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Lebensmittelanalytik : Grundzüge, Methoden, Anwendungen
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ISBN: 9783540313090 3540625135 9783540625131 3540313095 Year: 2006 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer,

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Die Lebensmittelanalytik bildet als angewandte Wissenschaft die Basis zur Untersuchung und Beurteilung von Qualität und Sicherheit unserer Lebensmittel. Das Anleitungs- und Praktikumsbuch beschreibt grundlegende und fortgeschrittene Untersuchungsmethoden. Es vermittelt Basiswissen sowohl über die wichtigsten chemischen und physikalischen Analysenverfahren und deren praktische Durchführung als auch über den theoretischen Hintergrund der Substrate, Analyten und Methoden. Zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele zur Ermittlung der Hauptbestandteile, relevanter Minorbestandteile sowie verschiedener Zusatzstoffe und Kontaminanten stehen dabei im Vordergrund. Zusammengestellt wurden klassisch-konventionelle und moderne instrumentelle Analysentechniken. Die zur Durchführung der Analysen notwendige Ausrüstung findet sich in jedem zeitgemäßen lebensmittelchemischen Laboratorium. Das Buch ist für Studierende und die Praktiker in Labor und Betrieb als Anleitung und handliches Nachschlagewerk gleichermaßen geeignet.

Riegel's Handbook of Industrial Chemistry
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780306474118 0306474115 0306485419 0387238166 0387342923 Year: 2003 Publisher: New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer,

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Kent and Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry and Biotechnology ELEVENTH EDITION Edited by James A. Kent, Ph.D. Building upon the previous ten reference editions, James A. Kent introduces an unprecedented and comprehensive two-volume handbook essential for a wide spectrum of individuals, from those who are directly involved in the chemical industry, to others involved in related fields such as manufacturing, process supervision, and process development. It provides not only the underlying science and technology for important industry sectors, but also broad coverage of critical supporting topics. Incorporating the most relevant and current technologies and information available in the field, the handbook covers such overarching topics as green engineering, process safety, utilization of renewable resources, fossil fuels, nuclear power, and many of the major individual components of the chemical process industry. The Editor’s continued commitment to providing readers with only the most pertinent and contemporary information in the well-established field of Industrial Chemistry is particularly apparent in this eleventh edition. Every chapter in this edition has been thoroughly reviewed, analyzed, and updated by top experts in the field to reflect the changing nature of the industry. Extensive discussion of new material can be found on the following topics: Green Engineering and Chemistry Practical Catalysis Biomass Utilization Nanotechnology fundamentals Biotechnology This handbook provides extensive information on plastics, rubber, adhesives, textile fibers, pharmaceutical chemistry, synthetic organic chemicals, soaps and detergents, as well as various other major classes of industrial chemistry. There is detailed coverage of coal utilization technology, dyes and dye intermediates, chlor-alkali and heavy chemicals, paints and pigments, chemical explosives, propellants, petroleum and petrochemicals, natural gas, industrial gases, synthetic nitrogen products, fats and oils, sulfur and sulfuric acid, phosphorous and phosphates, wood products, and sweeteners. Broad in scope and unparalleled in quality, the eleventh edition of Kent and Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry and Biotechnology is an essential desk reference for all professionals in the field of Industrial Chemistry. Encompassing a spectrum of frequently discussed topics, James A. Kent has eloquently compiled the most accessible and reliable reference available to date. About the Editor James A. Kent has extensive experiences as a chemical engineer and engineering educator. He most recently served as Chrysler Professor and Dean of Engineering and Science at the University of Detroit Mercy and, prior to that, he was Professor and Dean of Engineering at Michigan Technological University, and Professor of Chemical Engineering and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at West Virginia University. Dr. Kent’s industry experience included assignments as Research Engineer and Research Group Leader at Dow Chemical Company and Monsanto. He also served as editor of the sixth through ninth editions of the Handbook. Dr. Kent is a long time member of AIChE.

Voedingsingrediënten : een stand van zaken : eigenschappen en toepassingen, technologische aspecten, rol in de voeding en gezondheidseffecten
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789020966978 9020966979 Year: 2006 Publisher: Leuven LannooCampus

Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789055746095 Year: 2008 Publisher: Baarn HB Uitgevers

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Secondary education --- levensmiddelenonderzoek --- Nutritionary hygiene. Diet --- Higher education --- 612.392 --- Aardappel --- Aardappelbewaring --- Aardappelkwaliteit --- Alcohol --- Azijn --- Bier --- Boter --- Boterkwaliteit --- Bronwater --- Brood --- Broodbewaring --- Broodkwaliteit --- Cacao --- Champignon --- Champignonbewaring --- Champignonkwaliteit --- Chocolade --- Drinkwater --- Ei --- Eierbewaring --- Eierhygiëne --- Eierkwaliteit --- Eiwitten --- Frisdranken (limonade) --- Fruit --- Fruitbewaring --- Fruithygiene --- Fruitkwaliteit --- Fruitsappen --- Graan --- Graankwaliteit --- Groentebewaring --- Groentehygiëne --- Groentekwaliteit --- Groenten --- Honing --- Kaas --- Kaasbewaring --- Kaaskwaliteit --- Koffie --- Koffiekwaliteit --- Koolhydraten --- Kruiden --- Kruidenbewaring --- Kruidenkwaliteit --- Margarine --- Melk --- Melkkwaliteit --- Mineraalwater --- Olie (plantaardige) --- Peulvruchten --- Schaaldieren --- Schelpdieren --- Snoepgoed --- Specerijen --- Suiker --- Thee --- Vetten --- Vis --- Viskwaliteit --- Vlees --- Vleesbewaring --- Vleeshygiëne --- Vleeskwaliteit --- Voedingshygiëne --- Voedingsproducten --- Voedselbewaring --- Wijn --- Wildvlees --- Wildvleeskwaliteit --- Zoetstoffen --- Zoetwaren --- Zout --- 628.1 --- voedingsmiddelen --- voedselveiligheid --- Voedselveiligheid --- Voedingsmiddelen --- Courses - Syllabuses --- departement Biotechniek 08 --- levensmiddelen --- voedingsmiddelenconservering --- voedselkwaliteit --- voedselverwerking --- opleiding biotechnologie --- Voedingsleer --- Genotmiddelen --- Conservering --- Kwaliteit --- Productie --- Distributie --- Levensmiddelensector --- Voedselproductie --- 664.72 --- Genotmiddel --- Voedingsmiddel --- Conserveren (voeding) --- Kwaliteit (proceskenmerk) --- Distributie (economie)

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