular Diseases --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Cardiovascular Surgical Procedures --- Surgical Procedures, Operative --- Diseases --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Heart --- Heart attack --- Heart infarction --- MI (Myocardial infarction) --- Myocardial infarct --- Myocardium --- Infarction --- Medicine. --- Internal medicine. --- Angiology. --- Cardiology. --- Medicine & Public Health. --- Internal Medicine. --- Blood-vessels --- Surgery, Plastic --- Coronary heart disease --- Surgery --- Angiography. --- Diagnosis, Radioscopic --- Radiography, Medical --- Medicine, Internal --- Internal medicine --- Radiography --- Diseases. --- Angiology --- Vascular diseases