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Ukraine : Russia's war and the future of the global order
ISBN: 9781911712152 9781911712169 9781911712176 Year: 2023 Publisher: London : LSE Press,

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"The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 has not only caused immense suffering inside the country, and among its people, it has shifted the political landscape in Russia for the worse, altered the strategic map of Europe, and created division and economic pain in the rest of the world.In this volume, a group of internationally acclaimed academics – many originally from Ukraine or Russia – examine the deep causes of Putin’s war, the role played by other actors such as China and the United States, the severe consequences for the many millions of Ukrainians displaced from their home and country, the impact on the West and the Global South and the challenges confronting Ukraine when the war finally comes to an end." --publisher

Le retour des temps barbares : d'une guerre l'autre
ISBN: 2246835984 9782246835981 Year: 2024 Publisher: Paris: Grasset,

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Le 24 février 2022, la planète a basculé dans un conflit d’amplitude mondiale. Deux conceptions de gouvernance, deux types de valeurs, deux manières de concevoir les relations internationales s’y affrontent. Toutes proportions gardées, ce temps ressemble à ce qu’était le monde avant que n’éclate la catastrophe de 1939-1945, qui opposa des nations libres à un régime totalitaire. Pourquoi cette sidération au moment de l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie, et cette indignation quand les exactions des envahisseurs ont été connues, alors que cette séquence était non seulement prévisible, mais même annoncée, pour qui avait prêté attention à la nature du pouvoir installé en Russie depuis un quart de siècle ? Tel est le questionnement de ce bref et lumineux essai, qui analyse les étapes successives de cette chronique d’une guerre annoncée, dénonce la cécité volontaire, la candeur mercantile et l’aveuglement complice des Occidentaux -singulièrement la France- et se projette dans l’avenir afin d’aiguiser la vigilance et de réarmer les esprits face aux menaces d’un autre grand conflit à venir. Un régime qui opprime son peuple est une menace pour son étranger proche : telle est la tragique leçon que l’Europe centrale et orientale a apprise dans le sang au long du siècle dernier. Ce n’est pas l’extension du domaine de l’OTAN qui fait peur au dictateur russe, ce sont les contre-modèles qui pourraient donner de mauvaises idées à ses concitoyens sous le boisseau : la « révolution des roses » de 2003 à Tbilissi, la « révolution orange » de 2004 à Kiev, les manifestations de Maïdan en 2014, les protestations massives à Minsk contre le trucage de la présidentielle biélorusse de 2020. Une hantise similaire anime les dirigeants communistes chinois qui voient dans la démocratie taïwanaise leur pire ennemi : il est clair que Pékin fera tout pour détruire ce contre-modèle. Nous avons, par cynisme et Realpolitik (notre logique d’Etat classique préfère s’arranger de l’ordre -fut-il dictatorial- existant que d’avoir à affronter les désordres à venir), mais aussi parce que la menace islamiste a diverti notre attention de l’évolution des anciens blocs communistes, été dupes du monde post-soviétique : tâchons au moins de ne pas l’être du monde post-maoïste ! « Le vent d’Est l’emportera sur le vent d’Ouest » prédisait le Grand Timonier : il ne tient qu’à l’Ouest que cette prédiction ne se réalise pas…

Sky above Kharkiv : dispatches from the Ukrainian front
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0300272782 Year: 2023 Publisher: New Haven, Connecticut : Yale University Press,

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From Ukraine’s leading writer-activist comes an intimate account of resistance and survival in the earliest months of the Russian-Ukrainian war “A vivid, in-the-trenches report from a Ukrainian city and its ‘injured, yet unbreakable’ citizens.”—Kirkus Reviews When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Serhiy Zhadan took to social media to coordinate a network of resistance workers and send messages of courage to his fellow Ukrainians. What began as a local organizing effort exploded onto the international stage as readers around the globe looked to Zhadan as a key eyewitness documenting Russian atrocities. In this powerful record of the war’s harrowing first four months, Zhadan works day and night in Kharkiv to evacuate children and the elderly from suburbs that have come under fire. He sends lists of life-saving medications to the West in the hopes of procuring them for civilians, coordinates food deliveries, collects money for military equipment, and organizes concerts. He shares photographs of the open sky—grateful for every pause in the shelling—and captures images of beloved institutions reduced to rubble. We’ll restore everything. We’ll rebuild everything, he writes. As the days pass, the city empties. Friends are killed. And when images of the Bucha massacre are released, Zhadan’s own voice falters: I’m speechless. Hang in there, my friends. Tomorrow, we’ll wake up one day closer to our victory. An intimate work of witness literature, this book is at once the testimony of one man entering a new reality and the story of a society fighting for the right to exist.

Multipolarity after Ukraine : old wine in new bottles?
Authors: ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Milan : Ledizioni,

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One year after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the war has exacerbated the rift between Russia and the "collective West".While Western governments have been steadfast in punishing Russia for the invasion, other countries around the world have been more ambiguous, at times even choosing to side with Moscow politically or economically. These dynamics have revived the idea of a shift towardsmultipolarity along an anti-Western trajectory. Are we really heading in that direction? Are we facing increasing fragmentation due to the war or a re-consolidation of longstanding alliances? What principles underlie the formation of these blocs? What are the consequences of these dynamics for global security and the global economy?This Report aims to shed light on these questions, while also outlining the war's possible future implications for the Russian Federation, the "West", and the international order.

Multipolarity after Ukraine : old wine in new bottles?
Authors: ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Milan : Ledizioni,

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One year after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the war has exacerbated the rift between Russia and the "collective West".While Western governments have been steadfast in punishing Russia for the invasion, other countries around the world have been more ambiguous, at times even choosing to side with Moscow politically or economically. These dynamics have revived the idea of a shift towardsmultipolarity along an anti-Western trajectory. Are we really heading in that direction? Are we facing increasing fragmentation due to the war or a re-consolidation of longstanding alliances? What principles underlie the formation of these blocs? What are the consequences of these dynamics for global security and the global economy?This Report aims to shed light on these questions, while also outlining the war's possible future implications for the Russian Federation, the "West", and the international order.

Invasion de l'Ukraine : histoires, conflits et résistances populaires
Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris, France : La Dispute,

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Après l'invasion de l'Ukraine par l'armée russe en février 2022, des chercheurs spécialistes des transformations de l'Europe de l'Est, engagés dans des combats altermondialistes, analysent les histoires locales et globales, les nouvelles dynamiques économiques, sociales et géopolitiques, les résistances populaires qui éclairent les débats en cours et explicitent leurs enjeux.

Multipolarity after Ukraine : old wine in new bottles?
Authors: ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Milan : Ledizioni,

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One year after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the war has exacerbated the rift between Russia and the "collective West".While Western governments have been steadfast in punishing Russia for the invasion, other countries around the world have been more ambiguous, at times even choosing to side with Moscow politically or economically. These dynamics have revived the idea of a shift towardsmultipolarity along an anti-Western trajectory. Are we really heading in that direction? Are we facing increasing fragmentation due to the war or a re-consolidation of longstanding alliances? What principles underlie the formation of these blocs? What are the consequences of these dynamics for global security and the global economy?This Report aims to shed light on these questions, while also outlining the war's possible future implications for the Russian Federation, the "West", and the international order.

The Impact of the War in Ukraine on Global Trade and Investment
Year: 2022 Publisher: Washington DC : World Bank,

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The war in Ukraine is a human tragedy for the people of Ukraine, but its economic implications are global. This instant report focuses on the direct impact of the war on world trade and investment. It identifies five trade and investment channels through which countries will be affected by the war in Ukraine. These encompass disruptions to: (i) commodity markets (especially food and energy), (ii) logistic networks, (iii) supply chains, (iv) foreign direct investment, (v) specific sectors. The report finds that world trade will drop by 1 percent, lowering global GDP by 0.7 percent and GDP of low-income countries by 1 percent. Beyond these direct effects, the war's long-term implications for global trade and investment will largely depend on how governments respond to the changing geopolitical environment.

Reconstructing Ukraine : creating a freer, more prosperous, and secure future

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The post-war reconstruction effort in Ukraine might be the largest post-war rebuilding effort in modern history. Both the United States and Europe have begun to plan for Ukraine's success. The authors of this report examine previous post-war and post–natural disaster reform and reconstruction efforts to draw lessons and inform policymakers. They also discuss security arrangements, which will be essential for the success of reconstruction. While reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan was more recent, Ukraine is fundamentally different. Instead, more-relevant lessons can be drawn from the truly transformative reform and reconstruction efforts in Western Europe following World War II, Central and Eastern Europe following the Cold War, and the Western Balkans following the wars in the former Yugoslavia. In all of these cases, the United States provided seed money and security, and the Europeans provided the bulk of the funding and advanced the process of European integration.

La guerre permanente : l'ultime stratégie du Kremlin
ISBN: 9782702189832 2702189830 Year: 2024 Publisher: Paris: Calmann-Lévy,

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Vladimir Poutine livre en Ukraine une cinquième guerre depuis 1999, après la Tchétchénie, la Géorgie, le Donbass et la Syrie. Jamais la Russie n'a réellement été menacée par ceux qu'elle attaquait, il lui a fallu trouver des prétextes : protéger des « russophones en danger », lutter contre le terrorisme, « dénazifier l'Ukraine ». Ce que craint Poutine plus que tout, c'est la démocratisation des anciennes républiques soviétiques et leur émancipation de la tutelle d'un État russe prédateur. Pour assurer la survie de son pouvoir, il mène une guerre de destruction et sacrifie les soldats russes en grand nombre. Mais il n'avait anticipé ni la résistance des Ukrainiens ni le soutien des pays occidentaux. La guerre permanente n'a fait qu'accentuer la répression à l'intérieur et fragiliser la Russie à l'extérieur. En livrant à l'Ukraine une guerre ingagnable, Poutine enferme les Russes dans une confrontation majeure avec l'Europe, l'Amérique du Nord et le Japon, et entraîne son pays vers l'abîme.

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