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"Since Late Antiquity, relics have provided a privileged spiritual bond between life and death, between human beings and divinity. Royalty, nobility and clergy all tried to obtain the most prestigious remains of sacred bodies, since they granted influence and fame and allowed the cult around them to be used as a means of sacralization, power and propaganda. This volume traces the development of the veneration of relics in Europe and how these objects were often catalysts for the establishment of major pilgrimage sites that are still in use today. The book features an international panel of contributors taking a wide-ranging look at relic worship across Europe, from Late Antiquity until the present day. They begin with a focus on the role of relics in Jacobean pilgrimage, before looking at the link between relics and their shrines more generally. The book then focuses in on two major issues in the study of relics, the stealing of relics (Furta Sacra) and their modern-day scientific examination and authentication. These topics demonstrate not only symbolic importance of relics, but also their role as physical historical objects in material religious expression. This is a fascinating collection, featuring the latest scholarship on relics and pilgrimage across Europe. It will, therefore, be of great interested to academics working in Pilgrimage, Religious History, Material Religion and Religious Studies as well as Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Cultural Studies"--
Relics --- Relics and reliquaries --- Bones --- Religious articles --- History. --- Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages --- Shrines --- Theft of relics --- Reliques --- Pèlerinages --- Reliques (Vols de) --- Iacobus Maior apostolus --- Vols de reliques
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Eine Bank wird überfallen und in der Folge die Angestellte Victoria vom Dienst beurlaubt, um ihr traumatisches Erlebnis zu verarbeiten. Eben erst in ihre Heimatstadt zurückgekehrt, nutzt sie die Zeit, um das Bukarest ihrer Kindheit, aber auch der Gegenwart zu erkunden. Sie begegnet der alten Näherin auf ihrem Podest, dem Bankräuber, ihrem ehemaligen Liebhaber und dem Sohn der ermordeten Nachbarn wieder, während sie im heissesten Sommer seit Jahren im Cabrio durch die Stadt fährt mit ihrem Freund, der ihr einen Heiratsantrag macht. Dana Grigorcea, geboren 1979 in Bukarest, studierte Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie in Bukarest und Brüssel. Ihr erster Roman "Baba Rada. Das Leben ist vergänglich wie die Kopfhaare" erschien 2011. Mit einem Auszug aus dem Roman "Das primäre Gefühl der Schuldlosigkeit" wurde Dana Grigorcea in Klagenfurt beim Ingeborg Bachmann-Wettbewerb 2015 mit dem 3sat-Preis ausgezeichnet. Nach Jahren in Deutschland und Österreich lebt sie mit Mann und Kindern in Zürich.
German literature --- Banques --- Vols de banques --- Victimes de crimes --- Femmes --- Relations hommes-femmes --- Personnel féminin --- Voyage
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Flights around the world --- Radio broadcasting --- Vols autour du monde --- Radio
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Les bijouteries sont des cibles privilégiées pour les voleurs au vu de la valeur des biens qu'elles contiennent. Beaucoup d'études se sont intéressées à la sécurisation des magasins en général, mais peu se sont penchées sur celles des bijouteries. Nous avons donc décidé de pallier ce manque en menant une recherche qualitative et exploratoire visant à identifier les différentes mesures utilisées par les bijoutiers pour sécuriser leurs bijouteries contre les vols en tout genre. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené des entretiens semi-directifs avec 10 bijoutiers de la ville de Liège. L'analyse des données récoltées a permis de montrer que les bijoutiers sécurisent le bâtiment de leur bijouterie, ainsi que les biens s'y trouvant à l'aide de divers moyens techniques (mesures architecturales et mécaniques) et électroniques (mesures électroniques) et mettent en place tout un ensemble de comportements, principalement basés sur la vigilance (mesures organisationnelles) pour lutter contre les vols. Des éléments externes, tels que l'environnement, les services de police et la justice, sont perçus comme venant renforcer ces mesures. Nos résultats indiquent également que le fait d'avoir subi des vols entraîne un renforcement de la sécurité. Cette étude a permis de montrer la quantité importante de mesures prises pour sécuriser une bijouterie. Ces résultats pourraient servir de base pour de futures recherches quantitatives étudiants à plus grandes échelles la sécurisation des bijouteries.
Bijouteries --- Mesures de sécurité --- Prévention --- Vols --- Droit, criminologie & sciences politiques > Criminologie
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To obtain sacred relics, medieval monks plundered tombs, avaricious merchants raided churches, and relic-mongers scoured the Roman catacombs. In a revised edition of Furta Sacra, Patrick Geary considers the social and cultural context for these acts, asking how the relics were perceived and why the thefts met with the approval of medieval Christians.
Theft of relics --- Social history --- Antiquities --- Diebstahl. --- Europe. --- Relikwieën. --- Reliquie. --- Theft --- History. --- Criminology. Victimology --- Christian special devotions --- anno 500-1499 --- Europe --- Theft of relics - Europe. --- Social history - Medieval, 500-1500. --- Reliques (Vols de) --- Vols de reliques
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The story begins, as stories do in all good thrillers, with a botched robbery and a police chase. Eight Apuleian vases of the fourth century B.C. are discovered in the swimming pool of a German-based art smuggler. More valuable than the recovery of the vases, however, is the discovery of the smuggler's card index detailing his deals and dealers. It reveals the existence of a web of 'tombaroli' tomb raiders& who steal classical artifacts, and a network of dealers and smugglers who spirit them out of Italy and into the hands of wealthy collectors and museums. Peter Watson, a former investigative journalist for the 'London Sunday Times' and author of two previous expose;s of art world scandals, names the key figures in this network that has depleted Europe's classical artifacts. Among the loot are the irreplaceable and highly collectable vases of Euphronius, the equivalent in their field of the sculpture of Bernini or the painting of Michelangelo. The narrative leads to the doors of some major institutions: Sothebys, the Getty Museum in L.A., the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York among them. Filled with great characters and human drama, 'The Medici Conspiracy' authoritatively exposes another shameful round in one of the oldest games in the world: theft, smuggling and duplicitous dealing, all in the name of art.
Archaeological thefts --- Archaeological thefts. --- Diefstallen van oudheden --- Kunst--Diefstallen --- Kunstdiefstallen --- Kunstroof --- Objets d'art--Vols --- Oudheden--Diefstallen --- Vols d'antiquités --- Vols d'objets d'art --- Art thefts. --- Art thefts --- 620 Kunst --- Art --- Art robberies --- Art stealing --- Plunder of the arts --- Theft --- Antiquities --- Archaeological theft --- Thefts
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Theft of relics --- Social history --- Relics --- Reliques --- Histoire sociale --- History --- Vol --- 231.738 --- 231.739 --- 264-052 --- 264-052 Verering van relikwieën --- Verering van relikwieën --- 231.739 Relikwieën --- Relikwieën --- 231.738 Lijkwade van Turijn --- Lijkwade van Turijn --- Reliques (Vols de) --- Vols de reliques