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Does Silicon Valley deserve all the credit for digital creativity and social media? Joy Rankin questions this triumphalism by revisiting a pre-PC time when schools were not the last stop for mature consumer technologies but flourishing sites of innovative collaboration—when users taught computers and visionaries dreamed of networked access for all.
Computer systems --- Computer networks --- Information commons --- History --- History --- History --- ARPANET. --- BASIC. --- PC. --- Silicon Valley. --- computer history. --- computers. --- digital culture.
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"Can girls code? Is "computer geek" synonymous with "white male"? Why do men greatly outnumber women at places like Google? Is the best way to deal with gender discrimination to 'lean in?' Much has been written about the tech industry's difficulties in addressing gender and racial concerns about bias and discrimination, yet rarely have we gotten a look inside this industry. In Geek Girls, France Winddance Twine focuses on first-hand accounts of these issues in the tech world. The book draws on over 100 interviews with male and female tech workers of diverse racial, ethnic, and educational backgrounds who are currently employed at tech firms such as Apple, Google, 4Square, and Twitter or at various start-ups in the San Francisco Bay area. Twine finds that many potential tech employees from privileged backgrounds have social networks-friendship ties, former classmates, neighbors, relatives--that they rely on to get priority in hiring and in gaining access to jobs in the tech industry. As a consequence of these practices, she argues, those who do not share either racial, cultural, or class backgrounds as well as educational affiliations of current tech company employees are not given the opportunity to compete. While there may not be overt racism or sexism in the tech industry it is clear that there are forms of residential and educational segregation at work as well as recruitment and cultural practices that marginalize women and non-Asian minorities. Importantly, virtually all tech firms espouse opposition to discrimination in the workplace, yet the author argues that workers describe routine practices that embrace just that kind of supposedly "outlawed" thinking. In this way, the culture of gender-blindness and color-blindness makes it difficult for individuals to name the forms of discrimination and or micro-aggressions that they are experiencing. Ultimately, the author suggests that these patterns can be changed and offers concrete insight into how the tech industry might go about putting these policies into place"--
Women computer industry employees --- Computer industry --- High technology industries --- Employees --- California --- silicon valley. --- tech industry. --- women in tech.
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What does »creativity« mean in the context of IT and what happens when ITacts in its name? Jan Sebastian Zipp examines the concept of creativity in large IT companies in times of digital change, including new ways of working or potential artificial creativity with no human interaction. Drawing on constitutive elements like Silicon Valley or its connection to counterculture, his analysis of the representation and organisation of creativity as a social practice provides insights into the inherent logic of the creativity narrative of IT. This study contributes vital foundations for a critical engagement with today's prevailing understanding of the concept of creativity.
Creative ability in business. --- Counterculture. --- Cultural Studies. --- Digital Media. --- Economic History. --- Economic Sociology. --- Economy. --- IT. --- Innovation. --- Silicon Valley. --- Technology. --- Work.
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Du temps de la Belle Epoque et de l'Exposition universelle, la France montrait la voie de la modernité au reste du monde. Un siècle plus tard, le centre mondial de l'innovation s'est déplacé outre-Atlantique, dans la Silicon Valley. Que peuvent apprendre les entreprises françaises de cette success story pour se réinventer, tout en conservant leur singularité et innover de nouveau ? C'est ce que l'auteur propose au lecteur de découvrir et mettre en application. En s'appuyant sur une analyse détaillée des secrets de start-ups innovantes, il offre des pistes de réflexion et de mise en pratique : quand innover ? Comment procéder ? Quels pièges éviter ? Comment anticiper les ruptures à venir ? Comment favoriser la créativité ? Comment comprendre ses clients ? Comment développer des innovations qui seront achetées ? Comment élaborer un modèle économique viable ? Autant de questions auxquelles cet ouvrage très documenté répond avec brio et simplicité.
Industrial management --- Technological innovations --- Organizational change --- Creative ability in business --- Gestion d'entreprise --- Innovations --- Changement organisationnel --- Créativité dans les affaires --- Créativité dans les affaires --- Nouvelles entreprises --- Créativité en technologie --- Entrepreneuriat --- Succès dans les affaires --- Technological innovations. --- Nouvelles entreprises - Californie - Silicon Valley --- Créativité en technologie - Californie - Silicon Valley --- Créativité dans les affaires - Californie - Silicon Valley
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Corporations --- Humanitarianism --- Computer industry --- Charitable contributions --- Corporations - United States - Charitable contributions --- Computer industry - United States --- Fondations --- Riches --- Oeuvres de bienfaisance --- États-Unis --- Silicon Valley (États-Unis)
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What do people imagine it means to live in a world where private property is dominant and what are their fears about living in a future world where it has disappeared? This book studies the recurring nightmare that various lumpen mobs could demolish private property. That threatened social chaos is the central unifying story of this book.
Right of property. --- Property --- Social aspects. --- Philosophy. --- Atlantic World. --- Cultural History. --- Edmund Burke. --- Enclosures. --- Intellectual History. --- John Locke. --- Karl Marx. --- Private Property. --- Silicon Valley. --- Thatcherism. --- Whiteness.
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Elon Musk et Jeff Bezos aujourd'hui, Steve Jobs et Bill Gates hier, Thomas Edison et Andrew Carnegie un siècle plus tôt... De nombreuses célébrités entrepreneuriales peuplent nos imaginaires. Ces grands hommes seraient des créateurs partis de rien, des visionnaires capables d'imaginer des innovations révolutionnaires, des génies aux capacités hors du commun. Régulièrement, un même miracle semble se produire : un être d'exception pénètre un marché et le révolutionne. Il y provoque la création destructrice et bouleverse un ordre que l'on croyait immuable. Dans le grand roman de notre économie, les entrepreneurs sont ces héros qui sortent l'humanité de sa torpeur et lui permettent de faire des bonds en avant sur la route du progrès. Dans ce livre, Anthony Galluzzo s'attache à défaire cette mythologie, à comprendre ses caractéristiques et ses origines. Il montre en quoi cet imaginaire fantasmatique nous empêche de saisir la dimension fondamentalement systémique de l'économie et contribue à légitimer un ordre politique fondé sur le conservatisme méritocratique, où chaque individu est considéré comme pleinement comptable de ses réussites et de ses échecs.
Businesspeople --- Merit (Ethics) --- Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.) --- Chefs d'entreprise --- Entrepreneuriat. --- Entrepreneurs. --- Entrepreneurship. --- Mythe. --- Silicon Valley (États-Unis). --- Entrepreneurs --- Dans les représentations sociales. --- Mythologie.
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The immigration patterns of the last three decades have profoundly changed nearly every aspect of life in the United States. What do those changes mean for the most established Americans-those whose families have been in the country for multiple generations? The Other Side of Assimilation shows that assimilation is not a one-way street. Jiménez explains how established Americans undergo their own assimilation in response to profound immigration-driven ethnic, racial, political, economic, and cultural shifts. Drawing on interviews with a race and class spectrum of established Americans in three different Silicon Valley cities, The Other Side of Assimilation illuminates how established Americans make sense of their experiences in immigrant-rich environments, in work, school, public interactions, romantic life, and leisure activities. With lucid prose, Jiménez reveals how immigration not only changes the American cityscape but also reshapes the United States by altering the outlooks and identities of its most established citizens.
City dwellers --- Immigrants --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Cultural assimilation --- daca. --- established citizens. --- established immigrants. --- human rights advocate. --- immigrant-rich environment. --- immigration studies. --- influence of immigrants. --- nationalism. --- political science major. --- silicon valley. --- us immigrant relations. --- xenophobia.
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cyberthreat --- cybercrime --- economy --- Silicon Valley --- deep web --- cyberwar --- cyber-hacktivism --- cyber-terrorism --- cyber-warriors --- cyber weapons --- cyber attack --- cyber paranoia --- corporate malware --- Perpetual Surveillance Society --- digital paranoia --- cyber protection --- information dystopia
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A critical look at how the US military is weaponizing technology and data for new kinds of warfare--and why we must resist. War Virtually is the story of how scientists, programmers, and engineers are racing to develop data-driven technologies for fighting virtual wars, both at home and abroad. In this landmark book, Roberto J. González gives us a lucid and gripping account of what lies behind the autonomous weapons, robotic systems, predictive modeling software, advanced surveillance programs, and psyops techniques that are transforming the nature of military conflict. González, a cultural anthropologist, takes a critical approach to the techno-utopian view of these advancements and their dubious promise of a less deadly and more efficient warfare. With clear, accessible prose, this book exposes the high-tech underpinnings of contemporary military operations--and the cultural assumptions they're built on. Chapters cover automated battlefield robotics; social scientists' involvement in experimental defense research; the blurred line between political consulting and propaganda in the internet era; and the military's use of big data to craft new counterinsurgency methods based on predicting conflict. González also lays bare the processes by which the Pentagon and US intelligence agencies have quietly joined forces with Big Tech, raising an alarming prospect: that someday Google, Amazon, and other Silicon Valley firms might merge with some of the world's biggest defense contractors. War Virtually takes an unflinching look at an algorithmic future--where new military technologies threaten democratic governance and human survival.
Artificial intelligence --- Military art and science --- Military applications. --- Automation. --- Silicon valley. --- United States military technology. --- algorithms. --- anthropology. --- artificial intelligence. --- contractors. --- department of defense. --- drone warfare. --- palantir. --- predictive modeling. --- robotic weapons. --- tech companies.