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Le Commentaire sur le Cantique de Nil d'Ancyre est le plus ancien commentaire grec complet de ce livre biblique qui soit transmis dans la langue originale. Alors que les autres commentaires conservés s'arrêtent avant la fin, celui-ci va jusqu'au bout du livre. Prenant la suite du tome I (SC 403), le présent volume offre précisément toute la fin du Commentaire, de Ct 4,2 à 8,14. Composé au tournant des ive et ve siècles par un moine, l'ouvrage montre différents aspects de la vie spirituelle proprement monastique dans l'effort qui tend à l'union avec le divin. Du poème dramatique qu'est le Cantique des cantiques, l'exégèse nilienne fait une sorte de roman dont l'héroïne est une prostituée qui change de vie pour devenir digne de noces royales. Elle figure la vie de l'âme et ses divers mouvements. Le Cantique est une prophétie de l'union du Verbe de Dieu et de l'âme, telle qu'elle se réalise dans l'histoire du salut à travers la mort et la résurrection du Christ et comme la vivent les fidèles à travers la liturgie pascale et baptismale.
Classical Greek literature --- Bible. O.T. Song of Solomon --- Bible. --- Commentaries --- Commentaires --- 276 =75 --- 276 =75 Griekse patrologie --- 276 =75 Patrologie grecque --- Griekse patrologie --- Patrologie grecque --- Griekse patrologie (studie) --- Griekse patrologie (tekst) --- 223.6 --- #GOSA:II.P.NIL.O --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Sour 403 --- Hooglied --- Bible --- Commentaire sur le Cantique des cantiques. --- Aga-sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Asma Asmatōn (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cântarea-a Cântărilor (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantica Canticorum (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticle of Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantico dei Cantici (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticum Canticorum Salomonis (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantique des Cantiques (Book of the Old Testament) --- Énekek Éneke (Book of the Old Testament) --- Erg Ergotsʻ Soghomoni (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hohelied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hooglied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Lied der Lieder (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung anggitane Sang Prabu Suleman (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anāshīd (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anshād (Book of the Old Testament) --- Shir ha-Shirim (Book of the Old Testament) --- Solomon, Song of (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Solomon (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Songs (Book of the Old Testament) --- Christian literature, Early --- Greek authors. --- Ouvrages avant 1800.
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Tamil poetry --- History and criticism. --- 223.6 --- -Tamil literature --- Hooglied --- History and criticism --- Theses --- -Hooglied --- Bible. --- Aga-sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Asma Asmatōn (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cântarea-a Cântărilor (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantica Canticorum (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticle of Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantico dei Cantici (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticum Canticorum Salomonis (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantique des Cantiques (Book of the Old Testament) --- Énekek Éneke (Book of the Old Testament) --- Erg Ergotsʻ Soghomoni (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hohelied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hooglied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Lied der Lieder (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung anggitane Sang Prabu Suleman (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anāshīd (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anshād (Book of the Old Testament) --- Shir ha-Shirim (Book of the Old Testament) --- Solomon, Song of (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Solomon (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Songs (Book of the Old Testament) --- Language, style. --- Tamil poetry - History and criticism.
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Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- 223.6 --- Hooglied --- Bible. --- Aga-sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Asma Asmatōn (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cântarea-a Cântărilor (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantica Canticorum (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticle of Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantico dei Cantici (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticum Canticorum Salomonis (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantique des Cantiques (Book of the Old Testament) --- Énekek Éneke (Book of the Old Testament) --- Erg Ergotsʻ Soghomoni (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hohelied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hooglied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Lied der Lieder (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung anggitane Sang Prabu Suleman (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anāshīd (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anshād (Book of the Old Testament) --- Shir ha-Shirim (Book of the Old Testament) --- Solomon, Song of (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Solomon (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Songs (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Bible. O.T. Song of Solomon
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God --- Worship and love --- Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- Metaphysics --- Misotheism --- Monotheism --- Religion --- Theism --- Bible. --- Aga-sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Asma Asmatōn (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cântarea-a Cântărilor (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantica Canticorum (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticle of Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantico dei Cantici (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticum Canticorum Salomonis (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantique des Cantiques (Book of the Old Testament) --- Énekek Éneke (Book of the Old Testament) --- Erg Ergotsʻ Soghomoni (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hohelied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hooglied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Lied der Lieder (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung anggitane Sang Prabu Suleman (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anāshīd (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anshād (Book of the Old Testament) --- Shir ha-Shirim (Book of the Old Testament) --- Solomon, Song of (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Solomon (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Songs (Book of the Old Testament) --- Bible. O.T. Song of Solomon --- Commentaries --- Early works to 1800 --- God - Worship and love - Early works to 1800
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Cantique des cantiques --- Hebreeuwse taal- en letterkunde --- Hooglied --- Langue et littérature hébraïques --- Tekstwetenschap --- Textologie --- Bible --- 223.6 --- Bible. --- Aga-sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Asma Asmatōn (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cântarea-a Cântărilor (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantica Canticorum (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticle of Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantico dei Cantici (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticum Canticorum Salomonis (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantique des Cantiques (Book of the Old Testament) --- Énekek Éneke (Book of the Old Testament) --- Erg Ergotsʻ Soghomoni (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hohelied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hooglied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Lied der Lieder (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung anggitane Sang Prabu Suleman (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anāshīd (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anshād (Book of the Old Testament) --- Shir ha-Shirim (Book of the Old Testament) --- Solomon, Song of (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Solomon (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Songs (Book of the Old Testament) --- Bible. O.T. Song of Solomon --- Criticism, interpretation, etc
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William, --- Bible --- Commentaries --- History and criticism --- 223.6 --- 2 GUILELMUS DE SANCTO THEODORICO --- Hooglied --- Godsdienst. Theologie--GUILELMUS DE SANCTO THEODORICO --- 2 GUILELMUS DE SANCTO THEODORICO Godsdienst. Theologie--GUILELMUS DE SANCTO THEODORICO --- Bible. --- Aga-sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Asma Asmatōn (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cântarea-a Cântărilor (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantica Canticorum (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticle of Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantico dei Cantici (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticum Canticorum Salomonis (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantique des Cantiques (Book of the Old Testament) --- Énekek Éneke (Book of the Old Testament) --- Erg Ergotsʻ Soghomoni (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hohelied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hooglied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Lied der Lieder (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung anggitane Sang Prabu Suleman (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anāshīd (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anshād (Book of the Old Testament) --- Shir ha-Shirim (Book of the Old Testament) --- Solomon, Song of (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Solomon (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Songs (Book of the Old Testament) --- History and criticism. --- William of Saint-Thierry --- Bible. O.T. Song of Solomon --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- William, - of Saint-Thierry, Abbot of Saint-Thierry, - approximately 1085-1148? - Expositio super Cantica canticorum
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Bible. Ancien Testament. Cantique des Cantiques --- Bible. Canticle of Canticles --- Bible. Canticles --- Bible. Canticum Canticorum Salomonis --- Bible. Cantique des Cantiques --- Bible. O.T. Canticle of Canticles --- Bible. O.T. Canticles --- Bible. O.T. Canticum Canticorum Salomonis --- Bible. O.T. Solomon [Song of ] --- Bible. O.T. Song of Solomon --- Bible. O.T. Song of Songs --- Bible. Solomon [Song of ] --- Bible. Song of Solomon --- Bible. Song of Songs --- Bijbel. Canticum Canticorum Salomonis --- Bijbel. Hooglied van Salomo --- Bijbel. Oud Testament. Canticum Canticorum Salomonis --- Bijbel. Oud Testament. Hooglied van Salomo --- Bijbel. Oud Testament. Salomo [Hooglied van ] --- Bijbel. Salomo [Hooglied van ] --- Canticle of Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticum Canticorum Salomonis (Boek van het Oude Testament) --- Canticum Canticorum Salomonis (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantique des Cantiques (Livre de l'Ancien Testament) --- Hooglied van Salomo (Boek van het Oude Testament) --- Salomo [Hooglied ] (Boek van het oude Testament) --- Solomon [Song of ] (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Solomon (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Songs (Book of the Old Testament)
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223.6 --- Bible as literature --- Metaphor in the Bible --- Bible and literature --- Religious literature --- Hooglied --- Bible. --- Aga-sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Asma Asmatōn (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cântarea-a Cântărilor (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantica Canticorum (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticle of Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantico dei Cantici (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticum Canticorum Salomonis (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantique des Cantiques (Book of the Old Testament) --- Énekek Éneke (Book of the Old Testament) --- Erg Ergotsʻ Soghomoni (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hohelied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hooglied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Lied der Lieder (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung anggitane Sang Prabu Suleman (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anāshīd (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anshād (Book of the Old Testament) --- Shir ha-Shirim (Book of the Old Testament) --- Solomon, Song of (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Solomon (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Songs (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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Bible --- Bible. --- Aga-sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Asma Asmatōn (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cântarea-a Cântărilor (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantica Canticorum (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticle of Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantico dei Cantici (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticum Canticorum Salomonis (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantique des Cantiques (Book of the Old Testament) --- Énekek Éneke (Book of the Old Testament) --- Erg Ergotsʻ Soghomoni (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hohelied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hooglied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Lied der Lieder (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung anggitane Sang Prabu Suleman (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anāshīd (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anshād (Book of the Old Testament) --- Shir ha-Shirim (Book of the Old Testament) --- Solomon, Song of (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Solomon (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Songs (Book of the Old Testament) --- Bible. a.t. cantique des cantiques --- Commentaires
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223.6 --- Hooglied --- Bible. --- Aga-sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Asma Asmatōn (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cântarea-a Cântărilor (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantica Canticorum (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticle of Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantico dei Cantici (Book of the Old Testament) --- Canticum Canticorum Salomonis (Book of the Old Testament) --- Cantique des Cantiques (Book of the Old Testament) --- Énekek Éneke (Book of the Old Testament) --- Erg Ergotsʻ Soghomoni (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hohelied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Hooglied (Book of the Old Testament) --- Lied der Lieder (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung anggitane Sang Prabu Suleman (Book of the Old Testament) --- Musthikaning Kidung (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anāshīd (Book of the Old Testament) --- Nashīd al-Anshād (Book of the Old Testament) --- Shir ha-Shirim (Book of the Old Testament) --- Solomon, Song of (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Solomon (Book of the Old Testament) --- Song of Songs (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.