Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Tamburlaine the Great, parts 1 and 2 and The massacre at Paris with the death of the Duke of Guise
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Dido Queen of Carthage and The massacre at Paris
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Dido Queen of Carthage and The massacre at Paris
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Historia nova, nella qvale si contengono tutti i successi della guerra Turchesca, la congiura del Duca de Nortfolch contra la Regina d'Inghilterra; la guerra di Fiandra, Flisinga, Zelanda, & Holanda; l'uccisione d'Vgonotti [...] è finalmente tutto quello che nel mondo è occorso, da l'anno. MDLXX. sino all'hora presente
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The massacre at Paris
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A true and plaine report of the furious outrages of Fraunce : & the horrible and shameful slaughter of Chastillion the admirall, and diuers other noble and excellent men, and of the wicked and straunge murder of godlie persons, committed in many cities of Fraunce, without any respect of sorte, kinde, age, or degree. By Ernest Varamund of Freseland.
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De furoribus Gallicis, horrenda & indigna Amirallij Castillionei, nobilium atq[ue] illustrium virorum cæde, scelerata ac inaudita piorum strage passim edita per complures Galliæ ciuitates, sine vllo discrimine generis, sexus, ætatis & conditionis hominum: vera & simplex narratio. Ernesto Varamundo Frisio auctore
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The histories of the gunpowder-treason and the massacre at Paris : together with a discourse concerning the original of the Powder-Plot; proving it not to be the contrivance of Cecill, as is affirmed by the Papists, but that both the Jesuits and the Pope himself were privy to it. As also a relation of several conspiracies against Queen Elizabeth.
Thou, Jacques-Auguste de
Year: 1676
Publisher: London : printed for J. Leigh at the sign of the Blew Bell near Chancery Lane end in FLeetstreet,
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De furoribus Gallicis, horrenda & indigna Amirallij Castillionei, nobilium atq; illustrium virorum cæde, scelerata ac inaudita piorum strage passim edita per complures Galliæ ciuitates, sine vllo discrimine generis, sexus, ætatis & conditionis hominum : vera & simplex narratio.
Hotman, François
Year: 1573
Publisher: Londini : Ex officina Henrici Bynneman,
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Discours simple & veritable des rages exercées, par la Fra[n]ce : des horribles et indignes meurtres commiz es personnes de Gaspar de Colligni Amiral de France, & de plusieurs grandz siengneurs gentils-hommes & aultres illustres & notables personnes, Et dv lache et estrange carnage faict indifere[n]ment des chrestiens qui se so[n]t peu recouurer en la pluspart des villes de ce royaume sans respect aulcun, de sang, sexe aage, ou condition. Le tout traduict en Francois, du Latin d'Ernest Varamond de Frise. Avqvel est adiovstée en forme de parago[n], l'histoire tragique de la cite de holme saccagée entre la foy promise l'an 1517. par Christierne second, Roy de Dannemarch, et de la punition diuinement faicte, dece tyran & de son Archeuesque Goustaue: extraicte de la cosmo. graphie [sic] de Mo[n]ster.
Hotman, François
Year: 1573
Publisher: Imprime à Basle [i.e. La Rochelle] : par Pieter Vuallemand [i.e. B. Berton],
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Listing 11 - 20 of 51
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