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Innovation Activity in South Africa : Measuring the Returns to RandD
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Improvements in productivity is necessary to effectively increase economic growth in the long term.The literature emphasises a positive correlation between firm-level innovation and productivity gains, although evidence for developing countries has been less conclusive. It is unsurprising then, that policymakers and researchers widely acknowledge that innovation is one of the major drivers of productivity growth, and is therefore of critical importance to the competitiveness and growth of firms and the macro-economy. We look at the dynamics of RandD expenditure in South Africa over the period 2009 to 2014 at the firm level using the South African Revenue Service and National Treasury Firm-Level Panel, which is an unbalanced panel dataset of administrative tax data from 2008 to 2016. Expenditure on RandD is used extensively as a proxy for innovation in the literature as it improves the capability for developing new products and processes and improving existing ones. We use a production function approach to estimate the return to RandD in South African manufacturing firms, a theoretical framework which is the predominant approach in the literature. This paper, however, is one of only a few estimating the return to RandD using firm-level data in a developing country.

Ukraine Science, Technology, and Innovation Public Expenditure Analysis
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This report is one of four analytical pieces on Ukraine's innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem developed by the World Bank's Ukraine Technical Assistance on Innovation, supported by the Swedish Ukraine Financial and Enterprise Sector Recovery and Growth Trust Fund. This report evaluates the quality mix of public support programs for science, technology, and innovation (STI) in Ukraine and provides recommendations for the improvement of the public support programs' effectiveness. The evaluation aims to determine the coherence in the allocation of STI expenditures in addressing the main innovation challenges in the country, as well as the main gaps and redundancies. The objective of the review is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of STI public expenditure and maximize impact. The methodology used builds upon the Public Expenditure Reviews (PER) for STI (Correa 2014) and compares the demand for innovation policies arising from an innovation ecosystem diagnostic with the actual expenditure on STI. Given the lack of budget programming, STI expenditure sourced from the BOOST database only approximates actual expenditure due to the lack of budget codes for all STI-related expenditure. The fact that most expenditure is disbursed as block funding reduced the granularity of the analysis. The analysis uncovered significant gaps related to STI policies and revealed general trends in STI expenditure.

Digital Technology Adoption and Jobs : A Model of Firm Heterogeneity
Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper develops a theoretical framework that expands the task-based models of technical progress and labor markets to allow for firm heterogeneity and wages that vary across firms. The model is compatible with the empirical observation that more productive firms are larger, are more skill intensive, and pay higher wages across skill categories. The model predicts that the decision to invest in information and communications technology depends on firm size and labor market characteristics. As a result of investment in information and communications technology firms grow, become more intensive in complex tasks, become more skilled intensive, and employ more skilled workers as long as skilled labor is complementary to information and communications technology. Employment of unskilled workers increases as well, provided that firm output growth is sufficiently high to overcome the negative substitution effect. Workers who remain employed are better off because their wage increases with information and communications technology. To the extent that skilled workers have more bargaining power than unskilled workers, or that their wage scheme is more tied to firm performance, wage inequality at the firm level increases with information and communications technology.

Azerbaijan : The Role of Higher Education in Innovation.
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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As the push to engage in the global knowledge economy becomes increasingly vital to countriesaround the world, higher education institutions (HEIs) are being recognized as valuable centers for research and teaching in support of entrepreneurship, innovation, competitiveness, and economic growth. Many HEIs in Azerbaijan, however, lack the capacity to serve as effective dynamic hubs for such enterprising efforts, limiting Azerbaijan's ability to collaborate and compete with other nations in the global economy. Leveraging its expertise in this area, the World Bank carried out an analysis of the status of the research and innovation environment in Azerbaijan's higher education sector, identifying the main obstacles to the advancement of research work and its results and to effective coordination between higher education institutions and industry to achieve innovation-led growth. Science in Azerbaijan is examined through policy and institutional lenses, encompassing its governance, funding and management issues. The analysis looks at innovation as a dynamic outcome from university-industry collaboration, examining issues of technology transfer and intellectual property rights, the start-up environment, and funding of research toward practical and applied outcomes. The results of the analysis presented in this note, based on national and international data sources along with numerous consultations with a variety of stakeholders, informs concrete policy measures that can be taken by Azerbaijani authorities to strengthen the capacity of HEIs to serve as key actors in the country's innovation ecosystem and facilitate economic diversification within the global knowledge economy. Recently adopted national strategic documents are creating possibilities for reform by the MOE as well as by individual HEIs. The Education Development Strategy (EDS), approved by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2013, defines purposeful reforms in education with the main goal of building a competitive and leading education system in line with the world's best practices and based on cutting-edge technology infrastructure, quality and accessibility. The key findings and recommendations center on undertaking strategic efforts to maximize the quality and relevance of higher education as it relates to innovation and economic competitiveness.

Simulating Pension Income Scenarios with penCalc : An Illustration for India's National Pension System
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper sets out initial results from a new modeling exercise for Defined Contribution (DC) pensions. It develops a package called penCalc based on the open source software language R, which is popular in the academic and modeling communities. All the coding is made freely available. The tool is illustrated for India's DC National Pension System. The aim is not to present the perfect model for India, but to show how the tool works so that policy makers and regulators can see its potential advantages and develop it for their own uses. It generates scenarios for future assets and income dependent on user-defined and changeable assumptions for asset returns, contributions, wages, years in the labor force, and annuity prices, among other parameters. Assumptions can be tailored to different countries and user determined scenarios. Many extensions could be developed, which will be the subject of future work. The international context is highlighted through similar modeling by regulators and pension funds in other jurisdictions. Some of these are more complex or complete than the results in this paper, but by explaining the initial model and making the coding freely available, the authors provide a powerful yet simple and low-cost tool to be adopted and adapted.

Mainstreaming the Use of Remote Sensing Data and Applications in Operational Contexts
Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This report presents the activities and outcomes to date of the global initiative on remote sensing for water resources management phase two. The Initiative was conceived to help mainstream the use of beneficial remote sensing applications in operational projects of the Bank, as well as to facilitate the adoption of remote sensing applications in World Bank client countries. By bridging the gap between the supply of remote sensing data and the needs from the Bank's operational projects, Earth Observations can better inform client country agencies by improving monitoring and predictive capabilities and supporting better water-related operations. This report is addressed to technical staff in national water agencies, project leads from development and financing institutions, and water practitioners in general. The goal of the report is to present insights from a range of innovative remote sensing applications developed within the Remote Sensing Initiative, to help address specific water resources management challenges. The results presented here include constraints identified in the adoption of remote sensing, the approaches adopted to make applications functional in different contexts, the project applications themselves, insights on their sustainability, and ways forward. These applications can be replicated, up-scaled, and adapted in many other contexts to address similar challenges. We hope the information contained in this report will help country agencies and project teams in integrating the use of remote sensing in their water resources management practices, as well as in project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Mobilizing Islamic Finance for Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships
Authors: ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This public-private infrastructure advisory facility (PPIAF) - funded report aims to discuss and disseminate information on how Islamic finance has been applied in infrastructure projects through public-private partnership (PPP) schemes, what the structural challenges and solutions are, and what can be done to deepen and maximize the use of Islamic finance for this purpose. This report has two broad dimensions. The first is to enhance the understanding of Islamic finance building blocks as they relate to financing infrastructure PPP projects, and the second, and perhaps less well understood, is to explore how the building blocks of Islamic finance can fit within a PPP context. This report paves the way for providers of Islamic finance capital to become partners in infrastructure development and thus contribute to its overall global financing pool.

Micro-Level Analysis of Mexican Retail Markets and Their Response to Changes in Market Structure and Competition Policies :
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper develops the following price indicators to measure the relative efficiency (functioning) of markets: (a) price dispersion, (b) price volatility, and (c) price transmission (speed, completeness, and symmetry). The paper uses these indicators to study trends and conditions of the outlet level in retail prices for common commodities sold throughout Mexico. The analysis examines price patterns for each indicator across commodities, regions, and time. The descriptive results indicate that although there is (expected) heterogeneity in the behavior of these indicators across commodities, location variables explain the most variation in the indicators. There are clear and persistent regional- and commodity-specific effects. Thus, the study concludes that Mexico is not one, well-integrated national market. The study tested whether changes in these indicators (increased efficiency) have the expected correlation with measures affecting the functioning of markets. It considered changes in competition and entry of large retail stores in the local retail market. These changes affect market efficiency in the way theory would predict. The results suggest that these indicators are good measures of the relative efficiency (functioning) of markets. The findings also suggest that efforts to monitor markets using these indicators may be useful. For example, for policy makers who are concerned about the distributional effects of liberalizing trade, the indicators may predict where price impacts will be felt the most and by whom. In addition, the indicators provide preliminary information about relative competition levels, which may be helpful in saving the time and effort of the competition authorities and possibly making them more effective.

Gearing Up for the Future of Manufacturing in Bangladesh
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Labor-intensive, export-oriented manufacturing driven by the ready-made garments industry has transformed Bangladesh's economy. But with automation, changing trade patterns and servicification reducing the importance of wage costs globally, the creation of more sustainable jobs in the manufacturing sector now needs the upgradation of firms' capabilities and technology adoption. Drawing on the World Bank's "Bangladesh Firm-level Adoption of Technology Survey", this report shows that there is significant scope to improve the manufacturing sector's performance and future prospects by promoting the adoption of better technologies in firms. It discusses how Bangladesh can achieve this aim through policies that address informational barriers to the acquisition of capabilities in firms, leverage international connectivity for technology diffusion, and strengthen key markets and institutions that underpin firms investment in technology.

Is Automation Labor-Displacing in the Developing Countries, Too? Robots, Polarization, and Jobs
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper uses global census data to examine whether the labor market polarization and labor-displacing automation documented in the advanced countries appears in the developing world. While confirming both effects for the former, it finds little evidence for either in developing countries. In particular,the critical category corresponding to manufacturing worker, operators and assemblers has increased in absolute terms and as a share of the labor force. The paper then uses data on robot usage to explore its impact on the relative employment evolution in each sample controlling for Chinese import penetration. Trade competition appears largely irrelevant in both cases. Robots, however, are displacing in the advanced countries, explaining 25-50 percent of the job loss in manufacturing. However, they likely crowd in operators and assemblers in developing countries. This is likely due to off-shoring that combines robots with new operators in FDI destination countries which may, for the present, offset any displacement effect. Some evidence is found, however, for incipient polarization in Mexico and Brazil.

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