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L'air et l'eau, chacun connaît ; nous savons que sans ces deux fluides, notre vie serait impossible sur Terre. Et après ? Que savons-nous sur eux ? Depuis quelques années, des événements graves se multiplient : cyclones, tornades, tsunamis, inondations… mais sait-on comment cela fonctionne ? Le livre apporte les réponses à ces questions. Tout d'abord, on considère l'air et l'eau dans des situations dites " à l'équilibre ", c'est-à-dire pour lesquelles on se pose d'ordinaire peu de questions. Puis on aborde les phénomènes dynamiques aux diverses échelles. Le parti pris est de décrire avant d'expliquer. L'ouvrage se termine par la présentation de constructions humaines (barrages, ports…) destinées à domestiquer et utiliser l'eau à notre avantage Le lecteur se voit proposer une promenade à diverses échelles, des alizés aux nuages, du Gulf Stream aux vaguelettes. Ainsi il découvre et comprend de façon intuitive les phénomènes. Ceux qui désirent des démonstrations plus physiques et mathématiques iront visiter le site web en libre accès du pap-ebook et auront besoin d'un niveau scientifique supérieur. La majorité des lecteurs effectuera une promenade sur Terre avec nos deux fluides fétiches grâce à un livre remarquablement illustré avec ses index, glossaire, annexe, et aussi avec les films du site web. Ce livre restera un incontournable de la bibliothèque que l'on pourra conserver pour le consulter à nouveau, et l'utiliser comme base de toute recherche sur l'air et l'eau.
Atmospheric circulation. --- Hydrologic cycle. --- Climatology. --- Storms. --- Climate --- Climate science --- Science of climate --- Cycle, Hydrologic --- Hydrological cycle --- Water cycle --- Atmospheric motion --- Wind circulation --- Natural disasters --- Weather --- Meteorology --- Cycles --- Hydrology --- Climatology --- Grosswetterlagen --- Stratospheric circulation --- Winds --- Climate sciences --- Atmospheric science
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"Covers major water and ice issues pertaining to planetary dynamics, sustainable development, and new thinking on mountain ice and water that help plan for an uncertain future in the face of climate change."--Back cover.
Hydrologic cycle. --- Mountains. --- Hills --- Mountain peaks --- Mountain ranges --- Mountain ridges --- Mounts (Mountains) --- Orography --- Orology --- Peaks --- Pinnacles --- Ranges, Mountain --- Ridges, Mountain --- Summits (Mountains) --- Uplands --- Cycle, Hydrologic --- Hydrological cycle --- Water cycle --- Cycles --- Hydrology
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--- Water-supply --- Hydrologic cycle --- Eau --- Cycle hydrologique --- Hydrologic cycle. --- Water-supply. --- Approvisionnement --- Cycle, Hydrologic --- Hydrological cycle --- Water cycle --- Cycles --- Hydrology --- Availability, Water --- Water availability --- Water resources --- Natural resources --- Public utilities --- Water resources development --- Water utilities
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Within the discipline of environmental sciences, the stable-isotope methodology is being increasingly used, especially in the study of the water cycle and of paleo-climatology. This book reviews the natural variability of stable isotopes in the hydrosphere, describing the physico-chemical basis of isotope fractionalism, and applying this knowledge to natural waters as they move through the hydrologic cycle from the ocean to the atmosphere, the biosphere and the lithosphere. It focuses on the processes at the surface-atmosphere and land-biosphere-atmosphere interfaces, since these are the sites
Hydrologic cycle. --- Stable isotopes. --- Radioisotopes in hydrology. --- Hydrology --- Radioactive tracers --- Radioisotopes --- Isotopes --- Cycle, Hydrologic --- Hydrological cycle --- Water cycle --- Cycles --- Industrial applications --- Hydrologic cycle --- Stable isotopes --- Radioisotopes in hydrology --- Cycle hydrologique
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Hydrology --- Science --- Water Movements --- Research Support as Topic --- Aquatic sciences --- Earth sciences --- Hydrography --- Water --- Movement, Water --- Movements, Water --- Water Movement --- Water Cycle --- History --- history --- Italy. --- Sardinia --- Galilei, Galileo --- Galileo Galilei --- Galilée
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SCIENCE --- Physics / Geophysics --- Climatic changes --- Hydrologic cycle --- Energy budget (Geophysics) --- Earth & Environmental Sciences --- Meteorology & Climatology --- Climatic changes. --- Hydrologic cycle. --- Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment. --- Budget, Energy (Geophysics) --- Cycle, Hydrologic --- Hydrological cycle --- Water cycle --- Changes, Climatic --- Climate change --- Climate changes --- Climate variations --- Climatic change --- Climatic fluctuations --- Climatic variations --- Global climate changes --- Global climatic changes --- Environmental aspects --- World Climate Research Programme. --- GEWEX --- Quan qiu neng liang yu shui fen xun huan shi yan --- Geophysics --- Cycles --- Hydrology --- Climatology --- Climate change mitigation --- Teleconnections (Climatology) --- Changes in climate --- Climate change science --- Global environmental change
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GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project. --- Climatic changes --- Hydrologic cycle --- Energy budget (Geophysics) --- Earth & Environmental Sciences --- Meteorology & Climatology --- Climatic changes. --- Hydrologic cycle. --- Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment. --- Changes, Climatic --- Climate change --- Climate changes --- Climate variations --- Climatic change --- Climatic fluctuations --- Climatic variations --- Global climate changes --- Global climatic changes --- Budget, Energy (Geophysics) --- Cycle, Hydrologic --- Hydrological cycle --- Water cycle --- Environmental aspects --- GCIP --- Continental-Scale International Project --- World Climate Research Programme. --- GEWEX --- Quan qiu neng liang yu shui fen xun huan shi yan --- Climatology --- Climate change mitigation --- Teleconnections (Climatology) --- Geophysics --- Cycles --- Hydrology --- Changes in climate --- Climate change science --- Global environmental change
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This collected work reports on the state of the art of hydrological model simulation, as well as the methods for satellite-based rainfall estimation. Mainly addressed to scientists and researchers, the contributions have the structure of a standard paper appearing in most cited hydrological, atmospheric and climate journals. Several already-known hydrological models and a few novel ones are presented, as well as the satellite-based precipitation techniques. As the field of hydrologic modeling is experiencing rapid development and transition to application of distributed models, many challenges including overcoming the requirements of compatible observations of inputs and outputs are addressed. The many contributing authors, who are well established in this field, provide readers with a timely overview of the ongoing research on these topics. The level of interest and active involvement in the discussions clearly demonstrate the importance the scientific community places on challenges related to the coupling of atmospheric and hydrologic models.
Hydrologic models. --- Hydrologic cycle. --- Cycle, Hydrologic --- Hydrological cycle --- Water cycle --- Cycles --- Hydrology --- Hydrological modeling --- Hydrological models --- Hydrology models --- Models and modelmaking --- Models --- Hydraulic engineering. --- Hydrogeology. --- Hydrology/Water Resources. --- Atmospheric Sciences. --- Engineering, Hydraulic --- Engineering --- Fluid mechanics --- Hydraulics --- Shore protection --- Hydrology. --- Atmospheric sciences. --- Atmospheric sciences --- Earth sciences --- Atmosphere --- Aquatic sciences --- Hydrography --- Water --- Geohydrology --- Geology --- Groundwater
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The author argues that it is essential to manage water in different ways from those relied on in the last century. We must instead maintain the water cycle and the ecosystems that support it. Her book looks at the complexity of how to do this. And it provides a wide array of ideas, information, case studies and ecological knowledge - often from remote corners of the developing world - that could provide an alternative vision for water use and management at this critical time. After discussing how the water cycle works and the inadequacies of current approaches to overcoming the growing gap bet.
Water-supply --- Water use. --- Nature conservation. --- Hydrologic cycle. --- Management. --- Conservation of nature --- Nature --- Nature protection --- Protection of nature --- Use of water --- Utilization of water --- Water --- Water utilization --- Cycle, Hydrologic --- Hydrological cycle --- Water cycle --- Conservation --- Utilization --- Conservation of natural resources --- Applied ecology --- Conservation biology --- Endangered ecosystems --- Natural areas --- Cycles --- Hydrology --- Drought & water supply --- General ecology and biosociology --- Water supply. Water treatment. Water pollution --- natuurlijke grondstoffen
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Plant physiology --- Physiologie végétale --- Botany --- Plants --- Physiology --- Physiologie végétale --- Plant physiology. --- Laboratory experimentation --- Electrophoresis. --- Light. --- Lipids. --- Radiochemical analysis. --- Cam (helen maud) --- Chromatography --- Curing --- Electromagnetic absorption --- Enzymology --- Fruits --- Germination --- Ionic mobility --- Laboratory manuals --- Nitrogen fixation --- Oxygen electrodes --- Photorespiration --- Photosynthesis --- Plant nutrition --- Proteins --- Respiration --- Spectrophotometry --- Spectroscopic analysis --- Water cycle