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Chinese language --- Adverb. --- Auxiliary verbs.
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English language --- Auxiliary verbs --- Semantics
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Die vorliegende Studie begründet und verfolgt den theoretisch-methodologischen Ansatz einer "kognitiven Regionalsprachenforschung", in deren Paradigma panchronische (nämlich variationslinguistische plus sprachgeschichtliche) empirische Analysen einerseits mit kognitiv-linguistischen Analysen andererseits verknüpft werden. Den konkreten Untersuchungsgegenstand bildet die syntaktisch-semantische Variation der Verben kriegen und bekommen, die aus kognitiv-semantischer, variationslinguistischer und sprachgeschichtlicher Perspektive analysiert werden. Als Forschungslabor dienen die regionalsprachlichen Varietäten des zusammenhängenden deutschsprachigen Raums, die in ihrer areal-horizontalen wie auch sozial-vertikalen Variationsdimension von den Basisdialekten bis zu standardsprachlichen Registern Berücksichtigung finden.
Linguistics --- History. --- Linguistic Varieties. --- Verbs.
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Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and Verb Phrases consists of three volumes. Volume 1 opens with a general introduction to verbs, including a review of various verb classifications and discussions on inflection, tense, mood, modality and aspect. This is followed by a comprehensive discussion of complementation (argument structure and verb frame alternations). Volume 2 continues the discussion of complementation, but is more specifically focused on clausal complements: the reader will find detailed discussions of finite and infinitival argument clauses, complex verb constructions and verb clustering. Volume 3 concludes with a description of adverbial modification and the overall structure of clauses in relation to, e.g., word order (verb placement, wh-movement. extraposition phenomena, scrambling, etc.).
Dutch language --- Syntax. --- syntax --- verbs --- dutch
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Although there are a large number of grammar books that explain the form and meaning of the English modal auxiliaries, there are few resources that provide examples as to what modals could be used, and in which cases, when referring to successive clauses. Modal auxiliaries are among the most difficult structures to teach to students of English as a second or foreign language. Some combinations of modals are more commonly used than others, and pairs of modals are used to express a specific meaning. It is not well known, however, exactly which combinations of modals are more popular. Therefore,
English language --- Auxiliary verbs. --- Verb --- Germanic languages
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All the Greek Verbs has established itself as an indispensable guide for all learners of Greek. In a clear and simple format, the book sets out over 13, 000 verb forms, which are listed alphabetically, and referred to the verbs from which they derive. Poetic and dialect forms are differentiated and grammatical tables set out standard endings and inflexions, making it easy for the student of Greek to navigate their way through the language.