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Im Zeichen des demographischen Wandels erreichen immer mehr Menschen mit sogenannter »geistiger Behinderung« ein höheres Lebensalter. Allerdings liegen bislang kaum Erkenntnisse darüber vor, welche Bedeutung das Alter(n) für sie hat, wie sie Prozesse des Älterwerdens aushandeln oder welche Wünsche und Bedürfnisse diesbezüglich bestehen. Erstmals widmet sich Michael Börner durch biographisch-narrative Interviews diesen Punkten und schließt dabei an mannigfaltige Forschungsdesiderate des Fachdiskurses an. Abgerundet durch die ausführlichen methodischen und handlungspraktischen Reflexionen entsteht ein facettenreiches Gesamtwerk, das spannende Einblicke für eine breite Leser*innenschaft bietet.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Gerontology. --- Ageing. --- Aging Studies. --- Biographical Research. --- Body. --- Cultural Studies. --- Disability Studies. --- Inclusion. --- Medicine. --- Objective Hermeneutics. --- Reconstruction. --- Social Work.
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In present-day pluralistic and individualized societies, the question of how individuals appropriate religious traditions has become particularly relevant. In this volume, psychologists, anthropologists, and historians examine the presence of religious voices in narrative constructions of the self. The focus is on the multiple ways religious stories and practices feature in self-narratives about major life transitions. The contributions explore the ways in which such voices inform the accommodation and interpretation of these transitions. In addition to being inspired by Dan McAdams' approach to life stories as 'personal myths' that inform us about the quests of individuals for a satisfactory balance between agency and communion, most of the contributors have found the theory of 'the dialogical self' developed by Hubert Hermans particularly useful. Thus the contributions explore the ways in which identity formation is shaped by internal dialogues between personal and collective voices in the context of the specific constellations of power in which these voices are embedded. The volume is divided into three parts addressing theoretical and methodological considerations, religious resources in narratives on life transitions, and religious positioning in diaspora.
Autobiography. --- Change --- Narration (Rhetoric) --- Psychology, Religious. --- Self in literature. --- Religious aspects. --- Biographical Research. --- Developmental Psychology. --- Migration. --- Narrative Identity. --- Spiritual Development.
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This volume elucidates international biographical and narrative perspectives on how COVID-19 influenced people’s daily lives across different countries and contexts. It draws together global interdisciplinary scholarly contributions and conceptualizes the lived life as a complex, multilayered and multidimensional phenomenon that is constantly unfolding both in and across time. Significantly, this volume focuses on seldom-heard groups including persons diagnosed with HIV, COVID-19 dissenters, prisoners, essential workers, waste pickers, refugees and migrants. The chapters focus on the pandemic's multifarious impacts on people’s lived realities in personal and professional domains, exploring the complexity of people’s relationships with family, friends, interactions with colleagues and students and the centrality of emotions, to everyday human experiences, including grief, loss and loneliness as well as moments of joy and processes of personal renewal. This volume explores innovative questions, issues and challenges on the development and utilization of rich, biographical narrative methodologies during COVID-19, addressing important issues like power and voice, and pragmatic questions of how to do biographic research whilst socially distant. Contributions to this work illuminate the multidimensionality of human experiences, adaptability to adverse circumstances and the complexity of working through unanticipated global events whilst reimagining novel social futures.
Sociology --- Sociology. --- Prose literature. --- Ethnology. --- Biographical Research. --- Sociological Methods. --- Narrative Text and Prose. --- Sociocultural Anthropology. --- Biographical methods. --- Methodology.
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The beginnings of the institutionalisation of qualitative educational and biographical research go back to 1978 and to representatives such as Dieter Baacke and Theodor Schulze, with whom qualitative research approaches found their way into educational science. Some forty years later, this volume takes a closer look at the paths of development from a theoretical and methodological perspective. What are the achievements? Which of the once formulated concerns have remained unfulfilled? What challenges, breaking points and turning points can be identified? The articles illuminate the ups, downs and upheavals of biographical pedagogy and qualitative-empirical research. Die Institutionalisierung qualitativer Bildungs- und Biographieforschung in der Erziehungswissenschaft reicht bis in das Jahr 1978 zurück. Es waren Dieter Baacke und Theodor Schulze, die mit ihrer Thematisierung der wissenschaftlichen Erschließung autobiographischer und literarischer Quellen für pädagogische Erkenntnisabsichten seinerzeit nicht nur die Grundlinien einer biographisch orientierten, narrativen Pädagogik formulierten und programmatische Hinweise zur „Einübung pädagogischen Verstehens“ gaben, sondern auch – zusammen mit anderen Fachvertretenden – Zugängen und Methoden der qualitativen Forschung insgesamt Raum und Gehör verschafften. Rund vierzig Jahre später blickt der Band genauer auf die Wegmarken in theoretischer, methodologischer und methodischer Perspektive. Welche Errungenschaften sind seitdem zu verbuchen? Welche der einst formulierten Anliegen sind uneingelöst geblieben? Welche Herausforderungen, Bruchstellen und Wendepunkte lassen sich ausmachen? Die Beiträge beleuchten damit Auf-, Um- und Abbrüche biographischer Pädagogik sowie qualitativer Bildungs- und Biographieforschung.
Philosophy & theory of education --- Bildungsforschung;biographical research;Biographieforschung;educational research;educational science;Erziehungswissenschaft;Forschungsmethoden;institutionalisation;Institutionalisierung;qualitative Methoden;qualitative methods;research methods;research topics;Themen;Theorieentwicklung;theory development
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Die Studie zeigt die Vielfältigkeit kinderloser Lebensentwürfe und -verläufe auf. Dabei wird insbesondere das Phänomen erworbene Kinderlosigkeit differenzierter als in vielen bisherigen Untersuchungen beleuchtet. Zudem wird der Prozesscharakter von Kinderlosigkeit deutlich herausgearbeitet und gezeigt, dass mit dem zeitlichen Abstand im Alter die Entstehung der eigenen Kinderlosigkeit zum Teil eine Umdeutung erfährt, um von den kinderlosen Älteren sinnhaft in die Biographie gefügt werden zu können. Die Autorin Katrin Alert ist derzeit Geschäftsführerin des Forschungskollegs Wohlbefinden bis ins hohe Alter (gefördert vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen) mit zehn Doktorand*innen an der Universität zu Köln.
Age distribution (Demography). --- Sociology—Biographical methods. --- Sociology. --- Social groups. --- Fertility, Human. --- Aging Population. --- Biographical Research. --- Sociology of Family, Youth and Aging. --- Fertility.
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This volume elucidates international biographical and narrative perspectives on how COVID-19 influenced people’s daily lives across different countries and contexts. It draws together global interdisciplinary scholarly contributions and conceptualizes the lived life as a complex, multilayered and multidimensional phenomenon that is constantly unfolding both in and across time. Significantly, this volume focuses on seldom-heard groups including persons diagnosed with HIV, COVID-19 dissenters, prisoners, essential workers, waste pickers, refugees and migrants. The chapters focus on the pandemic's multifarious impacts on people’s lived realities in personal and professional domains, exploring the complexity of people’s relationships with family, friends, interactions with colleagues and students and the centrality of emotions, to everyday human experiences, including grief, loss and loneliness as well as moments of joy and processes of personal renewal. This volume explores innovative questions, issues and challenges on the development and utilization of rich, biographical narrative methodologies during COVID-19, addressing important issues like power and voice, and pragmatic questions of how to do biographic research whilst socially distant. Contributions to this work illuminate the multidimensionality of human experiences, adaptability to adverse circumstances and the complexity of working through unanticipated global events whilst reimagining novel social futures.
Sociology --- Ethnology. Cultural anthropology --- etnologie --- sociologie --- Sociology. --- Prose literature. --- Ethnology. --- Biographical Research. --- Sociological Methods. --- Narrative Text and Prose. --- Sociocultural Anthropology. --- Biographical methods. --- Methodology.
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Wie bilden sich Erlebens- und Deutungsweisen des eigenen Körpers heraus? In welchem Zusammenhang stehen sie mit Erfahrungen? Das Buch bietet einen Ordnungsversuch der Relationen von biografischem Verlaufs- und Körpererleben sowie ihrer Erforschbarkeit. Dafür wurden narrative Interviews mit Berufstanzenden mit einer modifizierten, leibphänomenologisch angereicherten sozialwissenschaftlichen Prozessanalyse ausgewertet. Mit dieser ,Leibheuristik', die Körper als Erfahrungselemente auch mit spürenden Qualitäten berücksichtigt, liegt nicht zuletzt ein Empirisierungsvorschlag für Körper vor, der grundlegende forschungspraktische Anschlüsse eröffnet. How does body knowledge develop? How does it influence one's own actions and experiences? This book offers a first attempt to classify the relations of body and biographical process experience. For this purpose, narrative interviews with professional dance practitioners were evaluated with a modified social science process analysis, for which a 'lived body heuristic' was developed. The 'lived body heuristic' opens up fundamental research-practical connections.
affect --- affective methodologies --- Affekt --- affektive Methodologien --- Biografieforschung --- biographical research --- body phenomenology --- body --- dance --- Körperwissen --- Leibheuristik --- Leibphänomenologie --- lived body heuristics --- method modification --- Methodenmodifikation --- social-scientific process analysis --- sozialwissenschaftliche Prozessanalyse --- Tanz --- affect;affective methodologies;Affekt;affektive Methodologien;Biografieforschung;biographical research;body phenomenology;body;dance;Körperwissen;Leibheuristik;Leibphänomenologie;lived body heuristics;method modification;Methodenmodifikation;social-scientific process analysis;sozialwissenschaftliche Prozessanalyse;Tanz
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Der Wechsel in eine andere berufliche Fachwelt stellt Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer vor neue Aufgaben und Herausforderungen. Welche individuellen Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt und welche institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen sollten gegeben sein, damit ein erfolgreiches berufliches Crossover gelingt? Die Studie zeigt, dass das Crossover zwischen den Fachwelten ein gesamtbiografischer Prozess ist, der sich in den Biografien der Befragten nicht erst im Berufsleben abzeichnet. Erfolgreiche Fachweltwechsel werden von den hybriden Kompetenzen des Einzelnen bedingt und nur selten durch institutionelle und soziale Unterstützungsangebote begleitet. The change to a different professional world presents employees with new tasks and challenges. Which individual prerequisites must be fulfilled and which institutional framework conditions should be in place for a successful professional crossover? The study shows that the crossover between professional worlds is an overall biographical process that becomes apparent in the biographies of the interviewees even before their professional lives. Successful crossovers are dependend on the hybrid competencies of the individual and are rarely accompanied by institutional and social support services.
Berufswechsel --- Biografieforschung --- biographical research. --- career change --- economics --- Fachkultur --- Fachwechsel --- hybridity --- Hybridität --- qualitative social research --- qualitative Sozialforschung --- social worlds --- soziale Welten --- subject change --- subject culture --- Theorie-Praxis-Transfer --- theory-practice transfer --- transfer --- Transfer --- transition --- Wirtschaft --- Übergang
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When family members migrate internationally, it usually means a deep change in the relationships they maintain with each other. The author examines this process in families organized across borders between Ecuador and Spain. In doing so, the effects of the recent economic crisis in the country of arrival are considered in the light of a process of familial change that has lasted several decades. The particular resilience of familial power relations is thereby evaluated as ambivalent. Gesellschaftliche Umbrüche bedeuten für Migrierende und ihre Familien eine besondere Herausforderung; zusätzlich zur meist notwendigen Neuaushandlung der Beziehungen nach der Migration eines Familienmitglieds. Die biographisch angelegte Fallstudie untersucht diesen Prozess in grenzübergreifend organisierten ecuadorianischen Familien und schaut besonders auf sich verschiebende Machtbalancen. Die Bedeutung der jüngsten Wirtschaftskrise im Ankunftsland Spanien wird dabei vor dem Hintergrund eines mehrere Jahrzehnte andauernden familialen Wandlungsprozesses erschlossen. Im Ergebnis erweist sich die Krise als weniger einschneidend als zuvor angenommen, wobei die Resilienz familialer Machtverhältnisse als ambivalent bewertet wird.
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“How did feminist ideas travel in an age of growing nationalism, imperial powerplay and entrenched inequalities? Feminist Activism, Travel and Translation brilliantly foregrounds the work done by translation, focusing on the first generation of university-educated women. Käthe Schirmacher’s life illustrates the promise and the painful fragility of early feminism. Gehmacher shows the active role translation played in liberal, revolutionary and ultranationalist movements, shaping the new public spheres of this historical moment." –Lucy Delap, Professor of Modern British and Gender History, University of Cambridge, UK "This groundbreaking study examines the transfer of ideas, mediation, and translation as transnational practices of the international women's movement around 1900. The differing expectations of translations and translators as well as Western dominance in transnational communication are convincingly brought out. Gehmacher, the best connoisseur of Käthe Schirmacher's estate, introduces with this book a fresh perspective on the history of the international women's movement." –Angelika Schaser, Professor of Modern History, Universität Hamburg, Germany This open access book takes the biographical case of German feminist Käthe Schirmacher (1865–1930), a multilingual translator, widely travelled writer of fiction and non-fiction, and a disputatious activist to examine the travel and translation of ideas between the women’s movements that emerged in many countries in the late 19th and early 20th century. It discusses practices such as translating, interpreting, and excerpting from journals and books that spawned and supported transnational civic spaces and develops a theoretical framework to analyse these practices. It examines translations of literary, scholarly and political texts and their contexts. The book will be of interest to academics as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students in thefields of modern history, women’s and gender history, cultural studies, transnational and transfer history, translation studies, history and theory of biography. Johanna Gehmacher is Professor of Modern and Gender History at the University of Vienna, Austria.
Feminism. --- Translating and interpreting. --- Intercultural communication. --- Sociology --- Feminist theory. --- Women --- Language Translation. --- Intercultural Communication. --- Biographical Research. --- Feminism and Feminist Theory. --- Women's History / History of Gender. --- Biographical methods. --- History.