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Sölle, Dorothee --- Metz, Johann Baptist --- 22.06 --- 22.08*2 --- 2 METZ, JOHANN BAPTIST --- 2 SÖLLE, DOROTHEE --- 22.08*2 Bijbelse theologie: moraal; ethica; socialia; juridica Israelis; spiritualiteit --- Bijbelse theologie: moraal; ethica; socialia; juridica Israelis; spiritualiteit --- 2 SÖLLE, DOROTHEE Godsdienst. Theologie--SÖLLE, DOROTHEE --- Godsdienst. Theologie--SÖLLE, DOROTHEE --- 2 METZ, JOHANN BAPTIST Godsdienst. Theologie--METZ, JOHANN BAPTIST --- Godsdienst. Theologie--METZ, JOHANN BAPTIST --- Bijbel: exegese; hermeneutiek
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Christian theology --- Sölle, Dorothee --- Tillich, Paul --- Pannenberg, Wolfhart Ulrich --- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
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Academic collection --- #GGSB: Geestelijke lezing (geel) --- C1 --- Kerken en religie --- Sölle, Dorothee --- Christian theology --- #gsdb10 --- Spiritualiteit --- Mystiek --- Geestelijke lezing (geel)
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Christelijk geloof --- Geloofsbeleving --- Geloofsverdieping --- #GGSB: Spiritualiteit --- #GGSB: Mystiek --- Sölle, Dorothee --- #GGSB: Geestelijke lezing(rood) --- #gsdb3 --- Spiritualiteit --- Mystiek --- Geestelijke lezing(rood)
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Political theology --- Feminist theology --- Sölle, Dorothee --- 2 SÖLLE, DOROTHEE --- Godsdienst. Theologie--SÖLLE, DOROTHEE --- 2 SÖLLE, DOROTHEE Godsdienst. Theologie--SÖLLE, DOROTHEE --- Theology, Doctrinal --- Public theology --- Theology, Feminist --- Sölle, Dorothee. --- Sölle-Nipperdey, Dorothee --- Nipperdey, Dorothee Sölle --- -Steffensky-Sölle, Dorothee --- Soelle, Dorothee --- Sölle, Dorothee Steffensky --- -Sölle, Dorothe --- Sölle, Dorothea --- Sölle-Schmidt, Dorothee --- Schmidt, Dorothee Sölle --- -Zʹole, Dorotee --- Sölle-Nipperdey, Dorothee, --- Nipperdey, Dorothee Sölle-, --- Steffensky-Sölle, Dorothee, --- Soelle, Dorothee, --- Sölle, Dorothee Steffensky-, --- Sölle, Dorothea, --- Sölle-Schmidt, Dorothee, --- Schmidt, Dorothee Sölle-, --- Zʹole, Dorotee,
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Het werk en de ideeën van zeven profetische vrouwen worden besproken: Hildegard van Bingen, Teresa van Avila, Theresia van Lisieux, Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Etty Hillesum en Dorothee Sölle. Korte bezinning op leven en werk van profetische vrouwen uit verschillende tijdperken.
Christian spirituality --- Hillesum, Etty --- Sölle, Dorothee --- Weil, Simone --- Teresa of Avila --- Theresa of Lisieux --- Stein, Edith --- Hildegard of Bingen --- Religion --- Spirituality --- Book
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Sölle, Dorothee --- 241.63 --- 241.63 Theologische ethiek: eerbied voor het leven en de waardigheid van de menselijke persoon --- Theologische ethiek: eerbied voor het leven en de waardigheid van de menselijke persoon --- 241.1*31 --- #gsdb4 --- 241.1*31 Politieke theologie. Bevrijdingstheologie. Ethiek van de revolutie --- Politieke theologie. Bevrijdingstheologie. Ethiek van de revolutie --- #gsdb10 --- C1 --- bevrijdingstheologie --- Kerken en religie --- #GGSB: Geestelijke lezing(rood) --- #GROL:SEMI-234:32 --- Christian moral theology --- Books before 1840 --- spiritualiteit --- Geestelijke lezing(rood)
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God --- Power (Philosophy) --- Justice (Philosophy) --- Dieu --- Pouvoir (Morale) --- Justice (Philosophie) --- Omnipotence --- Weil, Simone, --- Sölle, Dorothee. --- Theses --- Goodness. --- Omnipotence. --- Justice (Philosophy). --- Power (Philosophy). --- Sölle, Dorothee. --- Philosophy --- Omnipotence of God --- Goodness of God --- Authority --- Ethics --- Goodness --- Attributes --- Sölle-Nipperdey, Dorothee --- Nipperdey, Dorothee Sölle --- -Steffensky-Sölle, Dorothee --- Soelle, Dorothee --- Sölle, Dorothee Steffensky --- -Sölle, Dorothe --- Sölle, Dorothea --- Sölle-Schmidt, Dorothee --- Schmidt, Dorothee Sölle --- -Zʹole, Dorotee --- Weil, Simone --- Sölle-Nipperdey, Dorothee, --- Nipperdey, Dorothee Sölle-, --- Steffensky-Sölle, Dorothee, --- Soelle, Dorothee, --- Sölle, Dorothee Steffensky-, --- Sölle, Dorothea, --- Sölle-Schmidt, Dorothee, --- Schmidt, Dorothee Sölle-, --- Zʹole, Dorotee, --- Weil, Adolphine Simone
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Dit werk brengt 59 invloedrijke denkers bijeen, die gemeen hebben dat zij door hun werk onze tijd in hoge mate hebben vormgegeven. Het betreft filosofen, natuurdeskundigen, economen en psychologen ea.
157.1 --- Carnap, Rudolf --- De Beauvoir, Simone --- Derrida, Jacques --- Eco, Umberto --- Elias, Norbert --- Gadamer, Hans-Georg --- Habermas, Jürgen --- Heidegger, Martin --- Huizinga, Johan --- Jung, Carl Gustav --- Levi-Strauss, Claude --- Mead, Margaret --- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice --- Piaget, Jean --- Popper, Karl Raimund --- Russell, Bertrand --- Sartre, Jean-Paul --- Weber, Max --- Wittgenstein, Ludwig --- antropologie --- geschiedenis --- psychologie --- sociologie --- theologie --- wetenschapsleer --- wijsbegeerte --- geschiedenis der wijsbegeerte, 1900-heden, algemeen --- wetenschappers --- thinking --- Philologists --- Barth, Karl --- Beth, Evert Willem --- Braudel, Fernand --- Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan --- Buber, Martin --- Camus, Albert --- Chomsky, Noam --- Einstein, Albert --- Fromm, Erich --- Geertz, Clifford --- James, William --- Jonas, Hans --- Kuhn, Thomas Samuel --- Lorenz, Konrad --- Lévi-Strauss, Claude --- MacIntyre, Alasdair --- Mannheim, Karl --- Planck, Max --- Plessner, Helmuth --- Prigogine, Ilya --- Ricoeur, Paul --- Romein, Jan & Annie --- Rorty, Richard --- Scheler, Max --- Schillebeeckx, Edward --- Schlick, Moritz --- Sölle, Dorothée --- Tinbergen, Jan --- Weil, Simone --- Wiener Kreis --- de Beauvoir, Simone --- de Saussure, Ferdinand --- -929 --- Filosofen --- Philosophers, Modern --- Philosophy, Modern --- Modern philosophers --- 929 --- Science --- philosophers --- filosofen --- History of civilization --- intelligentie --- Psychologists --- Philosophers --- Economists --- Sociologists --- anno 1900-1999 --- Arendt, Hannah --- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich --- Durkheim, Emile --- Foucault, Michel --- Freud, Sigmund --- Husserl, Edmund --- Keynes, John Maynard --- Levinas, Emmanuel --- Rawls, John --- Philosophy [Modern ] --- 20th century