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Many books on the 2008 financial crisis and the current recession focus on the financial sector. Unlike them, this book takes the real economy as the starting point and it situates the downturn within the societal context over the last several decades. Important elements of the story include global manufacturing overcapacity and declining profitability, failure of advanced industrial economies to make a quantum jump in discoveries and innovations across a broad range of technologies, ascent of neo-liberalism after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Asian financial crisis, the Japanese ""lost dec
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This paper estimates worker and firm impacts of foreign shocks, and the income support provided by assistance programs. It exploits quasi-experimental variation in firms' foreign demand resulting from the global financial crisis, using employer-employee data for Brazil in 2004-2017, linked with firm customs and financial data, and administrative data covering the universe of cash transfer, unemployment insurance, and training beneficiaries. Negative employment effects take over a decade to dissipate fully, wage effects persist, and firm restructuring involves occupational adjustment, increasing permanently skilled workers while reducing unskilled workers. Brazilian workers suffer smaller employment losses in highly informal locations and concentrated sectors. Underlying labor scarring is firm scarring caused by selection (exit) and (revenue, employment and productivity) downsizing. Unemployment insurance and cash transfers yield limited wage loss replacement (6 percent). Training does not increase. The evidence shows that a temporary shock induces persistent effects: firm restructuring scars incumbent workers and increases long-run inequality. Firm scarring may be even more severe in less flexible labor markets. Using data from Ecuador, analysis finds that firms do not adjust workforce composition, but they permanently reduce capital which increases scarring.
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Mauritius has a long and sustained track record of implementing strong policies, and the authorities have responded appropriately to the global financial crisis by easing macroeconomic policies. While the crisis response has halted the decline in public debt, the public finances are fundamentally sound and external debt is sustainable. In light of the flexible exchange rate, the country's current reserve position is comfortable, and banks have remained liquid and profitable. With these strong economic fundamentals and an effective institutional policy framework, Mauritius is well placed to weather the current challenges.
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