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Der Sammelband geht den unterschiedlichen Laufbahnverläufen und dem Karriereerfolg von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern in der deutschen außerhochschulischen Forschung nach. Nachdem es deutliche Hinweise darauf gibt, dass Frauen auch in diesem beruflichen Kontext in Führungs- und Leitungspositionen eklatant untervertreten sind, beleuchtet dieser Band die Frage nach potenziell ursächlichen Faktoren, um diese in Handlungsempfehlungen zu bündeln. Der Inhalt Frauen und ihre Karriereentwicklung in naturwissenschaftlichen Forschungsteams.- Aufstieg und Karrierewege in den Naturwissenschaften.- Experteninterviews und Handlungsempfehlungen Die Zielgruppen FachwissenschaftlerInnen aus dem Bereich der Hochschul- und Geschlechterforschung.- PraktikerInnen.- PolitikerInnen.- Personalbeauftragte und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der außerhochschulischen Forschung.- WissenschaftlerInnen mit Interesse an einer gezielten Karriereplanung Die Herausgeberinnen Dr. Kirsti Dautzenberg leitet die Abteilung Wirtschaftspolitik eines Beratungsunternehmens für den öffentlichen Sektor. Prof. Dr. Doris Fay hat den Lehrstuhl für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie an der Universität Potsdam inne. Dr. Patricia Graf ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschafts- und Industriesoziologie der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus. .
Sociology. --- Social sciences. --- Sociology, general. --- Social Sciences, general. --- Gender Studies. --- Women in science. --- Sex discrimination in science.
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Why are there still too few women scientists? Drawing on personal experience and those of leading women in science, Athene Donald presents this account of the historical and continuing systemic barriers and embedded bias that women face in the scientific sphere, arguing the moral and business case for greater diversity.
Women in science --- Sex discrimination in science. --- Sex discrimination against women. --- Society. --- Society & culture: general. --- Social aspects.
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Women in science --- Sex discrimination in science --- 657 Vrouwenemancipatie --- 790 Wetenschapsbeleid --- Science --- Teaching --- Sociology of occupations --- Study methods --- Minorities in science
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"L'auteur montre qu'il a existé une véritable discrimination vis-à-vis des femmes quant à la possibilité qu'elles participent à la constitution des savoirs. Pire, il y eut dans l'histoire de très grandes figures de femmes scientifiques trop souvent occultées. Elles ont ajouté à leur génie de savantes le courage de leur lutte pour s'imposer dans un monde masculin des sciences. Depuis Hypatie assassinée sur les pavés d'Alexandrie par les fanatiques chrétiens à Lise Meitner injustement privée de prix Nobel, en passant par la Marquise du Châtelet et Marie Curie, ce livre rend justice aux femmes en sciences. En astronomie, en mathématiques, en physique, en chimie, en biologie, en médecine, elles ont été sur tous les fronts de la recherche, pionnières dont il est peut-être temps de sortir les noms de l'oubli en rappelant ce que furent leur vie, leurs combats et leur succès." -- 4ème de couverture
Sex discrimination in science. --- Women scientists. --- Women in science --- Femmes dans les sciences --- Femmes scientifiques. --- Discrimination sexuelle dans les sciences. --- History. --- Histoire. --- Women scientists
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"Dr. Joy Buolamwini is the self-described "Poet of Code" who has had a lifelong passion for computer science, engineering, and art-disciplines that, she felt, pushed the boundaries of reality. After tinkering with robotics as a high school student in Tennessee, to developing mobile apps in Zambia as a Fulbright fellow, Buolamwini eventually found herself at MIT. As a graduate student at the "Future Factory," Buolamwini's groundbreaking research revealed that AI systems-from leading tech companies-were consistently failing on non-male, non-white bodies. In Unmasking AI, Buolamwini goes beyond the news headlines about racism, colorism, and sexism in Big Tech to tell the remarkable story of how she uncovered what she calls "the coded gaze"-evidence of racial and gender bias in tech-and galvanized the movement to prevent AI harms by founding the Algorithmic Justice League. Applying an intersectional lens to both tech industry and research sector, Buolamwini shows how race, gender, and ability bias can overlap and render broad swaths of humanity vulnerable in our AI-dependent world. Computers, she reminds us, are reflections of both the aspirations and the limitations of the people who create them"--
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En 12 chapitres mi-chronologiques (préhistoire et Antiquité, Moyen Age, Renaissance...), mi-thématiques (femmes chimistes, sages-femmes de la Renaissance à nos jours, femmes astronomes ...), E. Sartori sort de l'ombre ces femmes oubliées de l'histoire des sciences et démonte le mécanisme de leur exclusion.
Women scientists --- Sex discrimination in science --- Sex discrimination against women --- Femmes scientifiques --- Discrimination sexuelle dans les sciences --- Discrimination à l'égard des femmes --- History --- History. --- Histoire --- Discrimination à l'égard des femmes --- Science --- Sociology of occupations --- Sciences --- Aspect social --- Women scientists - History --- Sex discrimination in science - History --- Sex discrimination against women - History --- Femmes scientifiques - Biographies --- Sciences - Aspect social - Histoire --- Intellectuals --- Academic sector --- Book
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Women in science. --- Women in engineering. --- Sex discrimination in science. --- Femmes dans les sciences --- Femmes en ingénierie --- Discrimination sexuelle dans les sciences --- Sex discrimination in science --- Women in engineering --- Women in science --- #SBIB:316.346H29 --- Minorities in science --- Science --- Engineering --- Positie van de vrouw in de samenleving: andere topics
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"Eileen Pollack had grown up in the 1960s and 70s dreaming of a career as a theoretical astrophysicist. Denied the chance to take advanced courses in science and math, she nonetheless made her way to Yale, where, despite finding herself far behind the men in her classes, she went on to graduate, summa cum laude, with honors, as one of the university's first two women to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in physics. And yet, isolated, lacking in confidence, starved for encouragement, she abandoned her ambition to become a physicist. Years later, Pollack revisited her reasons for walking away from the career she once had coveted. She spent six years interviewing her former teachers and classmates and dozens of other women who had dropped out before completing their degrees in science. In addition, Pollack talked to experts in the field of gender studies and reviewed the most up-to-date research that seeks to document why women and minorities underperform in STEM fields. Girls who study science and math are still belittled and teased by their male peers and teachers, even by other girls. They are led to think that any interest or achievement in science or math will diminish their popularity. They are still being steered away from advanced courses in technical fields, while deeply entrenched stereotypes lead them to see themselves as less talented than their male classmates, a condition that causes them to fulfill such expectations and perform more poorly than the boys sitting beside them. "--
Women scientists --- Women in science --- Sex discrimination in science --- Discrimination sexuelle dans les sciences. --- Femmes scientifiques. --- Femmes dans les sciences. --- Women scholars --- Sex discrimination against women --- Women scholars - United States --- Women scientists - United States --- Sex discrimination against women - United States
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Women in science. --- Sex discrimination against women. --- Sex discrimination against women --- Sex discrimination in science. --- Psychological aspects. --- Science --- Discrimination against women --- Subordination of women --- Women, Discrimination against --- Feminism --- Sex discrimination --- Women's rights --- Male domination (Social structure) --- Minorities in science