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The literary arts represent and provoke experiences of understanding and emotion, and this open access study examines how the practical pursuit of well-being in healthcare reveals purposes at the core of our engagements with and understanding of literature itself. During the past twenty years, much admirable work in the "health humanities" has focused upon what studies of literature contribute to the understandings and the practical work--the "worldly work"--of healthcare. Such a project aims at developing healthcare practitioners who bring greater care to those who come to them ailing or in fear or faced with terrible suffering. Literary Studies and Well-Being turns this inside out by examining the intergenerational caretaking of healthcare in a manner which allows us to comprehend the nature and discipline of literary studies in new ways. The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by The University of Oklahoma. Chapter 1: Thesis and Contexts -- Chapter 2: Introduction: On the Discipline of Literary Studies -- Chapter 3: Disciplined Knowledge and the Experience of Meaning -- Chapter 4: The Nature of Value and the Nature of Language -- Chapter 5: The Discipline of Death -- Chapter 6: Action and Ethics in Literary Studies -- Works Cited.
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"... Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn engages both general readers and scholars on the topic of well-being. She examines the reappearance of ancient philosophical thought in contemporary American culture, probing whether new stirrings of Gnosticism, Stoicism, Epicureanism, Cynicism, and Platonism present a true alternative to our current therapeutic culture of self-help and consumerism, which elevates the self's needs and desires yet fails to deliver on its promises of happiness and healing. Do the ancient philosophies represent a counter-tradition to today's culture, auguring a new cultural vibrancy, or do they merely solidify a modern way of life that has little use for inwardness -- the cultivation of an inner life -- stemming from those older traditions? Tracing the contours of this cultural resurgence and exploring a range of sources, from scholarship to self-help manuals, films and other artifacts of popular culture, this book sees the different schools as organically interrelated and asks whether, taken together, they can point us in important new directions" -- From publisher.
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"Climate disruption, overpopulation, biodiversity loss, the threats of financial collapse, large-scale damage to our natural and social environments and eroding democracy are all becoming critically important concerns. The editors of this timely book assert that these problems are not separate, but all stem from our overreliance on an out-dated approach to economics that puts growth of production and consumption above all else. Ecological economics can help create the future that most people want - a future that is prosperous, just, equitable and sustainable. This forward-thinking book lays out an alternative approach that places the sustainable wellbeing of humans and the rest of nature as the overarching goal. Each of the book's chapters, written by a diverse collection of scholars and practitioners, outlines a research and action agenda for how this future can look and possible actions for its realization. Sustainable Wellbeing Futures will be of value to academics and students researching environmental and ecological economics, as well as individuals interested in gaining a greater understanding of the concept of a wellbeing future and how we might act to achieve it"--
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The literary arts represent and provoke experiences of understanding and emotion, and this open access study examines how the practical pursuit of well-being in healthcare reveals purposes at the core of our engagements with and understanding of literature itself. During the past twenty years, much admirable work in the "health humanities" has focused upon what studies of literature contribute to the understandings and the practical work--the "worldly work"--of healthcare. Such a project aims at developing healthcare practitioners who bring greater care to those who come to them ailing or in fear or faced with terrible suffering. Literary Studies and Well-Being turns this inside out by examining the intergenerational caretaking of healthcare in a manner which allows us to comprehend the nature and discipline of literary studies in new ways. The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by The University of Oklahoma. Chapter 1: Thesis and Contexts -- Chapter 2: Introduction: On the Discipline of Literary Studies -- Chapter 3: Disciplined Knowledge and the Experience of Meaning -- Chapter 4: The Nature of Value and the Nature of Language -- Chapter 5: The Discipline of Death -- Chapter 6: Action and Ethics in Literary Studies -- Works Cited.
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Well-being --- Well-being. --- Psychology
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Well-being --- Well-being. --- Psychology
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Bedeutend für die Einordnung der Konzeption des Kindes ist der Umstand, dass diese historisch geworden und sozial verankert ist. Der Band vereinigt Beiträge einer Heidelberger Ringvorlesung zur historischen und sozialen Konzeption des Kindes. Anhand der hier präsentierten unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Perspektiven (Anthropologie, Medizin, Geschichts- und Literaturwissenschaft) zeigt sich die ganze Komplexität der historischen und sozial-anthropologischen Dimension des Themas. Die Autoren beschäftigen sich mit der Medikalisierung der Kindheit und belegen, dass sich die Auseinandersetzung mit der Kindheit nicht nur im ärztlich-pädagogischen Raum, sondern auch in der Literatur niederschlägt. Weitere Beiträge zielen auf Interdependenzen von der Konzeption von Kindheit und Intervention und stellen die Umsetzung medizinischer bzw. psychologischer Begriffe in der Therapie vor. Schließlich suchen die Autoren den Anschluss an die öffentliche Diskussion aus sozialer Perspektive: sie thematisieren die Veränderung unserer Vorstellung von Kindheit durch die Verfahren der neuen reproduktiven Technologien, untersuchen die Folgen der HIV/AIDS-Epidemie für die AIDS-Waisen in Afrika und machen darauf aufmerksam, dass neben Themen wie Medizin und Krankheit die sozialen Prozesse nicht vernachlässigt werden dürfen, die das Werden des Kindes und dessen Folgen für die Mutter bedingen. Mit Beiträgen von Evelyn Bukowski, Christine von Busch-Hartwig, Wolfgang Eckart, Hermes Andreas Kick, Elsbeth Kneuper, Ludwig Janus, Iris Ritzmann und Angelika Wolf.
Well-being. --- Children. --- Child Well-being.
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The Creative Touristoffers novelty in this field in that it discusses the creative tourism experience through a relational eudaimonic perspective, thus extending current knowledge and bringing fresh insights from new materialist philosophy into creative tourism research.
Tourism. --- Well-being. --- Tourism --- Well-being